Entrepreneurship-Lab: Oleh

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Doni Fahrial ( 0610223047 )


jawablah :

1. Experiential exercise

1) membangun website bisa merupakan suatu pekerjaan gabungan (FA)

2) lalu lintas di website akan membuat kamu kaya(FI)
3) internet salah satu [dari] paling alat-alat bertenaga untuk bersifat usahawan bisnis(FA)
4) uang tersedia untuk beberapa internet memulai(FI)
5) e-commerce mengacu ke perdagangan listrik(FA)
6) pameran yang mempesona-pameran yang mempesona membuat website besar(FI)
7) nama daerah selalu mudah dan murah memperoleh(FI)
8) setelah merk segalanya di internet(FI)
9) website sticknes memerlukan untuk memonitor(FA)
10) e-commerce tidak termasuk email atau data listrik tukar-menukar(FI)
11) riset menunjukkan itu lebih kecil spekulasikan mempergunakan jaringan punya
pendapatan tahunan lebih tinggi daripada itu taht tidak(FA)
12) ini telah memperkirakan itu lebih kecil coba mungkin perlu investasi awal $10,000
meluncurkan e-commerce situs(FA)
13) ICANN mengawasi registrasi nama daerah(FA)
14) hanya 20 persen perusahaan kecil punya accse kepada internet(FI)
15) online mengecerkan pemasaran sekarang tumbuh sebanyak 200 persen tahun(FA)
2. Kasus 1.2 hal 27
1) is support software a gazzle?support your answer?
The software manufactring and distribution company when he was still working as a
professor at the local collage.
2) what problem may jim face owning such a fast growning bussines?
He maybe have problem with a competitor because the competitor always make rivalry
3) are gazzle more important to the economy than traditional growth bussines?why or why

3. Test EQ hal 108-113

1) As a child did you have a paper route,sell candy or magazine subscriptions or shine
shoes or money ? ()
2) Did you come from a family that owned the bussines?
3) Do you have relative who is in bussines?
4) Have you ever worked for a small firm where you had close contact with the owner?
5) Are you between the age of 16 and 44?
6) Have you ever worked for the large company where yo worked closely with a top
7) Have you ever been fired from a job?
8) Do you have experience in organization,planning,budgeting,personal
marketing,advertising,administration or evaluation?
9) If you are married is your spouse supportive of the personal and financial risks
involved in starting a bussines?
10) Do you have a library of self helpsuccses book?
11) Are you peers at works and by your friends in the other areas of your life?
12) Are you inquisitive,inventive,creative,innovative and aggressive?
13) Do you enjoy solving problem?
14) Would you rather be your own bos?
15) Do you like to make things happen?
16) Do you enjoy taking personal and financial risk?
17) Were you a first –born child in your family?
18) Are you male or female?
19) Are you married or single?
20) Do you consider yourself a free and independent spirit?
21) Do you have a high need for achievement?
22) Did you have good relationship with your father?
23) Small bussines employe more than 50 percent of the workface,generate 50 percent of
all new jobs and account for 44 percent of the gross national product?
24) Do you take rejection personally?
25) Do you like to move around a lot?
26) Is it true that entrepreneurs make good managers?
27) To be successful entrepreneurs an individual needs a lot good luck?
28) successful entrepreneurs often use the advice of expert outside consultants?
29) Do you believe that you can control your own destiny?
30) Are you consist goal setter and a results oriented individual?
31) Have you ever been force to move,gone through divorce or suffered a death of spouse
of parents?
32) Do you have specific experience in the areas of bussines you plan to go into?
33) Personal savings is the most important source of start-up funds for entrepreneur?
34) Do you have managerial skills?
35) Are you willing to work longer hours for the same salary you new make?
36) Do you have college degree or special skills a knowlage from vocational or technical
37) Do you now how to rise money for starting a bussines?
38) Do you laike people?
39) Can you make quick decisions?
40) Do you have a big energy level?
41) Do yaou friends or acquantitances place a great deal or faith and trust in you?
42) Do you follow through with implementation when decision has been made?
43) Do you believe in your own power to accomplish goal?
44) Are yaou willing to change your negative habit patterns?
45) Do you have high moral and ethical standarts?
46) Do you have a good idea or product and/or know how to get one?
47) Do you know how to tap the power of your subconscious mind?
48) Are you dedicated or committed to being a bussines for your self?
49) Do you know how to develop a bussines plan presentations to a group of investors?
50) Can you inspire and motivate other individuals?
51) Do you know tu use radio,tv,direct email and space advertising?
52) Do you know what the four the Ps of marketing are?
53) Are you familiar with the opm principle?
54) Do you know how to multiplay yor talent?
55) Do you know how the 20/80 rule affects success?
56) Have you ever madean assessment of your personality?
57) Have you ever determinate your net worth?
58) Do you know what the 12 laws of universal success are?
59) Have you ever explored your career potential?
60) Do you believe in the power and success of self-direct learning?
61) Do wake up happy 99 percent of the time?
62) Do you provide a period during each day for thinking,studying,planning or
63) Do you consider yourself ambitious?
64) Do you enjoy power,control,and authority?
65) Would you be willing to quit your job and start at the bottom?
66) Do you know how to derminate break even point?
67) Do you know what motivate costumer behavior and buying habits?
68) Student organizations such as ATA,VICA,DECA,FFA, and other help students learn
about entrepreneurship?
69) Do you know where to get information on franchising?
70) Do you know the rules of buying an existing bussines?
71) Are you willing to follow a proven success system even if it differs from yours?
72) The national federation of bussines is the largest small bussines organization in the
united states?
73) Can you accept failure without admitting defeat?
74) Do you know how to project cash flow?
75) Do you know how to read a balance sheet and profit and loss statement?
76) Are you familiar with the current bussines and tax laws?
77) Ate you familiar wuth the law affecting recruitment and selection of personal?
78) Do you know or are you willing to learn,how to sell?
79) Do you consider yourself enthusiastic,imaginative and tenacious?
80) Are willing to participate in both the profits and losses af a bussines?
81) Do you know how to protect your ideas from thieves?
82) Do you have saving account?
83) Are you familiar with the principles of bartering?
84) Are you familiar with the rules and laws pertaining to investment?
85) Are you familiar with the 30,000 occupational titles in the united states?
86) Do you know how to get free publicity for your product or service?


1. Salah satu usaha kecil ialah counter pulsa atau penjual pulsa.
2. Usaha tersebut adalah usaha yang memiliki banyak pelanggan karena hampir semua
golongan memiliki handphone.jadi itu merupakan usaha yang sangat menguntungkan.tapi
dengan semakin banyak keuntungan yang bisa diraih dengan usaha tersebut,membuat
semakin banyak rival dalam bisnis tersebut.sehingga kebanykan couter pulsa tidak hanya
menjual pulsa saja.ada yang juga menjual handphone,aksesoris handphone,game handphone
atau bahkan banyak juga yang menjadi agen penjualan dalam jumlah besar sehingga para
counter kecil bisa memakai jasa mereka tersebut.sehingga diharapkan para konsumen akan
kembali ke counter kita karena keunikan counter kita.
3. Ditempat tinggal saya ada beberapa counter pulsa yang bisa dibandingkan.tapi saya ambil
dua untuk memudahkan.satu counter ini berlokasi didepan minimarket.dia menjual pulsa,tapi
dia juga menjalankan bisnis jual-beli handphone.counter ini hanya memiliki dua etalase dan
hanya dijaga satu orang yaitu pemiliknya.sedangkan counter satu lage berada 300 meter dari
counter pertama tadi.counter yang satu ini sudah cukup besar dan punya nama yaitu dian
cell.dicounter ini juga menjual pulsa tapi cunter ini juga menjual handphone tapi tidak beli
handphone dari konsumen,juga menjual aksesoris dan menjadi agen dealer.sehingga bisa
dibilang cukup besar.ada perbedaan unik dalam kategori konsumen dari counter
tersebut.dicounter pertama tadi kategori konsumen lebih ke masyarakat kelas bawah.karena
bisa dilihat konsumen yang datang kebanyakan pembantu ataupun kuli yang berada daerah
sana.sedangkan untuk dian cell.kebanyakan konsumen yang datang cukup mampu dan juga
dealer-dealer yang menjadi anggota dian cell tersebut.untuk dian cell sudah bisa dikatakan
sebagai entrepreneur karena pemilik usaha tersebut sudah bisa bisa memberikan karakter
seorang entrepreneur yaitu memiliki kreatifitas,inisatif dll.sedangkan counter yang satu lagi
belum bisa dikatakan sebagai entrepreneur karena belum memiliki karakter seorang
entrepreneurship.sehingga untuk bisa menjadi seorang entrepreneur pengusaha counter
tersebut harus mampu memberikan keunikan pada counter tersebut.

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