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First conference

Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a

person creates something new (a product, a
solution, a work of art etc.) that has some kind of
value. What counts as "new" may be in reference
to the individual creator, or to the society or
domain within which the novelty occurs. What
counts as "valuable" is similarly defined in a
variety of ways.

Aspects of creativity

To succeed, organizations Theories of creativity (in particular investigating

must place greater why some people are more creative than others)
emphasis on right brain have focused on a variety of aspects. The most
functions: artistic, big-
dominant are usually identified as the four "Ps" -
picture thinking and the
ability to put things in process, product, person and place. A focus
context. on process is shown in cognitive approaches that
try to describe thought mechanisms and
techniques for creative thinking. Theories
invoking divergent rather than convergent
thinking (such as Guilford), or those describing
the staging of the creative process (such as Wallas) are primarily theories of
creative process. A focus on creative product usually appears in attempts to
measure creativity in people (psychometrics, see below), or in creative ideas
framed as successful memes.[6] A focus on the nature of the
creative person considers more general intellectual habits, such as
openness, levels of ideation, autonomy, expertise, exploratory behavior and
so on. A focus on place considers the best circumstances in which creativity
flourishes, including degrees of autonomy, access to resources and the
nature of gatekeepers.

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (referred to

as LUCT, LKW or just Limkokwing) is a privateinternational university with a
presence across three continents: Africa, Europe and Asia. With its main
campus in Malaysia, the university has over 30,000 students from more than
150 countries, studying in its eleven other campuses
in Botswana, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lesotho, Swaziland and United
Kingdom. Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr Lim Kok Wing is the
founder and president of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. He
established Wings Creative Consultants in 1975.Within 5 years the company
grew from 4 employees to 30 and the turnover was RM4 million. In 1988 the
company merged with BBDO and the Wings/BBDO alliance was formed. After
winning awards with his previous company he continued to do so with his
new partners. Billings rose to RM40 million by 1992, but he ended the
partnership to start Limkokwing Integrated. He diversified into a range of
communication services and at this time he set up what is known today as
the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology.

There is a myth that creativity is limited to a few individuals who are

naturally creative.  In reality, creativity is a skill that can be learned and
applied like any other skill.  Many techniques in creative thinking are
available to help germinate and accelerate the innovation process.

Research with fraternal and identical twins supports the view that different
abilities to think, and to think creatively, are not inherited.  Thinking and
creative thinking are learnable skills like driving a car, swimming, or
knitting.  Some people will be better than others, but, given sufficient
motivation, everyone can develop a reasonable amount of skill.
It’s vital to set aside quality time specifically for people to learn the
techniques of creative thinking.  This first step satisfies an essential criterion
for cultural shift—that is, it gives “status” to the effort.  What resources can
you use to focus on this subject?  In-house seminars, books and articles on
creativity, and outside creativity experts.  By rewarding and recognizing
individuals and teams which apply creative thinking techniques and deliver
bottom-line results, you reinforce the central importance of creative

Even units in the organization that have less participation in formal creativity
programs will think and act more creatively because the general
environment has improved.  They will recognize that management is
supportive of creative thinking, provides freedom in doing the job,
encourages risk taking, and doesn’t punish mistakes but rather focuses on
learning from them.

Many creative thinking techniques offer processes for deliberate, systematic

approaches to problem solving and opportunity searching.  Techniques like
lateral thinking are applicable to all disciplines and in all situations.  In this
way, creativity can help accelerate the process of innovation.

If I could relating this idea to my major in finance and banking we can see
from simple common things in our daily routine but when see it from people
perspective in 10-20 years ago, it’s a big impossible things to do and yet it
becomes innovation. One example is online banking, according to DeYoung
(2005) the first bank websites were launched in 1995; and by 2002 nearly
one-half of all U.S banks operated transactional websites. Nowadays, the
transactional are not just about banking area, we can utilized this facility for
other purposes, paying electricity-water-or internet bills, toping up credit for
handphone or smart card. In fact, no need to take a side for people’s
perspective in 10-20 years back while we can comparing this condition with
other countries which have below condition of technologies we could realize
this daily life is a creation of innovation. And with technologies around us
that getting advance, we as a human should be more creative to utilize it to
make other innovation, or make innovation things that already exist become
more advance.

Second Conference

Alp Malazgirl

Solbridge International school of business (Korea)

(Whatever can be done, will be done and the question left is will it
be done by you to you)

Today, we are surrounded by a multi-level convergent media world where all

modes of communication and information are continually reforming to adapt
to the enduring demands of technologies, "changing the way we create,
consume, learn and interact with each other".

Convergence in this instance is defined as the interlinking of computing and

other information technologies, media content, and communication networks
that have arisen as the result of the evolution and popularization of the
Internet as well as the activities, products and services that have emerged in
the digital media space.

Many experts view this as simply being the tip of the iceberg, as all facets of
institutional activity and social life such as business, government, art,
journalism, health, and education are increasingly being carried out in these
digital media spaces across a growing network of information and
communication technology devices.
Also included in this topic is the basis of computer networks, wherein many
different operating systems are able to communicate via different protocols.
This could be a prelude to intelligence networks on the Internet eventually
leading to a powerful super intelligence via a technological singularity.

Selling or service of products is big components in multitasking utilization

and with closer economy integration that all thing is included in the business
convergence, business cycle should become more synchronized across
countries over time. The example that the speaker gave is a hand phone.
Nowadays, hand phone not just about calling and texting, but with all
features inside this small communication tool we could connect to internet,
having a bunch of application for help our daily life and so on. This hand
phone is representing what is convergence nowadays, become more utilize
and multitasking rather than ordinary way, and with that we could connect
and synchronize our self to people all over the world.

During the conference, the speaker indicated example in some business


I. Product/Process/Service Convergence
II. Functional Convergence
III. Industry Convergence
IV. Bio/Artificial Systems Convergence

In the first component convergence that told example of Jaccrisize and

medical tourism Jaccersize is a course for exercise as a sport to make people
healthier but they doing it with music. With this type of convergence, the
product that the company sells is become more attractive to customers and
generating a lot of profit. The main company generated $100M of revenue in
2010, and one can own a franchise for a little as $1000. Or another example
is Medical Tourism, where is an ordinary medical treatment just give service
in the hospital, but this innovative way to sell medical service is converged
with tourism and become more attractive to the patient. It already practiced
in 28 countries all over the world, patient will get a medical treatment also a
tourism package when he do healing. Global medical tourism became a $40
B in 2010, with a bunch of customers (patients); Thailand treated 600,000
and Malaysia treated 400,000 foreigners. In fact, they could offer a lower
price without lowering quality of the medical treatment. One can get a
plastic surgery for only $1200 in Brazil, comparing to a surgery in USA which
costing $20,000.

Other convergence is Functional Convergence, who Fiat and McDonald’s

introduced in their industry. Fiat starting to make the component of their
own car as a same one so it will be quicker when creating a car and give
them lower cost when they do producing and assembling. In 2004, Fiat did
not have a single nut or bolt common to both of its best selling cars. In
2010, they had 55% common parts. They are targeting 80% in 2012, which
will reduce 30% of manufacturing cost. In food industry McDonald’s is one of
the company who do mass production and offering a limited set of products,
prepared by low-cost labor, and a big set of instructions. With this functional
strategy, McDonald’s could open their branches in every place in the world
and produce same quality of food.

The brand name is enough to prove its ability Apple is one example for
Industry Convergence. With their tag of “Tomorrow is just another day. That
you’ll never forget” they succeed to build an industry convergence for their
products. As example is MP3 players phenomena who killed ordinary music
industry, but in Apple’s hand it became another profitable industry in selling
products. The Apple iPod took the world by storm in 2002 with over a million
units sold, far surpassing the sales of all other MP3 players combined. It is
because the processor chip used in many MP3 players is capable of not only
playing back, but also encoding MP3 files onto the hard drive.

Bio/Artificial Systems Convergence is a promising industry who changed the

ordinary face of the world. When a robotic technology came to our life and
yet will come to our daily life. In forecasting timeline; 2015 that a year for
people anywhere in the world will have instantaneous access to information,
2020 that a year for individuals and teams will be able to communicate and
cooperate profitably, increasing the effectiveness of organizations,
companies, and multi-national partnerships. And in 2025, robots and
software agents will enter our daily lives, human body will be healthier, live
longer, many physical and mental disabilities will be eradicated. And this
step is already started. One example is a robotic surgery that does
telesurgery with fewer personnel in surgery and minimally invasive surgery.

To conclude business convergence, we should seek about people’s skills and

availability to settle a business and also financial attractiveness. From A.T
Kearney in his slide showed that India, China, and Malaysia are the outliers
of financial attractiveness with skills capability of people. The condition of
these countries and our country are important factors to seeking which place
and type of business we should go. After analysis our position and situation,
the business convergence will be another step to do.

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