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At a Glance

Source: MoMA, No. 1 (Autumn, 1974), p. 6

Published by: The Museum of Modern Art
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At a Glance A book that is "lively, amusing
and measured," according to
Coming Up Denys Sutton in The London
Furniture by the Scottish archi- Financial Times.... The cover of
tect Charles Rennie Mackintosh the 1975 Junior Council Ap-
(1868-1928), whose work is pointment Calendar, On Time,
marginal to the main direction of is a three-dimensional hourglass
Art Nouveau and closer to the filled with white sand.... The
International Style that revolu- Christmas Shop (23 West 53
tionized architecture and design Street) will carry for the first
in the twenties. Some chairs are time a number of items repre-
once again in production. Opens sented in the Design Collection:
in November.... First major re- the Hastil fountain pen, a Danish
trospective of work by the mas- ashtray, the Automatic coin
ter photographer Edward Wes- bank, the McArthur Open Uni-
ton, who died in 1958. Opening versity microscope, and the Sin-
in January 1975 and made pos- clair Executive calculator-all
sible by a grant from the Nation- available to members at a
al Endowment for the Arts and discount.
SCM Corporation.... On March
30 the first opportunity in this Stamp Corner
country to see a comprehensive Three Picasso paintings from the
exhibition of work by Anthony Museum collection have been
Caro, whose sculpture and issued as part of a commemora-
Anthony Caro. Midday. 1960.
teaching have played a crucial tive series of postage stamps by
role in the rise of a new school of the Republic of Togo in West
British sculptors and have had a Africa.... The only painting by
profound effect in the United an American artist included in a
States as well. Organized in co- group of six stamps issued by
operation with the Museum of the Universal Postal Union is by
Fine Arts in Boston, funded by John Frederick Peto and is from
the National Endowment for the the Museum's collection. The
Arts and the British Council on Peto entered the collection in
the Arts. 1940 as a work by William Har-
nett. When it was cleaned the
*g E, I
Museum discovered that the
Harnett signature had been
painted over that of Peto, a
friend and admirer of Harnett.

Chre Reni Maknoh Curved,

latcebc chir I 94

Edward Weston. Nude on Sand. 1936.

lhattie-bc chanir. 1904nos. Cre
an exhibition of exquisite works tional Print Biennial.... John

by the American artist known Szarkowski, Director of Photog-
for his friendship with artists raphy, lectured in six Australian
and writers in France in the cities at the invitation of the 3

twenties, was called "a distinct Australian Centre for Photog-

contribution to the history of raphy.... Anthony Yearwood,
modern American painting" Mailroom Supervisor and a stu-
when shown here this spring. It dent in medieval art history,
moved to San Francisco in the leads a tour in Russia to see
Letters 1Ot
summer and then on to Dallas icons this month.... Mrs. John D. mingle souls
this fall. Rockefeller 3rd, President of the Donne locUS a
Museum, has been appointed a 0

People member of the Council of the

Inga Forslund succeeded Ber- National Endowment for the
nard Karpel as Librarian follow- Humanities. Student Program
ing his election of early retire- Undergraduate as well as gradu-
ment to become General Editor In the Bookstore ate students may now visit the
of the Smithsonian's Bicenten- Recommended for Christmas: collections and temporary shows
nial Bibliography of the Arts in John Szarkowski's Looking at during special morning and eve-
Gerald Murphy with Picasso. America. Miss Forslund, Asso- Photographs: 100 Pictures from ning hours when the Museum is
Antibes, 1923. ciate Librarian for the past eight the Collection of The Museum closed to the general public. The
years, received her library de- of Modern Art is called "one of program of off-hour visits is
On the Road gree in Stockholm, was with the the finest photography an- made possible by a grant from
Among the Museum exhibitions United Nations Library and at thologies in print" by The New the Art Dealers Association
in the U.S. this fall: "New Japa- the Public Library in Princeton Yorker and "a book of breath- Foundation, Inc.
nese Photography," beginning a before joining the Museum staff taking beauty-a connoisseur's
two-year tour in Denver, then in 1961. The Museum Library, anthology" by The New York Print Room
continuing to St. Louis, Min- containing thirty thousand vol- Times. Winner of an AIGA The twenty-fifth anniversary of
neapolis, Champaign, San Fran- umes, hundreds of periodicals, award as one of the fifty best- the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller
cisco, Seattle, and Portland, catalogs, rare documents, and designed books of the year, Print Room is being celebrated
Oregon. Funded by a grant from manuscripts, is now open to Looking at Photographs has re- early this winter with the ex-
the National Endowment for the Museum members and serious cently gone into a second print- hibition "American Prints:
Arts which was matched by SCM art researchers five days a week, ing.... Also at members' 25% 1913-1963," in the Paul J. Sachs
Corporation, winner of an Hon- from 1:00 to 5:00 daily.... Riva discount, selected art books of Galleries. The fifty-year period
orable Mention in the Eighth Castleman, Curator of Prints and various publishers-notably Hil- scanned by the exhibition will
Annual BCA Business in the Arts Illustrated Books, served as a ton Kramer's The Age of the be the subject of a symposium.
Awards for its support.... member of the jury in Krak6w, Avant-Garde, which includes Details will appear in your No-
Paintings by Gerald Murphy," Poland, for the Fifth Interna- reviews of many of our shows. vember calendar.

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