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LPIPER - CHOECE QI ‘onl LS 5.1 VER DERG? RUBE POR CORR ME ft ALL QUESTIONS £O RE ATTEN PED LAMINATION TIME : 30 MINUPES Which of thee following does wot contribute to hydrogen cracking a. External forces on the weldment “Pres y b. Amount of hydrogen in the weld ce, Residaal stresses in the weld (@) Size and length of tinea diseentinaitics For ihe are air carbon cutting process the air is a. Use for cooling the eb érocte only Wb. Produced through the chemical reaction of the electrode and the } metal Supplied through air ports the electrode the electrode holder and directed along 4 Supplied by another (oreh also by other operator dblue Store aia) etylenc hoses are distinctly difference from olygen boses Why? A Because (he internal diameters of the vo are different B Because of operating presstrre differences between fuel gas and oxygen ec aliacks the materials used in oxygen bases Acetyter we ‘To prevent eidental interchange result fe 2 teared andl britsl iting fren rapid conting: “A, Ave siethes B. Excessive weld reitfareement feline ssive spatter «Stag inetusion e smooth are. DC megative when used for MIGIMAG ean De positive (Ajtrae NB. False Jn which of Use folowing process is ile use of pressure required to jecessfully joint the materials: ATG B.MMA SAW (@) Stud weld Which of the following will contribute sign’ Ng incorrect j B. Incorrect w int design Hug fecnique el wy scale an the joint surface (@} AIL of the above nich of (ihe webking procces ned tuase prawutar fox: REA SAW CTAW he SMAW ®) Crack Tip Open Displacement test is used fo measure A, Strength of the material being tested B. Hardness of the materia. of the materials, resistance (o crack extension and the Ht ‘yo'The toughnes ‘acceptable flaw size a le (4)Ductitity of the material being tested 4) ‘The puised MIG/MAG mode of transter if p ‘ mode that make used of a low background carrent with a hi pulsing current superimposed on it. a variation of a spray transfer er, rapidly (Appraise \B) ‘True UC ‘The iron carbon diagram jtllurgists and others to see how: ised by met a. Adding nickel changes the corrosion resistance of steels (Gy Adding carbon changes the response of the steel to temperati changes ¢. adding wolyhdcnan increases the toughness of stecl 4 chrominm improves corrasive corrosion resistance 120 ‘Phe sain parpoge of a developer is to Assist in dhe development of ihe fest p ure b. Previde # clean surfaee for dhe penetraitt indication (cAssist it the development of the penotraut indication from a dete nt G, Assist in the drying of the penet Overlap iu a fillet weld would accor a. A€some point in the weld throat b. only on the face of the wehi (CpAt ihe toe of the weld d. AC the root of the weld / LA nthe TIG welding process, yas shielding of the weld pool maybe provided by which gas (es) x. carbon dioxide b. argon and oxygen argon and helium 4. oxygen and heliam JSC Welding flax : a. Helps on contr 1 the temperature of the pieces b ng welded b. 108 a temporary bond between the pieces heing, welded (©) Protects fram the atmosph surf re and Femoves the oxide filer om the c. Makes it easier te mave the electrode 16.” Increasiig dhe carbon captent of eécet stave a given lev if Nearedness to be b . without ding chromium to tite steel U. AClower cooling rate UP Which is not a factor that shoald be “tuisture for a givers application -onsidered in selecting the best shielding p: a. weld appearance and acceptable spatter level b. thickness,joint design and penetration requirene (ithe welder’s personal requis nents d, ‘Pransfer mode ‘Which of the following is not considered to be cause of incomplete fasion (a) Welding ew rent excceding that specified on a WPS Using too larg am electrode for a narrow Vee ¢. Improper manipulation of the electrode ¥ Using the wrang {ype of electrode dn gh Up wang Sype of ahedvod« bapeovedt towghres: (@) Baster travet speed 4. bapravedt meckauieat properties biped Vy oo Some MMA elec es for Ore welding of stainbess sfeet have a law carhoa Steel core wire and the allayéng elements in the covering. Phil is because the core wire offer lower resistance to the ps current age of the welding, e tanufaeturer can more convenicutly include alloying elements the 1g than produce special core wires Both for reas, ns a and b above () For som reason not listed above {W) Sutphar i vometimes added to steel to improve: { te Impact properties of the welded joint b. Provide higher impurities levels (©) Toughness of the pavent materials bg Mach Slow covling of fiquid metal from high temperature promotes the growih ‘acteristics of fre steel a. Medium grains SB? Large grains t Stall grains «. A combinations of Farge and small grais \ 6 he deserified as sof Faw ina we Alby b. Meawing exnetly (lie seme th discon tinuiey . Any type of weld flaw @) A discontinuity judged to possihi of the weld interfere with the fi€ for purpose 2304 CC (Drooping are) power sonree is suitable for (a) MMA = 1G hb. MIG/MAG -KCAW welding process ©. SAW--MIG/MAG d. MMA — MIGIMAG Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW ), spray Transfer may be actievedt iclding gases containing sing, 3). More than 85 % argon b. Less than 50% Argon c. 100 % carbon dioxide d. Less than 75% argon BLK — cannct gel ag ie fn 7 (iY Lower than that for the siringe: heat hr. Unaffected because tectniques has no influence on the heat input ¢ Will be higher than dhe steiny lower F head becanse the travel speed will be t d. ‘Phe same as that for the stringer bead (26. Welding in cold weather conditions issmost ly commonly associated with eveased risk of : a, Undercnt b. porosity Slag Inctasion #7, Hydrogen trapped in the weldment ean cause hydrogen cracking if the cont of hydrogen are too high, What is the other name hiyetrogen eracking? commonly used to deserihe a. Hissure cracks b. Hot cracks eek is often after if nornustivedt what i wary alkjeetive the anneal of cerbor yPo faereuse the jew comperature toupliess af the steel d.'To improve the tensife strength Which the welding gui progress along (te joint As sed: the travel speed inere #. The penetration is increased (b) the he: decreased nto the joint deerensed and the penetration is ¢. The penetration is decreased and the weld bead becomes higher and wider a. The heat input into the joint is imereased 34 he recommended drying temperatures and time required producing a condition below 5 ml i, / 100 grams of weld metal when would be 12 basic electrodes a. Below 150" € for t hour b. 250°C for t hour J Over 350" C for 1 howe 4. 600" © for 1 heur MULTIPLE — CHOICE QUESTION COWIE 3.1 WELDING INSPECTOR COURSE MPS ALL QUESTIONS PO BE A'C CEM 8 TED NATION TEM: 30 MINUPES Fo In FCAW aad GMAW, for a given electrode diameter, as dhe ampers ineveased the wire speed will at) Imerease De Stay the same ©. Increase for GMAW and de 4 Decrease ase for BUAW. Whea using GMAW, welding, of atuminiam, the liner should be made of a, Ceramic ) Nytow ¢. Cooper d. Steel 3. Klaxes of SAW © generally name by the method of manufacturer seh >, asedsaggiomerated and mechanically types b. Wused,agglomerated and granular types ¢. Fused,grownd and mechanically mixes types 4. Granular,agglomerated and mechanically mixed types 4. In GPAW process an are is formed between: a, Noare present (B) The tungsten electrode and ihe work The tunpsten electrode and the filler met 4d. ‘The filler rod and the work piece rod In the Gas Tungsten Are Welding process, yas shielding of the weld pool may be provided by which gas(es) : a. Carbon dioxide By Argon or Helium © Argon or Oxygen d. Oxygen or Heliein é vel npead is the este at whick the welding gam progresses along the folis A avel specd fr inereasedt a font input of the jets b ‘ i) The heat inpat ino the joint is decresced and the peaciration ix deere: ce. ‘Phe penetration is increased d. ‘Phe penetration hecowe increased and dee weld head becomes higher andl wider ‘There are four methods used to initiate the are in the Gas 'Tamgsten Are Welding (GTAW) process, Which method lias the potential problent of contaminating the electrode anc transferring tungsten Co the work piece : a, Pulsed start method b. Wigh frequency start method © Sevateh or (uch start method a. Pilot are staré snethod 8 ‘The pulsed Gas Mets Are Welding process is only suitable for flat welding position only a. True {B) False c. Vertical only a. Flat and vertical on Shiekted Metal Are welding the molten nietal is protected bry: a. ‘The molten metal is wot protected b, External carbon dioxide ) Gases created from tite composition of He electrode covering d. Wxternal argon shietding gas Rlectrodes for Shielded Metal Are Welding (MMA) may be manufactured With any of three different coating types, the three types are: a. Basie wtormal and celiutose GR) Ruiile,cetlutose and basic c. Rutile,basic and nornral d. Rutile, cellulose and nertaal om 13. Wa 15, {EMAW) mode of transter best saifed for welding (hin sbeet & Spray Globular Peaster &. Should not ase GMAW far weliting (hiss sheet sicet hs Short civewiting granster Phe pulsed mode of transfer (GMAW) is variation of tie spray transfer mode that makes use of low background curvent with 2 ligherrapidty pulsing. carrent superimposed on it @) Tree b. False Jn gen , globular transfer has less spatter than spray transfer (a) False bd. Trae The shielding gas that is common! AW) Process sed in Mux Cored Are Welding ( a. Hydrogen (®) Carbon Dioxide e. Heliem d. Argon In gencral, ihe arnount of oxygen in a mixed gas for use with Gas Metal Ave Welding (GMAW) should be fimited to: a. Oxygen should never be used b. 10% maxiroum Ce) 2% suaximm d. 50% maximum Jn Gas Metal Ane Welding and flux Cored Ave Welding, as the are length decreases, tite voltage increases GQ) Pats BL Verne i Wher the use of AC! e of (he hase metal Hing, pracess fi he hhabf eyele whe ction to remove axice front th current dex 2 eathedie eles itive pro a) “Erae b. Palse 18: When asing Gas Metal Are Welding (GMAW) process, straight argon tu sfully used 9s a shiclding gas when welding the following material(s} yy be sa Abuininiene Steel or Aluminiuen Steel Straight argom is nev \92 The FCAW process may normally be used to weld fhe following # (aS) Low carhon steels and austenitic stainless steel 3) Aluminium and Jow carbon steel .Alwuminivens @. Copper and bronze 20. A 10% dutty cycle means (hat a machine way, at ils vated output runs- a. One hour out of every seven hours @) Seven minuies out of every ten minutes . Vorty two minutes out of every one hour continuously d. Seven minutes out of every hour 24.7 ‘Three main modes of transfer in Gas Metal Are Welding (GMAW ) are: a. High are, globular and short cireuiting b. Spray, high are and drooping ¢., Spray,globular and drooping, (4,) Spray,globular and short eirexting 0. 23. 24, 28, +) In Gus Bietal Are Welding © achieved 1 ing gases comtain cess thaw 50% argon 106% Carhon Dioxide More than 85% Less than 5% Argon The following gas(es) is (are) considered inert: a. Helium aad oxygen b, Argon and Oxyzen ©) Argon and helinen Gd. Carbon Dioxide ifthe welding machine is operated at higher current than its output but stilt willtin the enpacity of ihe machine, the duty cycle must be increased A constant current power source is suitable for the = a, SMAW and GMAW v) b. SIMAW and SAW c FCAW and “ on and atuminium, to GMAW iectrodes allows filler metal to be ased to weld steels that have a rusty ar dirty urface (although a sacrifice in weld quality is possibile). lt OO, welding, whieh modes of c most euitable to he used tn the b. Axial spray 2) Bip or short eivcutting GAR OF thee sh ti: — Refare use, ole G13 need fo bi a. Bried for ( hour at 45°C b. Dried for 2 hour at above 120°C &. No drying or what so ever lulose @ Dried for (how at 120°C max. 1 of the following defects wonld be fikely to occur preheating temperat the specified are not adhered to when carbon manganes steels: . Slag inetusion G) Delay cracking or c id cracking Lack of sidewall fasion awe porosity The usual method of assessing the sensitivity of 4 vadiog, 8 of « a. Dosimeter Fluoraseope © Penetrameter @. Multimeter 6 | Candida Men PEPE 1 WHEL Ne ia ALL QUESTIONS POLI AY TEMPER A maere spe et is cxamined using the following magnification + Up to 8 power b. Up to 30 power Up to 50 powers d. Up to £00 power Feusion tests resulty are used a. fracture toughness of the material being tested b. Matigue capability of the material heing tested €. Soundness of the material being tested 4. ‘Yo select material for engineering appli ious A fracture fest is a form used fo deseribe 8 nick break test on a. Billet weld b. Fillet and batt weld c. Butt weld 4, Butt joint Fhe fernt mechanical testing is ased to describe: 4 a group of fests methods used to define the chemieat prope materi 5. A group of test methods that inetudes visual iuspeetion ©. A group of tests applied (0 material (hat is mat destroyed 4. A group of tests method for establishing or confirming the properties of materiat ties of a nice Bend tests suft vr front the same weakness as (ensile tests whieh is | a, nonaniform properties along the length: h. soundhvess of the weld joint €. fracture toughness of the material being tested 4. relative hardness of thew torial being tested icls of the Follawing are classified as nie Macruscupic exami tension test and ultrasmic examination bh. Microscopic ovantination, CTO awd nick break fest Rend fest, teardness fost nnd ganna ray dl. Chemical (ost, kavpy vee ne t aac visuiel exemninat 7. the CLOB toughness depends on the following four tens: aol temper b. Bending radins, weld size, hardness and width of specimen: Notch loc: r ‘The CTOD fest is to esed to me: a. Strength of the v b. ductility of the material being tested & the toughness of material, resistance to crack extension and the acceptable flaw size att @. hardness of the mater g tested 9 Melallographic examinations are used to deter characteristics: nine che following, weld teusile properties of the material being tested b. fracture (oughness of the material being tested ¢. ductility of material beiag tested 4. soundness of the joint aid depth of penetration 10. Bend tests are used to determine the + a. Fracture toughness of tie material beng tested b, ductility and soundness of the material being tested ¢. strength of the material being tested hardness of the material being tested b. use fhe proper etc cca ely place the noteit in the correct pasition a, prevent sivess raisers by ut Ihe anest for snentl necas such ws wD Hhe two types of harduest methods (rat portions of welds and heat allectod vanes are: Vickers and Brinell b. Viekers aud Rockwell Knoop ane Beisel a. Brinell and Rockwell 15. ‘Phe Gvo types of welded material tension (est aver Jongitudinalsension (est and borizontal tension test b. all matecial tension and all weld metal €. all weld metal test and reduced section tension 4. Vertical fension test and reduced section fension test [4. ‘The most common value reported ina charpy vee noteh test is : tension strenptit h. absorbed energy ©. length of specimen @. location of notch 15. When performing qualification tests the specimen thickness and bend radius are chosen according to the: a, ductility of the material being tested b. tonghness of the material being tested cc, strength of the material being tested. dd. hardness of the material being tested 16. Hardness testi ted to closely a, charpy vee nofeb testing b. chemical testing ©. tension test bend test "1 Vhich of else following Fy not considered te te fusion eesings to large an electrode fi type af electvadte ©. Welding current exceeding that specified aet « W fa naereW yee » Usiitg tuproper unanipulation af the electeade IR ‘The followin sion fests 2 curve can he produced by a sirengtlt and ductility eurve b. stress ate strain carve ©. toughness and ductitity ‘dness aud ductility 19, Microscopic examination ases a magnific tion of: a. up to 10 power b. 30 power and over ¢. 50 power and over dup to 20 powe uw type of hardness testing most widely used for testing welds is: a. Knoop by. Rockwell ©. Brinell 4 of ad. Vickers 21 "The three types of guided bend tests are a. root , side and all weld ne b . root face and side bends - © Foot, side and vertical bend tests roof, longitudinal and face bend tests H test 28 Phe viet by i fest is used &e continnitics tn steel au tiunitie ontinswities ie aluaniuiuse filet we roindians bac wekd Root and face bend (ests ave usually performed on matorial fhicksess of: a, Eneluded angie b. ©. Weld reinforcement a. Design throat Select the correct term Groove joint bh, Binti joint cc. Plug joint ai. filtet joint Which of the follow (ed to weld joint preparation or fit up: x. bevel angle b. Root face root opening, de kegs ice Weld joints designed with 4 preparation: materials, Why? re ustally used only on very thick a. d preparations afford limited access to the root of the joint b. J preparations are more difficult (o fit than offer preparations ¢. J preparations are expensive because they mast uswally be machined ©. J preparations require the least amount of the fill thickriess metal for a gives K of penetration 28 Which of the following a. internat porosity }. Incorrect weld pass sequence ©. Slag inctusion A. Inadequate root face 29. you weld itt PE position you would be a. above the joint b. Morizontat ©. verticatty . below the joint 30 Cold lapping is the term to indicate: 4 above the joine b. Hosizoutat ¢. vertically d. below the joint 6 contd contritpete ious welt to distortions depositing weld from which dire ei

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