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D Reading 414. ® Look at the titles ofthe four passages in Exs 15 and 17. In which passage do you expect to find each of the following phrases? In what context? + common misconception *affilate schemes * fierce competition * accuse and blame # cut off. * a substitute for authentic intimacy * body language * need to be taught a language b. Now read the passages quickly. Were your fictions corect? Predictions c chances are they ‘Then of course you have to gee 5 ead the two fist pssoges thoroughly and answer A, and mene ny aS PE your ste. | ‘the questions that follow each one (1-4) t ‘rng of pleas for eat. Maybe you have some pac of prt earl imate argig inks to sources of outdone "sand arging books who ean eer ices, ert yur a andgt fn epee egezt nk to an seni hap Gh aii Ale RS pel eee fierce competition in | ine deat over the centuries with inteligence, lucidity and remarkable breadth of reference. Ree’ wider ambition to make us think about the senses, what Tings them and how they interconnect. But his sresnms argament abot reat minds and ow they are | the web of time, For although the deaf ve more attention and sensitivity from the ry onvrards, those responsible worked, araccordance with their age. Teva known thatthe deaf 3 ould be taught simple sgn for objets But How were they to understand concepts such as sin and eternity 4 aes, ‘while cutoff rom language? encores the ation of sable webs Te Gaui leriey the bbe do Fie, to. make the © isno lager an anoraprate maans af seling ooads Ireaithrough ‘The dea, herecugnlue did pt Bet 1 canprovide individuals wth a substantial income. treed to be taught a language. They already had one, & ‘potentially sophisticated system of signs, which even the 4 Sneuiasiaedctecetaitiecwadtt feta Ree’s 1 See A Voice explores the dilemma of vis part seventeenth cent In the writer’ view, the internet ‘A. offers many lucrative opportunities Pome scone ace, and hich ede ee awe Sin coliiation, A rich and learned a expan a rishingaceol forthe det in Pars B there must bea secondary appeal ee uted daven af encers in his methods By the Reeds to avoid ect sas. . ii sarlont of sign language Wa D iemustbe welt. nineteenth cent dominant both in France and the States. a 16 Answer the following questions. 1 The text’ primary am sto ‘A help peogl with hearing problems. 11 What does the writer of the fist passage mean by give information about a publication. ‘the phrase ‘.. great minds (getting) caught fast in CC direct people who wish to eam sign language. the web of time’? D detail the history of sign language. 2. It seems from the text that sign language 2 What, according to the second paragraph of tho ‘A was not intially considered a language. second passage, is an inappropriate way of trying was extremely dificult to teach Gocevt babes honencan interfered with learning other things. 1D was imented by the Abbe Epi. 417. Read the next two passages and answer the uestions that follow each one (5-8) POWER GAMES By definition a power struggle involves two people, each of whom is equally committed to winning. At the end of your letter you intimate that you would be more than willing to exchange your power struggle for a lovi happy home, My question to you is the following: Are you willing to take a hard look at how you're perpetuating the power struggle? Be aware that a power struggle can only continue if both antagonists ‘play the game,” Dropping the game might mean a loss of involvement with your husband as a power struggle is often a highly charged substitute for authentic intimacy, Tl assume that you realize how futile itis to maintain the struggle. What I think you may not be aware of is how you are still trapped in the ongoing conilict. You may sincerely want to put the harboured resentments that fuel the struggle behind you and get on with your marriage, but bitterness and anger don't ‘evaporate into thin air. However, changing the ‘way you express these emotions, for example using ‘T’ statements that express how you feel instead of ‘you statements in which you accuse and blame, may enable you to avoid the explosion which threatens 10 5 The person the writer is addressing seems to be ‘A reluctant to accept a change in roe. B party to blame for her problem. Caving emotional entanglement D_ determined to win the battle of wits 6 The writer suggests communicating differently in ‘order to ‘A. change the delicate bolance of power _underine the pointissnes of the struggle make long-standing bad feings csappeat. reduce the impact of negative eration the importance of hand gestures The old adage that words ate not enough may have more than a ring of truth as. scientists have discovered that the secet of communication is alin the hands. New research has shown that our hands - whether being shaken or gesturing ~ give away more about us than we realize Once thought of as meaningless and even distracting, hand gestures have been shown tobe far more important than the spoken word in getting the message across Body language has long been recognized as having importance, but the level of importance attached to handshakes is starting, Recent research has pointed to speech itself making up only 7 per cent of human communication while hend movements and body language make up well over 50 per cent. There is a common misconception that communicating is only speaking. if people are not allowed to gesture it can interfere with ther communication and thought processes and certain ideas or thought processes may be more difiitto relay. Gestures help us think about what we want to sey end communicate effectively. IF there is anything we woul like to keep secret from the rest ofthe word itis probably best to sit on our hands 7. According tothe tex, without hand movernents ‘A. communication would be impossible. first imprssions would be more exact. meanings les likely to be conveyed, D_ it would be very cficult to think. 8 By saying we should sit on our hands’ the writer suggests that ‘A. we are not anare of making gestures we cannot normaly avoid expressive gestures C_gestues are not always acceptable. D_ gestures are geod indicators of personality 1 Answer the following questions. 1. Where might the third passage (Power Games’) possibly come from? 2 According to the fourth passage, what is the effect of restricting someone's freedom to gesture?

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