Covalent Bonding: Orbitals: Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 1

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Chapter 14

Covalent Bonding: Orbitals

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 1

Localized Electron Model

• Description of the valence electron arrangemet:

Lewis structure (formal charge, resonance)

• Prediction of the geometry:

VSEPR model

• Description of the type of orbitals used for bonding:


Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 2

The Structure of the Methane Molecule
(a) Lewis structure
(b) the tetrahedral molecular geometry

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 3

Valence orbitals on a free carbon atom
C valence:
2p (px, py, pz)

Mixing of the native atomic orbitals to form special
orbitals for bonding 4
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Mixing of the native atomic orbitals to form special
orbitals for bonding
Mixing the carbon 2s and 2p orbitals
• Φ1 = (1/2)[(s) + (px) + (py) + (pz)]
• Φ2 = (1/2)[(s) + (px) - (py) - (pz)]
• Φ3 = (1/2)[(s) - (px) + (py) - (pz)]
• Φ4 = (1/2)[(s) - (px) - (py) + (pz)]

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 5

sp3 Hybridization
Native 2s and three 2p atomic orbitals of a free carbon
atome are combined to form a new set of four sp3 orbitals.

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
sp3 Hybridization
Native 2s and three 2p atomic orbitals of a free carbon
atome are combined to form a new set of four sp3 orbitals.

Energy level diagram

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Formation of the Methane Molecule

σ-bond: “head to head” orbital overlap

Can free rotation

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 8

The sp3 Hybridization and the Ammonia Molecule
N valence: 2s2, 2p3

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The Structure of the Ethylene Molecule

Trigonal planar
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 10
sp2 Hybridization
The hybridization of the s, px, and py atomic orbitals results in
the formation of three sp2 orbitals centered in the xy plane.

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
sp2 Hybridization
The hybridization of the s, px, and py atomic orbitals results in
the formation of three sp2 orbitals centered in the xy plane.

Energy level diagram


Carbon atom Hybridization

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Formation of the Ethylene Molecule
(a) The orbitals used to form the bonds in ethylene.
(b) The Lewis structure for ethylene.

π-bond: side-to-side orbital overlap

Cannot free-rotation
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Examples: sp2 Hybridization
B valence: 2s2, 2p1

Trigonal planar

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 14

The Structure of the Acetylene Molecule


Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 15

sp Hybridization
When one s orbital and one p orbital are hybridized, a set of two
sp orbitals oriented at 180 degrees results.

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
sp Hybridization
When one s orbital and one p orbital are hybridized, a set of two
sp orbitals oriented at 180 degrees results.
Energy level diagram


Carbon atom Hybridization

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Formation of the Acetylene Molecule

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 18

Examples: sp Hybridization

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 19

Examples: sp Hybridization

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 20

The Structure of Phosphorus Pentachloride

Trigonal bipyramidal

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 21

dsp3 Hybridization
The orbitals used to form
A set of dsp3 hybrid
the bonds in the PCl5
orbitals on a
phosphorous atom

Trigonal bipyramidal
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Example: dsp3 Hybridization

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 23

d2sp3 Hybridization
The Structure of An octahedral set of d2sp3
Sulfur Hexafluoride orbitals on a sulfur atom

Octahedral 24
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Example: d2sp3 hybridization and XeF4

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 25

The relationship among the number of effective
pairs, their spatial arrangement, and the hybrid
orbital set required

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 26

Examples: Hybridization and Molecular Structure
For the following molecule and ions:
a) Draw the Lewis structures with proper geometry and show all non-
zero formal charges and all unshared electron pairs. Indicate the
approximate bond angles
b) Tell whether the molecular or ion would be polar or non-polar
c) Tell the expected hybridization for each atom except hydrogen.

CO, BF3, BF4¯, HCOH, SO32-

SF4, AsF5, IF5, XeCl2, H3N-BH3, F3S-SF

POCl3, PCl2¯, ClO4¯, NO2¯ SeO2, ICl3

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
In-Class: Hybridization and Molecular Structure
For the following molecule and ions:
a) Draw the Lewis structures with proper geometry and show all non-zero
formal charges and all unshared electron pairs. Indicate the approximate
bond angles
b) Tell whether the molecular or ion would be polar or non-polar
c) Tell the expected hybridization for each atom except hydrogen.

SO32- SF4, AsF5, IF5, XeCl2,

F3S-SF POCl3 PCl2¯, ClO4¯, NO2¯

SeO2, ICl3

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The Molecular Orbital (MO) Model
• The MO model assumes that the molecular orbitals
are constructed using a set of atomic orbitals via
“linear combination”.
MO1 = AO1 + AO2
MO2 = AO1 - AO2
• Orbitals are conserved. The number of AOs always
give the same number of MOs.
• No hybridization process is involved.
• All electrons in an atom are involved in the
formation of the molecular orbitals.

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 29

The combination of hydrogen 1s atomic
orbitals to form H2 MOs

Electron configuration for H2: (σ1s)2

Bond order = number of bonding electrons – number of antibonding electrons

Bond order = 1 30
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The MO energy-level The MO energy-level diagram
diagram for the He2 molecule for the He2+ ion.

He2: (σ1s)2(σ1s*)2 He2: (σ1s)2(σ1s*)1

Bond order = 0 Bond order = 0.5

He2 Predicted to be unstable He2+ Predicted to be stable
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The relative sizes of the lithium 1s and 2s atomic

• To participate in molecular orbitals, atomic orbitals

must overlap in space.
• Only the valence orbitals contribute significantly to
the MOs. 32
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The MO energy-level diagram for the Li2 molecule

Bond order = 1

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 33

The three mutually perpendicular 2p orbitals on
two adjacent boron atoms.

π-bond π-bond

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 34

The two p oribitals on the boron atom that overlap head-on
combine to form bonding and antibonding orbitals.

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 35

Diagram 1 Diagram 2
MO energy-level diagram for the B2 MO energy-level diagram for the B2

one is

B2: (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(σ2p)2 B2: (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(π2p)2

Bond order = 1 Bond order = 1 36
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism
Paramagnetism causes the substance to be
attracted to the inducing magnetic field.

Paramagnetism is associated with unpaired


Diamagnetism causes the substance to be repelled

from the inducing magnetic field.

Diamagnetism is associated with paired electrons.

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 37
An apparatus used to measure the paramagnetism
of a sample

Appear to be “heavier”
Experiment shows that
B2 is paramagnetic

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The predicted MO energy- The correct MO energy-level
level diagram for the B2 diagram for the B2 molecule.

B2: (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(σ2p)2 B2: (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(π2p)2

Diamagnetic Bond order = 1 Paramagnetic 39
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The MO energy-level diagrams, bond orders, bond energies, and bond
lengths for the diatomic molecules, B2 through F2.

Li2, Be2, B2, C2, N2

Have the same order
of energy levels

O2, F2, (Ne2)

Have the same order
of energy levels

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 40

Chapter 14, J. Ren
The MO energy-level diagram for the O2 and N2

O2 is Paramagnetic N2 is Diamagnetic

O2: (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(σ2p)2 (π2p)4(π2p*)2 N2: (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(π2p)4(σ2p)2

Bond order = 2 Bond order = 3 41
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
When liquid oxygen is poured into the space between the poles
of a strong magnet, it remains there until it boils away.

Source: Donald Clegg

O2 is Paramagnetic

While liquid nitrogen flows through the poles of the magnet.

N2 is Diamagnetic
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Examples: MO for homonuclear molecules
For the following molecule and ions:
a) Draw the energy level diagram
b) Give the electron configuration
c) Calculate the bond order
d) Tell whether each species is diamagnetic or

O2, O2+, O2¯, Ne2+, N2+, P2 , P2¯

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 43

The MO energy-level diagram for the NO molecule

Molecules contain atoms

adjacent to each other in the
periodic table can be treated
as homonuclear molecules.

NO can be treated as N2

NO: 11 valence electrons

Bond order = 2.5


Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 44

Heteronuclear molecules with two very different atoms
A partial MO energy-level The electron probability
diagram for the HF distribution in the bonding MO
molecule of the HF molecule

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 45

Combining the Localized Electron Model and
Molecular Orbital Model
• Localized electron (LE) model including Lewis structure,
VSEPR model, resonance, and hybridization
• The LE model is simple, but it does not describe molecules
with multiple bonds clearly
• The MO model is too complicated for molecules with many

A practical approach for molecules with multiple bonds:

• Use LE model to describe the σ-bonds
• Use MO model to describe the π-bonds

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 46

The resonance structures for NO3- (LE Model)
(-) (-)

(-) (-) (-) (-)

The LE model is simple, but it does not describe

molecules with multiple bonds clearly

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 47

Combining the LE Model and the MO Model
for NO3- Ion
Use LE model to describe the σ-bond
Use MO model to describe the π-bond

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The resonance structures for Benzene (LE Model)
The benzene molecule consists of a ring of six
carbon atoms with one hydrogen atom bound to
each carbon; all atoms are in the same plane.

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 49

Combining the LE Model and the MO Model
for Benzene
The σ bonding The π system in benzene is formed
system in benzene by combining the six p orbitals

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 50

Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy
Electronic Vibrational Rotational NMR
spectroscopy spectroscopy spectroscopy spectroscopy
UV-Vis IR region Microwave Radio wave
region region region

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 51

Electronic Spectroscopy
Involves electron transition between energy levels
The molecular orbital diagram for the ground state and the first excited
state of NO+

UV light

Ground state First excited state

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 52
Electronic Spectroscopy
The molecular The electronic absorption
structure of spectrum of beta-carotene.
Absorb blue-violet light
Reflect red-orange light

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Vibrational Spectroscopy (IR)
Describe vibrational properties of a molecule
Classical Model: A bond is like a spring

1 2 1 2

1 1

1 2


Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Vibrational Spectroscopy (IR)
Quantum Mechanical Model

Vibrational energy is quantized

Vibrational quantum number 55

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021

Examples: Application of vibrational spectroscopy
The IR spectrum of gaseous HCl shows the v = 0
to v = 1 transition at 2885 cm-1. Calculate the
vibrational force constant for HCl.

Unit conversion: J = kg m2/s2

Js = kg m2/s

1 atomic mass unit = 1.661 x 10-27 kg

Ans: 4.80 x 102 kg s-2 (or J m-2)

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 56

IR Spectrometer

Copied from website

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 57
Vibrational Spectroscopy
The three fundamental vibrations for sulfur dioxide

1152 cm-1 1362 cm-1 518 cm-1

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
IR Spectrum

1152 cm-1

1362 cm-1 518 cm-1

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 59

Vibrational Spectroscopy O

IR Spectrum CH3CH2CH2CH2

Chapter 14, 2,
Chapter J.Ren,
J. Ren2021 60 60
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 61
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Representations of the two spin states of the
proton interacting

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
Principle of NMR
Certain nuclei have allowed spin states
1 13 19 31 Spin quantum number: I =
H ( C, F, P) 2

Two spin states:

1 _ 1
N 2 2
H+ S  

E = hv

 
E E Int

 
chemical shift (

Bo Bo
External magnetic field External magnetic field 63
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
NMR Spectrometer and NMR Spectrum


Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021

NMR Spectrum and Chemical Shift
H3C Si CH3
Internal Standard

Chemical Shift, ppm Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The molecular
The expected NMR
structure of
spectrum for bromoethane


• Magnetic equivalent protons produce one signal

• Magnetic non-equivalent protons produce different signals

• The areas of the signals are proportional to the number of

equivalent protons Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 66
Example: NMR Spectrum

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 67

NMR Signal Splitting
The spin of proton Hy can be "up" or "down"

• Hy splits the signal of Hx into a doublet

The splitting follows the (n + 1) rule, where n represent

the number of adjacent neighboring protons
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
NMR Signal Splitting: (n + 1) rule
The two Hy protons split the The four Hy protons split the
signal of Hx into 3 peaks signal of Hx into 4 peaks
(triplet) (quartet).

Hx Hx

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021
The NMR spectrum of CH3CH2Br (bromoethane)
with TMS reference

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 70

The NMR spectrum of 2-butanone molecule

• Spin-spin coupling (signal splitting) is observed for hydrogens

that are separated by less than three bonds
Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 71
Match the molecules to the NMR spectrum

CHCl2CH2Cl or CH3CH2Cl

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 72

A technician speaks to a A colored Magnetic
patient before he is moved Resonance Imaging (MRI)
into the cavity of a magnetic scan through a human head,
resonance imaging (MRI) showing a healthy brain in
machine. side view.

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 73

End of Chapter 14

Chapter 14, J.Ren, 2021 74

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