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My Over All Experience

I believe that this practice was very smooth. 2/3 of my actors showed up scripts ready to go

and they were ready to work. I love that I was given such a large space and stage to work with, I

think the large space and stage made my actors and I less nervous. Getting into the actual

practice proved to be a struggle on my part, I felt I lacked confidence in some regions. I felt like

because I was younger, I should be the one taking orders not giving them. I had to reach deep

and stand up and be a leader, the last thing I wanted to be seen as was an indecisive and unsure

director. I wanted to hit hard on the chemistry and blocking with the actors I had, so we went

over blocking and I explained what I wanted to see but I also gave the, the freedom to do what

felt right. I did have a specific flow in my head, but I was open to ideas that fit better or looked

even better. By the end of practice, we had made a lot of progress, and I asked them to start

memorizing lines and spent the last 10min talking about the schedule the vision for my show.

The next practice was intended to be held on zoom. I wanted to get a 1 on 1 chat about the

characters they are becoming. I needed to discuss with them what I invited about each character's

outfit and how I wanted it to representative. I wanted to discuss with Meagan that I wanted her

character to have on bright colors. Jane was described as a bubbly, easy going, also a loving and

caring wife. In her head she did nothing like cheat, her life was happy, and nothing has changed.

The bright clothes would demonstrate and show the viewers how she was seeing her life and

marriage with her Huband. With mark he was going to be the complete opposite from his wife. I

wanted peter to have on dull or quite colors such as gray, black, white, or brown. I told my actors

that the outfits would show and differentiate their view on how life is going the status on their

marriage. After we talked about wardrobe, we the discussed what we needed to buy, what we

already had at home and what we needed to pull. After we discussed this, we would then
conclude with practice, and I was adamant on them keeping me updated on the items they did

have so I could approve it early. Even though I had a few hiccups in the whole production

process I must say that I have had a fun time for my first time ever directing.

This was truly an amazing experience and I have also gained a new respect for directors all over

the world. I just produced a small 10min play but I know directors must direct and bring together

some of the largest production brought to a stage or screen.

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