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Department of Information Technology

Course Code & Name: ITSE202 – Introduction to Software Engineering

Lecturer Name:
Semester: (2) 2020-2021
Due Date: 1 March 2021 Total Marks: 15

Student 1 ID NAME
Student 2 ID NAME
Student 3 ID NAME

Important Instructions:

Students are supposed to prepare this assignment on the topic related to e-

commerce websites, mobile apps, or any other standalone systems (Moodle,
CIMS, Library systems etc.).

The e-commerce or mobile app or website should be active and live.

At most THREE (3) students are allowed to work on an assigned/chosen topic.

Students need to submit only soft copy of the assignment (using Turnitin link
available in Moodle.)

Students are required to do the assignment in the IEEE template.

Marking Rubrics:
Purpose, Scope, Introduction, Project Proposal
Project Plan, System features - 2 marks
3 Functional Requirements - 6 marks
Non – Functional Requirements-3marks
Software, hardware specifications – 1 mark
Report – 1 mark
Overall correctness including numbering, referencing,
Screen Designs etc-2 marks

ALL THE BEST--------------------------------------------------------------------

ITSE202 – Introduction to Software Engineering: SRS Assignment Page 1

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