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LOgin As Librarian

Log in As Student

Contact us

About us


Business Rule:
1.    On clicking 'LOG in as admin' admin sign page appear.
2.    On clicking ‘Log in as student’ student login page appear.
3.    On clicking ‘Contact us' page appear in which contact no of librarian ,library a
4.   On clicking ‘About us 'page appear in which history of library mention.
5.  On clicking ‘Signup' sign up page appear for reistration.
no of librarian ,library address and email address of librarian appear.
f library mention.
Sign in

Email ID


Log in

Business Rules:
1.      Librarian should enter a valid email
2.      The email should already be stored in database.
3.      Librarian should enter correct password
5.      Clicking ‘Login’ leads to his profile.
Sign up

Student ID

First Name

Email ID


Confirm Password

Sign up

Business Rules:
1.      First name and Second name should contain only alphabets.
2.      Password should be at least 8 characters long.
3.      Password must contain at least one numeric character .
4.      Password must be a combination of numbers, alphabets and special characters.
5.    ‘Retype your password’ must match the password given in ‘Password’ textbox
6.      Student ID should only contain numbers and alphabets it must be 11 digits long
7.      student E-mail ID should be valid.
9.      Clicking on signup should check that all textboxes are filed .
10.  Clicking on signup should validate all the given information
11.  Clicking on signup sends a verification code on user's Email ID
12.  Clicking on signup should send a signup confirmation request to the student.
Second Name


er .
bets and special characters.
ven in ‘Password’ textbox
ets it must be 11 digits long .

e filed .
s Email ID
request to the student.
Thank you
You have been succefu

Business Rules:
1.This messae show when user click on sign up
button as a confirmation message.
n succefully
Remove Student Edit Student detail

View All BOOk List Search BOOk Edit Book Detail Update BOOK

Business Rules:
1.Clicking on 'view all Book list' list show of those books which are present in library.
2.Clicking on 'Search Book' lead to the search page.where librarian can search book by book id
3.Clicking on 'Edit Book detail' lead to the book detail page where librarian can edit book detai
4.Clicking on 'Update Book' lead to the page where librarian can update book data.
5.Clicking on 'Remove Book' lead to the book removing page.
6.Clicking on 'View Student list' list show of those student which are registered.
7.Clicking on 'Add Student' lead to the page where admin can enter data of student.
8.Clicking on 'Remove Student' lead to the removing student page.
9.Clicking on 'Edit Student detail' lead to the page where librarian can edit student data.
10.Clicking on 'View Price List' list show of Book price.
11.Clicking on 'Remove Price' lead to the price removing page.
12.Clicking on 'Add Price' lead to the page where librarian can add price of new book in list.
13.Clicking on 'Edit Price' lead to the page where librarian can edit of the price of book.
14.Cliclking on 'Issue Reserve Book date' lead to the reserving page.
15.Clicking on' Verify payment' lead to the verifying payment page.
9.Clicking on 'Edit Student detail' lead to the page where librarian can edit student data.
10.Clicking on 'View Price List' list show of Book price.
11.Clicking on 'Remove Price' lead to the price removing page.
12.Clicking on 'Add Price' lead to the page where librarian can add price of new book in list.
13.Clicking on 'Edit Price' lead to the page where librarian can edit of the price of book.
14.Cliclking on 'Issue Reserve Book date' lead to the reserving page.
15.Clicking on' Verify payment' lead to the verifying payment page.
Edit Price

Edit Student detail View Price List Issue reserve Verify Payment Add Price
Book date

Update BOOK Remove BOOK View Student list Add Student Remove

present in library.
can search book by book id and author name.
ibrarian can edit book detail.
update book data.
e registered.
r data of student.

n can edit student data.

price of new book in list.

of the price of book.
n can edit student data.

price of new book in list.

of the price of book.
Business Rule:
1.Clicking on ' Back Button' librarian home page show.
Search Book

Book ID
Author Name



Business Rules:
1.Book id should be alphabetical or Numeric.
2.Author name should be alphabetical or Numeric.
3.Edition should be alphabet or number.
4.Searching button checking the Book id ,Author name, and Edition if valid then book
should be show otherwise message show to the user that Book not present in library.
5.Searching button search the book name in library book list.
hen book
n library.
Edit Book Detail

Book ID

Author Name

Book Detail


Business Rules:
1.Book id should be alphabetical or Numeric.
2.Author name should be alphabetical or Numeric.
3.Edition should be alphabet or number.
4.submit button checking valid book id or Author Name.if valid submit
user again enter Book ID and Author name.


r Author Name.if valid submit the detail otherwise message show to the
Update Book


Author name

Edit Edition


Business Rules:
1.Book id should be alphabetical or Numeric.
2.Author name should be alphabetical or Numeric.
3.Edition should be alphabet or number.
4.submit button checking valid book id or Author Name.if valid submit the detail otherwise message show to
again enter Book ID and Author name.
l otherwise message show to the user
Remove Book

Book Id

Author Name


Business Rules:
1.Book id should be alphabetical or Numeric.
2.Author name should be alphabetical or Numeric.
4.Remove button checking valid book id or Author Name.if valid submit the detail otherwise message show to the
enter Book ID and Author name.
5.Remove Button remove book from the list.
herwise message show to the user again
Add Student

Student ID
Email ID

Registration no


Bussines Rules:
1.Student id should be alphabets or Numeric.
2.Email id of Student should be valid .
3.Registration no should be Numeric.
4.Clicking on 'Register ' checking valid student id,Email id and Registration no.
5.Clicking on 'Register' registration confirm by verification message sending to the user on E-mail ID.
6.For verification of Email id send verify message.
n no.
ing to the user on E-mail ID.
Remove Student

Student Id

Email ID


Bussines Rules:
1.Student id should be alphabets or Numeric.
2.Email id of Student should be valid .
4.Clicking on 'Remove ' checking valid student id,Email id and Registration no.
5.Clicking on 'Remove' if Valid data then show message successfully remove student otherwise message
librarian Student or Email ID wrong.
ve student otherwise message show to
Edit Student Recor

Student ID

Email ID

Student detail


Bussines Rules:
1.Student id should be alphabets or Numeric.
2.Email id of Student should be valid .
4.Clicking on 'Submit ' checking valid student id,Email id and
5.Clicking on 'Remove' if Valid data then show message succ
Student or Email ID wrong.
tudent Record


ets or Numeric.
e valid .
g valid student id,Email id and Registration no.
data then show message successfully submit detail otherwise message show to librarian
Add Price Remove Price Edit Price
Business Rules:
1.Clicking on 'Remove Price' lead to the price removing page.
2.Clicking on 'Add Price' lead to the page where librarian can add price of new book in list.
3.Clicking on 'Edit Price' lead to the page where librarian can edit of the price of book.
Edit Price
dd price of new book in list.
dit of the price of book.
Add Price of new Book


Author Name



Business Rules:
1.Book ID should be in alphabets or Numeric.
2.Author name should be in alphabets.
3.Price should be in Numeric and in rupees.
4.Clicking on 'Register' checking Book id ,Author name and Price either valid or not.
5.Clicking on ' Register' if valid data then price of this book added to the list otherwise message display to

or not.
therwise message display to the librarian again enter valid data.

Remove Price


Author name

Business Rules:
1.Book ID should be in alphabets or Numeric.
2.Author name should be in alphabets.
4.Clicking on 'Remove' checking Book id ,Author name either valid or not.
5.Clicking on ' Remove' if valid data then price of this book Remove from the list otherwise message display to the
enter valid data.
erwise message display to the librarian again
Issue RESERVE and RETURN date

Author Name

Issue date

Reserve DAte


Business Rules :
1.Book ID should be in alphabets or Numeric.
2.Author name should be in alphabets.
3.Issue date Should be in Numeric ,alphabetical and character.
4,Reserve date should be in Numeric ,alphabetical and character.
5.Clicking on 'Submit' checking data enter valid or not according to their requirement.
5.Clicking on ' Submit' if valid data then issue and reserve date store in database otherwise message
display to the librarian again enter valid data.
6.Issue and reserve date will show the student.

erwise message

Account No

Branch Code

USer Name


4 digit code


Business Rules:
1.Account no should be digits and Numeric character.
2.Branch Code should be Numeric or Alphabets .
3.User name should be alphabets.
4.Date should be numeric ,alphabets or some other character.
5.4 digit code should be numeric.
6.Clicking on 'Submit ' checking data valid or not according to requirements.
7.Clicking on 'Submit' checking cash in account and price of book then verify payment by librarian then sh
student to get reciept.
payment by librarian then show message to the
View All BOOk List Search BOOk View Issue and Reserve Date

Business Rules:
1.Clicking on 'View all Book List' lead to the page of Book list.
2.Clicking on 'Search Book' lead to the searching page.
3.Clicking on 'View Issue and Reserve Date' lead to the page where verified dates mention by librarian.
4.Clicking on 'Reserve Book' lead to the reserving Book page.
5.Clicking on 'View Price list' show the price list of those books which are present in library.
6.Clicking on 'Payment By debit card' lead to the payment page of student.
nd Reserve Date Reserve Book View Price List Pasyment By Debit card

ention by librarian.

Reserve Book
Book ID

Author Name



Business Rules:
1.Book id should be alphabetical or Numeric.
2.Author name should be alphabetical or Numeric.
3.Edition should be alphabet or number.
4.submit button checking valid book id or Author Name.if valid verify reserve book otherwise message
show to the user again enter Book ID and Author name.
5.Clicking on 'Submit'reserve date issue .
therwise message
Log in

Email ID


Sign in

Business Rules:
1.      Student should enter a valid email
2.      The email should already be stored in database.
3.      Student should enter correct password
5.      Clicking ‘Login’ leads to his profile.

Account No



Business Rules:
1.Account no should be digits and Numeric character.
2.Name should be in Alphabets .
3.User name should be in alphabets.
4.payment should be in digit and in rupees.
6.Clicking on 'Verify ' checking data valid or not according to requirements.
7.Clicking on 'Verify' checking cash in account and price of book then verify payment by
librarian then show message to the student to get reciept.
Please Collect Your

reciept Thank You .

Business Rules:
1.This message show after verification of payment.
You .
Edit price of Book

Book ID

Author name

new price

OLD price


Business Ru
1.Book ID should be in alpha
2.Author name should be in
3.New price should be in Nu
4.old price should be in Num
4.Clicking on 'Submit' check
5.clicking on ' Submit' matc
6.Clicking on ' Submit' if vali
display to the librarian again
rice of Book


Business Rules:
1.Book ID should be in alphabets or Numeric.
2.Author name should be in alphabets.
3.New price should be in Numeric and in rupees.
4.old price should be in Numeric and in Rupees.
4.Clicking on 'Submit' checking Book id ,Author name and old and new price either valid or not.
5.clicking on ' Submit' match old price with price stored in database of this book.
6.Clicking on ' Submit' if valid data then price of this book edit from the list otherwise message
display to the librarian again enter valid data.
Business Rules:
1.Clicking on "Back "Button lead to the profile of student.
Search Book

Book ID
Author Name



Business Rules:
1.Book id should be alphabetical or Numeric.
2.Author name should be alphabetical or Numeric.
3.Edition should be alphabet or number.
4.Searching button checking the Book id ,Author name, and Edition if valid then book
should be show otherwise message show to the user that Book not present in library.
5.Searching button search the book name in library book list.
hen book
n library.

Business Rules:
1.Clicking on "Back "Button lead to the profile of student.
Business Rules:
1.Clicking on "Back "Button lead to the profile of student.

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