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CHE 111 Review, Test 3 1)». Given the following sets of quantum numbers for n, I, mi, and ms, which of these sets is, not a possible set for an electron in an atom? om m Tl £20, Me cou cally @ 300 4 4% eqecal oO. 3 2 2 * ) 4 38 2 % Dd) 6 2 A -% Ee) 5 3 2 +h 2) Gamma radiation emitted from radioactive ®"Fe has a wavelength of ‘86 pm. What is the energy of one photon of this gamma radiation? 9 "7 E- hv = he _ = Geese Se. = 231x109 indy A RBI ipa 3) Determine the shortest frequency of light required to remove an electron from a sample of Ti metal, if the binding energy of titanium is 3.14 x 10° ki/mol._ Gira x 10% He g- = AD turfou. “18 ) Bly * 74x 10% 000 Ganewme (2 _ Bre OI Kay xi09 D127 x tHe "© E022 X10" pata E)6.19x 10 Hz BaixiO ey = 6626x1075 « D = R8Ex 10 4. (1) 4) Determine the velocity of a marble (m= Meche evemerchonaes nm ) A) 46.2 mis _ h MW kas, to be in kp GES Ae ecg rth E)52.9 m/s ae 100% a, 5. 4 h __bb2bHo EM g _ 8.66 ¥ 10 Ka, mm BHbx 10° SEE dg hse Pheu & frou Lower vu Yo leig how n 5) Which of the following transitions (in a hydrogen atom) represent absorption of the smallest frequency photon? dears : 432, col (3 Rerteuse? g, Both, Wok eusvoy Joueg G)n=4ton=4 Lagl “fregecots 4 D)n=1ton=3 z == €: E, lot ep Low > E)n=1ton=2 Pa yn=tton |t ~f S-s6 tow 6) How many different values of mare possible in the 3d sublevel? Ay2 b=2 , B)1 é @: 2, 0, ee ) 7) If two electrons in the same atom have the same value of "/*, they are in the same sublevel, but not necessarily in the same level. ) in the same level, but different sublevel C) in the same orbital. D) in different levels and in different shaped orbitals. E) none of the above. 8) Determine the end (final) value of n in a hydrogen atom transition, if the electron starts in net mien ang eee 10-18 J, Le ue hee Be A RE - he aA? © ) 2 eBKioe ps | — - “on9e (iin 6.c26x10 Se a Be aH = Zz ky 102 8724.6 = 1.099818 (I~ b 8 0.93985 = |- 4} -aopaede - bi nr [= BLS KITT 9) A balloon is inflated from 0.0100 L to 0.500 L against an external pressure of 10.00 atm. How much work is done in joules? 101.3 J=1Lxatm ass = — PAV = - 10.000! - (oS- 001) b= c)0.490 os! =~ 440 bu © wn = 44964 Ey R= 409% xiow! =m — Cower debe | nodepaley 10) Determine AH for the following reaction, Nog) + 3 Ha(g) > 2 NHa(g). Given the thermochemical equations below: © NAg) + Og) > 2 NO(g) slays ais AH = +180.8 kJ stays I 453.4 4NH3(g) + 5 Ox(g) > 4NO(g) +6 Hz0(g) Ye rere AH=-906.2KI +7062" 2 ~ Q 7 Hala) + Oxlg) > 2 H20(9) x2 adry AH = -483.6k) X34 = -29S.4 2 + 180.8 BIBEE © Hoey + Big) > 2H) = BIAS O Siry, + 26,2 3380p) —FAS.4 Wy Oat y " @! Baby + 306) 2 ANHs 6) 4Z0ey) 453-4 “y Nag, + Sihgy > 2s cx All= 80.8 ef —FIS 429 + 4S8 te = — ASK 11) A 4.98 g sample of aniline (CgHENH2, molar mass = 93.13 gimol) was combusted in a bom calorimeter with a heat capacity of 4.26 kJ/*C. Ifthe temperature rose from 29.5°C to 69.8°C, determine the value of AH*comb for aniline. A) 47.81 x 10° kuimol Goad = —Forn ; Beal = Cab St = -8.20 x 10° klmol ? O22 GASH x (698 - 29.90 = 1819 D) -1.71 « 10° kuimol —fHeg E)-7.81 * 10° ku/mol Garu wae "dS ; 7 BD lle = oO. OS3Sime VEG austin © Getag ~OOS3SMR 2 3.22108 2 12) 35.6 g sample of ethanol (C,H,0H) is burned in a bomb calorimeter, according to the following reaction. If the temperature rose from 35.0 to 76,0°C and the heat capacity of the calorimeter is 23.3 kJ/°C, what is the value of AH’,,,? The molar mass of ethanol is 48.07 g/mol. CH,OHy) +3 Og) + 2 COga)* 3 HO) DH an =? Qa torte Goat = 1.24 * 10° kiimol Rey Span €)-8.08 « 10° ki/mol eal = Cup d Ot = £33 z (%6.0-459)% D)-9.65 * 10° kJ/mol £) 49.55 x 10° kimol = _— YT x 23.3 A = 9553 uy Gam =~ 955,349 a _ 9553 29 | ‘comb = Boy ewe - 0.9849 mark DFR TI mst “k Hoo, T1809 ny = — 12x wy 13) Give the set of four quantum numbers that could represent the last electron added (using the Aufbau principle) to the As atom. A)n=4,1=0,m=0,mg=-+ As vollouee B)n=4,/=4, m=-1,mg=-—> etoll io 2 C)n=3,1=4,my=0,me=+ > AV 4. 4. 4“: N= baer =4,mj=-t,mg=+ [= 4,mj=Avme= + 3 ds 4p E)n= 4,122, mi=1,mg=-5 14) Give the ground state electron configuration for Sr. A) [kr]5s"4d° Ut" IKr}5s° D) [Kr}5s*5d"5p” E) [Kr}5s"4a"° 15) Give the ground state electron configuration for Pb. A) [Xe}6s"6p" G)0Xe}6s"6a""6p* Sita Ree}os°at"'5a"%6p E) Xe]6s*4f"*5d"6s"6p* 16) How many of the following elements have 2 unpaired electrons at the ground state? 4 Cc as?2p> Al 14 Cc fe Ti Si Py 4A. > s 33 O As2p', te Ae & Th Carlie ad? at—_-— / S$) BstBp> wi4— 17) How many of the following elements have 4 al electron in the ground state? »} 2s © Ws (@ 58%" at 3 3 4 | V 4¢4s-2p! 45°2<°2 p°3 &3p ! 18. Short answers: 1) The valence shell configuration of Polonium, Po, is 6s°6 pl 2) The group of elements that have a valence shell configuration ns* “allyl a} ier ne} 3) The element with the largest atomic radius in group 4A is Pb : 4) ‘The element with the lowest ionization energy in period 5 is R b : Hen 5) The abbreviated electron configuration of Cr? [Ar 4s! 3d 8) Which type of orbital is designated by n=5, 1= 2 sd ac ap 7) Maximum number of orbitals identified by these quantum numbers n=4, I=3 8) Maximum number of electrons identified by these quantum numbers n=6, I=2, ms= +1/2 9) Identify the set of all four quantum numbers for the last poviars | add complete the electron configuration of Fe. => C=2 Me = —2 oe © go> 10) The abbreviated electron configuration for Fe is__( ae Hs 19. _ Forthe atoms or ions below write the abbreviated electron configuration, the orbital diagram, and identify the number of unpaired electrons: a) a [Xe 6 alt Sct bpe ana a =“s lve 8B) Nb CkrISs*4> 4 44A-—— 2» e / + aaliadas vee. oo Cay te 3dt AVA 5 owe CXL GAE AAAL I ; tut 4 TA CHE 111 Test 3 review 1) Each of the following sets of quantum numbers is supposed to specify an orbital. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers contains an error? 2) Each of the following sets of quantum numbers is supposed to specify an orbital. Choose the one set of quantum numbers that does not contain an error. R- oerxw 4 5) Determine the end (final) value of n in @ hydrogen atom transition, ifthe electron starts in = 4 and the atom emits a photon of light with a wavelength of 486 nm. at Xe R(£- _L)\ v4 Lower Lumet ofate. Bs ne) we gle oun state @ =) n=4 Ie uw % i “1097 810r 021876 = 6) Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 531 nm appears as green light to the human eye. A laser that emits 1.3 x 10°2 J of energy in a pulse of light at this wavelength produces photons in each pulse. Hirst © Late The € A)2.9« 10-17 7 Pane t024 i foton of this radial C) 1.8 x 1019 6 35x16 = E)6.5* 1013 f plelous = 7) The energy required to break one mole of carbon-hydrogen bonds is 414 ki/mol. What is the longest wavelength of ght capable of breaking a single carbor-hydrogen bond? 4 8) Which of the following transitions in a hydrogen atom would emit the longest wavelength photon? x ep A A) n=1ton=2 B) n=3ton=2 - Cc) n=5ton=1 a D) n=2ton=8 ® n=6ton=5 A) n=, 1-0, m=0 B) n=4,I=3, met ©) 6, 2,m=3 10) How many orbitals have these sets of quantum numbers IDENTICAL: z / A) one4 n i B) n=Sandi=3 ¢) D) A) 1 ] 7 [ L kk —L B)3 2 — 5 . { I ) 9 Kc ue g j 12) Which of the following transitions represent the emission of a photon with the largest _ eneray? ‘ A)n=2ton=4 }n=3ton )n=6ton=3 D)n=1ton=4 E)n=2ton=5 the Lyman series that results 13. For a hydrogen atom, calculate the wavelength of the line that re A AB XAT J TOT from the transition n = 4 to n = 1. The Rydberg constant equals ~ 7 | ~* L\. aso4om t= 1.094 4108 (- - jG) B) 97.2nm “\ / / C) 141m / ay gf D) 121m —_ A = ARKO HM FELn im E) 182nm a Ayo Be 6 D) 7 E) 14 15. For each of the following atoms or ions: ‘A) Write out the abbreviated electron configuration. B) How many unpaired electrons are there? C) _ Is the species diamagnetic or paramagnetic? D) Give a complete set of four quantum numbers for each valence electron. 2 1S Qe IS 16. According tothe following reection, how much energy is evolved during the reaction of 32.5 g BzHg and 72.5 g Cl? The molar mass of B2Hg is 27.67 g/mol. BHL@)+6 Ch, (g) >2BCI,(g)+6HCK(g) AH? =-1396 kI 17. Forthe elements below identify the number of unpaired electrons: A) oN B) Pd c) Te D) Pb E) $b 18. 7.18 g sample of aniline (C,H,NH,, molar mass = 93.13 g/mol) was combusted in a bomb calorimeter with a heat capacity of 17.11 kJ/°C. If the initial temperature was 24.50°C, use the information below to determine the value of the final temperature of the calorimeter. 4.C,H.NH,«) + 35 Oxg)—> 24 CO,a)* 14 H20q) + 4 NOx) 28x 104 kJ AM om Gram fi 19. Determine AH for the following reaction, Na(g) + 3 Hg) > 2 NHs(g). Given the thermochemical equations below: 1) Na(g) + Og) > 2 NO(Q) AH = +180.8 kd ; 4) 4.NH3(g) + 5 Ox(g) > 4 NO(g) + 6 H2O(g) ‘AH = -906.2 kJ +) 2 Hag) + Oa) > 2 H.0(@) 2 A) -1209.0 kJ B) -1189.0 kJ ace f) as is C) -756.5 kd 241.8 kd “ O15 kd rips and " 4

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