Uefadirect 2 - May 2002 - English Edition

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The new Executive Committee 04

Feyenoord triumph at home 10

A fantastic gift 11
A first for Switzerland 13
no 02 – may 2002
C OV E R P H O T O IN THIS ISSUE Under-17s 12
The 2001/02 UEFA club competition season Congress in Stockholm 03 Women Under-19s 14
finished in a blaze of glory with the victory Honours and awards 06 Meridian Project 15
of Real Madrid CF over Bayer 04 Leverkusen
in the UEFA Champions League final. It is
Kazakhstan 08 UEFA activities 16
the ninth time that the Madrid side has won Feyenoord triumph 10 Member associations 19
the flagship UEFA club competition. Final in Glasgow 11 Calendar of events 23

ten years of solidarity
In 1992, by putting aside part of its revenue from EURO 92 for the
national associations that did not qualify for the final round, UEFA embarked
on a financial policy of solidarity that it was to intensify that same year,
when it launched the UEFA Champions League.
Since then, the distribution of a share of the revenue from the
most lucrative competitions to those who do not take part directly
has become a cornerstone of UEFA's financial policy. The
national associations, leagues and clubs have profited from
this system, as has the game as a whole, since some
of this money is used for the develop-
ment of youth football. In total, some
660 million Swiss francs have been
paid out under the solidarity scheme.
Considering that only five
of UEFA's competitions generate rev-
enue, it is clear that the profitable
marketing of the top competitions
has not only ensured the smooth
running of the other competitions, but also enabled
UEFA to finance many other initiatives, such as the East
European assistance programmes, the Meridian project, technical develop-
ment, the coach licence programme, and, the latest project, the club
licensing system.
The tenth anniversary of this solidarity policy is an opportune
moment to recall the fundamental importance of the central marketing
of the rights to the UEFA Champions League. To a great extent, it is
thanks to this method that UEFA has been able to fulfil its mission
and ensure the general well-being and development of football
in all its member associations.
We hope that our discussions with the European Commis-
sion on TV rights will conclude in a way which allows this to continue
for the benefit of the whole of football.

Gerhard Aigner
Chief Executive

The Republic of Korea and Japan

are getting ready to host the XVII World Cup.

Zinedine Zidane and the rest

of the French national team will be
attempting to defend the title they won
in 1998 on home ground. we care about football

02 uefadirect 5.02
XXVI ordinary Congress now an annual assembly

The President’s message
“I believe we have achieved a
in his address, ”and wherever I look in
UEFA, whether it be our improving rela-
velopment of our club licensing system
The proposal put forward Prime Minister Göran Persson, Swedish or the moves we have made with UEFA
by the Executive Committee met with FA President Lars-Åke Lagrell, FIFA New Media, I see progress and great
unanimous approval, as did the President Joseph S. Blatter and Issa co-operation with the member associa-
corresponding amendments required Hayatou, President of the African tions. I want that to continue and to
to the statutes to provide for vacancies Football Confederation (CAF) and strengthen over the next four years.”
on the committee. candidate for the FIFA presidency, UEFA He also stressed: “I want to
see harmony between FIFA and UEFA –
Starting next year, 2003, President Lennart Johansson himself
I want to see a strong relationship
UEFA will hold an ordinary Congress welcomed the participants before
between all of the Confederations
every year, in the last week of April handing the floor to Treasurer Mathieu and FIFA, and I want to see FIFA move
in principle. Sprengers to present the financial forward with success and a strong
This decision was one of the results of the last two business years financial base.”
key outcomes of the XXVI Ordinary and the budget for 2002/03. “The Confederations are crucial
UEFA Congress held in Stockholm on While the elections dominated to the well-being of world football”, he
25 April in the presence of delegates the general assembly, time was also added. “I also believe that the hosting
from the organisation’s 51 member set aside to honour a number of indi- of the World Cup and other FIFA events
should be based on rotation, but a sensi-
associations, the President and General viduals for their outstanding contribu-
ble rotation which recognises the impor-
Secretary of FIFA, as well as represen- tion to the development of football
tant role of Europe in world football.
tatives of the other confederations, or for having clocked up 12 years of Europe has a lot to offer and we want to
numerous guests and the media. service on UEFA committees. ensure that this is done in a way which
After remembering the The Congress also welcomed benefits the whole game internationally.
members of the UEFA family who had the Football Federation of the Harmony and co-operation need to
passed away since the Congress in Republic of Kazakhstan as the fifty- be improved and strengthened, and this
Luxembourg, addresses by Swedish second member of UEFA. can best be done by ensuring trans-
parency and accountability in the way
the game is governed at every level.”
Henri Roemer – Luxembourg
Eggert Magnusson – Iceland
Swedish Prime
Minister Göran

Michel Platini – France

Persson (right)
talks with Swedish
FA President
Lars-Åke Lagrell.

UEFA Executive
Memories and visions
It was with a recollection t h r e e Committee
n ew f a c e s
of his youth that Swedish Prime
Minister Göran Persson opened his
the 1958 World Cup final in Stock-
17-year-old player, none other than XXVI ORDINARY CONGRESS.
Pelé. “Every day,” he went on,
“millions of people play football
For the seven seats available 28 votes). In the second ballot, in
without appearing on television
because, in the main, football on the UEFA Executive Committee, which a simple majority sufficed, new
is a fantastic game for everyone... only four of the 14 candidates ob- member Henri Roemer (Luxembourg
But football is also big business, tained enough votes in the first bal- – 23 votes) and out-going members
transfers, TV rights and advertising. lot, the absolute majority required for Giangiorgio Spiess (Switzerland –
This development might be danger- election having been set at 26 votes. 19 votes) and Viacheslav Koloskov
ous but, on the other hand, it also
They were out-going Vice-Presidents (Russia – 18 votes) were successful.
means that more people can enjoy
football on television.” Referring Angel Maria Villar Llona (Spain – The term of Viacheslav Koloskov
to the transfer-related negotiations 38 votes) and Senes Erzik (Turkey – is for two years only, corresponding
with the EU, Göran Persson praised 31 votes), as well as new members to the remainder of the term of
the UEFA President, who he de- Eggert Magnusson (Iceland – resigning member Claude Simonet
scribed as “someone whose actions
28 votes) and Michel Platini (France – (France), who was elected in 2000.
are always based on the funda-
mental values of UEFA and football,
like unity and solidarity.”


First row, from left to right: Mathieu Sprengers, Angel Maria Villar Llona,
Senes Erzik, Lennart Johansson, Per Ravn Omdal, Geoffrey Thompson;
Second row: Giangiorgio Spiess, Joseph Mifsud, Marios Lefkaritis, Eggert Magnusson, Henri Roemer,
04 uefadirect 5.02 Viacheslav Koloskov, Gerhard Aigner, Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder, Michel Platini.
The other candidates in the
running were Franco Carraro (Italy),
Fuad Musayev (Azerbaijan), Michal
Listkiewicz (Poland), Hrygorii Surkis
Paroles de candidats
(Ukraine), Vlatko Markovic (Croatia),
Imre Bozóky (Hungary) and Pekka what the candidates had to say
Hämäläinen (Finland). Recalling that Stockholm had Issa Hayatou, President of
Turning to the FIFA Executive been the setting on 24 March 2001 for the African Football Confederation
Committee, the seat of Vice-Presi- an important day in the history of (CAF), and, like Joseph S. Blatter,
dent occupied by Lennart Johansson football, when agreements were signed a candidate for the FIFA presidency
was renewed automatically by virtue with the European Union on the subject at the Seoul Congress, expressed
of his re-election as UEFA President. of international transfers, FIFA President the belief that UEFA and CAF
Joseph S. Blatter went on to emphasise “often have the same objectives
That left a new Vice-President to be
the importance and quality of European and share the same methods.
elected to replace Antonio Matarrese football, stressing the solidarity that They have a sound and clear vision
(Italy), a seat won by Angel Maria it showed towards other continents, of the future of football. The
Villar Llona, who was elected in the helping them to develop their football. prospects for our game are extra-
second ballot with 21 votes, ahead “It would be crazy to try and relegate ordinary”. He finished by naming
of Michel D’Hooghe (Belgium) and the importance of European football”, the key values of his programme,
Viacheslav Koloskov. Franco Carraro he added, before concluding with a which are education, transparency,
call for unity, solidarity and democracy, modernity and democratic
withdrew his candidature before
to defend and safeguard football. management.
the start of the Congress and also
withdrew from the election for a
member’s seat. s o u n d f i n a n c e s
Angel Maria Villar Llona’s Having stressed the need, in his view, for the UEFA Congress to meet
move into a Vice-President’s chair annually, UEFA Treasurer Mathieu Sprengers commented on UEFA’s financial results
meant that there were two vacancies for the years 1999/2000 and 2000/01, pointing out that the success of EURO 2000
had made it possible to make 76 million Swiss francs available to the member
for members on the FIFA Executive
associations (whereas the budget had foreseen only CHF 60 million). This had
Committee. Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder allowed each association to receive CHF 300,000 in 2000 and CHF 325,000 in 2001.
(Germany) took the first after the These payments would normally have amounted to CHF 350,000 for 2002 and
first ballot, with 27 votes, and in the CHF 375,000 for 2003, but the good results in 2000/01 have made it possible to
second ballot, Michel Platini, with allocate an additional 20 million Swiss francs to the national associations, meaning
that each will receive CHF 500,000 this year and the same amount again next year.
20 votes, finished ahead of out-going
These amounts will however be reduced in the case of associations which do not
member Per Ravn Omdal (Norway) compete in the UEFA women’s and youth competitions.
and Joseph Mifsud (Malta). The treasurer also announced the creation of a new “Football Fund”, en-
The same afternoon, the dowed with capital of 75 million Swiss francs, from which all member associations
new UEFA Executive Committee held can apply for loans to develop and improve their infrastructure. Details of how
its constituent meeting, at which the fund works and is administered will be presented at the 2003 UEFA Congress.
Another initiative is the establishment of the UEFA Academy, which will
Senes Erzik, Per Ravn Omdal
be available to the associations from 2003/04, with a view to improving training
and Angel Maria Villar Llona were as well as advisory and consultancy services.
confirmed as vice-presidents and Complementing the treasurer’s report and his own, which was presented
Mathieu Sprengers (Netherlands) as to the Congress in the form of a publication, UEFA CEO Gerhard Aigner drew atten-
treasurer. Geoffrey Thompson tion to the tenth anniversary of the introduction of UEFA’s solidarity-based financial
policy, which consists in distributing part of the revenue from the elite competitions
(England) was appointed to the of-
(EURO and the UEFA Champions League) to a much wider circle than the partici-
fice of 4th Vice-President, replacing pating teams alone. In those ten years, 660 million Swiss francs have been paid out
Des Casey (Republic of Ireland), who to the national associations (290 million) to non-participating clubs (205 million)
has retired from the Committee. and to the leagues (165 million for the development of youth football).
Des Casey, The UEFA Order
who becomes of Merit in Diamond
a new has been bestowed
Honorary Member on Ernie Walker,
of UEFA. pictured here with
Gerhard Aigner and
UEFA President
Lennart Johansson.

honours and
a n e w h o n o r a r y




Des Casey joined the ranks ing, at both club and national team ball have already been recognised
of UEFA committee members in level (World Cup and UEFA Cup). through the creation of the Maurice
1986, making a significant contribu- Currently Vice-President of the Burlaz Trophy, which is awarded
tion to youth and grassroots German Football Association (DFB), every two years to the national asso-
football in particular. For 14 years, President of FC Bayern Munich and ciation that achieves the best results
he served on the Youth Committee, President of the 2006 World Cup in the UEFA youth competitions.
as a member from 1986 to 1994, Organising Committee, Franz ■ Alexander Chivadze,
as Vice-Chairman from 1994 Beckenbauer is today putting all his former player with Dynamo Tbilissi
to 1996 and as Chairman from 1996 experience and knowledge at the and the USSR national team, then
to 2000. During the same period service of football as a leader. coach of the Georgian national
from 1996 to 2000, he also chaired ■ Ernie Walker; former team. Since 1990, he has been Vice-
the Fun Football Committee, and, General Secretary of the Scottish FA, President of the Georgian Football
from 1994 to 1996, he was at the whose name is linked inextricably Federation and has made a
helm of the Fair Play Committee. with matters of safety and security tremendous contribution to the
After thanking all those in the stadium. As a member, then integration into UEFA of the football
whom he had rubbed shoulders Chairman, of the Stadia Committee associations that emerged from
with and worked with over the – or the Stadium and Security Com- the former USSR.
years, he said: “UEFA is not only mittee as it became in 2000 – he ■ Joseph Dagan, former
a family, but we work as a team to has been dedicating his wealth of sports journalist, then General
achieve the highest standards.” experience to the preparation of ma- Secretary of the Israel FA, Joseph
Another way of paying trib- jor UEFA events since 1986, as well Dagan has also served his associa-
ute to individuals who have made as to the construction and renova- tion as national coach and director
an outstanding contribution to Euro- tion of numerous stadiums through- of external relations. He was one
pean football is the UEFA Order out Europe. Ernie Walker used to of the kingpins of the Israel FA’s
of Merit. Instigated in 1998, it com- also be a member of the Committee admission to UEFA.
prises three categories: Diamond, for the UEFA Club Competitions ■ Valery Lobanovsky, for-
Ruby and Emerald. and of the Board of Appeal. mer top-division player in the USSR,
In Stockholm, the Order The Order of Merit in Ruby, who went on to pursue a career in
of Merit in Diamond was awarded to reserved for individuals who have coaching, first at club level then
two European football personalities: served football at top level in a club, with various national teams (USSR,
■ Franz Beckenbauer, association or confederation, was Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and
who, following an illustrious career awarded to: Ukraine). He was also a member of
as an international player, crowned ■ Maurice Burlaz, former the UEFA Committee for Technical
with successes in the World Cup, Vice-President of the French Football Development from 1988 to 1990.
European Championship and Cham- Federation and former Vice-Chair- ■ Johannes Malka who
pion Clubs’ Cup, went on to enjoy man of the UEFA Youth Committee. was forced to put an end to his
an equally fruitful career in coach- His efforts in favour of youth foot- playing career as a result of injury,

06 uefadirect 5.02
Franz Beckenbauer, Lennart Ken Ridden
who won so many Johansson receives his
accolades as a player and award from
at international Rinus the UEFA
level, has now been Michels. President.
honoured with the
UEFA Order of Merit.

Stockholm in recognition of their mark), Rinus Michels (Netherlands),
12 years of service to UEFA: Per Ravn Omdal (Norway), Lamberto
Pertti Alaja (Finland), Pedro Perugia (Italy), Karel Vertongen
m e m b e r Maria Auterneche Viñegra (Spain), (Belgium), Urs Vogel (Switzerland),
Harry Been (Netherlands), Levent Lars Arnesson (Sweden), Maria
and turned instead to refereeing. Bicakci (Turkey), Karen Espelund Teresa Andreu Grau (Spain), Eliane
As an international referee, he took (Norway), Enrique Gonzalez Ruano Cremona (Luxembourg) and Alexis
charge of matches at all levels, (Spain), Jim Stjerne Hansen (Den- Ponnet (Belgium).
before joining the Referees Commit-

circle of former
tee of the German FA (DFB). In
1978, he became a member of the
UEFA Referees Committee, on which
he remained until 1992, having UEFA committee members
served first as Vice-Chairman, then
With those who retire from (Norway), who join Patricia Gregory
as Chairman.
UEFA committees after long years of (England), the only female member of
■Rinus Michels, who service in mind, UEFA set up its alumni the alumni association until now.
coached the Dutch team that won association, to allow retirees to keep After 14 years of service on the
the European Championship in in touch with the UEFA football family, Women’s Football Committee, Patricia
1988 and the AFC Ajax side that notably on the occasion of congresses. Gregory retired from her UEFA role
won the Champion Clubs’ Cup To qualify for the association, in 1994, but remains active in football,
in 1971, has played a significant role a retiree must have served on UEFA com- taking the minutes of meetings of the
in raising the technical quality of mittees for at least 12 years. The reduc- West Midlands League (Birmingham).
coaching, by speaking at numerous tion in the number of committees and “It’s nice to meet up with peo-
courses and seminars. He is also in their membership entailed by the im- ple with whom you’ve worked for many
one of the pillars of the Technical plementation of the FORCE project has, years, to see UEFA people with whom
Development Committee, to which
however, prompted the Executive Com- you’ve enjoyed a good working relation-
he has belonged since 1990
mittee to adopt transitional measures ship again, be they committee mem-
and on which he currently serves
and to accept panel members appointed bers or other UEFA folk. The alumni
as Vice-Chairman.
in 2000 who, prior to that, had sat on association is something special.
■Ken Ridden, who spent committees for ten years. This transi- Thanks to it, you never lose touch. It’s
25 years as a referee in England, tional measure will also concern mem- a moral link”, furthered Antero da Silva
before becoming a professional bers who, in 2004, will have spent eight Resende, former member of the UEFA
referees instructor with The Football or ten years as members of committees Executive Committee,
Association. In 1992, he was ap- and four or two years as panel mem- who was also
pointed Director of Refereeing of bers. As from 2006, only retirees with in Stockholm as a
The FA and of the Premier League. 12 years of service on committees will member of the
Technical consultant at the 1998 be eligible for the alumni association. alumni associa-
World Cup and member of the Inter- At the congress in Stockholm, tion.
national F.A. Board from 1983 to tribute was paid to 16 loyal servants
2000, Ken Ridden joined the UEFA Patricia Gregory
of European football with 12 years of enjoys
Referees Committee in 1986 and involvement on UEFA committees to opportunities
to meet up
currently holds the office of Vice- their name. They include three women: with UEFA
Chairman. He has also contributed Eliane Cremona (Luxembourg), Maria again.
to refereeing by speaking at events Teresa Andreu Grau
throughout the world. (Spain) and

Sixteen committee or
■ Karen
panel members were honoured in Espelund
The Almaty
stadium is the
home of the
Kazakhstan national
team. On the far
right are the
headquarters of

the Football Union

of Kazakhstan,
also in Almaty.

Kazakhstan covers a surface

area of 2.7 million km2 and has a
population of 16.8 million. In 1997,
Astana replaced Almaty as
the capital. The people
speak Kazakh and Rus-
the fifty-second
member association
sian. There are three
tional connections, in
and 11 regular Europe-bound flights
to Frankfurt for example).
The national stadium is in By joining UEFA and its com- twice, home and away. The top six
Almaty, and two new stadiums have
been built in Astana and Atyrau.
petitions, Kazakhstan’s footballers are teams then take part in a final round
A “football city” is planned in Astana, not treading totally new ground since over two legs (home and away). The
which will provide a covered stadium, they used to take part in European six others take part in a tournament
playing fields, training installations competitions from 1954 to 1992, to determine who has to drop down
and facilities for other sports. under the colours of the USSR, then a division. Points obtained in the first
The President of the Football
Union of Kazakhstan is Rakhat
of the CIS. phase of the championship are carried
Aliyev, and its General Secretary is Following the break-up of the forward to the second phase. The club
Roman Kopytin. USSR and the independence of Kazakh- that finishes at the bottom of the table
The most successful clubs are stan, the Football Association of the is relegated and is replaced by the
Yelimai Semipalatinsk, who have won Republic of Kazakhstan was founded champions of the second or Higher
the league title three times and the
in 1992. In 1994, it joined FIFA and Division as it is known. The team that
cup once, Kairat Almaty (one champi-
onship and four cups), Irtysh Pavlodar became affiliated to the Asian Football finishes in eleventh position plays off
(two championships and one cup) and Confederation (AFC). In 2000, the against the Higher Division runners-up.
reigning champions Zhenis Astana association changed its name to the The Football Union of Kazakh-
(two championships and one cup). Football Union of Kazakhstan. stan also stages a domestic cup,
In view of the interest of the final of which takes place in the
PETROPAVLOVSK its players and supporters in the Euro- autumn, either in Astana or Almaty.
pean competitions, the better The Kazakhstan national team
prospects for the development of competed in the 2002 World Cup
its talents that it saw in qualifying competition in the Asian
Europe, combined with criteria region. Although they did not actually
of a geographical, climatic and lose a match (four wins and two
historical nature, the Football Union draws) in a group which also included
of Kazakhstan asked to leave the Iraq, Nepal and Macao, Kazakhstan
AFC to apply for UEFA membership. had to relinquish first place to Iraq,
The application to UEFA was duly who had a better goal difference.
submitted last year, and the UEFA In the past, several Kazakh
Executive Committee gave the green players wore the colours of the USSR
light in December 2001. national team, including Kairat (Al-
The Football Union of Kaza- maty) defender Seilda Balshakov, who,
Rakhat Aliyev, khstan has been running a domestic among other honours, played in the
President of the
Football Union
championship since 1992. This qualifying competition for the 1978
of Kazakhstan, year, the top division, comprising World Cup, Yevgeny Yarovenko, who
carrying the flag
of his association 12 teams, was named the Super won an Olympic champion’s medal in
at the Congress
in Stockholm.
League. The championship got 1988, Aleksander Kadeikin and Alek-
under way on 28 April and has sander Khapsalis, European Under-16

been played in two phases. The champions in 1976, and Oleg Dolma-
12 teams first play each other tov, European vice-champion in 1972.

08 uefadirect 5.02
t h e EURO 2008
s e v e n c a n d i d a t e s

Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia


The Ordinary UEFA Congress

gave the seven candidates to host EURO 2008
the opportunity to present themselves
to the delegates of the member associations.
In the exhibition hall of the Inter-
national Fairs Centre in Stockholm, the seven
Greece and Turkey

candidates used a variety of ways to convince


visitors of the quality of their bids.

The exhibition was a great success
with the Congress participants.
Austria and Switzerland
Scotland and the Republic of Ireland


Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden with

the support of Iceland and the Faroe Islands
Two goals
and a title for
van Hooijdonk.


Feyenoord triumph atfinal



Like their opponents, In addition to the advan- raised their chances by successfully
Borussia Dortmund, Feyenoord also tage of playing at their home converting a penalty themselves.
started their European campaign this ground, Feyenoord were particularly As a result, the remainder of the
season in the UEFA Champions fortunate to play two thirds second half was exciting,
League, before moving into the UEFA of the match against just ten non-stop and often tense.
Cup after the first group phase. men, after a German defender Feyenoord barely had time
Then, without losing a single match, was sent off for a foul which to savour their third goal
the Dutch side went on to eliminate resulted in the score being before the Germans pulled
SC Freiburg, Rangers FC, PSV Eind- opened with a kick from the one back, but down to ten
hoven and Internazionale FC. Borussia penalty mark. When they scored men and only a few days after hav-
Dortmund, meanwhile, dashed the a second goal from a brilliant free ing won the German championship,
hopes of FC Copenhagen, Lille OSC, kick by van Hooijdonk, who also they could not find the resources
Slovan Liberec and Milan AC. scored the first goal, Feyenoord to hold back Feyenoord and
could have brought interest in the prevent them from celebrating their
8 May 2002 in Rotterdam – De Kuip stadium
game to an end, but Borussia return to the international scene.
Feyenoord–BV Borussia Dortmund 3-2 (2-0)
Goals: van Hooijdonk (2) and Tomasson for
Feyenoord, Amoroso and Koller for Borussia.
Referee: Vitor Manuel Melo Pereira (Portugal)

010 uefadirect 5.02


15 May 2002 in Glasgow – Hampden Park
Bayer 04 Leverkusen – Real Madrid CF 1-2 (1-2)
Goals: Raúl and Zidane for Real Madrid,
Lucio for Bayer.
Referee: Urs Meier (Switzerland)

A fantastic way for Real Madrid

to celebrate their centenary.

a sLeague
u p e r b

p r e s e n t
Remembering 1960
At UEFA’s invitation, several
Clubs’ Cup final of 1960 between Real
Madrid and Eintracht Frankfurt (7-3)
were in Glasgow for this year’s UEFA
For its tenth anniversary, earlier dreams of a formidable Champions League final. For the losers
the UEFA Champions League treble of the domestic cup, domestic of that encounter, the memories of the
received a spectacular gift in championship and return visit to the scene of that final
were perhaps more intense than for the
the form of a classic goal by UEFA Champions League winners, for whom that particular final,
Zinedine Zidane on the stroke trophy totally dashed at the though special, was after all just one
of half-time – a goal that was end of the day. of many, all victorious. “We were amateur
players, recalled Eintracht Frankfurt’s
not only remarkable in its This tenth UEFA goalkeeper Egon Loy, and for the final
execution but also decisive, Champions League final, we exceptionally arrived in Glasgow four
days ahead of the match, whereas
since it clinched another European played in cool weather, and even in
normally we would have travelled only
cup for the Madrid side. the rain towards the end, got off the day before or two days in advance
In the second half, Bayer to a promising start for some at the most. The final in Glasgow was
the highlight of our career, but our best
Leverkusen only managed to find 50,000 spectators in the stadium, matches were in the semi-finals, when
the means to worry the well-organ- with two goals in the space of just we beat Rangers both in Frankfurt
ised defence of their opponents 15 minutes. After they had equalised, and Glasgow. For the final, we earned
a bonus of modest 3000 marks!”
when the 90 minutes were almost Bayer Leverkusen even dominated José Santamaria doesn’t remem-
up. Then, in the time added on, the game for a while, but it came ber what the winners’ bonus was but he
the German side mustered their to nothing. And it was when the does remember the mentality that drove
the team. “We followed the philosophy
remaining energy and created game became evenly matched again, of our president which was to always
enough chances to draw level with and more or less locked in the play attractive football and to do nothing
that could harm the image of football.”
their rivals. But those dying minutes middle of the field, that a sprint
The players from that memo-
of the game were ultimately as by Roberto Carlos and a perfect rable final who were present in Glasgow
frustrating as the close of Bayer centre to an unmarked Zidane were: Santamaria, Pachin, Canario,
Del Sol, Di Stéfano, Puskas, Gento, Ruiz,
Leverkusen’s domestic season, allowed the French player to put his Miché, Manuel Bueno and Pantaleon from
leaving them empty-handed, their mark conclusively on this final. the winning side, and Lutz, Bäumler,
Weilbächer, Stinka, Bechtold, Lindner, Stein,
Pfaff and Loy from the German line-up.
The DBU The phone
organised box test.
on inflatable
before each
Under-17 tie.


football is more than
just a game




In order to attract as many spectators as possible, the DBU set up various

activities for children to enjoy outside the 12 stadiums hosting the games.
Children could measure the speed and strength of their shot on a
machine, like the next Roberto Carlos, or test their technical

skills by juggling the ball inside a telephone booth,

imitating Rivaldo. By measuring their shot accuracy they
could shoot almost as well as David Beckham, or they could
play a football match on an inflatable pitch.
However, the children were not only challenged in
a practical way. The DBU had also considered the mental
aspect of football training by investing around DKK 1.6 m
in interactive on-line teaching material, which was made
available to all Danish schools.
Football was the main focus of the teaching
material, which consisted of different working tasks in
cross-disciplinary subjects, natural science and physical
education. Study plans and activity sheets were also part
of the material, along with a very thorough description
of the history of football. The children could also search for
football-related items in the football encyclopedia and
surf the official website of the Danish FA.
All the 16 countries which participated in
the tournament were presented in a way that pro-
vided the children with comprehensive knowledge
of the different cultures and their mentalities. The
Gocha Khojava (8) children also got the chance to play at sports journal-
helped his
team to a 1-1
ists by writing articles and making match reports after
draw against watching the different games in the tournament.
Germany’s Saher
Senesie in their All of these activities were implemented in order
first match.
to make children become acquainted with football in a
different and more educational way than by
merely watching it in front of the television.

Anders Lunde / DBU

012 uefadirect 5.02

The The top scorers:
Swiss. 1. Jonathan Soriano (Spain) – 7 goals
2. Morten Rasmussen (Denmark) – 6 goals
3. Denis Calincov (Moldova) – 5 goals


Collins John (Netherlands) – 5 goals
Wayne Rooney (England) – 5 goals

Switzerland lift their first

European trophy


Between 27 April and 10 May, dramatic comeback from a 2-0 score.

Europe’s leading youth teams gathered However, Denmark won a well-deserved Three questions
at 12 different venues on Lolland-Falster, Fair Play trophy, which is awarded by to Markus Frei,
Sealand and around Copenhagen UEFA to encourage youngsters to behave coach of the Swiss
in Denmark for the final stage of the in a sportsmanlike manner. Under-17 team
competition. With an average of more than
In a tournament well covered by four goals per game, the tournament What is so
the Danish and the international media, saw many other highlights. The qualifica- special about being
the Swiss team won their first trophy ever tion of Georgia and Switzerland for the a youth coach?
in a UEFA competition. Switzerland be- quarter-finals was unexpected, while the MF: It’s a tremendous pleasure
came the tenth nation to add its name to elimination of the favoured Portugal also to be able to help the players along in
the list of titleholders in the history of the came as a surprise, with the Portuguese their development. As Under-17 coach,
tournament. The players of Swiss coach not getting beyond the group stage, you get the players at a stage of their
Markus Frei made it to the title with a after losing to the two subsequent final- career where you can really make a posi-
well-organised team on the field of play ists, Switzerland and France. tive impact on their future, and at this
and a very solid defence, allowing their Goalless until the end of extra level, the work is more appreciated than
opponents only two goals in six games. time, the final went into a penalty shoot- the results you achieve. I have two years
The opening game, which pitted out, which was won by Switzerland 4-2. to help them as much as I can, but
Denmark against the Netherlands, set the The Swiss also won the group match during these two years, I can work at the
tone for a fantastic championship with a between the two teams. Third place pace that I find best, and in the end,
4-4 draw. To the delight of the enthusias- went to England, who beat Spain 4-1 progress is what counts – not what we
tic local crowd, the Danes equalised in in the match for third place. achieve on the scoreboard.
the 83rd minute from a free-kick. Later in Portugal will host the final What sort of feeling does
the tournament, the host team could not round of the 2003 European Under-17 a youth coach get from seeing his
come up with any more surprises, and Championship, which will feature eight players perform so well? It’s a reward
they were eliminated in the quarter-finals teams, to bring it into line with the for all the hard work, isn’t it?
by Spain in a penalty shoot-out after a European Under-19 Championship.
MF: Well, I have to say that the
final ten minutes that we played against
England was one of the biggest mo-
ments of my career. It was simply unbe-
lievable. We were leading 3-0 in the
semi-final against a great nation like
Philippe England, and we were playing the ball
holds around exactly as we pleased without
up the them being able to do anything about it.
first That was fantastic.
champi- At Under-17 level, are tactics given
onship special priority or is coaching still
that very much linked to the joy of playing?
Switzerland MF: That’s always the big question.
have Creativity is important in football, but
ever won.
you can’t just have the players running
around in defence like headless chick-
ens. The players need certain principles
and boundaries that they can work
within, so that they know by instinct
that they have to run towards the near

post in a certain situation. The players

need to have that discipline, because
otherwise your game loses structure.
Viola Odebrecht
was judged
to be the player
of the match
in the final.

Women’s Under-19
success for Germany

The teams all had an added In Group B, England re-wrote

incentive, as the tournament kicked off the history books with their first ever
with the four teams reaching the defeat of Norway at this level, running
semi-finals assured of a place in the out 3-1 victors to start their campaign
FIFA Women’s Under-19 in fine form. Denmark were
Championship in Canada in the other team in the group to
August this year. win their opening game, with
The competition got a 3-0 victory over a young
off to a thrilling start at the Switzerland. The game saw an
Olympia Stadium in Helsing- outstanding performance be-
borg, with Germany coming tween the posts by Denmark’s
from behind to beat France Susanne Graversen Boel.
3-2. The high-scoring game With the top two teams
featured goals from the two eventual in each group qualifying for the
tournament top scorers. France’s semi-finals, the open nature of both
England Claire Morel scored two first-half goals, groups ensured a nail-biting end to
after half her tally for the tournament, the final group games. With Germany
qualifying while Barbara Müller responded for already qualified from Group A ahead
for the
semi-finals. Germany with a hat-trick which of the last group game, Sweden,
proved crucial to the outcome of the France and Spain still had the chance
game. of qualifying in second place.
The other game in Group A However it wasn’t to be the hosts’
was a more tense affair, with Spain day, and their hopes of qualification
clinching a late injury time winner were ended with a 1-0 defeat to
against hosts Sweden to disappoint Germany. The second place spot
the crowd of more than 2,000 and and ticket to Canada went to France,
seal a surprise victory. with a 2-1 victory over Spain.
In Group B, England had to
endure a few nervous minutes at the
end of their 4-3 defeat to Switzerland.
After certainly the most entertaining
game of the tournament, both teams
had to await news from Ängelholm,
where Denmark were playing the
closing stages of their game against
Norway. There were joyous scenes
from the English delegation as news
of Norway’s defeat filtered through
to Kävlinge. England progressed
to the semi-final stage courtesy of
a superior goal difference. In the
semi-finals Germany continued their

unbeaten run defeating England 1-0.

France reached the final courtesy
of another fine goal from Claire Morel
as they defeated Denmark 1-0.

The triumphant German team celebrate

014 uefadirect 5.02

their third successivechampionship victory,
which means that they can keep the trophy.
A brand-new vehicle “Progress” Ray Kiddell
for the Lesotho course in and

Football Association. Côte d’Ivoire. Issa Hayatou.


Meridian Project
c o u r s e i n C ô te d ’ I v o i r e
Project which partners England with
Botswana, Malawi and Lesotho. The
Mountain Kingdom was the venue
for the second workshop delivered
Meridian Project Manager, Mohamed
Taa, the delegation’s three-day visit
In this way, a Progress course the first port of call, where senior offi- also included the hand-over of a new
was organised in Abidjan in early April cials from 44 of the 52 African team bus for UEFA and an inspection
for officials from the Côte d’Ivoire Foot- national associations attended the work- of their new headquarters, where
ball Association. Progress courses have shop in Johannesburg. The F.A. will sponsor the library and
proved their worth within the frame- This workshop was the first conference rooms, expected to be
work of assistance to Eastern Europe of four to take place as part of a pro- operational in July.
(East European Assistance Bureau), gramme of F.A.-CAF co-operation Geoff Thompson, Chairman
by, among other things, providing agreed by our Chairman, Geoff Thomp- of The F.A. and a Vice-President of
training in the areas of administration, son, and CAF President Issa Hayatou. UEFA, described The F.A.’s commit-
coaching and financial management. Whilst the programme ment to African football development
In Abidjan, some 30 partici- of co-operation was described by as “an important and exciting part of
pants from the Côte d’Ivoire FA fol- The F.A.’s Head of Delegation, Mr Ray The F.A.’s International Development
lowed a three-day course run by mem- Kiddell, as “a great honour”, it was Programme”. He said: “We value the
bers of the UEFA Administration’s commended by Mr Hayatou as “a close relationships we enjoy with
Assistance Programmes unit. Given unique invitation”. He said, “The F.A. each of our partners through the
that the Côte d’Ivoire government has is setting a magnificent example by UEFA-CAF Meridian Project. It is with-
made training one of the key aspects of extending the hand of friendship to out doubt a rewarding experience for
its sports development policy, the an entire confederation in this way”. The F.A., providing a valuable oppor-
course concentrated on reinforcing the The F.A.’s commitment to tunity for us as an organisation to
training of human resources within the Africa is similarly reflected in its ongo- learn as well as to share our own
association, as well as on the profes- ing support of the UEFA-CAF Meridian experiences and areas of expertise.”
sional administration of a football body.
The Football Association ran a workshop
on “Planning for Effective Football Development
A British experience Administration” in Lesotho in April.

Alongside UEFA’s direct aid,

co-operation continues between
national associations from both conti-
nents, Africa and Europe, as reports
Jane Bateman, Head of International
Relations at The Football Association
in England:
A delegation from The Football
Association visited southern Africa in
April to run two workshops entitled

“Planning for Effective Football Develop-

ment Administration”. South Africa was
Red cards The Welsh
are the most delegation
frequent sign the
cause Convention…
of disciplinary

UEFA activities
meetings and other events



It also heard a progress pean Women’s Under-19 Champi-

report on preparations for EURO 2004, onship, the 2002/03 European
for which contracts have been signed Under-19 Championship, the 2002/03
with the three two official sponsors, European Under-17 Championship,
Carlsberg, McDonald’s and Coca-Cola. and the 2002/03 UEFA Regions Cup.
Among the other business Turning its attention to
dealt with, the Committee agreed on anti-doping measures, the Commit-
the creation of a UEFA Club Forum tee decided to put the question
intended to strengthen co-operation of blood tests to the UEFA Medical
and dialogue with the clubs taking part Committee and to recommend
in the UEFA competitions, and ap- such tests, as well as to increase
proved general terms and conditions the number of doping tests. On the
for referees, assistant referees and same subject, it amended the
fourth officials appointed for UEFA related sanctions provided for in the
matches. These terms and conditions UEFA Disciplinary Regulations to
come into force with the new season bring them into line with the sanc-
(2002/03) and will be distributed tions imposed by FIFA. From now
to all concerned. They embrace all the on, a player will therefore incur
current practices, which have never a suspension of a minimum of six
been assembled in an official months for a first doping offence,
document until now. of a minimum of 12 months for
On the subject a second offence, and for an indefi-
of artificial turf, the Com- nite period (but in excess of
mittee approved a draft 12 months in any case) for a subse-
General terms
manual providing all the quent offence.
and conditions for necessary technical speci- In accordance with the
UEFA match referees
are being laid fications, recommendations FIFA Statutes, two members of the
down in a official
document. and instructions for fitting an artificial Arbitration Tribunal for Football
playing surface in conformity with the (TAF) were appointed, namely Jean-
norms set by UEFA. The printed manual Pierre Karaquillo (France) and Léon
and a CD-ROM are scheduled to be Straessle (Switzerland). In addition,
published next summer. Executive Committee member

A number of sets of competi- Giangiorgio Spiess (Switzerland) was

tion regulations were also put before appointed as UEFA’s representative
the Committee, which duly approved for the International Chamber
the regulations for the 2002/03 Euro- for Football Arbitration (CIAF).

016 uefadirect 5.02

... followed ... and Finland.
by Bulgaria….

Over four million Swiss Although the overall Coaches’

francs for charity amount of fines may have increased, Convention
the number of disciplinary cases
For the 2000/01 season, In Stockholm, the day before
brought before UEFA’s disciplinary
the fines imposed in the the UEFA Congress, representatives
bodies has, however, dropped, de-
UEFA competitions amounted of the football associations of
spite a sharp increase in the number
to almost 4.1 million Swiss Bulgaria, Finland and Wales ratified
of matches. In the 2000/01 season,
francs, a sum that UEFA has the UEFA Convention on the
599 cases were opened for a total
contributed to its support Mutual Recognition of Coaching
of 1,488 matches, which is 48 fewer
to charity work. Qualifications at Pro level.
cases (8% less) than in the previous
The amount collected in season. In contrast, the number of “Twenty-seven national asso-
fines for the 2000/01 season is appeals rose to 37, which is 15 more ciations have been admitted to the
some CHF 175,000 higher than for (a 68% increase) than in the previous Convention now”, highlighted UEFA
the previous season. More than half season. Technical Director Andy Roxburgh,
of the fines were imposed for im- Red cards constituted the “including 16 as full members. That
proper conduct by a team (52%), most frequent reason for disciplinary means that some 150,000 coaches
the other main reason being the cases (41%), followed by improper throughout Europe have a UEFA-en-
non-respect of instructions regard- conduct by a team (32%) and inade- dorsed coaching licence. What’s more,
ing safety and security in the stadium quate order and discipline in the the applications of another 12 asso-
and its immediate vicinity (34%). stadium (18%). ciations are under consideration.“


UEFA President
Lennart Johansson
with representatives
of the associations
newly admitted
to the Convention.
UEFA President
Lennart Johansson
shakes hands
with his
European Football
Pool counterpart,

Friedrich Stickler.

Club licensing Feedback from the associa- for us will be to convince the clubs.
workshops tions has been largely favourable. They will participate of course, but
Eduard Dervishi, project leader in the it is clear that this will take a lot of
Following its approval
Spanish Football Federation, which effort. But, despite some difficulties,
by the Executive Committee in
has been one of the pilot associa- we clearly realise that football
March, the UEFA Club Licensing
System Manual was presented tions for the UEFA project, said: should benefit from such a system”.
to all UEFA member associations “Judging from my experience, it is a
in Nyon on 19 April. very good project. It is very complex
indeed, but equally helpful, even UEFA Intertoto Cup
This general presentation
for Spain. We are considered a big On 9 April, at UEFA’s
was followed by workshops for which
football country, but it will help us headquarters in Nyon, Jean
the national associations were
divided into three groups. The pro- improve ourselves further”. Fournet-Fayard, Chairman of the
gramme of each two-and-a-half day Eduard Dervishi is also con- Club Competitions Committee,
seminar was the same. All the work- vinced that the project will go down assisted by Thomas Büchler
shops took place in Zurich between well with the clubs: “We haven’t from the European Football Pool,
29 April and 8 May. presented it officially yet, but we’ve made the draw for the first three
The main aims of these had a good response from the rounds of this year’s UEFA Inter-
workshops, to which each association professional league and we won’t toto Cup. Forty-five national
was invited to send its experts, have any problems”. associations have entered the
including a financial expert, were to Smaller football nations, 2002 competition and have until
convince the participants of the like Georgia, have also applauded the 24 May to announce the name’s
advantages of the club licensing system. Valery Cholaria, secretary- of their participating clubs.
system, to explain the details and general of the Georgian Football Fed- The competition gets under
logic of each aspect of the manual, eration, told uefa.com: “This initiative way on 22 and 23 June (first legs),
to learn how to use a range of project comes at the right time. It should when 40 clubs will be on the start-
planning tools, and to provide infor- help Georgian football to get up to ing grid in the first round (see com-
mation on the support available. European standard. The hardest task plete schedule below).
Ultimately, three clubs will
qualify for the first round of next
season’s UEFA Cup.
On 24 April, in Stockholm,
UEFA signed a contract with the
European Football Pool for the 2002
UEFA Intertoto
Cup, which
is the eighth
such event.

First round 22/23.6 and 29/30.6.2002
Second round 6/7.7 and 13/14.7

Third round 20/21.7 and 27.7

Semi finals 31.7 and 7.8
Finals 13.8 and 27.8

Jean Fournet-Fayard with Thomas Büchler (left)

018 uefadirect 5.02

and Michele Centenaro, Senior Product Manager
Club Competitions.
The FA The Olympic Agropetrol
of Andorra stadium in Berlin and Kaskada
places will be the venue before the
great for the final. Bosnia &
importance Herzegovina

on the Futsal
youth Cup Final.

from member associations news national team. Coach of NK Zagreb is
Zlatko Kranjcar, former international player
(with Dynamo Zagreb and Rapid Vienna).
He has also coached several Croatian and
Austrian clubs.
This past championship was the
ANDORRA Once the Football Association of the last to involve 16 clubs. As from next season,
Among the vast efforts being Republic of Srpska has joined the state federa- the Croatian national division will consist of
undertaken by the FA of An- tion, delegates will be called upon to decide 12 clubs (in the final part of the champion-
dorra (FAF) to boost the prac- about the competition system for the forth- ship, play-offs will be contested to determine
tice of football in the country, activities in coming two-year period. A three-member who wins and who gets relegated). It is hoped
the training sector deserve being singled out. presidency will also have to be elected, as well that such a system of competition will raise
With a view to taking care of the as all the other committees necessary for the the quality of football and that it will stop
future of football in our country, the FAF or- functioning of FF BH. young talents from leaving for foreign clubs.
ganised various camps for young players last While the negotiations have been un- NK Dynamo Zagreb, a Croatian
year, an exercise that it will be repeating this der way to unite football off the field through- football institution, have won the Croatian
year. During the summer holidays, a second out the territory of BH, the players (male and Cup. Over the two legs of the final,
football and English camp will give children female) have already ensured such unity on NK Dynamo did better then their opponents,
the chance to play football and improve their the field, with the final stages in all categories NK Varteks from Varazdin. The first match,
skills thanks to the participation of coaches of this season’s BH Cup involving clubs from played in Zagreb, finished in a 1-1 draw,
and top international players, and, at the the Republic of Srpska. while in the second match, in Varazdin,
same time, they will also be given English les- FC “Leotar” Trebinje qualified for the NK Dynamo defeated NK Varteks 1-0.
sons by teachers of English mother tongue. semi-finals, as did FC “Borac” Banja Luka in The Croatian national team is now
Also worthy of mention is the the women’s sector, whilst Futsal club getting ready for the World Cup finals. Final
3rd Educational Football Tournament in May, “Agropetrol” Brcko District were defeated by preparations have taken place in Austria,
which has some exceptional names on the Futsal club “Kaskada“ Gracanica in the finals, at Faak am See. The team left for Japan on
list of participants, notably FC Barcelona, with “Kaskada” subsequently taking part in 19 May and prior to the competition will stay
RCD Espanyol, Athletic de Bilbao, Valencia CF the 1st UEFA Futsal Cup in Portugal. at their base camp in the city of Tokamachi.
and FC Utrecht. All teams from the Republic of Adolf Kozul
And last but not least, we are Srpska took part in the above-mentioned com-
pleased to announce the creation of a na- petitions without waiting for its association GERMANY
tional B team, which will enable all young to join the FF BH, while a final decision con- Gerd Müller has received
players with a promising future to take part in cerning the appointment of national-team another World Cup honour.
international matches and prepare them- coaches, except for that of head coach, has In Frankfurt am Main, at the
selves for the senior national team. been postponed until the forthcoming assem- headquarters of the German Football
Miquel Angel Quiñones bly, to enable coaches from the Republic of Association (DFB), the World Cup record
Srpska to join the technical staff. goalscorer was the surprise guest at the
BOSNIA AND Fuad Krvavac ceremony to announce the venues for the
HERZEGOVINA 2006 World Cup in Germany.
In May this year, the Football CROATIA At the event on 15 April, the 1974
Federation of Bosnia and There are new things happen- world champion pressed the button that
Herzegovina celebrates the tenth anniversary ing in Croatia. For the first time started a short video presenting each venue.
of its foundation. It was on 17 May 1992, since Croatia became independ- The 12 venues selected by FIFA and the
to be precise, when the FF BH was founded, ent, the domestic champion- Germany 2006 Organising Committee are
after the State had gained independence. ship has not been won by NK Dinamo Zagreb Berlin, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen,
In that time, the federation has done a lot or NK Hajduk Split, but by NK Zagreb, a club Hamburg, Hanover, Kaiserslautern, Cologne,
towards uniting football in BH. It has been that dominated the championship all the way Leipzig, Munich, Nuremberg and Stuttgart.
extremely hard, but, at the end of the day, through, from the first to the last round. The international media centre will be
football, as a game, will win. Indeed, on NK Zagreb is one of the oldest Croa- located in Munich.
23 May, an Extraordinary Assembly of tian clubs, founded in 1903. One of the new FIFA regulations do not permit
FF BH will be held, at which the Football Croatian football stars plays for NK Zagreb. more venues, but the unsuccessful candi-
Association of Republic of Srpska will pro- He is Ivica Olic, leading scorer in the cham- dates of Bremen, Mönchengladbach and
bably join the state federation. Invitations pionship (20 goals scored). Several players in Düsseldorf will still be involved in World Cup
have been extended to 40 delegates who other national teams also play for the club: activities. “We would like to play inter-
will represent the ten cantonal associations Duro, Sabic and Simic from the national team national matches in those stadiums”,
of FF BH and to 20 delegates who will of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Stavrevski announced Horst R. Schmidt, Vice-Chairman
represent the five regional associations from FYR Macedonia. Goalkeeper Vladimir of the Organising Committee.
of the Republic of Srpska. Vasilj is one of the goalkeepers of the Croatian Gerd Graus
Halldor The FLF
B. Jónsson, centre in
Vice-President Mondercange.
of the
Icelandic FA,
and the Mayor
of Reykjavik

the Egilshöll.


ICELAND the necessary audio-visual and tech- Manager Ludovico Micallef, a Malta FA
Playing football in perfect nical aids. Vice-President, is an architect by
conditions during the In mid-August, or thereabouts, profession.
wintertime is no longer a the other departments of the adminis- In a friendly international
distant dream in Iceland, as the number tration, as well as the entire technical match played at the Ta’ Qali national
of indoor football arenas is growing sector of the association, will move to stadium on 17 April, Malta beat visiting
steadily. Until last April there was only Mondercange, which is ten kilometres Azerbaijan by a goal scored by young
one indoor arena, in Keflavík, but from the city of Luxembourg. The asso- striker Michael Mifsud, who plays for
now one has gone up in Reykjavík, and ciation’s national training centre, which Kaiserslautern in the German Bundes-
another will be opened in Akureyri disposes of three natural fields and an liga. This was the sixth consecutive pos-
next winter. artificial field, will accommodate all the itive result for the senior national team
The one in Reykjavík, Egilshöll national teams. Apart from four very since beating Canada last November.
Arena, is one of the largest of its kind spacious dressing-rooms, the new cen- Coached by former German World Cup
in Europe, equipped with a full-size tre boasts a sauna, rooms for doctors star Sigi Held, Malta also won
pitch, third generation artificial turf, and and masseurs, a gym, a small fitness the eleventh edition of the prestigious
a seating capacity of 2,000. studio, a Jacuzzi, laundry, kitchen and Rothmans International Football Tourna-
Instead of facing the possibility dining room, function rooms and nu- ment in February.
of wind, rain or snow (or all of these merous multi-purpose meeting rooms Thanks to a brace of goals by
factors) during the final stages of the and offices. their leading striker Adrian Mifsud in
winter competitions, an increasing num- Despite the ten kilometres their penultimate match against rivals
ber of matches can now be played in separating the two new premises of the Floriana, Hibernians took the three
perfect conditions on a perfect pitch. association, the latest technical means points they needed to clinch the Roth-
Ómar Smárason ensure that the whole administration mans Premier League Championship for
of the association will be networked in 2001/02. The winning of this champi-
LUXEMBOURG future through a leased line. onship, which came in the year when
Since the beginning of Thanks to all these improve- Hibernians FC are commemorating the
May, the Luxembourg FA ments, and by adding to its staff, the eightieth anniversary of their founda-
has a new home, in the Luxembourg FA will soon dispose of all tion, was celebrated by thousands of
Gasperich district of the city. The new, the necessary means to work efficiently fans, who thronged the streets leading
functional offices of the association and in the spirit of Luxembourg foot- to Paola in the Cottonera district. This
house not only the secretariat but also ball. was Hibernians FC’s ninth league title
the national match operations depart- Joël Wolff in the club’s chequered history and
ment, and are of course equipped with assured them of a place in the prelimi-
MALTA nary round of next season’s UEFA
Anton Parera “The new Millenium Stand Champions League.
(left, FC Barcelona) at the Ta’ Qali national Louis Micallef
and Gerardo González,
General Secretary stadium is nearing comple-
of the Spanish Football tion and will soon be officially inaugu- NORWAY
Federation, with UEFA
CEO Gerhard Aigner.
rated”. This was the announcement UEFA President Lennart
made by the Malta FA’s President and Johansson has praised
member of the UEFA Executive seven Norwegian clubs for
Committee, Dr Joseph Mifsud, during their work against racism. The clubs,
a press conference which was followed Vålerenga, Brummunddal, Bækkelaget,
by an on-site visit for the local media Drafn, Grei, Holmlia and Vard/Hau-
and the association’s Council members. gesund were honoured at a lunch in
This new state-of-the art stand, which Oslo on 17 April.
replaces the old East Stand, will seat The lunch was a part of the
5,200 and incorporate 22 executive centenary celebrations of the Norwegian
boxes, a half-Olympic-size pool, two Football Association. Among the guests
gymnasia, two squash courts, and other were FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter,
facilities for a football museum, confer- members of the FIFA Executive Commit-
ences, exhibitions, retail outlets and a tee, members of the UEFA Executive
spacious underground car-park. This Committee and representatives from
multi-million project has been made several European football associations.
possible thanks to a loan from the In his speech to the 350
association’s bankers, HSBC, a soft loan guests, Mr Johansson thanked the clubs
from UEFA and financial assistance for their work against racism: “Norway

from the FIFA Goal Programme. Project is leading the way when it comes to

020 uefadirect 5.02

Lennart Work is FC Torpedo,
Johansson in progress winners
congratu- to provide of the
lates the the first two
Norwegian Romanian FA rounds.

clubs. with new

fighting everyday racism and integrating over 50 and all played or officiated the Slovenian coat-of-arms. The end
foreigners into football clubs, and these for top-division teams in the Russian or result? New national team jerseys from
seven clubs serve as an example of USSR domestic championships. our official supplier, Uhlsport, sporting
the efforts against racism in Norway”, The tournament is being staged a “three-peaked line” on the chest, as
the UEFA President said. in Moscow from January to December christened in our friendly match against
Roger Solheim in 12 legs. Croatia on 27 March.
During each leg (month), the Aiming to expand support for
ROMANIA first three teams in the rankings and the our team from the fans, the Football
A long-held dream of best players are awarded with small Association of Slovenia has opened an
Romanian football will final- prizes. Players born in the month of the official merchandising shop called the
ly become a reality this leg receive gifts. Trigi Shop in Ljubljana, which offers a
summer, when new headquarters for The winners, runners-up and whole range of official licensed prod-
the association are completed. The third-placed team will be awarded with ucts, including – in the first place – the
building is situated behind the national commemorative prizes, and the players national team jersey. For those who are
stadium, in the biggest sports park in of those teams with commemorative more comfortable buying via the Inter-
Bucharest and the whole country, which medals and diplomas. The best goal- net, and especially for our fans abroad,
bears the name of the former Olympic keeper and the best player of the tourna- the NZS has created a special website,
champion and president of the ment will receive special prizes. www.trigi.si, where all products are
Romanian Olympic Committee, Lia The refereeing of the tourna- easy accessible with a secure payment
Manoliu. The “House of Football”, as it ment is being carried out by women guarantee.
will be known, occupies approximately referees from the FIFA list. Most of the organisational
2,900 square metres and comprises Four legs have already been and logistical work has been completed,
four floors, which house 50 offices, staged. The winners of the first and so the rest is now up to the ‘boys’
a 350-capacity conference room, second legs were FC Torpedo, the third of our national team, who will show –
a room for meetings of the executive leg was won by the Arbitr team, and the borrowing the words of our coach
committee and a 70-capacity press fourth by FC Dynamo. The next (fifth) Srecko Katanec – what they are made of
conference room. leg takes place on 11 May. in the World Cup Korea/Japan 2002!
Although the new headquarters The Veterans Committee of the Irena Ilesic
will only be fully operational towards the Football Union of Russia would like to
end of June or beginning of July, the propose setting up a UEFA Veterans
conference room has already been used Committee and organising international SPAIN
to hold the general assembly of the competitions for football veterans of dif- After the resounding
Romanian FA on 13 May. The assembly ferent ages. success of the first “Planet
was called upon to decide on the new Alexei Paramonov Futbol” international fair,
competition system for 2003/04, details held at the Fira in Barcelona in May, the
of which will be provided in the next SLOVENIA second such event is already in the
issue of uefadirect. Life at the Football pipeline and is scheduled to take place
Dan Cristea Association of in Madrid from 8 to 16 March 2003.
Slovenia (NZS) has The Barcelona experience
RUSSIA been very hectic since its senior national received tremendous public support,
The Veterans Committee of team qualified for the World Cup finals with some 400,000 visitors during the
the Football Union of Russia for the first time in the history of nine days of the exhibition, at which
(Chairman – Alexei Paramo- Slovenian football. Our relatively small 220 commercial brands were repre-
nov, Olympic Champion organisation, with only 14 employees, sented over a surface area of 40,000
of 1956) is organising the 1st Veterans has been involved in its largest project square metres.
“Ever-Shining Stars” Tournament for ever. Luckily, we gained some experi- The fair also received wide
players over 50. ence two years ago, when we partici- media coverage, both in the written and
The tournament is being or- pated in the EURO 2000 final round. audio-visual press. Over 1,000 journal-
ganised with the purpose of promoting One of our new projects has ists were accredited.
sport and a healthy way of life and been official merchandising and, accord- In view of its success, the
of encouraging activities for football ingly, we have tried to do our best to organisers of Planet Futbol (the organis-
veterans. ‘remodel’ our team jerseys to be more ing committee comprises the Spanish
Veterans’ teams from Spartak Slovenian, by incorporating a Slovenian Football Federation and the Spanish
Moscow, Dynamo Moscow, Lokomotiv (state) insignia. We came up with the Professional Football League) have
Moscow and Torpedo Moscow, as well idea of using the symbol of our highest decided that it should be an annual
as the Moscow Veterans team and Arbitr mountain, the Triglav, which means event. Madrid will be the venue for exhi-
(referee veterans team) are taking part “three heads” in the Slovenian language, bitions in “odd” years, while Barcelona
in this competition. All the players are because of its shape. It is also part of will host the fair in “even” years.
Miran Pavlin The signing
sports of the
Slovenia’s agreement
new strip. between
Yugoslav FA

Already in advance of EXPO 02 The Wales women’s team were
– during the so-called Qualification also in action when they entertained
Games – the SFV was represented with Scotland at Merthyr Tydfil on 19 May in
success, in Tenero, Bern, Lausanne a FIFA Women’s World Cup qualifying
and Greifensee. By taking precision match.
shots at goal, everyone – young or old, And last but not least, not to
women or men – had the chance to forget the match officials, the Football
qualify for the final in Yverdon in mid- Association of Wales have recently
May. Prominent internationals such as appointed former FIFA referee Rodger
Kubilay Türkyilmaz and Alex Frei, as well Gifford as National Referees Officer.
as football legends Erich Burgener and John Deakin

Jakob Kuhn, were kept busy signing

autographs, and visitors also showed YUGOSLAVIA
UEFA was strongly represented great interest in an information stand On 5 April 2002 in
at this year’s Planet Futbol. Meetings about the joint Austro-Swiss bid to host Belgrade, a sponsorship
of its Professional Football Committee EURO 2008. contract was signed
and Control & Disciplinary Body took The closing highlight in Yver- between famous Italian
place in Barcelona at the same time, don will be the precision shooting finals, sports equipment company
as did the 12th UEFA Coach Educators a woman’s tournament and a mixed “Lotto” and the Yugoslav Football
Course. tournament involving teams each com- Association.
The International Professional posed of two veterans, two active play- The contract, signed by YFA President
Football Congress held within the ers, two under-19s, two under-16s, two Dragan Stojkovic and “Lotto” Vice-
framework of Planet Futbol was opened senior women and two women under-19s. President Edoardo Artaldi, states that
by UEFA CEO Gerhard Aigner. On 14 July, in Yverdon, there is “Lotto” will be the technical sponsor
Jorge Pérez Arias a real treat in store for football fans, of all Yugoslav national teams for the
when a Swiss team plays a world selec- next six years and that it will supply
SWEDEN tion. Prominent names from Europe, them with sports equipment, acces-
Former striker Mats the rest of the world and Switzerland will sories and leisurewear. In addition, all
Aronsson is a new member be on show. selections – except the senior national
of the board of the Swedish Pierre Benoit team – will be kitted out with
Football Association. Aronsson, now 51 “Lotto Stadio Elite” football boots.
year, had a player career with Landskrona WALES At the contract signing cere-
Bois and Djurgårdens IF. He is chairman The main event for the mony, YFA President Dragan Stojkovic
of Stockholm’s Football Association. Football Association expressed great pleasure at the fact that
Lars-Åke Lagrell was elected of Wales during the month Yugoslav national team players will wear
chairman for another year (his twelfth of May was the visit of equipment of high quality, top design
year!). The other members of the board Germany to the Millennium Stadium in and bearing a well-known mark. In addi-
are Björn Ahlberg, Börje Sandgren, Cardiff for a friendly senior international tion, YFA has obtained the exclusive
Susanne Erlandsson, Gillis Persson, on 14 May, which attracted an atten- right to open specialised “Lotto” shops
Sune Hellströmer (General Secretary) dance in excess of 36,000 spectators. in Belgrade, as well as to be involved
and Bengt Madsen (Vice-President). During the same week, the Wales in the distribution of “Lotto” equipment,
Jonas Nystedt semi-professional squad participated in which will certainly represent a signifi-
a four-nation tournament in England, cant source of income. The contract
SWITZERLAND which also involved teams from Scotland links two reliable and well-known
The Swiss FA (SFV) and the Republic of Ireland. partners: “Lotto” as one of the leading
is heavily involved in the The domestic season ended on sports equipment companies in
national exhibition, 5 May, with Barry Town FC and Bangor the world on the one hand, and the
“EXPO 02”, that has just opened in City FC, who are champions and third Yugoslav Football Association, on
Switzerland (Bienne, Morat, Neuchâtel in the league respectively, contesting the other.
and Yverdon). the Welsh Cup Final, where the guest Both partners acknowledge
The SFV’s aim is to show foot- of honour was former Juventus favourite that the contract entails co-operation
ball in all its facets and to make it acces- and 38 times capped John Charles. between two successful undertakings
sible to more people. Within the frame- Cardiff City FC, who play in the who want to get even better and, in
work of EXPO 02, people who would English Nationwide League Division 2, this respect, there is the possibility
normally prefer to go to the opera are currently contesting the play-offsand of extending the present contract at the
or cinema will be encouraged to also will be hopeful of progressing to the final end of its first six-year term.
appreciate football. match at the Millennium Stadium Cardiff. Nebojsa Ivkovic

022 uefadirect 5.02

birthdays – calendar
New publication

Birthdays Forthcoming events FC Metz

Un Club, une
Alun Evans (Wales), a member of UEFA’s MEETINGS
alumni association, will be 60 on 11 June, 14.6.2002
Draw for the 2nd UEFA Women’s Cup To mark its seven-
a milestone reached by Philippe Piat, tieth anniversary,
a member of the Players Panel and FIFPro 20.6.2002,Nyon FC Metz were
Club Competitions Committee (bureau) certainly hoping for
on 18 June. UEFA wishes both gentlemen
21.6.2002, Geneva something better than the relega-
many happy returns of the day and also Draw for the first two qualifying rounds tion that awaited them at the end of the
extends birthday greetings to: of the UEFA Champions League and for the season. However, the club will find the
first qualifying round of the UEFA Cup strength it needs to rise from this setback
● Otto Andres (Germany, 1.6) 10-11.7.2002, Nyon by delving into its history, as traced by
● Wilfried Gerhardt (Germany, 1.6) Executive Committee Gérard Charles with the support of numer-
● George Courtney (England, 4.6) 15.7.2002, Nyon ous photographic documents. The book
Draw for the semi-finals and finals is available from Editions SERPENOISE –
● Georg-Adolf Schnarr (Germany, 5.6) B.P. – FR-70090 Metz Cedex 01.
of the UEFA Intertoto Cup
● Franz Wöhrer (Austria, 5.6)
18-19.7.2002, Nyon
● Ludovico Micallef (Malta, 5.6) Seminar for European stadium managers Announcements
● Léon Straessle (Switzerland, 6.6) 26.7.2002, Nyon
Draw for the third qualifying round ● At its General Assembly
● Michael Joseph Hyland (Rep. of Ireland, 6.6) on 7 April, the Austrian FA elected
of the UEFA Champions League
● Piotr Werner (Poland, 6.6) a new president, in the person
● Lars-Åke Bjørck (Sweden, 7.6) COMPETITIONS of Friedrich Stickler.
● Charles Talar (France, 7.6) 31.5-30.6.2002, Japan and Korea ● Since 1 April, Dusan Tittel has been the
● Michel Sablon (Belgium, 7.6) World Cup new secretary-general of the Slovak FA.
● Sándor Berzi (Hungary, 7.6) 22-23.6.2002
UEFA Intertoto Cup: first round (first legs) ● The Estonian FA has a new address: Rapla
● Engelbert Nelle (Germany, 9.6) 8/10 – EE-11312 Tallinn – Estonia.
29-30.6.2002 Tel. +372 651 27 20 / fax +372 651 27 29
● Joseph A. Sacco (Malta, 9.6) UEFA Intertoto Cup: first round (return legs)
● Hans Bangerter (Switzerland, 10.6) 6-7.7.2002 ● The EURO 2004 SA foundation also has
● Alain Courtois (Belgium, 12.6) UEFA Intertoto Cup: second round (first legs) a new address: Avenida da Republica 53 –
13-14.7.2002 PT-1050-188 Lisbon – Portugal.
● Tom A. Restall (Malta, 13.6)
UEFA Intertoto Cup: second round Tel. +351 21 799 29 04 /
● Giulio Campanati (Italy, 15.6) (return legs) fax +351 21 799 20 99
● Viacheslav Koloskov (Russia, 15.6) 17.7.2002 ● The FA of FYR Macedonia has
● Sabri Celik (Turkey, 16.6) UEFA Champions League: first qualifying appointed Zarko Ignjatovski as head
Michael Joseph Maessen (Netherlands, 17.6) round (first legs)
● of its international department.
● Roger Lemerre (France, 18.6)
UEFA Intertoto Cup: third round (first legs)
● Gérard Enault (France, 18.6) 21-28.7.2002, Norway Obituary
● Hannelore Ratzeburg (Germany, 18.6) Final round of the European Under-19
● Michel Platini (France, 21.6) Championship ● Robertas Mackevicius (Lithuania)
24.7.2002 a member of the Futsal and Security
● Peter Zidovsky (Slovakia, 22.6)
UEFA Champions League: first qualifying Officers Panels passed away on 24 April,
● Georg Pangl (Austria, 23.6) round (return legs) aged 63.
● Kurt Furgler (Switzerland, 24.6) 27.7.2002
● Jan Zatorsky (Czech Republic, 25.6) UEFA Intertoto Cup: third round (return legs) ● Valery Lobanovsky (Ukraine), who
31.7.2002 was too ill to make the trip to Stockholm
● Claude Simonet (France, 27.6)
UEFA Champions League: second qualifying to receive the UEFA Order of Merit
● Barry W. Bright (England, 27.6) round (first legs) bestowed on him, passed away on 13 May
● Sigurdur Hannesson (Iceland, 27.6) UEFA Intertoto Cup: semi-finals (first legs) at the age of 63.

we care about football Editor André Vieli The views expressed in signed
articles are not necessarily the
Design The Magic Pencil SA, CH-1028 Préverenges official views of UEFA.
Official publication of the The reproduction of articles
Union des associations or extracts of any information
européennes de football Produced by Atema Communication SA, CH-1196 Gland published in uefadirect
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