Public Health Nurse-District Family Welfare Bureau: Job Description

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Public Health Nurse-District Family Welfare Bureau

Essential qualification: B.Sc degree in nursing or certificate in PHN.

Professional qualification: experience of working with rural communities.

Job description:
 Working relationship: the PHN will assist the DMO/District Family Welfare Officer in
planning, implementing and evaluating Material and Child Health and Nutrition programme
undertaken in the district.
 She will receive technical guidance from him and will be under the administrative control.
 Will work in collaboration with other functionaries in the District Family Welfare bureau
like the Mass Media and the Extension officer, Health Education Officer, Statistical Officer,
Duties and functions
 To help in organization of MCH programmes as a whole and in the implementation of the
specific plan scheme like immunization programmes, training of traditional birth attendants
(Dias) and their active involvement in MCH/FP work, prophylaxis against nutritional
deficiency disease, etc.
 To promote health and nutrition education activities through the Lady Health Visitors, ANM.
 To ensure that the LHV/ANMs/female multipurpose workers, etc. integrated MCH, FP &
health and nutrition education in their day to day activities.
 To help in developing school health programme in the district.
 To ensure regular supply of equipments, records, registers drugs, vaccines, and other things
necessary for MCH work in the PHC and Sub centers by assisting storekeeper in procuring
and distributing the supplies.
 To ensure the maintenance of prescribed records and submission of periodical progress of
MCH/FP/Nutrition work activities.
 To review the periodical progress reports in MCH/FP/ work done by the LHVs/ANMs,
female multipurpose workers, etc. and put up to the DMO/District Family Welfare Officer.
 To give technical guidance, support and supervision to the ANMs, female multipurpose
workers, LHV, PHN.
 To work together with the functionaries of other govt. departments like Social Welfare and
Rural development.

Duties of Medical Officer, PHC

General: Administrative head of PHC.

 Solely responsible for proper functioning of PHC.
 Curative works:
 Will organize dispensary, OPD & allot duties to ancillary staff to ensure smooth
functioning of OPD.
 Will prepare operational plans and ensure effective implementation to achieve the targets
under different NHFW programmes.
 Will provide guidance to HAs, health workers, health guides and school teacher in
treatment of minor ailments.
 Preventive and promotive work:
 Family Planning
 Maternal and Child Health.
 Universal Immunization Programme
 National Malaria Eradication Programme in PHC.
 Control of communicable diseases.
 Leprosy: early detection and diagnosis and treatment.
 Tuberculosis
 School Health
 National Programme for Prevention and Visual and Control of Blindness.
 Diarrheal Disease control Program.
 Will organize Training program like, CT with the assistance of the Community Health
Officer and the guidance of District Health Authorities and Health and FW Training
Centers under MPW Scheme and School Health services Scheme.
 Provide assistance to HA female and health workers female in organizing training
programmes for indigenous dais practicing in the area.
 Administrative work.

Job responsibilities of Community Health Officer

 1 CHO for each new PHC and population is over 30,000 pop. (20,000 in tribal and hilly
 He is under direct administrative and technical control of MO PHC.
 Control of Communicable Diseases: report to MO if any outbreak of an epidemic and
assist MO in taking necessary action.
 School Health: visit school at regular interval and arrange medical checkup by MO.
 UIP: supervise and guide HAs and Health workers.
 FP
 Nutrition programmes: such as administration of Vitamin A and Iron and Folic Acid
 Environmental Sanitation
 Treatment of minor ailments.
 Community involvement and health education: participate in village Health
committee/Village Panchayat meetings to assess the health needs of the community, to
discuss the health programmes with the community and to enlist their co-operation in
these programmes
 Maintain a close liaison with the Block Development Officer and with other
developmental programmes (National Adult Education Programmes, Nutrition
Programmes and programmes for safe water supply and Environmental Sanitation).
 Work closely with community leaders and community organizations such as Mahila
Mandals, farmers Clubs and other Voluntary organization, etc and involve them in
promotion of health programmes.
 Organize camps, meetings, HE talks, demonstrations, display of posters, exhibitions and
films and involve the HAs, HWs, and Health Guides in these activities.
 Training of Health Personnel and Community Level Workers.
 Assist MO, PHC in staff development programmes for HAs and HWs in PHC as well as
in the fields.
 Assist MO in monthly group activities at the PHC, sub centers and community levels.
 Management and supervision.
 Block extension educator/block health educator.
 Function under technical supervision and guidance of District Extension Media Officer.
 However, he would be under the immediate administrative control of MO.
 Provides support to all National Health and FP programmes in PHC, but his main
function will relate to the promotions of FW and

Health Assistant Male/Sr. HA Male

 Under the Multipurpose Workers Scheme a HA male is expected to cover a population of
30,000 (20,000 in tribal and hilly areas) in which there are six sub centers, each with one
Health Worker Male.
 Supervision and guidance to HW male in the delivery of Health Care Services to
 Assess monthly the progress of work of HW male and submit an assessment report to the
 Carry out supervisory home visits in the area of HW male.
 Team work:
 Co-ordinate his activities with those of the HA female and other health personnel,
including the health guides and dais.
 Co-ordinate with the activities of workers of other departments and agencies, and
attend meetings at PHC level.
 Conducts staff meetings fortnightly with the HWs in co-ordination with the HA
female at one of the sub centers by rotation.
 Attend staff meetings at the PHC.
 Assist MO in the organization of the different health services and conducting
training programmes for various categories of heath personnel.
 Participate as a member of the health team in mass camps and campaigns in
health programmes.
 Supplies and equipment
 Records and reports.
 Vital events: collect and compile the weekly reports of births and deaths occurring in his
area and submit them to the MO. Educate the community regarding the need for
registration of vital events.
 Primary medical care
 Health education: arrange group meeting with leaders and involve them in spreading the
message for various health programmes.
 Organize and conduct training of community leaders with assistance of the health team.

Job Responsibilities of Health Assistant Female/Sr. Health Assistant (F)

*Under the Multipurpose Workers Scheme a HAF is expected to cover a population of 30,000
(20,000 in tribal and hilly area) in which there are six sub centers, each with one Health Worker
The HA Female will carry out the following functions:
 Supervision and Guidance:
 HW Female, dais and female Health Guides
 Strengthen the knowledge and skills of the HWF.
 Help the HWF in planning and organizing her programme of activities.
 Visit each sub centers at least once a week on a fixed day to observe and guide the
HWF in her day-to-day activities.
 Assess work of HWF and submit report to MO.
 Carry out supervisory home visit with HWF.
 Supervise referral of all pregnant women for VDRL testing to CHC/Sub-
Divisional Hospital.
 Team work
 Help the HWs to work as part of the health team.
 Co-ordinate her activities with those of the HA Male and other health personnel
including the dais and Health Guides.
 Conduct regular staff meetings with the HWs in co-ordination with the HAM.
 Assist MO in the organization of different health services in the area.
 Supplies, Equipment and Maintenance of Sub centers.
 Records and reports.
 Conduct Training for Dais with the assistance of the HWF.
 FP and Medical Termination of Pregnancy
 Conduct weekly FP Clinics along with MCH.
 Provide information on services availability of MTP and for sterilization. Refer
suitable cases for MTP on the approved institutions.
 Provide IUD services and follow up.
 Assist MO in organization of FP camps and drives.
 Guide HWF in establishing female depot holders for the distribution of
conventional contraceptive and train the depot holders with assistance of the
 Nutrition
 Primary medical care
 Health education.

Job responsibilities of Health Worker Male/ Junior HA (M)

Under the MPW scheme, one HWM and one HWF are posted at each sub center and are
expected ultimately to cover a population of 5,000 (3000 in tribal and hilly areas).
 The HWM will make a visit to each family once a fortnight. He will record his visit on
the main entrance to the house according to the instruction of the State/UT.

Job responsibilities of Health Worker Female/ANM/Jr. HA (F)

Under the MWS same as for HWM but however, during 7 th Plan HWF limits her activities
among 350-560 families, i.e. those households only where there are cases for antenatal and
postnatal care and infants.
She will carry out the following functions:
 FP
 All functions which HAF performs and assists Health Assistant Female.
Laboratory technician
All PHCs and subsidiary Health centers have been provided with a post of Lab.
Technician/assistance. He will be under the direct supervision of the MO.
He will carry out following functions:
 General laboratory procedures.
 Laboratory investigations.
 Urine/stool examination
 Blood examination: Hb, RBC, WBC count, MP, Microfilariae, ESR and VDRL.
 Sputum examination.
 Skin and nasal smears
 Semen examination
 Prepare throat swabs
 Test samplings of drinking water.

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