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180° Rule Worksheet

Describe the 180° Rule in your own words.

A line in filming that you cannot cross with the camera but can go around it to get different

Why would you break the 180° Rule or jump the line?

To get a specific shot that can only be caught by doing so like an over the shoulder shot on the
specific side of the person
And since the rule is there to keep the audience on track and not confused you can cross it to
make the scene confusing on purpose
Interrogation Scene 1

Describe the mise en scene (placing on stage) of the interrogation scene. What
visual themes are they trying to achieve? What are they trying to
Describe the mise en scene within the scene? Elements of mise en scene

Low angle shot to make bad guys more powerful 1. Settings and Props
Tools on the table to show they are going to interrogate 2. Costume, Hair and
Music adds tension, changes tone and keeps audience engaged Make up
The lighting shows that the scene is in a secret under the radar 3. Lighting and Colour
area 4. Performance
Props close scene by black widow picking up belongings showing 5. Composition
the fights over
Setting is in a warehouse
The performance of the 3 guys makes It really clear they are the
bad guys

Pick three technical aspects of cinematography and explain the decisions they
made in relation to the interrogation scene.
Explain Technical Decisions Technical Aspects

They broke the 180 degree rule around 2-3 times to make fight 1. 180 degree rule.
more interesting 2. Screen Direction
Low angle shot makes guys more powerful 3. Match on action
High angle of black widow makes her weak and powerless 4. Seamless edit.
5. Camera angle
6. Shot Types
Interrogation Scene 2

Describe the mise en scene (placing on stage) of the interrogation scene. What
visual themes are they trying to achieve? What are they trying to
Describe the mise en scene within the scene? Elements of mise en scene

Jokers costume shows that hes crazed and not normal 6. Settings and Props
The camera zooms into guy to show jokers words are hitting him 7. Costume, Hair and
The interrogation lighting starts of dark then when batman Make up
appears the lights suddenly turn on this also shows whos good and 8. Lighting and Colour
bad 9. Performance
Jokers performance Is executed well and shows hes the bad guy 10. Composition
and is good at mindgames
Music adds tension and anger in batman when he gains control

Pick three technical aspects of cinematography and explain the decisions they
made in relation to the interrogation scene.
Explain Technical Decisions Technical Aspects

At the start the line isn’t crossed but as joker starts getting in 7. 180 degree rule.
control of the situation it crosses 8. Screen Direction
When batman hits joker the camera follows him to make it more 9. Match on action
engaging for the viewer 10. Seamless edit.
The camera angle is high up with batman when jokers on the 11. Camera angle
floor to show batmans powerflness 12. Shot Types
The close ups are used when ones talking

Interrogation Scene 3

Describe the mise en scene (placing on stage) of the interrogation scene. What
visual themes are they trying to achieve? What are they trying to
Describe the mise en scene within the scene? Elements of mise en scene

First person pov to start 11. Settings and Props

High angle shot 12. Costume, Hair and
Lighting is dark with light shining on emmet Make up
The zooming in on the face shows the things the people are saying 13. Lighting and Colour
are impacting emmet 14. Performance
15. Composition

Pick three technical aspects of cinematography and explain the decisions they
made in relation to the interrogation scene.
Explain Technical Decisions Technical Aspects

13. 180 degree rule.

14. Screen Direction
15. Match on action
16. Seamless edit.
17. Camera angle
18. Shot Types

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