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hafifah dwi lestari



School : SDN 147 PEKANBARU

Main Material :Giving and asking information related to Family and Relatives
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes
Skill : Reading and Speaking
A. Learning objectives
By the end of the class, students will be able to:
1. Completing the blank text with mathces a pictures Family and Relatives
2. Describing Family and Relatives
3. Spelling the name of Family and Relatives

B. Mediaand Learning Resources

1. Media : LCD Projectors, whiteboard, video youtube, poster,
audio, presentation slides and laptop
2. Learning resources : 2013 Curriculum Support Books for English Subject

C. Learning Activity Steps

First Meeting (2 x 40 Minutes)
Activity Activity Description
Information Orientation, Motivation and Apperception
and Motivation 1. Opening greeting, and praying to start learning.
2. Checking the attendance of students.
3. Preparing physical and psychological students in starting
learning activities by asking about how they are.
4. Teacher tells about her family tree
5. Showing a poster "FAMILY AND RELATIVES "
6. Orientation of learning materials that will be carried out
with video youtube, giving motivation and sings a song.

7. Provides an overview of the benefits of learning the lessons

that will be learned in daily life.
(Teacher presents/elicits 1. Teacher explains of Family Tree by drawing it on
structures) whiteboard
2. Teacher tells about how to describe FAMILY AND
RELATIVES by showing a pictures
3. Teacher show the example (FAMILY TREE ) to make
students more understand about FAMILY AND
4. Teacher shows one of the FAMILY and RELATIVES
pictures and teacher ask students to reading one by one a
short text about Family and Relatives
(Students manipulate 1. Teacher provides FAMILY TREE on the table by
language/content/tasks: presentation slide.
Information transfer) 2. Then teacher breaks the class into 5 groups. Each group is
asked to choose one of the figure in FAMILY and
3. Students can discuss about it and sharing information that
they have
4. Student write down the Family Tree (short descriptive text)
about the figures as the results of the discussion
(Sharing of personal 1. The teacher asks students to convey the results based on the
experience) of oral in front of the class
2. Based on the results of oral and written analysis, students
convey the results of discussions
3. Students delivered the results of a discussion about
FAMILY and RELATIVES using picture that they request
teacher to show it using LCD Projector.
Feedback 1. Teachers and students can conclude material related to
Family and Relatives
2. The teacher asks the students' difficulties in understanding
the material by using brainstorming
3. The teacher gives homework for to making video sing a
song about FAMILY and RELATIVES
4. The teacher provides motivation to students, so that
students are more diligent in studying.

Pekanbaru, 15 April 2021

hafifah dwi lestari

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