Student'S Learning Modules: St. Peter of Verona Academy Inc. Kristel Anne O. Cruz

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Hermosa , Bataan Teacher
Drawing Conclusion and Making
Name of Student
Topic Grade and Section
2020-2021 ENGLISH 9 Feb 1-5, 2021
School Year Subject Days Covered

Introduction: An interactive English Learning Module for Grade 9 is designed to meet the needs of the 21st
century learners. It seeks to help teachers to maximize the effective use of the module to the learners which
designed as a holistic approach in developing the basic learning competencies in English of the K-12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The learner’s module content-activities for the EN9LC-IIf-8.7: Draw Conclusions Based on the Text
Listened To competency are geared towards the Philippine Secondary Schools Learning Competencies
(PSSLC) circularized in 1998. It encourages the learners to enhance their development of communicative
competence through a guided approach to practice these generalizations in reading, listening, speaking and
writing skills.

Objectives: At the end of this module, the students shall be able to:

1. draw conclusions based on evidence acquired during reading;

2. use comprehension skill in drawing conclusions or making inferences;

3. draw appropriate inferences and conclusions from text and picture and;

4. use prior knowledge and clues from the story to draw appropriate conclusions.

(Answer the ENGAGE part of your LAS.)


What’s In?

Drawing conclusions is an important skill for readers to learn because it encourages readers to pay
attention to what they are reading, use what they know from life experiences, and look at the details and facts in
the text as clues that will help them draw conclusions about what is meant but not explicitly stated. Take note

 The ability to draw conclusions while reading is an important comprehension skill.

 It requires readers to connect background knowledge and experiences with information in the text in
order to go beyond the literal meaning of words on the page.
 Even with careful teaching, this skill, like most others, needs to be reinforced at different levels of
complexity if children are to grow and develop at the most effective pace.
 In any class, for example, some students will have no difficulty drawing conclusions; in fact, they will
need to be challenged if they are to extend what they already know about making inferences.
 Other students will be able to draw conclusions successfully with some instruction.
 Most likely, there will be some who will need a great deal of support in order to flourish independently.
(Answer the EXTEND part of your LAS.)


What do we mean by “Making Inferences”?

People make inferences and draw conclusions about things they see, hear, and read in everyday
life. For example, if you are at the store and see an elderly person staring at an item that is high on a shelf, you
may infer that this person wants that item. As a result, you may offer to get it for him or her. Learning how to
make inferences and draw conclusions can help you become a good observer of the world around you and
become a better communicator.

 Making inferences is a skill with which students often need much practice.
 An inference is an assumed fact based on available information.
 Inferences and conclusions from that analysis can be powerful tools for understanding people and the
decisions that they make.
 A drawn conclusion is an assumption developed as a next logical step for the given information.
Drawing conclusions refers to information that is implied or inferred.
 This means that the information is not clearly stated.
 Writers often tell you more than they say directly.
 They give you hints or clues that help you "read between the lines."
 Using these clues to give you a deeper understanding of your reading is called inferring.
 When you infer, you go beyond the surface details to see other meanings that the details suggest or
imply (not stated).
 When the meanings of words are not stated clearly in the context of the text, they may be implied - that
is, suggested or hinted at.
 When meanings are implied, you may infer.

Read the following passages and see examples of how to identify subtext in readings by making inferences
and drawing conclusions.

1. After making a speech about the importance of studying, the instructor started passing the graded
exams back to the class. Pausing by Ronelio's desk, he said, "Ronelio, I'd like to speak with you for a moment
after class." Hearing this, Ronelio put his head down on his desk.

What are the significant details from the reading?

 Instructor talking about studying

 Instructor passing back graded exams
 Instructor asking to speak with Ronelio after class
 Ronelio putting his head down on his desk

What are some of your own experiences related to the reading?

 When an instructor wants to speak with you after class, it's usually bad.

What conclusion could be made?

 Ronelio probably did poorly on his exam.

2. Paulina was excited to get to campus and sign up for classes. After last semester, she knew she could do
anything she put her mind to.

What are the significant details from the reading?

 Paulaina was signing up for classes.

 She was excited.
 She was a student last semester.

What are some of your own experiences related to the reading?

 Students become more confident and excited when they have had good experiences with their instructors
and classes.

What conclusion could be made?

 Paulaina probably had at least one very good instructor, worked hard last term, and earned good grades.
Her success has given her enough confidence that she now believes that she can finish her college career


(You may now proceed in answering the rest of the activities on your LAS.)

Hermosa , Bataan Teacher
Drawing Conclusion and Making
Name of Student
Topic Grade and Section
2020-2021 ENGLISH 9 Feb. 1-5, 2021
School Year Subject Date of Submission Score


Macky has a pet dog named Igong. He takes care of him as if treated liked a little brother. One day,
Macky was on his way with his motorcycle to Sunday’s R.O.T.C. formation at Iligan Capitol College at the city
proper, not knowing that Igong was running after him. Some residents of Phase 2 Dona Maria Subd., Tipanoy ,
Iligan City which is a nearby place of Macky’s residence at Phase 2 Landless, have noticed his running pet dog
and one of them, the Purok President of that place, decides to take care of Igong for obviously the dog was lost
because he just stopped at the middle of the road but he noticed Igong’s dog tag on its neck with a mobile phone
number on it . And it’s too late Macky knew that his Igong was lost because his pet wanted to follow him. Day
and night, Macky was longing for Igong to come home.

QUESTION: Would you think Macky’s pet dog Igong comes home? Include evidences from the text that
support your conclusion.



Read the passage below and draw conclusions about the text and pictures.

The teacher-adviser instructed her Grade 10-Dagohoy advisory boys to clean the abandoned 2-
comfort rooms for them to use because the school common comfort rooms were utilized by many students and
it’s already overcrowded. In fact, she gave an incentive for them, snacks, lunch and additional points for her
English subject and Values Education for volunteerism.

The boys were very enthusiastic and full of energy upon cleaning the rooms while their teacher is
watching them. And suddenly, the teacher was called by the Office of the Principal for an important meeting.
So, she instructed them to continue working while she is away. And the teacher proceeded to the meeting.

picture 2

picture 3
picture 1 What do you
think the boys
will do while the
teacher is away?

Write your answer here:



Directions: Read each passage and then respond to the questions. Each question will ask you to make a logical
inference based on textual details. Explain your answer by referencing the text.

Gabo would take off his muddy boots on their doorways. Belinda would place a welcome mat for
him to wipe his feet. He then took of his overalls and threw it in the dirty clothes plastic garbage bag; Belinda
would always tie a garbage bag to their stair’s railing for him every morning. He dropped the garbage bag off at
the washing machine and went straight up to the shower as he was told to do so. Then, during dinner time
together, Gabo must be well-groomed and presentable as Belinda often told him.

1. What type of job does Gabo do? _____________________________________________________________.

How do you know this? Cite your evidence from the text:


2. Describe Belinda: ________________________________________________________________________.

What in the text supports your description?


3. What relationship do Paul and Alice have? ____________________________________________________.

Why do you feel this way?



Making inferences based on conversations. Go through the exercises in which you will make
inferences based on sentences and then short reading passages.

Read the following conversations and answers the questions.


A: Look at the long line! Do you think we’ll get in?

B: I think so. Some of these people already have tickets.

A: How much are the tickets?

B: Only fifty pesos for the first show. I’ll pay.

A: Thanks. I’ll buy our snacks.


1. Where are these people? __________________________________________________________________.

2. What are they talking about? ______________________________________________________________.

3. Who are these people? ___________________________________________________________________.


A: This is one of the reasons I hate working in a big city.

B: I know. Every day, it’s the same thing, traffic!

A: This is terrible! I will be late! For sure!

B: No, I think there are traffic enforcers assisting.

A: Let’s listen to music in my cellphone. There’s some good music.

B: Hey girl, your mobile phone isn’t working.

A: Oh my gosh! It’s low bat and I left my charger, wahhhhhhhh!


1. Where are these people? ___________________________________________________________________.

2. What are they talking about? _______________________________________________________________.

3. What do you think will happen next?


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