PP in Lakes

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Primary Production in Lakes


Biology Department, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio


The mean photosynthetic rate of lake phytoplankton under optimal light (natural con-
ditions) is about 0.5 micromoles of 02 evolved or CO2 consumed per microliter of organisms
per hour; l-2 micromoles per milligram ash-free dry Ljceight per hour; and 0.2 micromoles
per microgram of chlorophyll per hour. Simple equations are presented for computing
photosynthetic yield per square meter of water surface. Computations for several lakes
yielded values mostly lying between 150-200 millimolcs per square meter per day. A year-
round study under completely natural conditions in western Lake Erie showed writer
yields of about 40 millimoles per square meter per day and summer maxima of about 300.
The annual curve followed the solar radiation curve closely. It is estimated that 28 days
are required for a gram of phytoplankton (ash-free dry weight) to produce an additional
gram of glucose available for reproduction; 80 per centJ of the photosynthate produced is
required to support phytoplankton respiration.

Three quantities, related to primary pro- of aut atrophic organisms, under optimal
duction in lakes, are measured by aquatic* light’ (natural conditions) amounts to about
biologists: (1) the volume of autotrophic 0.5 mic*romoles of 02 evolved or CO2 con-
organisms, (2) the ash-free dry weight of sumed per hour (6 fig C). The rate per
suspended particles (organic seston), and milligram of ash-free dry weight is about 1
(3) the concentration of chlorophyll-eac*h or %, ( 12-24 pg C) and the rate per micro-
of these expressed per unit volume of water. grant of chlorophyll is about 0.2 micromoles
These are measures of standing (arop, and of ( J3 (2.4 pg C). These values represent
they represent roughly quantitative esti- ~~un~crous t,ests and can he regarded as
mates of the populat,ion of autotrophic or- fairly reliable means, but results from in-
ganisms upon whi& primary producation is dividllal test,s vary widely. The data repre-
based. wit rlpilimnion collections. Manning and
Some biologists have studied photosynthc- .Juday ( 1941) state that hypolimnion samples
sis under approximately natural cwndit,ions exhibit yields which are less than one-third
and have related the ohscrvcd Oz-prodwtioll so high.
or COZ-consumption lo one or mow of thcl A’I smvey of the literature she\\-s that
quantities named above. l“ron1 sucah data there is a rough inverse correlation between
it is possible to compute ~ncan photos?;n- the dr@h of the epilimnion (or total depth
t)hetic yields per unit of standing crop. ‘I‘abl~ ill llnstratified lakes) and the standing crop
1 present’s a summary of suc*h yields w~m- of auf obrophic plants (,Manning and Juday
puted from the literat,urc. These data rrlprc- 19-l1, Rwnak 1919, Verduin 1954). Thus
sent total or true photosynthesis, i.e. the lakw \vith an epilimnion layer of the order
experiments incaluded darkened hot tles to of CHH~meter are likely t,o have standing
take account of the C‘C)s cwntrihutccl by rw- cbropx of t,hc order of 50 microlitcrs of plant
piration, or of the 02 so (Y~IISUII~C~. Riley’s volu~nc: per liter of water, 15 milligrams ash-
(I 941) data arc inc~ludcd lwur~~~ t holy per- t’rcc dry w4ght, and :30micrograms of chloro-
mit computation iI all t hrw c*atcgoriw. phyll. Ilakes having an epilimnion depth
and because they shop\- I hat the rates for of’ thrb order of 10 meters are likely to have
marine phytoplankton NO in gc~~ral agrw- st atldillg (*raps about one-tenth so high.
rnent with those for f’rwh IIX~W phytoplank- rI’hc%~~ values arc intended to indicatNc
t,on. The data in t)his tahlrl suggest that ordcr~ of magnitude only. Large \-:triations
t!hc mean photosynthctich ratct of a nlic~rolitcl iii stallding crop arc obsci*\-cd, ot’ ~~oi~rsc,

Ph?ytoplanktorr photosy,l thesis undrI, rate in the euphotic zone to the rate under
optimal light optimal light. Estimates of standing crop
To indicate variation observed routinely among irl- are abundant in the literature. Light
dividual samples write X + 3 after eachvalue in the
table. To convert to micrograms COz multipI) penetration data are less abundant, but if
by 44, O2 by 32, carbohydrate by 30, carbon by 12. Secc*hi disc readings are included a con-
siderable amount of information is avail-
Micromoles CO% absorbed
or 02 evolved per able. To make Secchi disc readings approxi-
Reference mattlly convertible to euphotic zone depths,
plit/hr mg/dry- pg chloro-
wt/hr phyll/hr simultaneous determinaGons with the Secchi
disc&and submarine photometer were made
0.8 0.22 hlanning k Juday (1941) during August 1955 by the crews of two
0.22 Gessner (1949)
0.5 1.6 Verduin* (1956) vessels assigned to the synoptic survey of
2.0 *Jackson & McFadden Lake Erie. The data are plotted in Figure
(1954) 1. The line, drawn by inspection through
0.6 1.3 0.31 Riley* (1941) the scatter diagram, suggests that an ap-
* Average of year-round research under natural proximate estimate of the depth of euphotic
conditions. The other data represent summer con- zone can be obtained by multiplying Secchi
ditions. A11 are in tempcraie zone. disc readings by 5. The scatter in Figure 1
indicaat’es that the relationship is not pre-
caise. Different conversion factors appear
in t’he literature; Riley (1941) used a factor
of :<; from the data of Bursche (1955) a
factor of about 2.5 can be computed; Raw-
son (1950) suggests that the factor decreases
as transparency increases, and he lists a
factor of 4.3 when the Secchi disc reading is
about 1 meter.
The ratio of mean photosynthesis in the
euphot)ica zone to the rate under optimal
light is about 0.65. This value has been
determined from numerous experiments in
western Lake Erie (Verduin 1956) and can
he (lorived from Figure 12 of Manning and
,Juday (1941).
The following equations are now pre-
s 0 seni ~1 for computing approximate daily
FIG. 1. Relation of Secchi disc reading (SI), photosynthesis per square meter of water
meters) to depth associated with one per cent of (Kl).
surface light (EZ, meters). An approiimate csti-
mate of euphotic zone is obtained by multiplying I’,, = P, X Y, X D1 X 0.65 (1)
Secchi disc reading by 5.
Where I’, is mean phytoplankton crop per
from time-to-t’ime in a given lake and among cbubic*meter in the euphotic zone, Y, is daily
different lakes of similar epilimnion depth. photosynthesis per unit standing crop under
The data in Table 1 (‘an be used to pro- optimal light (Table l), and D1 is the depth
vide estimates of photosynthesis in a given of the euphotic zone. This equation applies
lake if the following quantities are known: to lakes whose euphotic zone is confined to
(1) the standing crop, expressed as plant the epilimnion, or to unstratified lakes show-
volume, organic seston, or (Ahlorophyll, (2) ing 1 per cent or less of surface light on the
the depth associated I\-ith one per cent of bottom.
surface light, which marks the lower limit B~ause photosynt,hetic yields in the
of the euphotic zone (Ruttner 1953: 127), hypolimnion are so much smaller than in the
and (3) the ratio of Nolan photosynthetic epilimnion (Manning and Juday 1941) a
modificcl 0(111:11i01r is l)iUosoi~to(1 for I:lkos
whose euphotic* zone (1st~~llclsD c.ollsic~c~1,al)l(~
distance into t h(l hypolinlllioll, or for 1111-
stratified lakes showing light intensities
considerably ill (\xwss of I p(‘r wnt of s11r- Yield by Manning
and Juday (mmol)
Yield from rquation
Cl) or (2) (mmol)
face light’ on the bot,tom :
17 89 (1)
Y,, = r;\ x Y,, x I)2 (‘-‘I 53 56 (1)
57 58 (2)
Where F’i is mean phSvvtoplanktjoll cwp ill 57 72 (1)
the epilimnion, I’, is as above, and 112 is 83 78 (2)
depth to midthcrmoc~line, or to botStom in 87 96 (2)
146 325 (2)
unstratified lakes. 111 this equation it is
assumed that the entire stallding crop in the
epilimnion is exposed to optimal light, and than one would predict on the basis of ob-
that! the contribution of the hypolirnllion is wrvcd light intensities. The approxima-
negligible. The first assumption is over- tion, t hcrefore, is not so rough as would at
optimistic, and the se(Aond is unduly pessi- first appear, and Table 2 shows close agree-
mistic. They, therefore, tend to counteract, n1cnt ) in most cases, between the yields
each other, yielding a simple tquation which computed from cquatJon (1) or (2) and those
is likely to provide a fair approsimatioll of reported by Manning and Juday. It seems
the photosynthesis yield. likely that these simple equations provide
To test the usefulness of these equations as reliablt an estimate of the photosynthetic
they have been used to wmputc IF0 ill sewn yield per square meter of water as does the
Wisconsin lakes studied l)y lIarming and more tedious metShod outlined by Manning
,Juday (1941). The yields from ecluations and ,Juday.
(1) and (2) are compared in Table 2 with It should be emphasized that the least
yields computed by 1lanning and ,Juday, rt~liabltl factor in these equations is Y,,
using a det,ailed method (estimating light the phot’osynt,het,ic rate per unit of standing
intensity and photosynthetic yield at l- crop. I believe that significant differences
meter intervals in the vertical column, and can be established between rates for dif-
at hourly intervals throughout, the day) ferent lakes. Manning and Juday did not
which was admittedly more refined than the study this aspect of the problem. The low
data warranted. In applying equaGons value of photosynthetic rate (per mg ash-
(1) and (2) I used the standing crop of free dry weight) for Wisconsin la.kes (Table
chlorophyll determined by ALfanning and 1) as compared to Lake Erie, Pymatuning
Juday , and the hourly photosyntShet,ic+ Reservoir, and Georges Bank, is evidence
yield reported by them (Table I, of this that such differences exist.
paper), and assumed that there were 12 Pennak’s publication (1949) provides the
hours of daylight during \vhicah the photo- data needed for yield computations using
synthetic rate was maintained. The rough- equation (I) or (2). In Table 3 these yield
est approximat ioll in this type wmputation estimates arc presented. Pennak’s st’and-
is the failure to (wrrwfj for dim light when the ing cbrops are expressed as organic seston,
~1x11is low, or obscwred by clouds. Stee- a photosynthetic rate of 1.4 micromoles per
mann Xelsen has sho\vll (I 95-I : 3 17) that mg per hour was used to compute the yields,
marine photosynthesis (PFl ni?) is not, and Secchi disc readings were multiplied
linearly proportional to light intellsity, hut by 5 to provide euphotic zone dept’hs. The
that an intensity cwrrwponding to one- actual determination of Y, and of euphotic
third of full sunlight \vill support, a photo- zone depths in Colorado lakes might result
synthetic yield amounting to two-thirds of in a considerable revision of the values in
the rate at) full sunlight. And I have show) Table :3. Computations for western Lake
(Verduin 1956) that, phot’osynthetic yields Erie, Sandusky Bay, and some roadside
on cloudy days were cwnsiderably higher ditches in Kansas are included. The most
III If‘igure 2 the monthly 11~~~11 photosy11-
t hctich yields per square meter per day for
\\.aters in the island region of west em Lake
.!I1 yields \vere computed using :L v:il ue of 1.4 Ij:rie are graphed against time of year.
millimoles per gram ash-free dry weight per hour
For the I’S Yield per unit of phitoplanktbn crop, These estimates are based on observed pH
and assuming a 1%hour da>, Whew I), is given changes in the bay near the IT. 1‘. Stone
cclllat ion (1) whew 1)~ is given Ilaboratory between early morning and lat’e
rIsect. afternoon (Verdnin 1956), and t’hey repre-
sent’ photosynthetic rates measured under
to mid-
c*ompMely natural conditions. ;I line has
Seston Pho~;xt~esis
I.ake been drawn through the highest values ob-
served at various seasons of the year. The
values lying below this line (February and
i2llf?IE! 1.9 7 145 .ipril) were associated wit’h high turhidities
Base Iline 1.7 6 170 which severely limited photosynthesis. The
Haydens I.8 5 152 calear waters which are usually encountered
ISeasleJ 2.4 -I 162
Gaynor 13.6 3 450 a fen- miles to the northwest’, or east, of the
noulder 4.7 5 255 island region (Verduin 1954) almost cer-
Kossler 1.2 6 122 t’ainly supported yields similar t,o those ob-
(Pennak 1949) served when the currents were accomodat-
Erie 2.8 5 153
(Verduin unpubl .) ing enough to move clear water into the bay.
Sandusky 13 1 .-4 200 The curve in Figure 2 bears a st,riking
Bay (UcQuate unput~l.) similarit’y to the curve for radiant energy
Kansas 15 0 .6 151
ditches (Rntelaff 1952) flux in this latitude (Verber 1955) which
has been drawn in as a broken line. It is
significant’ t’hat maximal yields were ob-
served in .June, a month which has been
-5 c*onsistenbly associat,ed with minimal diat’om
-4 carops (Chandler 1944, Chandler and Weeks
-3 *5 1945, Verduin 1951).
Y I’nder completely natural conditions
/ , -2
/ \ CO2 consumptSion during daylight hours is
\ \ I
‘0°: / y-y
. l very nearly equal to COZ evolution during
0 ’ ’
’ b * 0 ’ ’ ’
darkness (Verduin 1956). Therefore the
Y ONTH ratio of photosynthesis by the aut’otrophic
Frc. 2. Photosynthesis (I’S, mmol/m2/d:t~~) community to respiration by the tot!al com-
llnder completely natural conditions in western munity must be close to unity. It is
1,ake Erie, graphed against time of J.esr. The yield
is proportional to the solar radiation cIIrv(~ dificultj to distinguish between the respira-
(broken line, hundreds of g.c:\l lcm2/dny), tory contribution of autotrophic organisms
and that of the other members of the com-
interesting feature ill ‘1’at)lo :! is the uni- munity. 111 vigorous laboratory caultures
formity of yield estimates. 1Iost lakes shon algal respiration usually represents about
yields between 150 and 200 nGllimoles (1 .8 10 per cent of maximal photosynthesis
and 2.4 grams (‘) per square meter per day. (Ryther 1954), and when diatom popula-
(iaynor Lake, in Colorado, shows a (~)n- tions from Lake Erie, concent’rated using
siderably higher yield ; consequently that 90. 25 bolting cloth, were studied (Verduin
would be a most interesting one in \vhich to 1956) the mean ratio of respiration to
det’ermine act’ual photosynthetic yields per maximal photosynthesis was 0.125. If
unit of organic seston and ac*tl~:tl depths of this value is regarded as representative of
euphotic zone. the allt,otrophic community an estimate of

pllytoplmkt 011 I~c~~)l’o(l~l~~tio~~

(311 1)~ 1n:1do c~olllllllls. ‘I‘h(l differences, t horf~for(~, tloes
for western I,akc~ I<%0 as folio\\-s: l’hot o- 11ot rofltlcbt a higher fraction of non-auto-
synthesis under optimal light is 1 .(i milli- trophic mat)erial in the Wisconsin organic
moles per gram ash-free dry weight per horn seston. If the curve in Figure 2 is used to
(Table l), or c*omputc an average photosynt,het ic yield
(per &/day) a value of about 140 mmol is
1.6 X 0.65 X 12
_-.-___- = 6.2 mn~ol/g/day. obtaincd. This agrees closely with bhe value
2 > of 153, for Lake Erie, in Table 3. The latter
The factor of 2 is introduced because the is based on centrifuged organic sest’on de-
euphotic zone represents about one-half of terminations and an assumed photosynthetic
the total water mass (Verduin 1954). yield of 1.4 mmol/g/hr. This comparison
Respiration of the aut ot rophic communit,y is particularly significant because Figure 2
amounts to about (1.6 X 0.125 X 24) = 5.0 represents CO2 change under completely
mmol/g/day. The photosynthate avail- natural caonditions and is not based on esti-
able for reproduction amounts to about 1.2 mates of phytoplankton volume, organic
mmol/g/day, or approximately 20 per cent seston, or chlorophyll. These observations
of t’he total photosynthetic yield. This suggest that organic seston values (means
estimat’e is similar to Riley’s (1941) Table f ram numerous determinations) provide a
VI, from which a mean total plankton pro- fairl) reliable index of photosynthetic
duction representing 15 per cent of total capacity in spite of the large variations in
gross production can be computed. Con- ratio of autotrophic to non-autotrophic ma-
vert’ing to glucose oiw obtains (1.2 X 30) = terial which must be present among individ-
36 mg/g/day. Thus it, would require ual samples. However, a method which
1 would provide even a roughly quantitative
___ = 28 days for a gram of ash-free dry dist8inction between autotrophic organisms,
weight to produce an additional gram of non-autotrophic organisms, and detritus
glucose available for reproducfion. This would caontribute much to aquatic biology
estimate of regeileration time agrees in It should be emphasized that the produc-
general with IGnscle’s turnover caoefficicnt tion estimates in t)his paper represent rough
(0.83 per month) and Grimm’s observation approximations. They should provide a
of annual diatom yield (8-10 times maximal mobive (not a substitute) for more detailed
st,anding crop) as reported by Ruttner research in this field. The large variation
(1953: 149-151). in photosynthetic yield among individual
samples (Ryther 1954, Verduin 1956) makes
the study of numerous samples mandatory
Of t,he three quantities used as a basis for regardless of the precision achieved in in-
comput’ing photosynthetic4 yield (Table 1)) dividual determinaGons. Consequently, a
organic seston would seem to be the least time-consuming method which provides a
reliable estimate of autotlrophic* organisms high degree of precision may be less valua-
because important fractions of non-auto- ble than a more rapid method with a larger
trophic organisms and of detritus are in- scatter which will disappear when many
eluded. The \rariatioll :unong individual samples are averaged. Moreover, any de-
samples, ho\vCi’er, is high regardless of the t,ailed study of one aspect must be accom-
base used, and is only slightly higher in the panied by equally detailed determination of
organic seston-based rates than in the ot)hers. other aspects. For example, careful deter-
(See Riley’s 1941 (*orrelations between t’hese minations of photosynthetic rates will not
bases and oxygen production, for example.) improve the area-based yield estimates if
It is noteworthy that the average rates com- detSerminations of light penetration are not
puted from Riley’s \I-ork are about) 50 per equally refined. And the actual euphotic
cent higher than those from the work of zone depth for a specific community is a
Manning and ,Juday ( 194 1) in both t’he ash- function of that community’s efficiency
free dry w-eight,- and the c*hlorophyll-based under dim light; the roughly approximate

“1 per c~iit, of siii*fm+c~ light ” ikllist lw atl- In 3 previoiis publication (1’twluiii 19X)
justcd to fit specific* wnniunit iw ;iiicl (*Ii- I demonstrated that less than half of the
nutcs. Whcrl suc*h r(~filwrlwlt s arc at- photJosynthesis observed under natural con-
t,empted the choice of tool used for light ditions clan be accounted for by the phyto-
intensity measurement h3c~o1nc~simportant. plankton carops detected by examination in
I have pointed out (Verduin 1950) that t,he Sedgwicak-Rafter cell. Figure 2 further
photronic cells like t’hose in the photometers emphasizes t’hat fact,. Lake Erie, like many
used at the Stone Laboratory arc relatively temperate zone lakes, exhibits vernal and
insensitive to non-visible radiation, and that autumnal diatom maxima with wint,er and
the photosynthetic process also is insensitive summer minima. The annual curve for
to non-visible radiation. Icor primary pro- photosynthesis under natural conditions
duction studies, therefore, t,his type of is not himodal, but shows a summer maxi-
photometer has advantages over the pyrhe- mum at, a time when the diatom crops are at
liometer t,ype, because the latter measures a minimum. It seems likely that other
the non-visible rays which represent about lakes which exhibit bimodal phytoplankton
one-half of surface radiation but are in- abundarwe curves will reveal similar uni-
effective in photosynthesis und are rapidly modal productivity curves. The organisms
screened out by water. responsible for this unexplained photosyn-
This difference in instruments is responsi- thetic act)ivity (their identity, size, biomass,
ble for Rawson’s (1950) conclusion that the metabolic activity, etc.) present one of the
ratio between euphotic* zone depth and major problems in primary production to-
Secchi disc reading decreases with irwreasing day.
transparency. In a private communica-
tion Dr. Rawson sent’ me the original graph
on which his regression equation was based. 1317RSCHE, 14. M. 1955. Beitrage zur Frage des
This graph included data from western Lake “Kr:t~ltsch~.llndeS)) in H&Oscillatorien-
Seen. Zeit. Fisch., 4: 53-99.
Erie in which a photronic cell was used and ~‘11 \SDLER, 1). c. 1944. Limnological studies of
data from Wisconsin lakes in which a nestern Lake Erie. IV. Relation of limno-
pyrheliometer was used. The Wiaconsirl logical and climatic factors to the phyto-
surface values, therefore, contained t!he non- plankton of 1941. Trans. Amer. Micr. Sot.,
visible fraction while the Lake Erie surface 63 : 203-236.
__---- , .4x110. B. WEEKS. 1945. V. Relation of
values excluded it. Thus a systematic error limnological and meteorological conditions
\vas int’roduced by graphing these different to the production of phytoplankton in 1942.
types of data on a single graph. The error l*:col. Monogr., 16: 435-456.
was aggravated by the fact that most of the ~;WW’lCR, F. 1949. Der Chlorophyllgehalt im
low transparency data came from Lake I+;rie Set und seine photosynthetische Valcnz als
geophysikalisches Problem. Schweiz. Zeit,.
and the higher transparency data from Hydrol., 11: 378-410.
Wisconsin. The regression eclllat ion de- ,JI(~KSON,D. F., AND J. bkFAI)r)EN. 1954. l’hy-
t)ermined by Rawson, therefore, is Imreliable, 1oplankton photosynthesis in Sanctuary Lake,
as can be verified by cxaminirlg the ex- l’ymatuning Reservoir. Ecology, 36: l--l.
~l.ZSSING, w. h$., ASI) It. 13. JWAY. 193-l. The
t)remes: at zero depth of euphotic zone t h<b chlorophyll content and productivity of some
predicbted Sewhi diw reading is 0.3 meters, lakes in northeastern Wisconsin. Trans.
and beyond 14 meter depth of cwphotic zorw Wisconsin ,1cad. Sci., Xrts k Let., 33: 363-393.
t)he predicted Sewhi disc& wading exceeds PESSAK, 12. W. 194!1. Annual limnological cycles
the dept,h of euphotic> zwlc. ,111bough this i n Some Colorado reservoir lakes. 141~01.
Monogr., 19: 233-267.
analysis clarifies in part the diwrcpancy in ~{ATZLA~~, W. 1952. The limnology of some
published rat>ios between Secchi disc read- roadside ditches in Chase and I,yon counties,
ings and euphotic zone depth, the problem Kansas. Emporia State I’niv. Research
warrants more detailed study because the Studies, 1: 1-31.
Ii.4\VSON, D. s. 1950. The physical limnolog)
Secchi disc is used widely and its value can of Great, Slave Lake. Jour. Fish. Ties. Bd.
be enhanced by a better understanding of Canada, 8: l-66.
the variables involved. RILEY, C. A. 1941. Plankton Studies. IV.

Georges Bank. B~dl. Bingham Oceanogr. VERRER, J. L. 1955. The climates of South Bass
Coil., 7 (4): l-73. Island, western Lake Erie. Ecology, 36:
RUTTNER, F. 1953. Fundamentals of Limnol- 388-400.
ogy (Transl. by D. G. Frey and F. E. J. Fry). VERDUIN, J. 1951. A comparison of phytoplank-
Univ. Toronto Press. xi + 242 pp. ton data obtained by a mobile sampling
RYTHER, J. H. 1954. The ratio of photosynthe- method with those obtained from a single
sis to respiration in marine plankton algae station. Amer. J. Bot., 38: 5-11.
and its effect upon the measurement of
---. 1954. Phytoplankton and turbidity in
productivity. Deep-Sea Research, 2: 134-
western Lake Erie. Ecology, 36: 550-561.
STEEMANN NIELSEN, E. 1954. On organic pro- ---. 1956. Energy fixation and utilization
duction in the oceans. J. du Conseil, 19: 309- by natural communities in western Lake Erie.
328. Ecology, 37: 4&50.

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