Tenses and Adverbial Clauses (2116)

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A student has written an e-mail to his friend, but this e-mail has nine mistakes in the
use of the past simple, present perfect or present perfect progressive. The first mistake is
already corrected. Find and correct eight more mistakes.

Hi Kyoko,
haven’t written
I’m sorry I didn’t write for such a long time. What you do since I have last seen you in Tokyo last

Christmas? I remember you were not feeling too good. Did you meet the man of your dream

yet? As for me, for the last two months I am trying to do two things at once – preparing for my

final exams in June, and looking for a job. I have been having three interviews with different

magazines companies, but I don’t have any luck yet. I wrote short weekly articles for the local

newspaper since April. I have been writing ten or twelve already. E-mail me soon and tell me

your news.

TASK II. Read the extracts from learners’ essays. Underline any mistakes with tenses and
correct them. If there are no mistakes, tick (✓) the extract.

Example: My mother packed the picnic lunch and we all collected together our things. At last
everything had been ready for us to go. was
1. We were lucky that a group of scouts left a rope which HAD helped us reach the bottom
safely. ___________
2. This was his second marriage. He had been married before, but he BECAME had become
bored. __________
3. He told his ex-wife that he HAD has decided to marry again. _________
4. After lunch my brother and I went exploring. We had climbed a small hill behind the wood.
5. He met her at a disco. She had been/ WAS dancing with one of his colleagues. ________
6. When I first had met her she was very quiet. _________
7. We couldn’t find the way because we have lost the path. ________
Task III. Read the following sentences. Some sentences are correct and some have
mistakes in the use of Adverbial Clauses of Reason, Cause and Effect and Purpose. If
there is a mistake underline it and rewrite the correct form above the mistake. There
are 12 mistakes.

1. Despite THE FACT THAT she is rich, she is not happy.

2. Because of having health problems, she decided not to attend the conference. +
3. We have to know our weak points in the grammar rules so that WE work on them and
improve our skills.
4. The director called all of the workers because in order to inform them about the changes.
5. Though I was ill, I prepared all of my homework and practiced all of the rules. +
6. The students grades in the LU Achievement Test were awful so the teacher could not
come to herself for a long time that.
7. The students were not able to do the test well owing to they had not studiedING well
8. Inspite of snowing heavily HEAVY SNOW, the workers continued reparing the road. +
9. The teacher asked the students to look through their mistakes in the Achievement Test in
order that TO they could know their weak points and could practice before the Quiz.
10. Some students have decided to revise all of the rules because IN ORDER NO TO/SO THAT
they will not get low grades in the test again.
11. The teacher makes the students work harder so as not to letting them make the same
mistakes in the Final Exam.
12. Some students do not get high grades due to their irresponsibility and laziness. +
13. For SINCE they studied hard and practiced enough, diligent students have got high
14. Although the teacher had taught all of the rules clearly, the students did not do well in
the test because of their not studying well enough. +
15. The participants are practicing hard so that to make an impressive speech at the meeting.

16. Though he was making a fluent speech, but some participants were not listening attentively.
17. He usually speaks impressively in the meetings in order to drawing the audience’s attention. +

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