Research Paper Case Study of Grab Car Driver

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Wheels of the Grab Go Round and Round: A Case Study of a GrabCar Driver in
Taguig City, Philippines

Thesis · October 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19047.27042

0 1,095

6 authors, including:

Mary Mae Paragsa Dioso

University of the East


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A Case Study of a GrabCar Driver in Taguig City, Philippines View project

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This is to certify that this research study entitled “Wheels of the Grab Go Round and

Round: A Case Study of a GrabCar Driver in Taguig City, Philippines” presented orally and

submitted by Nicole Kharylle N. Antonio, Luis Fabienne B. Bugtong, Erika L. Carzon,

Mary Mae P. Dioso, Jessa A. Henson and Jazper P. Santos has been approved and accepted

as partial requirements for Qualitative Research with a grade of PASSED on October 25, 2019.

Ms. Arleth T. Follero
Qualitative Research Adviser

(Name of Panel Member 1)
Panel Member

(Name of Panel Member 2)
Panel Member


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person
nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or
diploma of a university or other institute of higher learning, except where the due
acknowledgement is made in the text.

I also declare that the intellectual content of this Senior High School thesis is the product
of my own work, even though I may have received assistance from others on style, presentation
and language expression.

Antonio, Nicole Kharylle N. Bugtong, Luis Fabienne B.

Candidate Candidate

Carzon, Erika L. Dioso, Mary Mae P.

Candidate Candidate

Henson, Jessa A. Santos, Jazper P.

Candidate Candidate

Ms. Arleth T. Follero


October 25, 2019


First, we would like to thank God for giving us hope and motivation to accomplish and
finish this research especially to Ms. Follero for guiding us all throughout this subject to produce
a quality research. We would also like to thank our family and friend for helping us to find
respondents and for their love and support to us. Finally, to our research group members for their
cooperation, understanding and perseverance to finish the research successfully and with pride.


This research study id dedicated to all GrabCar drivers. We wish that you do not give up
on life and continue working with integrity. This is also for our family, who made us to be a
better person, and to our friends who became a shoulder to lean on whenever we have a problems
and hardships in life.

Acruz, E.S.
Antonio, B.
Antonio, E.
Bugtong, M.B.
Dioso, M.
Dioso, R.
Gray, J.C.
Santos, C.
Santos, F
Sison, M.A.


APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................(1)

CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY .....................................................................(2)
DEDICATION ..........................................................................................................(4)
TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................(5)
LIST OF APPENDICES ..........................................................................................(7)
ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................................(8)

CHAPTER I: The Problem and Its Background

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................(9)
2. Statement of the Problem ...............................................................................(10)
3. Theoretical Framework ..................................................................................(11)
4. Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................(12)
5. Scope and Delimitation ..................................................................................(13)
6. Significance of the Study ...............................................................................(14)
7. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................(15)

CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

1. Related Literature and Studies .......................................................................(16)
2. Synthesis ........................................................................................................(19)

CHAPTER III: Research Methodology

1. Research Design.............................................................................................(21)
2. Research Locale .............................................................................................(21)
3. Sampling Procedure .......................................................................................(21)
4. Research Instrument.......................................................................................(22)
5. Researcher’s Role ..........................................................................................(22)
6. Data Gathering Procedures ............................................................................(22)
7. Analysis of Data.............................................................................................(23)
8. Trustworthiness of Data .................................................................................(23)

CHAPTER IV: Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data
1. Simulacrum ....................................................................................................(25)
2. Findings .........................................................................................................(26)

CHAPTER V: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

1. Summary of Findings.....................................................................................(35)
2. Conclusion .....................................................................................................(35)
3. Recommendations ..........................................................................................(36)

APPENDICES ..........................................................................................................(37)


Figure 1. Simulacrum.................................................................................................(25)


Table 1.Work Receipts ...............................................................................................(26)

Table 2. No Supervision .............................................................................................(27)

Table 3. Employee's Comfort .....................................................................................(28)

Table 4. Environmental Factors .................................................................................(29)

Table 5. External Disturbance ....................................................................................(30)

Table 6. Internal Conflicts..........................................................................................(31)

Table 7. Driver's Difficulties ......................................................................................(33)


Appendix A. Informed Consent .................................................................................(37)

Appendix B. Interview Transcript..............................................................................(41)

Appendix C. Coding ..................................................................................................(61)

AppendixD. Reflexive Journal...................................................................................(64)


Grab is one of the Transport Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) in the Philippines.
GrabCar is one of services that Grab provides. GrabCar driving is one of the transportation
services in the Philippines.
The study focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of a full-time GrabCar driver.
The researchers narrowed down the focus of the study by creating statements of the problem.
What are the benefits that a GrabCar driver considered when choosing GrabCar driving as his
full-time job, the advantages and disadvantages on his work and the struggles that he experiences
in his work.
The respondent is a professional, male, and currently full-time GrabCar driver for one
year that lives in Taguig City for 30 years. The researchers gathered data within four days. In-
depth interview and observation was made with the respondent in his house. Based on the
findings, a GrabCar driver considered GrabCar driving as his full-time job for it provides higher
income, incentives and no supervision. The advantages are identified by the respondent which
are cashless transaction, weather condition, traffic and flexibility of time. While, the
disadvantages are the traffic and working alone. Moreover, the struggles that the respondent
particularized are the physical pain and the rider's behavior.

Keywords: TNVS, Grab, GrabCar, Riders, Full-time, Driving

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


In 2012, Grab originated in Malaysia as MyTeksi founded by Anthony Tan, which goal is
to transform transportation through modernize and innovative way with the help of media
technology (Cosseboom, 2015). Since it is raising higher income in Malaysia, the head of Grab
company afterwards decided to broaden the scope of using ride-hailing services in Southeast
Asia wherein Philippines adopt Grab as subservient of MyTeksi and named as GrabTaxi in
August 2013 (Cosseboom, 2015). Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
(LTFRB) whose in charge of regulating the public transportation includes Grab as Transport
Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) (Lee, 2018). Grab offers transportation from cities and even
on countryside places. It also serves as a platform by the use of mobile technology that will
provide the satisfying services to its riders in an easy way by just opening the Grab application
by the rider and the driver would be easily connected (Foo, 2018).

46.47 percent of the Filipinos in the population of 106,651,394 choose TNVS as their
primary mode of transportation (Abad, 2018). In a news article in 2017, Senator Grace Poe was
interviewed about the rising issue of the taxi drivers haggling for higher fare. She claimed that
TNVS provides the safety and convenience that the society looks for in a public transportation
(Poe, 2017). This is why riders prefer to take a TNVS ride rather than taxi, because taxis are
prevalent in robbery cases where the riders are the victims (Oplas, 2019). Moreover, taxi drivers
are treated unequally when it comes to fare hike because many taxi drivers consulted that Grab
and Uber should be same as Taxis when it comes to fare hike, for the reason that taxis were not
able to send passengers in a traffic places because of the taxi drivers limited meters (Alvarez,
2017). Through this, many riders prefer to ride in TNVS for the reason that it is convenient,
safer, and much easier because in just one click the rider can access their vehicle right away. In
addition, this innovated way of transportation made a new lifestyle to every rider and also to the
Grab drivers. TNVS has innovated thru time and became a help in every citizen nowadays for the

reason that it made changes in the way of traveling into a particular destination where the rider
feels comfortable during his or her trip. Grab played a big impact in the commuters life because
it lessens the effort, saves time and energy, and will give the passenger a safer ride (Tulio, 2017).

This study is related to an existing foreign study done in Malaysia, that stated the reasons
on why some drivers and consumers uses Grab as their source of income and for consumers as
their more efficient way on going from place to place (Muhammad, Phoon, Wong, Rosmanira,
Noor, Siti, 2019). This study will concentrate in the experiences of a full-time GrabCar driver for
at least one year and is currently residing in Taguig City, Philippines. However, this study will
only focus on knowing the advantages and disadvantages of being on the TNVS industry in the
Philippines in the lens of a full-time GrabCar driver from Taguig City through experiences
because the previous studies only provided general results regarding Grab drivers.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to widen the knowledge on the experiences and the current situation of
the GrabCar drivers. Into this, the researchers produced questions wherein the respondent is a
full-time GrabCar driver. The researchers will be focusing in the advantages and disadvantages
of a full-time GrabCar driver in Taguig City.

1. What are the reasons that a GrabCar driver considered in choosing the Transport
Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) industry as his full-time job?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a GrabCar driver?

3. What are the struggles of a GrabCar driver?

Theoretical Framework

In this study, the researchers will use the Rational Choice Theory (RCT). RCT explains
the social phenomena as a result of an individual action that can be constructed as rational.
Rational behavior is a behavior shown when a person has a specific goal, given that the situation
has limitations (Wittek, 2013). Individual preferences, beliefs and constraints are the key
elements to consider for the explanations of rational choice. Preferences refer to the positive and
negative analysis that individuals connect to the possible results of their actions. Beliefs deal
with the comprehended cause-effect relationships, including the individual's action will result in
different possible results. Constraints expound the limits to the set of realistic actions.

RCT will be the theoretical framework of the study because it focuses on the explanations
of why does an individual makes a specific action. The researchers want to know the advantages
and disadvantages of being a full-time GrabCar driver in Taguig City, wherein the said key
elements of RCT are attached to the questions made by the researchers. Therefore, RCT will be
the foundation of this study as it tackles the explanation behind the individual action that an
individual makes, wherein the GrabCar driver is the individual that is being strained to this study.

Conceptual Framework


The researchers want to study the experiences of a GrabCar driver, the advantages and
disadvantages that he or she gets in his or her job and what are the struggles in their job.


This study will be achieved using the process of interview and observation with a target respondent.


Themes which are generated from thematic analysis. Public will become aware of the current status
of GrabCar drivers in Taguig City as the researchers analyze the data they have gathered, and policies will
be made to protect the GrabCar drivers in the Philippines with the help of the future researchers.

The study focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of being a GrabCar driver and
what are the struggles that he or she encounters during his or her work. The researchers aim to
know what the GrabCar drivers in Taguig City are experiencing during their work and in
possibility of making a law for the protection and rights of GrabCar drivers in the Philippines.

Scope and Delimitations

This study is focused on the daily life of a GrabCar driver who lives in Taguig City,
Philippines. According to Lona (2017), the Taguig City is known as one of the urbanized city in
Metro Manila, wherein different establishments can be seen. In the field of communication,
Taguig City has many Business Processing Outsource (BPO) and businessmen. It appears that
the Taguig City has many working people. That is why the researchers chose this city for the
reason that many GrabCar drivers are residing in Taguig City, due to many people are using
GrabCar as their transportation (Lona, 2017). Only a professional male driver who is currently
working in Transport Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) industry for at least one year and is
currently living in Taguig City is the respondent of this study. The reason why the researchers
chose respondents with one year experience, because according to the study conducted by Lucas
(2011), within a year, people are able to adapt the system and environment of the work that they
have. The study will focus on the experiences, advantages and disadvantages and the struggles of
a GrabCar driver.

The researches have decided to gather the information or interview with a small sample
size considering smaller samples are suitable in a case study. The sample size of 1 is enough
because if the sample size is too big, it might affect the conclusion of the research (Faber &
Fonseca, 2014). Thus, the findings of this study cannot be generalized, due to the limited sample

Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to have a deeper knowledge of the experiences of a GrabCar

driver working full-time in the Transport Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) industry in Taguig
City, Philippines. The researchers want to impose the current situation and experiences of a full-
time GrabCar driver.

Drivers. This study will help the other TNVS drivers specifically under the Grab
company in Taguig to know the experiences and the advantages and disadvantages of being
GrabCar drivers.

Riders. This study will be beneficial for the riders, in order to be aware in the current
situation, experiences and advantages of the GrabCar drivers in Taguig City, Philippines.

Community. This study will serve to the community for them to know the situation of
GrabCar drivers working in Taguig City, Philippines. Citizens will be able to know the life of
being GrabCar drivers and the other services that the company is offering such as food and
parcel delivery.

Future Researchers. Beyond the benefit that the proponent of this research has, this
study is intended to benefit the future researchers to be their basis to explore the same topic and
create new studies that will further the study that the researchers have made.

Definition of Terms

Application- A software that contains data and information which is used in mobile
devices and computers.

Grab- A Transport Network Company which allows riders to find a car to book in an
easier way and it offers food and parcel delivery.

GrabCar - One of the services of the Grab company that offers private vehicle service.

GrabCar Driver- Driver of the Grab company under the Transport Network Vehicle

Industry- A group or organization that produce goods and services.

LTFRB- Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board; Responsible in

enforcing and monitoring compliance of laws, policies and regulations of public transportation
services in the Philippines.

Rider- He or she is the passenger of Grab.

Ride-sharing- Service provided by TNVS Industry wherein the riders will be riding with
another passenger who has the same destination with him or her.

TNVS- Transport Network Vehicle Service

Transportation- The process of moving from one place to another and it is used also in a
form of business that gives services.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

In this chapter the researchers are able to elaborate and review the related studies to this
research. There are several studies that have been conducted regarding the Transport Network
Vehicle Service (TNVS) in the Philippines and other countries. The following literature are
previous studies concerning the transportation in Metro Manila, GrabCar as transportation,
GrabCar drivers and the struggles and coping of professional drivers.

Transportation in Metro Manila

The Transportation in Metro Manila varies into different types of vehicle and this can be
categorized as public utility vehicle (PUV) and private vehicle. Private vehicle is considered as a
private transport which is defined as driving your own car. This type of transport saves time, safe
and comfortable for the riders. It is safe because the rider is the one who manipulates the vehicle.
Comfortable, since the owner is the only one who uses it. Lastly, it saves time because you can
go anytime you wanted and you can choose your own route (Eric, 2017). Under the public utility
vehicle are jeepney, taxis, buses and trains. Jeepney is one of the most used vehicle in the
Philippines which is also a symbol of Philippine culture (Westerman, 2018). It also gives cheaper
but faster mode of reaching the drop-off destination (Teknomo, 2016). Many Filipinos have
negative perception when it comes to public utility vehicles because some drivers are driving
recklessly even though it is the cheapest form of transportation in the society (Tribdino, 2016).
Several public vehicles are now most popular and most use of Filipinos, whose under by TNVS
such as Grab and Angkas which paved way for new innovated transportation mode in Metro
Manila (Abad, 2018).

GrabCar as Transportation

Pradhan (2019) stated that Grab is a TNVS that allowed the transportation to connect the
drivers and riders through the use of smart phone application. Grab allows a person to earn
income by the use of his or her own car. Grab is able to introduce different kinds of

transportation service that they have. These includes the GrabTaxi, GrabCar, GrabShare,
GrabFood and Grab Delivery.

Regidor (2018) explains that using private vehicles as public utility vehicle under the
TNVS like Grab are popular today as an alternative transportation to help riders who are
struggling with their mode of transit. As time goes by, people go for using it because aside from
it is the most trusted transportation around the world, the safety of the drivers and riders is
already proven (Napalang, 2018). Ride-sharing gives an affordable cost, saves travel time, offers
convenience and comfortable ride to the Filipinos (Ayres, 2018).

GrabCar Drivers

Creno (2015) claimed that in the system of Grab application, the route in going to the
pick-up and drop-off destination of the riders is provided. The cost of the entire trip and the
arrival time of the riders is also stated in the system (Creno, 2015). As stated by Ganesha (2018),
GrabCar drivers is one of the trending discourse topic in social media. She claimed that some
GrabCar drivers have shown misbehavior which results to rude and unsafe perception of people
to some GrabCar drivers. However, the head of Grab Company Anthony Tan, promised for the
improvement of the behaviors not just the GrabCar Drivers but also every drivers under his
company (Chua, 2018). On the other hand, most of the GrabCar drivers are still known to be
considerate, nice, trustworthy and effective in the field of the innovated way of transportation
(Zurbano, 2019).

Lim (2017) stated that some Filipino people wanted to be in the TNVS industry because
they can maximize their resources and they are the manager in their own working hours. In
addition, the income that they will earn will be depending to them. In Malaysia, Grab has been
very useful. GrabCar drivers can refer some of their colleagues to join them and as a return they
will get a reward. Grab driving is one of the most effective work (Charles, 2018).

Struggles and Coping of Professional Drivers

Occupational stress occurs when a person has an unexpected responsibilities and he or

she feels too much pressure that is not associated with his or her skills (World Health
Organization, 2015). Occupational stress is associated with specific characteristics of the work
environment according to Hanzlikova (2005). Hanzlikova (2005) presented the sources of
occupational stress of professional drivers in her study. Prolonged and irregular hours of driving
is one of the sources of occupational stress, that she as well stated may cause fatigue and mental
stress to a professional driver. Moreover, it is emphasized that the safety of the riders is not just
priority of the professional drivers but also their responsibility (Hanzlikova, 2005). In her study,
she emphasized that occupational stress is prone to public transport drivers where the drivers
must maintain an upright communication with their passenger. People are usually alert to the
stressors when they started feeling frustrated and pressured. Personal, social or familial, work
and the environment are the four categories of the most common stressors according to
Hanzlikova (2005).

Shamoa-Nir and Koslowsky (2010), stated that professional drivers compare their
sensitivity and reactions to some of the stressful situation. The aggressive behavior of a stressed
driver can be easily determine. Drivers who experience stressful situations can react in two ways
according to Shamoa-Nir and Koslowsky (2010): the emotion-focused coping and the problem-
focused coping. The emotion-focused coping focuses in addressing the emotions by which
drivers include some of actions like blaming other drivers, selective attention, and abstention. On
the other hand, the problem-focused coping, drivers are more focused on the problem. Some of
their actions are suggesting a solution, considering the alternative solution and taking action to
lessen the problem instead of letting their emotions to manage them.

According to Azagba and Sharaf (2011) as cited by Useche, Serge, Alonso and Esteban
(2017), consuming tobacco and alcohol has an effect to the psychosocial factors specifically
stress. Drivers are prone to these habits because they depend on some subjective characteristics
by means of coping mechanisms, the quality and quantity of stress factors they face that affects

them at work and their workplace. Drivers who drink alcohol used this as their strategy to lessen
the feelings of negative emotions or thoughts that they encounter in their work. In terms of the
intensity and frequency of tobacco consumption, this is also associated as one of the things that
help drivers to lessen the stress for having a lack of social support and job overload and to have a
relaxation after their work.

In 2017, 20.3% of professional drivers have a habit of consuming tobacco and 27.9% of
drinking alcohol regularly (Useche,,2017). Psychosocial factors at work are now extremely
used by the professional drivers as health risk to cope with the stress their experiencing. Since,
smoking tobacco contains nicotine and when it reaches the brain it triggers the release of a
chemical called dopamine which causes the feeling of relaxation or pleasure (Sullivan, 2016).
Moreover, drinking alcohol reduces fear, takes off confusion, and gives the feeling of relaxation
in a short amount of time (Legg, 2016). In addition, these health risk factors affect the drivers
behavior that can result to the increase risk of accidents.


Summing-up all of the literature that the researchers have gathered from different authors
and their respective studies. Public Utility Vehicle (PUV), aside from its cheaper price, it does
provide faster mode of transportation (Teknomo, 2016). In a study done by Tribdino (2016), the
public has the negative perception regarding the PUV in the Philippines. In the study conducted
by Regidon (2019) wherein he claimed that Grab is popular today because it provides
conveniency to the riders in their mode of transit. Moreover, Pradhan (2019) found out that the
use of technology evolved the labor of the drivers and the riders. In the study of Napalang
(2018), the safety of the drivers and riders is proven that results for the TNVS became the most
trusted mode of transportation. With the use of mobile technology, route, value of the trip and the
arrival time are provided by the GrabCar drivers through the mobile application, Grab (Creno,
2015). As stated by Ganesha (2018), although some GrabCar drivers have misbehavior which
results to rude and unsafe perception of riders. Meanwhile, Zurbano (2019) affirmed that
GrabCar drivers are still known to have a positive behavior. For the time being, Charles (2018)

said in a study that there are a lot of benefits to consider of being a GrabCar driver. Hanzlikova
(2005) expound on the sources of occupational stress of professional drivers. In her study, she
emphasized that occupational stress is prone to public transport drivers where the drivers must
maintain an upright communication with their passenger. Moreover, the study by Shamoa-Nir
and Koslowsky (2010) declared the two major ways of coping which are the emotion-focused
and problem-focused. In 2017, 20.3% of professional drivers have a habit of consuming tobacco
and 27.9% of drinking alcohol regularly (Useche,,2017). In addition, these health risk
factors affect the drivers behavior that can result to the increase risk of accidents.

The previous studies that the researchers have gathered only supplements data about the
Grab and professional drivers generally. The researchers will be focusing to a GrabCar driver
from Taguig City, Philippines to further the results in their study.

Chapter III

Research Methodology


The method used by the researchers in this study will be shown in this chapter. Each
component that is useful in conducting this research will be mentioned in this chapter from
research design, sampling procedure, research instrument, researchers' role, data gathering
procedure, analysis of data and trustworthiness of data.

Research Design

A case study involves direct observation and interaction with the respondent and includes
a deeper understanding to a complex issue (Sauro, 2015). In this study, case study method will be
used wherein the researchers are focused to a full-time GrabCar driver in Taguig City and will
conduct an in-depth interview and observation to the respondent.

Research Locale

In this study, to further the results, the researchers decided to have a criteria for the
respondent. According to Lona (2017), the Taguig City is known as one of the urbanized cities in
Metro Manila. The researchers decided to gather the information they need from a full-time
GrabCar driver. The participant of the study is a male professional driver, residing in Taguig
City, Philippines, and is currently working as a full-time GrabCar driver for at least one year. The
interview will be conducted inside Taguig City, depends on the conveniency and availability of
the respondent.

Sampling Procedure

Sampling is the term used to select the members of population to be used in the study.
The researchers used the purposive sampling, a non-probability sampling. Purposive sampling is
an intentional preference of respondent based on the criteria that the researchers created

(Robinson, 2014). Purposive sample is choosing purposefully of the researchers to their
respondent that will be part of their study. The researchers decided to choose purposive sampling
in the study on account that the criteria of the target respondent is hard to find. Since the criteria
that the researchers have fixed such as the residence and how long he or she has been working in
the Transport Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) industry.

Research Instrument

Research instrument refers to the measurement device used in the study. The researchers
used a researcher-completed instrument which are the guide questions, observation, notes and
pictures. In this study, questions will be dynamic in the reason that the researchers questions will
develop another question as they gather information from the respondent. What are the things
that a GrabCar driver considered in choosing the TNVS industry as his or her full-time job, the
advantages and disadvantages of being a GrabCar driver and what are the struggles that a
GrabCar driver encounters in his or her work are the main questions that will be used in this

Researchers' Role

The researchers' role will be an insider. In research, an insider or emic refers to the
researchers who will interview, observe and absorb the respondents' environment and will
consider what are the factors that they think is necessary in their study (Conrad, 2006). In this
study, the researchers will be interviewing, observing and recording the verbal and non-verbal
gestures of their target respondent during the session who is a full-time GrabCar driver in Taguig
City. To avoid bias and for the safety of both the researchers and respondents, a letter of consent
will be given to the respondent that shows their approval of being part of the researchers' study.
Moreover, the researchers will be rigorous in the data gathering and interpreting.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers maximized their connections thus it made them have a respondent who
fits in the criteria they have set. After contacting the respondent, the researchers will use the

letter of consent in confirming the participation of the respondent. The letter of consent conveys
the confidentiality of the information that will be gathered attached with the schedule of
meetings that the researchers have with the respondent. During the meeting, the researchers will
now begin in their data gathering by interviewing the target respondent. The interview will be
conducted in a safe place that gives privacy, conveniency and availability to the respondent.

Analysis of Data

In this study, the researchers will use thematic analysis which refers to the methods of
identifying theme or pattern that provide an answer to the research question (Guest, 2012). It was
commonly used by novice researchers for the reason that the methods of thematic analysis can be
used in any theory. Furthermore, it is a foundational method of analysis that must be describe or
define in order to compact its place in qualitative research (Braun & Clarke, 2013).

The process of thematic analysis starts with the collection of data wherein in order to
gather information, the researchers will interview a full-time GrabCar driver as their respondent.
Next, is the encoding of data wherein the researchers will identify and highlight the keywords
from the respondent's transcript, in order to modify and interpret the data to be concise in stating
what, when, and how a certain phenomenon occurs (Braun & Clarke, 2013). After encoding, the
code validation comes to ensure the trustworthiness of the codes wherein the data will not be
misinterpreted and free from bias, the researchers must proofread and review the data for the
consistency and conciseness (Braun & Clarke, 2013). The last process is where the transcribed
data that were identified from the transcript will be having themes and sub-themes to emerged
patterns and ideas and to identify the deeper meaning of the context (Mortensen, 2019).

To sum it all, the researchers must represent and finalize the name of the theme and put
description to illustrate the meaning (Braun & Clarke, 2013).

Trustworthiness of Data

In order for the researchers to validate and prove the data they have gathered, data
triangulation will be used to justify the information they have collected. In data triangulation, the

researchers will be using different methods to understand the case study thoroughly (Kulkarni,
2013). Previous studies that are in line with the topic will be used as references and foundation of
the study. The data that the researchers have gathered will also be validated by an expert in the
field of work that is interrelated with the topic. The purpose of data triangulation is to prove
whether a specific study is valid and reasonable, to result with the trustworthiness of data.

Chapter IV

Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data

This chapter gives the summary of the findings of the researchers about the advantages
and disadvantages of being a GrabCar Driver in Taguig City. The findings were based in the
viewpoint and the practical knowledge of a GrabCar driver residing in Taguig City. The results
produced were achieved by experiencing and observing the respondent's state as well as having
an interview with him within four days about his daily life of being a GrabCar driver and the
advantages and disadvantages of his work. It would be analyzed with the use of thematic analysis
and discuss its relevance for the study.

Figure 1: Simulacrum
The researchers gathered data from their respondent and are able to come up with an
illustration that represents the respondent's daily life with the help of the master themes. Each

image symbolizes the reasons of the respondent of choosing the GrabCar driving as his full-time
job. The expenses for the basic needs of the respondent's family are met parallel with his income.
However, the image that illustrates traffic is one of the struggles faces in respondent's daily life
on his job. The respondent claimed that traffic is an advantage and disadvantage in his work
field. In addition, the two arrows that represent the money earned from GrabCar driving can be
low or high rate that depends on the factors affecting the work that will be further stated in this


Problem #1: What are the reasons that a GrabCar driver considered in choosing the Transport
Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) industry as his or her full-time job?
Master Theme 1: Work Receipts

Superordinate Themes Description

Higher Income Grab provides higher income to the GrabCar
driver compared to his previous jobs
Incentives GCash gives the driver of Grab a reward of
P1,000 if he makes 65 rides within a week

Table 1. Work Receipts

Master Theme 1: Work Receipts GrabCar driver indicated different reasons of choosing
GrabCar driving as full-time job such as higher income and incentives in his work.

Superordinate Theme 1.1 Higher Income GrabCar driving creates higher income because
the salary is given per day and the job does not contribute too much stress to the GrabCar driver,
compared to the respondent's previous job.
"Ah malaki ang kita, mas [/malaki/] sa ano sa per day." [Ah, high income, higher
because it is produced per day compared to my previous jobs.]

Superordinate Theme 1.2 Incentives If a GrabCar driver produces 65 rides within a week,
GCash company will reward the GrabCar driver a cash of P1,000 that will be automatically place
into the driver's account under the Grab.
"Kunware seven days, kapag naka-65 rides ka, magkakaroon ka ng P1,000." [For
example, within seven days, if you reached 65 rides you will receive a P1,000 on your account.]

GrabCar drivers choose a job that has high income that benefits them because it helps
them to support the needs of their family without exerting extra effort (Boitnott, 2018). Benefits
are important for companies in maintaining their image for sustainable competitive advantage
and achievement in market (Torlak, 2014).

Problem #1: What are the reasons that a GrabCar driver considered in choosing the Transport
Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) industry as his or her full-time job?
Master Theme 2: No Supervision

Superordinate Themes Description

No Management GrabCar driver manages his own time of work
and does not need supervision of anyone from
his job
Maximize Resources GrabCar driver uses his father's car to work
under Grab

Table 2. No Supervision

Master Theme 2: No Supervision When the researchers asked the respondent about the
reasons why he considered GrabCar as his full-time job, he was able to produce two
superordinate themes under "No Supervision" which are no management and maximize
Superordinate Theme 2.1 No Management A GrabCar driver does not need any
supervision in his work for that is why it all depends on him to when and where he will work.

”Siyempre ano,pagka-Grab driver ka -> hawak mo yung oras mo wala kang boss yung
kahit anong oras ka lumabas hawak mo lahat, ikaw yung boss yung operator lang yung pinaka-
magrereport ka sa operator.” [Of course, when you are a Grab driver, you control your own
time. You don't have a boss. Anytime you want to go out, you hold everything. You are your own
boss, and your operator is the only one you needed to report to.]

Superordinate Theme 2.2 Maximize Resources The respondent maximized the resources
that he has, specifically his father's asset to work under TNVS industry.
”[/Ah/] kay papa.” [Ah, it's from my father.]

Based on the respondent's statements, the researchers can infer that rational behavior is
present to him. It is visible that he has a specific goals, given that the situation has limitations
(Wittek, 2013). Aside from the rational behavior, being a GrabCar driver has no management
which results in saving time and has the choice of route during the trip (Eric, 2017). Lim (2017)
also stated that some Filipino people wanted to work under the TNVS industry because they can
maximize their resources and they are the manager in their own working hours.

Problem #2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a GrabCar driver?
Master Theme 3: Employee's Comfort

Superordinate Themes Description

Flexibility of Time GrabCar driver has enough time to spend with
himself and his family
Cashless Transaction Grab created a cashless transaction under their
system, where the rider and the driver can
have a cashless transaction using online wallet

Table 3. Employee's Comfort

Superordinate Theme 3.1 Flexibility of Time A GrabCar driver has enough time to spend
with his family and do his other personal tasks because he has the authority of his time in work.

“Kasi ayun nga sa budget, mas malaki talaga kita kapag GrabCar driver ka. Mas
madaming time sa family.” [Because, when it comes to budget, it is reallly higher when you are
a GrabCar driver. You have more time with your family.]

Superordinate Theme 3.2 Cashless Transaction Grab created a virtual payment on their
system where the payment of the riders can be made online, and the GrabCar driver will received
it in their account of Grab card which the Grab has provided for their drivers.
“Magbabayad sil- kunwari credit card tapos papasok yun sa red wallet naming
yun.” [For example, they will pay using their credit card, the money will be automatically go
into our online wallet.]

The advantages that the person gets in his or her job, makes him or her more connected,
motivated and loyal with his or her job (Lockwood, 2007). In addition, this innovated way of
transportation made a new lifestyle to every rider as well as with the GrabCar drivers (Alvarez,

Problem #2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a GrabCar driver?
Master Theme 4: Environmental Factors

Superordinate Themes Description

Traffic Condition Price of the trip will be higher due to traffic
Weather Condition Riders will most likely avail the service of
Grab because of the condition of the weather

Table 4. Environmental Factors

Master Theme 4: Environmental Factors The respondent indicated two more

advantages in his work particular with his surroundings. Traffic which makes the fare of the trip
higher. While, weather condition because some of the riders are greatly affected with the weather
which results to insist a comfortable transportation.

Superordinate Theme 4.1 Traffic The price of the trip that a rider would book is higher
than the normal rate because of the traffic in the expected route from pick-up point to the drop-
off destination.
“Kagandahan din kasi minsan sa traffic lalo na’t ->kapag rush hour, mataas yung
rate.” [Good thing about traffic especially when it is during rush hour, the rate is higher than the

Superordinate Theme 4.2 Weather Condition The weather condition affects the rider's
decision to book a ride in Grab especially when raining because grab is able to provide a house-
to-house ride service.
“Mas madami ang umuulan kasi siyempre kailangan talaga nila yun yung house-to-
house.” [More bookings especially when it's raining because they really need it. The house-to-
house ride.]

The advantages that the person gets in his or her job, makes him or her more connected,
motivated and loyal with his or her job (Lockwood,2007). A foreign study was done in Malaysia,
that stated the reasons on why some drivers and riders uses Grab as their source of income and
for riders as it is more efficient way of transportation (Muhammad, 2019).

Problem #2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a GrabCar driver?
Master Theme 5: External Disturbance

Superordinate Themes Description

Traffic GrabCar driver feels the pain in an all-day
Road Rage GrabCar driver encounters some fights along
the road

Table 5. External Disturbance

Master Theme 5: External Disturbance When the GrabCar driver asked about his
disadvantages in his work, he stated two disadvantages that he encounters in his job and these are
labeled traffic and road rage.

Superordinate Theme 5.1 Traffic The downside about experiencing traffic during the trip
is when it prevent the GrabCar driver to accept another ride immediately because he is stuck in
traffic that results into reducing the expected daily income.
“Ah minsan,may time na ->maliit yung kita kasi nga dahil sa traffic. Kaya minsan
nakakatamad half day lang.” [Ah, sometimes, my earnings are small because of the traffic. That
is why, sometimes I feel lazy and I will just work for half day only.]

Superordinate Theme 5.2 Road Rage A GrabCar driver finds the road rage inconvenient
because it contributes to his stress when dealing with people.
“Hinahayaan ko lang, minsan sinasabi ko na lang (lumipad ka).” [I just let them be,
sometimes I will just say 'go spread your wings and fly.']

From the data that the researchers have gathered, it is visible to the respondent that when
he encounters stressful situations such as road rage and traffic, he copes with it through problem-
focused coping. The GrabCar driver is more focused on the problem and did not let his emotions
overpower him that results in minor arguments (Shamoa-Nir and Koslowsky, 2010).

Problem #2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a GrabCar driver?
Master Theme 6: Internal Conflicts

Superordinate Themes Description

Solo-Flight GrabCar driver feels unhappy since he is alone
during his job
Driving Performance GrabCar driver encounters some violations
while driving

Table 6. Internal Conflicts

Master Theme 6: Internal Conflicts When a GrabCar driver encounters some situations
that associates with his emotions, particularly being a solo-flight worker that affects his driving
performance which results to attaining road violations.

Superordinate Theme 6.1 Solo-Flight The GrabCar driver feels lonely and unhappy
during his work because he does not have someone to talk to while working.

“Masaya na malungkot kasi solo ka lang eh, ((laughs)) -> solo flight nga maghapon
nagdadrive pagod sakit sa paa.” [Happy and sad at the same time because you are all by yourself
during work. Aside from being alone, an all-day driving makes my feet ache too.]

Superordinate Theme 6.2 Driving Performance The respondent provided the researchers
an information about his driving performance that sometimes ended up with a violation.

“Beating the red light ((laughs)).”

Countless investigations demonstrate that the individuals who work alone are at higher
danger of feeling separated from associations. People are intended to interface, convey and
verbalize our sentiments. People chuckle, bluster, talk, conjecture, learn and share normally in
their work (McManus, 2018). Health risk factors affect the drivers behavior in road that can
result to the increase of accidents (Legg, 2016).

Problem #3: What are the struggles of a GrabCar driver?
Master Theme 7: Driver's Difficulties

Superordinate Themes Description

Physical Pain GrabCar driver feels the pain from an all-day
Rider's behavior GrabCar driver encounters some riders that
tests their patience and ability to deal with
people especially when the rider is under the
influence of alcohol

Table 7. Driver's Difficulties

Master Theme 7: Driver's Difficulties When a GrabCar driver asked about his struggles
in his work, he stated three struggles that he always encounters in his job and these are labeled as
physical pain and rider's behavior.

Superordinate Theme 7.1 Physical Pain A GrabCar driver endures the pain that he has in
his body, specifically feet because of a long hour drive in his work.

“Oo, madalas siya kasi minsan sakit talaga sa paa eight hours kang nagdadrive minsan
nga hindi na ako nakakain kasi pasok ng pasok kaya minsan tatabi lang ako kapag may
nadaanan akong tindahan bibili ng c2 at fudge bar.” [Yes, often times it is really painful to my
feet. You are driving for eight hours, sometimes I am not eating in proper time because the
bookings are just keep on entering that it why sometimes, I will just pullover and to buy a biscuit
and drink.]

Superordinate 7.2 Rider's Behavior A rider of a GrabCar is a struggles for a GrabCar

driver in terms of his or her attitude. This varies on how the rider will interact with the GrabCar
driver or vice-versa. In some cases, the rider is under the influence of alocohol that affects the
experience of the trip for both GrabCar driver and the rider.

“Ay oo, lasing yung passenger ko tapos nagsuka siya sa may bintana tapos nung nahatid
ko na siya sa Pasay sinipa yung sasakyan ko. (tarantado) sabi ko na lang pag nandito yun sa
Tipas (banatan) ko yun. Sabi ko lang “boss, ito tubig oh” sinipa na yung sasakyan ko. ((laughs))”
[Ah yes, there was a passenger of mine was drunk and then he vomited on the window. Then,
when I dropped him at Pasay City, he suddenly kicked my car. I said to myself that if only he is
from Tipas, I would really punch him. I only said "boss, here water," then he kicked again my

Job stress is the outcome of the difficulties in works. Job stress affects the workers
negatively in a way that their job satisfaction and self-esteem brings a bad impression along their
work (Hoe, Yoon & Young, 2016). Also, prolonged and irregular hours of driving is one of the
sources of occupational stress, that Hanzlikova (2005) as well stated may cause fatigue and
mental stress to a professional driver.

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter gives the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations
constructed in the study. The summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations are based
on the findings that the researchers have acquired.

Summary of Findings
This study gives the summary on the subject of this study which is the advantages and
disadvantages of being a GrabCar driver, supported by the statement of the problems by the
researchers. These are the reasons in choosing GrabCar driving as his full-time job, advantages
and disadvantages in his job, and the struggles that he encounters as a full-time GrabCar driver.
The respondent lives in Taguig City for 30 years. He is currently working under Grab as his full-
time job, for one year and five months. He is driving a sport utility vehicle (SUV). The
researchers gathered data that are relevant in their study by interviewing and observing the
respondent that took place for four days.
Based on the respondent's answers, there are many reasons why the respondent choose
GrabCar driving to be his full-time job. These are high income compared on his previous jobs,
cash incentives, and no supervision by anyone. The respondent also specified the advantages and
disadvantages of his work. Flexibility of time, traffic, weather condition and cashless transaction
are the advantages that the respondent framed. While, traffic and working alone are the
disadvantages of his work that he affirmed. Aside from these, the respondent also provided the
struggles that he experiences in his work. These are physical pain, and riders attitude.

The researchers concluded that GrabCar driving is one of the most profitable job.
GrabCar drivers tend to choose the job because they are being rationale about their decisions.
GrabCar driving as full-time job can help drivers provide their necessities in their everyday life.

This study simply gives the readers knowledge that would help them understand the
GrabCar drivers on choosing the job. This paper will address the gap in the literature by having
discussed and studied the situations of those who are members of Transport Network Vehicle
Service (TNVS) industry namely, Grab. This paper is important since GrabCar drivingervice of
GrabCar and will serve as guide to some readers who is about to do this job as their full-time
income generator.

In the recommendation for the management of Grab, policies should be considered for
the welfare of GrabCar driver. Drivers under Grab should have employee benefits such as
Philippine Health Insurance (PhilHealth), Social Security System (SSS), and Pagtutulungan sa
Kinabukasan: Ikaw, Bango, Industria at Gobyerno (PAG-IBIG).
In connection with the recommendation for the Grab, the researchers recommends to the
government that Transport Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) should issue their benefits as
laborer, as mandated under the law of Philippine Labor Code.
The study should further elaborate by the future researchers. Since, the data that have
gathered on the study was only completed by one respondent, the information that the
researchers have collected cannot be applied in some cases.
Due to short period of time, the researchers were not able to go into detail about the
study. To sum it all, the study lacks on findings and is recommended that further studies should
be administered.

Appendix A
Informed Consent

Kasulatan ng Malayang Pagpayag ng kalahok na propesyunal na drayber para magsagawa ng

isang pag-aaral upang malaman ang pang-araw-araw na buhay ng isang GrabCar drayber
Informed Consent Form for the professional driver as respondent to undergo a study to determine the daily life
of a GrabCar driver

Punong Tagapanaliksik: Nicole Antonio, Luis Bugtong, Erika Carzon, Mary Mae Dioso, Jessa
Henson & Jazper Santos
Principal Investigators

Samahan: Departamento ng Senior High School, Pamantasan ng Silangan Maynila

Organization: Senior High School Department, University of the East Manila

Ang kasulatan ng malayang pagpayag na ito ay may dalawang bahagi:

This Informed Consent Form has two parts:
• Information Sheet (pagbahagi ng ilang impormasyon tungkol sa gagawing pananaliksik)
Information Sheet (to share information about the research with you)
• Katibayan ng Malayang Pagpayag (paglalakip ng lagda bilang katunayan ng pakikiisa)
Certificate of Consent (for signatures if you agree to take part)

Kayo po ay pagkakalooban ng buong kopya ng Kasulatan ng Malayang Pagpapayag

You will be given a copy of the full Informed Consent Form

Bahagi I: Information Sheet

PART I: Information Sheet


Kami po ay mga mananaliksik ng Departamento ng Senior High School, Pamantasan ng Silangan

Maynila. Kami po ay kasalukuyang nagsasagawa ng isang pagsasaliksik ukol sa iyong pang-araw-araw na
buhay bilang isang GrabCar drayber. Nais ko pong magbahagi sa inyo ng ilang impormasyon at
anyayahan kayo upang makiisa sa pananaliksik na ito. Hindi po kinakailangan na kayo ay magpasiya ng
kaagad-agad kung kayo ay sang-ayon na makiisa o hindi. Maari po kayong sumangguni sa mga taong
higit kayong may tiwala patungkol sa pananaliksik na ito.
We are researchers, from the Senior High School Dept. of the University of the East Manila. We are doing research on the daily
life of a GrabCar driver. We are going to give you information and invite you to be part of this research. You do not have to
decide today whether or not you will participate in the research. Before you decide, you can talk to anyone you feel comfortable
with about the research.

Maari pong may mga salita na hindi ninyo naiintindihan. Mangyari po lamang na ipaalam ninyo ito sa
amin upang higit na maipaliwanag ko ito sa inyo. Kung sakaling kayo ay may katanungan, maari nyo
pong itanong ito sa amin o di kaya ay sa sino mang kasapi ng pagsasaliksik na ito.
There may be some words that you do not understand. Please ask me to stop as we go through the information and I will take
time to explain. If you have questions later, you can ask them of me or any member of the research team.

Purpose of the research

Upang mas magkaroon ng mas malalim at sapat na kaalaman sa kalagayan at pang-araw-araw na gawain
ng isang GrabCar drayber. Napakaimportante po ng pagsasaliksik na ito dahil sa patuloy na pagbabago at
pag-unlad ng teknolohiya sa kasalukuyan, maraming Pilipino ang dumedepende sa makabagong
To have a deeper knowledge about the experiences, advantages and disadvantages of being a full-time GrabCar driver. This
research is very important and timely, as most of the Filipinos are depending on the innovated mode of transportation.

Uri ng Interbensyong Pananaliksik
Type of Research Intervention
Kayo po ay magsasagot lamang ng mga katanungan tungkol sa inyong propesyon na konektado sa aming
pag-aaral na mangyayari sa loob ng pitong araw.
You are encouraged to answer questions regarding to your profession which is connected in our study within seven days.

Pagpili ng Kalahok
Participant selection
Isang propseyunal na drayber na may edad 25 hanggang 50 taong gulang, mula sa siyudad ng Taguig, na
mahigit isang taon nang nagta-trabaho sa ilalim ng Grab Company bilang isang full-time GrabCar
A professional driver age 25 to 50 years old, residing in Taguig City, working under Grab company for atleast one year as full-
time GrabCar driver.

Kusang-loob na pakikilahok
Voluntary Participation
Ang inyong pakikilahok sa pananaliksik na ito ay dapat malaya at kusang loob. Nasa inyo ang
pagpapasiya kung kayo ay makikilahok o hindi. Maari kayong magbago ng isip kung sakaling inyong
mapagpasyahan na hindi na nais ituloy ang inyong pakikiisa kahit pa man kayo ay pumayag na sa simula
ng pananaliksik.
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is your choice whether to participate or not. You may change your
mind later and stop participating even if you agreed earlier.

Karapatang Tumanggi o Umatras

Right to Refuse or Withdraw

Hindi ninyo kailangang makilahok sa pananaliksik na ito kung sakaling hindi ninyo ito nais. Maaari din
ninyong itigil ang inyong pakikilahok anu mang oras ninyo ito gustuhin. Nasa inyong malayang pagpili
ang pakikilahok sa pananaliksik na ito. Amin pong igagalang ang inyong magiging pagpapasya.
You do not have to take part in this research if you do not wish to do so. You may also stop participating in the research at any
time you choose. It is your choice and all of your rights will still be respected.

Kanino dapat makipag-ugnayan

Who to Contact
Kung kayo ay may mga katanungan, maari na ninyo itong itanong o di kaya naman ay mamaya kahit pa
man nagumpisa na ang ilang pamamaraan ng pagaaral. Kung sakaling nais ninyong magtanong mamaya,
mangyari po lamang na hanapin sina: Nicole Antonio, Luis Bugtong, Erika Carzon, Mary Mae Dioso,
Jessa Henson at Jazper Santos
If you have any questions you may ask them now or later, even after the study has started. If you wish to ask questions later, you
may contact: Nicole Antonio, Luis Bugtong, Erika Carzon, Mary Mae Dioso, Jessa Henson and Jazper Santos

Bahagi II: Katibayan ng Pagsangayon

PART II: Certificate of Consent

Aking binasa ang mga naunang impormasyon, o di kaya ay binasa ito sa akin. Nabigyan ako ng
pagkakataon na magtanong tungkol dito at kasiya-siyang nasagot ang bawat isa sa aking mga
katanungan. Pumapayag ako ng kusang loob upang makilahok bilang isang kalahok sa
pananaliksik na ito.
I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about it and any
questions that I have asked have been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to participate as a participant in this

Pangalan ng Kalahok:______________________________________
Print Name of Participant

Lagda ng Kalahok:________________________________________
Signature of Participant


Nasaksihan ko ang tamang pagbasa ng kasulatan ng pagpayag sa magiging kalahok, at nabigyan ng

pagkakataon ang kalahok upang makapagtanong. Pinatutunayan ko na ang kalahok ay kusang-
loob at malayang sumasang-ayon.
I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent form to the potential participant, and the individual has had the
opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the individual has given consent freely.

Pangalan ng Saksi:____________________________ at tatak ng kanan/kaliwang hinlalaki

Print name of witness AND Thumb print of participant

Lada ng Saksi:_______________________________
Signature of witness

Pahayag ng Mananaliksik/tao na kukuha ng pagpayag

Statement by the researcher/person taking consent

Binasa ko ng tama ang mga impormasyong nakalaan sa papel sa mga magiging kalahok at
sinikap ko sa lubos ng aking kakayanan na maunawaan ito ng kalahok na ang pagkuha ng
impormasyon ay kinakailangan.
I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and to the best of my ability made
sure that the participant understands that the following will be done:
Interview session within seven days
Pinatutunayan ko na ang kalahok ay nabigyan ng pagkakataon upang makapagtanong
tungkol sa gagawing pagaaral at lahat ng kayang katanungan ay nabigyan ng tamang
kasagutan sa lubos ng aking kakayanan. Pinatutunayan ko na ang kalahok ay kusang-loob
at hindi pinilit upang ibigay ang kanyang pagsang-ayon
I confirm that the participant was given an opportunity to ask questions about the study, and all the questions
asked by the participant have been answered correctly and to the best of my ability. I confirm that the individual
has not been coerced into giving consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily.

Nagbigay ng isang kopya ng Kasulatang ito sa kalahok

A copy of this ICF has been provided to the participant.

Pangalan ng Mananaliksik/taong kumukuha ng pagpayag:_________________________________

Print Name of Researcher/person taking the consent

Lagda ng Mananaliksik/taong kumukuha ng pagpayag:____________________________________
Signature of Researcher /person taking the consent


Appendix B

Interview Transcript

September 1, 2019 1st Day (Sunday)


Interviewer (Dioso): So Goodmorning po.

R: “Morning”

Interviewer (Dioso): Magco-conduct lang po kami ng research tungkol po sa experiences

ngGrabCar driver, so kayo po napiling respondent sa criteria namin. So ako po si Emem Dioso
yung leader po ng group namin.

Interviewer (Carzon): Ako po si Erika Carzon.

Interviewer (Henson): Jessa Henson po.

Interviewer (Santos) : Jazper Santos po.

Interviewer (Bugtong): Luis Bugtong po.

Interviewer (Dioso): Si Nicole Antonio,ang maganda niyong pamangkin.

Interviewer (Dioso):Magtatanong na po kami tungkol sa buhay niyo then sa work niyo and
personal life, start.

Interviewer (Carzon):Ano po ilang taon na po kayo?

R: “30.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Ay ano po muna name mo? ((Laughs))

R: “Ah Mattleo Antonio.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po spelling ng name?

R: “Ah, M A double T, L, E, O.”

Interviewer (Henson):Ano po apilido?

R: “Ah Antonio.”


Interviewer (Carzon):Ano po ahm, ilan po yung anak niyo?

R: “Tatlo.”


Interviewer (Carzon):Nag-aaral na po ba sila?

R: “Opo.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po yung tatlo?

R: “Dalawang lalaki at isang babae.”

Interviewer (Dioso):Ano na pong grade nila?

R: “Ah isang first year, grade 6 tsaka kinder.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Yung kinder po is babae?

R: “Oo.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Ahm gaano na po ba kayo katagal dito sa Taguig?

R: “Since birth… 30 years.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Bukod po sa pagda-drive niyo saGrab,ano po pa po yung ibang sources

niyo po ng income?

R: “Ahhm.. wala na ayun lang”

Interviewer (Dioso): So main source,niyo po yungGrab.


Interviewer (Dioso): So ano po ah gaano na po kayo katagal sa Grab?

R: “1 year mahigit.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Di niyo na po ba maalala yung specific date?

R: “March yun eh.”

Interviewer (Dioso):Mga 1 year and 8 months?

R: “1 year and 5.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po yung mga factors or reasons niyo kung bakit po kayo nag-Grab?

R: ”Ah -> malaki ang kita, mas [/malaki/] sa ano sa per day.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ah per day po yung kita ninyo?

R: Oo.. ((Nods))

Interviewer (Dioso): Yung sasakyan niyo po ba na gamit, sainyo po yun?

R: ”[/Ah/] kay papa”


Interviewer (Carzon): Yung ano po yung parking niyo po ba may fee kayo?

R:”Meron, P1,000 a month”

Interviewer (Dioso):Yung saGrab po ba paano niyo po siya nalaman,ni-refer po ba siya sainyo or

kayo po mismo?

R: “Ni-refer lang sakin yun.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ni-refer lang po ng kakilala niyo po?

R:”Oo.” ((nods))

Interviewer (Santos): Diba po may mga issues na about po sa mga may mga nade-deactivate na
mga GrabCar drivers, so paano po nakaapekto sainyo, nakaapekto po ba?

R: “Wala naman, di naka apekto kasi hindi naman ako tinamaan nung deactivate kasi kumpleto
kami sa requirements.”


Interviewer (Bugtong): Yung ano po yung kotse niyo po ba ah ano pong type? SUV or Sedan?

R: “ SUV.”

Interviewer (Santos): Ilang seaters?

R: ”Six seaters.”

R: “Ano, Toyota Avanza.”

Interviewer (Bugtong): So yung type po ng ano parang specific lang po ba forGrab six seaters?

R: “Ah hindi, 6 seaters, GrabShare tsaka 4 seaters.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Bukod po sa kita, ano pa po yung cinonsider niyobago po kayo pumasok

R: ->”Incentives.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Incentives, tulad po ng?


Interviewer (Dioso): Ano pong incentives, specific na incentives?

R:”Yung anoG-Cash.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Wala po ba yung sa mga PAG-IBIG po? SSS?

R: “Ah PAG-IBIG, wala.”

Interviewer (Bugtong): SSS po?

R: “Wala din.”


Interviewer (Dioso):Ah, yungincentivespo yungG-Cash, ano pong meron don?

R: “Kunware seven days kapag naka-65 rides ka magkakaroon ka ng P1,000.”

Interviewer (Dioso): 'Pag naka-65 rides?

R: “Within one week, bibigyan ka nila ng P1,000.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po yun ano po siya ngGrab,nasa system po siya mismo ngGrab?

R:”Oo ((nods)) nasa system siya lahat ngGrab driver meron.”

Interviewer (Dioso): 65 rides, one week may P1,000 na po kayo.

September 5,2019 2nd Day (Thursday)


Interviewer (Bugtong ): Diba po as Grabdriver may group po ba kayo dito sa Taguig parang mga
grupo po ng mga driver nakunwari?

R:”Ay hindi ako sa kasali sa mga group kasi may inaano din silang requirements kaya ano lang
ako... solo-flight.”

Interviewer (Santos): Diba po sinabi niyo po na yung pagigingGrabCar drivers niyo isa po sa
parang main source of income niyo po so parang ang tanong ko lang po na napupunan po ba
noon lahat po ng pangangailangan niyo?

R: “Ah oo, kumbaga doon sa dating namamasukan ka mas malaki talaga kita saGrab.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po ba yung job niyo before?

R: “As messenger.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Magkano po yung kinikita niyo noon?

R: “Ah… ano P600 a day.”

Interviewer (Dioso): So, compare po saGrab mas malaki po talaga?

R: “Mas malaki talaga.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Bukod po sa kita at incentives,ano pa pong cinonsider niyo sa pagiging

full-time GrabCar driver?

R: ”Siyempre ano,pagka-Grabdriver ka -> hawak mo yung oras mo wala kang boss yung kahit
anong oras ka lumabas hawak mo lahat, ikaw yung boss yung operator lang yung pinaka-
magrereport ka sa operator.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Yung sa operator po ano po yung situation niyo since sabi niyo nga po
saFather niyo po yung sasakyan?

R: “Ah ano per day boundary din, P800 para panghulog din sa sasakyan tsaka pang-

Interviewer (Dioso): So yung P800 a day po, magkano po yung kinikita niyo sa isang araw?

R: “Range?”

Interviewer (Dioso): Yung range po.

R: “May anomahigit P1,000, minsan P1,500.”

Interviewer (Bugtong): Bago po ba kayo ano ah, rumonda dito-dito nagpapa-full tank po ba

R: “Hanggang P500 lang.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Yung P500 po kasiya na po ba yun?

R: “Oo hanggang ano na yun- sabihin na nating 8AMhanggang 12 or 1PMtapos gas ulit P300-
P400, dipende kasi sumasabay ako kay misis hatid tsaka pauwi niya 8AM to 5PMsiya sa

Interviewer (Dioso): Yung pinapang-gas niyo po ba kinukuha niyo po ba sa personal niyong

budget or sa kita niyo po?

R: “Doon na sa kita na.”


Interviewer (Bugtong): Kapag po ba bumabiyahe kayo, mas ano po yung mas pabor po sainyo,
umaga o gabi?

R: “Umaga kasi mas madaming nagbo-bookkasi papasok tas yung iba call center pauwi.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Saan po yung madalas niyong pinipick-up?

R: “Ah… BGC, Oritgas tsaka Makati yan yung mga business ano-“

Interviewer (Santos): Diba po mas prefer niyo po na mag-ride sa umaga nakakapag-ride pa din
po ba kayo sa gabi and kung icocompare niyo po yung kita parehas lang po ba o nagkakalayo?

R: “Kasi ano mas mataas pag-rush hour, mga 7 to 9AMtapos mga 5 to 7PM, doon yan
lumalaki….. yung rate.”

Interviewer (Dioso): So since cinonsider niyo po yung umaga, paano naman po yung traffic,
paano niyo po dinideal?

R: “Wala, tiyaga-tiyaga lang, tiyaga-tiyaga sa traffic.”

Interviewer (Santos): Since po yung traffic parang isa po sa mga struggles niyo po as a GrabCar
drivers may iba pa po ba kayong na-eencounter na parang factors po na parang
nakakadiscourage po mag-drive from passengers po?

R: “Ah sa ngayon, wala pa naman passenger mababait naman sila.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po yung advantages and disadvantages po sa pagigingGrabCar driver?

R: ->“Kasi ayun nga sa budget, mas malaki talaga kita kapagGrabCar driver ka. Mas madaming
time sa family.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Yung ano niyo po ba yung whole day niyo po ba nabubuo niyo po ba yun?

R: “[/Hmmmm/] ano.. lumalabas ako 7AM to 6PM”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po yung disadvantages as a GrabCar drivers?

R: “Ah minsan,may time na ->maliit yung kita kasi nga dahil sa traffic. Kaya minsan
nakakatamad halfday lang,”

Interviewer (Santos): Madalas po ba mangyari yun?

R: “Hindi naman, minsan lang.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Ano po yung mga araw na ganon yung nangyayare?

R: “Lunes, kasi yun yung unang araw ng paglabas ko eh. Kasi nagkaroon ako ng bagong plaka.”

Interviewer (Dioso): So yung Thursday po whole day then Sunday is pahinga niyo na po?

R: “Oo.. ((nods)) Sunday, family day na.

Interviewer (Santos): Sa loob po nung 1 year na pagdadrive niyo, ano po ah karamihan po ba sa

ruta na dinadrive niyo pare-parehas po o meron pong malalayo?

R: “Malalayo din, minsan napupunta na ako ng Caloocan North, SM Fairview medyo malayo na
yon. Basta looban pa papunta na ng Bulacan. Pagka ganon nagdedestination na lang ako
pabalik, pa-BGC ganon yung mga nakuha ko doon papunta na ng BGC.”

Interviewer (Santos): Ah bale nagiintay na lang po kayo ng passenger doon na pabalik.

Interviewer (Bugtong): Ah kung alam niyo na po yung daan sinusunod niyo pa po ba yungWaze
or hindi na?

R: “Ah minsan kasi siWaze pinapaikot ka niya sa malayo pwede mo naman diretchuhin
papalayuin ka pa para umikot. Minsan kung alam mo na yung daan kahit hindi kana mag-Waze.


Interviewer (Antonio): Hindi naman nag-aalala yung mga passenger na minsan mo hindi mo
sinusunod yungWaze? Diba minsan may mga pasahero na parang naka-base din sila saWaze na
parang pag may mali kinakabahan na sila na baka maligaw sila ganon?

R: “Minsan ganon, tinatanong ko sila kung pwede ba akong kumanan dito kasi alam na nila
yung daan kasi araw-araw na nilang ginagamit yung daan na yun kaya minsan nagtatanong
ako kung pwede ba ako dito. Minsan sila na din nagtuturo ng daan para mabilis.”

Interviewer (Santos):Dun po sa maintenance, may naexperience na po ba kayong nasiraan po


R: “Hmm.. Ngayon wala pa naman kasi bago-bago pa naman yung sasakyan ano lang tune-up
at change oil, wala pa naman yung malalang sira kasi bago pa lang yung sasakyan kaya hindi ko
pa nararamdaman.”

Interviewer (Santos): Kailan po yung sasakyan niyo?

R: “2017.”


Interviewer (Carzon): Pag po ba mga ganitong daan, may mga naeencounter po kayong

R: “[/Ahhhhh/] minsan sumayad ako sa ambulance eh sumingit ako maliit yung daan kaya
kasalanan ko.”

Interviewer (Santos): Magkano po binabayad niyo pag nagpapacarwash?

R: “200.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Tuwing kailan po kayo nagpapacarwash?

R: “Tuwing Sunday.”

Interviewer (Bugtong): May times po ba na kunwari traffic po may mga nagkakapikunan kasi [/
kunwari/] medyo mabagal po tayo tas may nagmamadali po tas yun may nagagalit na po?

R: “Oo, kasi di alam nung- kunwari jeep nagbaba siya siyempre mapapatigil ako yung nasa
likod busina ng busina.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Paano niyo po dinideal yung ganon?

R: “Hinahayaan ko lang, minsan sinasabi ko na lang (lumipad ka).”


Interviewer (Dioso): Na-istress po ba kayo sa trabaho niyo po?

R: ->“Yung sa traffic, minsan ayon. Traffic lang naman talaga kalaban mo dito kapag driver ka

Interviewer (Antonio): Nakaka-apekto po ba yon sa kita niyo?

R: “Oo, kasi minsan ano eh kumakain ng isang oras tas isa’t kalahating oras tapos [/minsan/]
bumababa yung rates niya.”

Interviewer (Santos): Since,po sinasabi niyo na yung traffic po yung kalaban niyo po pero na
encounter niyo po ba na rin po ba na maging factor yun?

R: “Kagandahan din kasi minsan sa traffic lalo na’t ->kapag rush hour, mataas yung rate.”

Interviewer (Santos):Sa isang pasada niyo po na kunwari po may nagbook po sainyo ano po
range na nakukuha niyo po?

R: Iba-iba kasi eh, pero minsan jackpot. Kunwari kapagsix seaters malaki kasi yan eh. Pag ka-
malayo- ah pinakamalaki kong nakuha yung P1,200 Pasay hanggang Marikina, 6 seaters yun.”

Interviewer (Antonio): May quota po ba kayo kapag bumabyahe po kayo?

R: “Siguro mga 15 rides per day pwede na.”


Interviewer (Dioso): So kapag po may naka book po sainyo nakikipag-interact po ba kayo sa

passenger niyo?

R: “Oo, minsan kwentuhan lalo na kapag “chix”, chichikahin ko yun.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Sa tingin niyo ano po yung result ng pakikipag interact sa passenger,
positive po ba siya or negative?

R: ->“Siyempre positive, kaya mo nga siya chinichika para bigyan ka ng tip. ((laughs))”

Interviewer (Carzon): Yung sa rating po nila ano po yung pinaka-mataas niyo?

R: “Dalawa lang naman kasi yun eh, smile tsaka sad face.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Ano po yung mas marami?

R: “Siyempre smiley face.”

Interviewer (Santos): Since nabanggit niyo po yung sa tip magkano po yung mga binibigay nila
sayo kadalasan?

R: “P50, Minsan kunwariP330 yung booking nila bibigyan ako ng 400 ganon. Hindi na

Interviewer (Dioso):Nahihiwalay niyo po ba yung kita niyo sa tip?

R: “Hindi sama-sama na eh, sa bahay na ako nagcocompute pero nakikita naman doon sa apps
ngGrab na kung magkano na yung nakikita mo.”

Interviewer (Dioso): May passenger po ba kayo na sobrang observant po niya sa sasakyan tapos
sinabi niya po sainyo na halimbawa po may hindi po siya nagustuhan sinasabi niya po ba yun

R: “Mainit lang, sasabihin niya “kuya, mainit palakas ng aircon.” ((laughs))

Interviewer (Carzon): Kapag po ba umuulan or umaaraw marami po bang nagbobook? Ano po

yung mas madami?

R: “Mas madami ang umuulan kasi siyempre kailangan talaga nila yun yung house-to-house.”

Interviewer (Carzon): Ilan po ba yung passengers na nagbobook kapag pong ganong weather?

R: “Madami eh, kasi hindi pa nadodrop-off yung isa may papasok na agad eh.”


Interviewer (Carzon): Pero okay lang naman po ba yon?

R: “Oo naman, accept ko lang.”

Interviewer (Antonio): May na-encounter ka na po na kunwari papunta na po kayo sa way niyo

parang malapit kana po doon tas biglang magca-cancel?

R: “Ah oo, madami.”

Interviewer (Antonio): Ano pong ginagawa niyo pag kaganon?

R: “Pag ka umabot ka ng 5 minutes,pag-papunta ka na may bawas sakanila yon, 25 pesos or
kung hindi sila- or kunwari andoon ka na sa area arrived kana tapos wala pa siya within 5
minutes pwede ko siyang i-cancel as a passenger.”

Interviewer (Bugtong): Karamihan po ba sa mga pasahero, cash po ba yung bayad or virtual?

R: “Dipende din kasi eh, minsan nga wala akong cash lahat nasaGrabPay pang boundary lang
yung cash ko tapos minsan naman puro cash walang GrabPay.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po yung process niyo sa GrabPay kayo pong mgaGrabdrivers?

R: “Magbabayad sil- kunwari credit card tapos papasok yun sa redwallet naming yun.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Paano niyo pa nakukuha yon?

R: “Idedeposit ko siya sa account ko saGrab card. Within 2 days saka ko lang siya

Interviewer (Antonio): Kapag po ba nakukuha niyo po yun may bawas po ba yun or wala?

R: “Alam ko P20 kapag magwiwithdraw ka.”

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano po yungGrabCard na yun as in card po ba talaga siya ngGrab?

Provided po ba talaga yun ngGrab para sa mga drivers nila?

R: “Oo.”


Interviewer (Dioso): Saan niyo po siya winiwithdraw?

R: Sa kahit saan, BDO o Metrobank may bawas na P20 tapos minsan ayun na din binabayad
naming sa Meralco sa tubig ,diretcho na don.

Interviewer (Dioso): So ano pa po ba sa tingin niyo yung mga struggles niyo sa trabaho niyo?

R: “Traffic, yun lang naman talaga.”

Interviewer (Dioso): So ano po yung epekto noon sainyo bilang driver?

R: “Minsan kasi advantage at disadvantage. Kunwari traffic mataas yung rates niya minsan
naman mababa kasi aabutin ka ng isa’tkalahating oras pero wala ka naman magagawa kasi
inaccept mo siya hindi mo siya pwede icancel.”

Interviewer (Dioso):Pero po ano halimbawa galing po kayo sa trabaho tapos sobrang traffic po
ng pinang-galingan niyo nakaka-apekto po ba yun sa inyo kung paano po kayo nakikipag-
interact sa pamilya niyo pag-uwi?

R: “Ah alam naman nila yun sinasabi ko lang traffic.”

Interviewer (Dioso):Ano po yung ginagawa niyo pang cope-withpo sa mga stress tulad po nung
sa traffic?

R: ->“Papahinga tapos yosi break tapos pag-uwi redhorse lang.”

Interviewer (Bugtong): May times po ba na sobrang pagod niyo po nagagawa niyo po bang
tumabi sa kalsada konting pahinga or kumakain po kayo sa labas?

R: “Oo, madalas siya kasi minsan sakit talaga sa paa 8 hours kang nagdadrive minsan nga hindi
na ako nakakain kasi pasok ng pasok kaya minsan tatabi lang ako kapag may nadaanan akong
tindahan bibili ng c2 at fudge bar.”

Interviewer (Dioso):May medical issue po ba kayo halimbawa po sa mata niyo, wala po bang
sira yung mata niyo?

R: “Wala pa naman, malinaw pa mata ko.”

Interviewer (Dioso): May lisensya naman po kayo diba, gaano na po yun katagal?

R: “Mga 10 years na yun kasi nagmessenger na ako before kaya batang lansangan na.”


Interviewer (Antonio): Diba po 5 years lang po yung lisensya?

R: “Oo, 5 years lang tapos renew na ulit. Dati nga 3 years lang yun eh.”

Interviewer (Bugtong): Required po ba saGrab as driver yung lisensya na PRO?

R: “Oo, Required talaga yung professional.”

September 8, 2019 3rd Day (Sunday)


Interviewer (Dioso): Yung sa educational background niyo po ba saan po kayo nagcollege?

R: “Oo, sa Pamantasan ng InfoTech Instititute sa Pasig. ((laughs))

Interviewer (Dioso): Ano pong course niyo?

R: “Computer Technician.”

Interviewer (Dioso): So after niyo po grumaduate?

R: “Ay hindi ako grumaduate, 1st sem lang yun eh.”

Interviewer (Dioso): After po non, nagtrabaho na po ba kayo?

R: “Oo, kasi may asawa na ako eh.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Ano po yung trabaho niyo noon?

R: “Una kong trabaho sa URC factory worker ako, tapos sa Ministop tapos sa Jollibee rider
tapos nagmessenger ako ng bangko for 8 years tapos non grab na, aga ko kasi (lumandi)
eh.” ((laughs))


Interviewer (Dioso) - Kasal po ba kayo sa asawa niyo?

R: “Opo.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Gaano na po kayo katagal na kasal?

R: “ 2012 kami eh, 7 years.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Yung pag gagrab niyo po ba desisyon mo lang po o desisyon niyong mag-

R: “Desisyon naming dalawa.”



Interviewer (Dioso) - May mga di niyo po malilimutan na experience niyo sa grab?

R: “Ay oo, lasing yung passenger ko tapos nagsuka siya sa may bintana tapos nung nahatid ko
na siya sa Pasay sinipa yung sasakyan ko. (tarantado) sabi ko na lang pag nandito yun sa Tipas
(banatan) ko yun. Sabi ko lang “boss, ito tubig oh” sinipa na yung sasakyan ko. ((laughs))

Interviewer (Dioso) - Eh yung ano naman po yung positive naman po?

R: “Meron, may nagbook na isa pinapunta niya nalang ako sa pick-up niya para bigay niya
nalang sa akin yung bayad niya kasi hindi na siya matutuloy pumunta doon sa pupuntahan.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - So instead mag-cancel siya-

R: “Oo, pinapunta niya na lang ako doon pick-up place niya binigay niya na lang saakin yung
bayad tas nagpasalamat ko sabi ko “Mam, thank you” ayun.

Interviewer (Carzon) - Masaya po ba sa grab?

R: - “Masaya na malungkot kasi solo ka lang eh, ((laughs)) -> solo flight nga maghapon
nagdadrive pagod sakit sa paa.”

Interviewer (Antonio) - Hindi ka na po ba nagiisip na mag-palit ng trabaho?

R: “Wala na eh, ewan ko kasi sa ngayon eto na yung magandang trabaho.”

Interviewer (Carzon) - Wala ka po ba talagang balak sumali sa group ng grab drivers?

R: “Tinatamad ako sa mga ganon eh, tapos bibili ka pa nung radio, yung para sa UV.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Kapag po ba may malayong nagbobook sainyo may times po ba na

nagcacancel sa inyo?

R: “Oo minsan, kasi kapag kainaccept ko yun tinitignan ko muna kung saan yung daan kaya
kapag minsan masiyadong traffic cinacancel ko yon.”

Interviewer (Antonio) - Hindi po ba nakaka-apekto sa rate niyo yun?

R: “Minsan bumababa yung rate ko pero pagka nagcancel ka bawian mo agad ng 2 accept para
mabawi mo yung nawala siguro mga tatlo.”


Interviewer (Dioso) - Kapag po ba may biglaan kayong lakad sa isang araw ano po ba yung
inuuna niyo?

R: “Hindi kasi kung naaccept ko na siya, siyempre or napick-up na kailangan ko siya ihatid kung
saan man siya pero kung papunta pa lang ako doon pwede ko siyang i-cancel kung may lakad
talaga akong importante.”

Interviewer (Antonio) - Kapag po may teenager kayong passenger tapos babae pa po siya paano
niyo po ina-asure na sa safe po siya dito?

R: “Kasi karamihan naman pagka ganyan house to house talaga eh.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Ano po yung actions or specific actions na ginagawa niyo kasi diba po may
perceptions yung ibang tao kasi may iba pong driver na tinetake advantage po nila yung mga
ganung situation kasi diba po may mga ganong issues na nababalita ano po yung ginagawa niyo
para ma-ensure po yung kaligtasan niya para hindi po niya mafeel na delikado po?

R: “Minsan kinekwentuhan ko siya.”

Interviewer (Bugtong) - Natiketan na po kayo?

R: “Oo, madalas.”

Interviewer (Bugtong) - Saan niyo po yun tutubusin tas magbabayad po kayo saan niyo po
kinukuha yun?

R: Sa city hall kung saang lugar ka nahuli.

Interviewer (Bugtong) - Sa kita niyo po ba o sa personal?

R: “Sa personal na.”

Interviewer (Santos) - Since naticketan po kayo ano po yung pinaka madalas na violation niyo?

R: “Beating the red light ((laughs)).”

Interviewer (Bugtong) - May nahatid na po ba kayong dumaan po kayo sa express way?

R: “Oo skyways, expressway”

Interviewer (Bugtong) - Diba po may mga driver na kinukuha yung pambayad sa passenger yung
pang toll gate?

R: “Oo, sa kanila naman talaga yun.”


Interviewer (Dioso) - Bago po ba kayo mag grab may orientation po ba?

R: “Oo meron.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Ano po yung nangyayari dun sa orientation?

R: “Di ko nga alam, di ko naman pinakikinggan. ((laughs))

Interviewer (Dioso) - Pero ano po ba kunwari nagorientation po kayo ngayon tapos bukas pwede
na po ba kayo magstart para byumahe?

R: “Pagka nabigyan ka na nila ng id, kasi ako nung ano kinabukasan lumabas na ako agad.”

Interviewer (Carzon) - Dipende po ba sa labas ng id?

R: “Oo, dipende don.”

Interviewer (Santos) - Diba po sabi niyo mabilis lang po kayo nakapag byahe agad wala po don
na nirequire na training sa pagdadrive?

R: “Wala naman, basta orientation lang tas may sinagutan ka pwede na lumabas. Pasa ka ng
requirements, kasi noon di pa masiyadong mahigpit tas ngayon mas humigpit na.”

September 12, 2019 4th Day (Thursday)


Interviewer (Dioso) - Ano pa po yung iba niyo cinoconsider sa grab?

R: “Masarap nga kasi yung kitaan malaki, tapos hindi masiaydong stress dahil pag-uwi mo
makikita mo yung kinita mo satisfied ka.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Sapat po ba yung kinikita niyo para sa pamilya niyo?

R: “Sapat na sapat, sobra pa nga eh. ((laughs)) Dati empi lang ngayon redhorse na. Pag medyo
malaki kita, alfonso. ((laughs))

Interviewer (Dioso) - Sa kita niyo po diba kinukuha na yung pambayad sa basic needs niyo po?

R: “Oo.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Ano pong work ng asawa niyo po?

R: “Ano siya marketing assistant.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Magkano po yung kinikita niya?

R: “P8,000 per month.”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Tapos kayo po magkano po per month?

R: “Ganon din, 20 [/ganon/].”

Interviewer (Dioso) - Saan po nagaaral yung anak niyo po?

R: “Yung panganay ko, sa private kasi naka scholar siya, yung pangalawa public, tas yung bunso
public din.

Interviewer (Dioso) - Magkano po yung tuition doon sa private?

R: “Ah wala, scholar kasi siya ng Taguig.”



Interviewer (Antonio) - Meron po ba siyang allowance para sa scholar?

R: “Meron, every 6 months meron siyang P2,000.”

Appendix C


Master Theme 1: Work Rceipts

Higher Income “Mas malaki talaga kita kapag GrabCar driver

Incentives “65 rides, one week may ₱1,000 na po kayo.”

Master Theme 2: No Supervision

No Supervision “Hawak mo oras mo, wala kang boss kahit

anong oras ka lumabas hawak mo lahat.”
No Management ”Siyempre ano,pagka-Grab driver ka ->
hawak mo yung oras mo wala kang boss yung
kahit anong oras ka lumabas hawak mo lahat,
ikaw yung boss yung operator lang yung
pinaka- magrereport ka sa operator.”
Weather Condtion “Mas madami ang umuulan kasi siyempre
kailangan talaga nila
yun yung house-to-house.”

Master Theme 3: Employee's Comfort

Flexibility of Time “Kasi ayun nga sa budget, mas malaki talaga

kita kapag GrabCar driver ka. Mas
madaming time sa family.”
Cashless Transaction “Credit card tapos papasok yun sa red wallet
namin yun.”

Master Theme 4: Environmental Factors

Traffic Condition “Kagandahan din kasi minsan sa traffic lalo
na’t ->kapag rush hour, mataas yung rate.”
Weather Condition “Mas madami ang umuulan kasi siyempre
kailangan talaga nila yun yung house-to-

Master Theme 5: External Disturbance

Traffic “Ah minsan,may time na ->maliit yung kita

kasi nga dahil sa traffic. Kaya minsan
nakakatamad half day lang.”
Road Rage “Hinahayaan ko lang, minsan sinasabi ko na
lang (lumipad ka).”

Master Theme 6: Internal Conflicts

Solo-Flight “Masaya na malungkot kasi solo ka lang eh,

((laughs)) -> solo flight nga maghapon
nagdadrive pagod sakit sa paa.”
Driving Performance “Beating the red light ((laughs)).”

Master Theme 7: Driver's Difficulties

Physical Pain “Masaya na malungkot kasi solo ka lang eh,
((laughs)) -> solo “Oo, madalas siya kasi
minsan sakit talaga sa paa eight hours kang
nagdadrive minsan nga hindi na ako
nakakain kasi pasok ng pasok kaya minsan
tatabi lang ako kapag may nadaanan akong
tindahan bibili ng c2 at fudge bar.” flight
nga maghapon nagdadrive pagod sakit sa
Rider's Behavior “Ay oo, lasing yung passenger ko tapos
nagsuka siya sa may bintana tapos nung
nahatid ko na siya sa Pasay sinipa yung
sasakyan ko. (tarantado) sabi ko na lang pag
nandito yun sa Tipas (banatan) ko yun. Sabi
ko lang “boss, ito tubig oh” sinipa na yung
sasakyan ko. ((laughs))”

Appendix D
Reflexive Journal

Before we conduct the research and study about the experiences of GrabCar driver, I
thought that there is a big profit in this kind of job since many commuters avail the service.
Although, the fare is higher, many people still patronize the service because of the convenience
in going to their destination. I also thought that during traffic, the GrabCar drivers have lesser
income. However, while conducting the research, we found out that the fare is higher during
those cases because of the high demand. GrabCar drivers even receive incentives on top of their
earnings. Moreover, they can also manage their own time on their job that results to having
quality time for their family compared to being an employee of a private company who has fixed
working hours. After the study, we've learned a lot from the life of a GrabCar driver.


The knowledge of the researchers was widen by the experiences while conducting this
study. As a case study researcher, one of the learnings is during the phase of interviewing the
respondent in which it answers the goal of the study and it's central question which is to know
the advantages and disadvantages of a GrabCar driver. In addition, being part of this study has
raised awareness for my relatives, family and friends particularly in the matter of the ussage of
the innovated transportation vehicle today. Thus, this study helped the researchers to fully
understand how a case study works out.


Conducting this research helped a lot because it gave a lot of knowledge that has so much
impact to the researchers. Researchers were able to know and experience the lifestyle of a
GrabCar driver. Different concerns and problems that the respondent has in this modernized
transportation in the country. Accomplishing this study was not easy as others think, because the
researchers face difficulties sometimes particularly in finding the appropriate literature review.
The researchers also face some argument because of some misunderstanding. But at the end, the

researchers made sure that would be the last time. The study was made together with the strong
cooperation and participation of each members that led to a successful research about the
advantages and disadvantages of a full-time GrabCar driver. Through ups and down, the
researchers show beyond doubt that no matter what the problem is, never stop digging
information about it.


Before we start in constructing this study, we already faced struggles like narrowing
down the topic and choosing the final angle to focus on the study. When looking through the
related literatures in the study, I already assumed some of the possible findings that we'll be
acquiring. During the data gathering, I got more interested and excited to do our study.
Especially doing case study because you have the chance to be part of the study and not just
conducting the study. Although, the study only had one respondent, I figured that most of the
GrabCar drivers are law-abiding. They follow the rules, terms and conditions that the Grab has
given to them regarding to the service that they are providing. Moreover, I am happy with the
experience that I have earned all throughout the study. I am certain that the lessons that I have
learned here will always be with me.


The knowledge of this research was imparted to the researchers while conducting this
study. As one of the researchers in this study, it paved way in knowing different situations and
concerns of drivers in this field of modernized transportation. It became new learning and
experience in exploring and recognizing the advantages and disadvantages of GrabCar driving.
Meanwhile, in accomplishing this study, one of the difficulties that the researchers encountered
was maintaining the objectivity, the consistency and the connections of each data collected
specially the reliability and validity of each review and related literature used. Lastly, to come up
with a successful study of a GrabCar driver the whole study was made by cooperation and
participation of each researchers.


Before we proceed with our research, I just think that being a GrabCar driver was all
about the good side. And all I think about is how the drivers chose it knowing that they will just
have a greater income and it has no downsides. While interviewing the respondent, I have
noticed that GrabCar driving has also disadvantages, which are physical pain and traffic. Also, I
was enlightened that traffic can also help them and does not only serves as a factor of earning
higher income. After this research, I can say that this research is substantial and functional
especially to those people who are not knowledgable enough about the lives of the drivers of this
modernized transportation system.



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