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Critical and Creative Thinking

An Online Training Course
Designed by
ITC Indonesia
The Ursulin Teachers

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Creative Thinking
a Mindset and a Process

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Creative Thinking

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
Creative Thinking
Head | Heart | Hands
a Mindset and a Process






Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
Head | Heart | Hands When you think about creativity,
what and who do you think about?
Art and Artists?
Songs and Composers?
Dances and Dancers?
Stories and Poems and
Architecture and Architects?
Inventions and Inventors?

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Famous Creative Thinkers

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ThoughtCo / Melissa Ling

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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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What do all these people have in common?

The ability to bring into mind They bring together three elements:
things that aren’t present.
Imagination – the beginning, the
Creativity – puts imagination to work
Innovation – puts ideas into practice;

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Bloom’s Taxonomy is one of the most
important frameworks that has certainly
changed education.

Bloom’s Taxonomy refers to a hierarchical

ordering of cognitive skills that, inter alia,
is used by teachers to support students’

This framework can be used to plan

lessons, develop peer and self-
assessment, design and evaluate teaching
materials, learning and instructional
design, plan learning objectives, plan
students’ projects…etc.

This framework has been used by many

teachers and educators since 1956 and
revised several times. It now shows its
relationship to HOTS.
Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Creativity is a Mindset

It requires being
It requires a flexible
able to try new
mind with the ability
things and not be
to quickly pivot.

It requires not being

It requires the ability afraid of failure, but
to adapt, grow, and diligently takes on the
change. process of trial and
error, which can be
messy and challenging.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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So, what is creativity?
Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have

▪Process – It is not an event but is a process that may have several

stops, starts and turns.

▪Original – It is original to you, not necessarily the whole world.

▪Value – It has some purpose which is worthwhile and can

withstand the process of interrogation: is this right, good,…?

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
Head | Heart | Hands
▪ The one question that best
leads to creative thinking is:

• How can I express my feelings?

• How can I demonstrate my
thoughts or ideas?
• How can I accomplish my goals?
• How can I use this?
• How can I …?
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Activity 1
Make a description about the Pen you have.
Write it on a piece of paper

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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How does it smell?

What is it made of?

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Break-out Session

▪ In your groups, share your first description of your pen then share
your cubed-version of your description of your pen.
▪ You have 10 minutes for everyone to share his/her description.

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
Head | Heart | Hands

All Humans have the Potential for

Creativity but must develop the
Creativity is in ALL FIELDS, not just art!
Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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The Capacity for Creativity

requires Skills.

Skills can be taught,

Creativity can be taught.

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Creativity is a process
▪ Creativity is not the opposite of skills; it depends on them.

▪ Creativity is both a collaborative and an individual process.

▪ Creativity requires flexible thinking with a multidimensional


▪ Creativity requires critical thinking.

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Creativity in Education

Today’s education system with its rigid assessment looking at

single answers; memorized facts, figures and information;
linear, non-flexible thinking, and single-sided approach is
teaching creativity OUT of our students.

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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▪ Teaching with Creativity: a teacher uses
his/her own creative power to make
education more engaging, lessons more
interesting, and uses creativity to provoke
curiosity in the students.

▪ Teaching for Creativity: teachers let

students use their creative skills to come
up with results that are not tied to an
assessment expecting a single set of
predictable outcomes; looks at the process
as well as the outcome; encourages
students to use critical thinking drawing on
all the cultural, environmental, and
academic resources available.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
Head | Heart | Hands
Under the Tree

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Creativity Is at the heart

and pulse of
Is at the center
of our
humanity. communities.

Should be at the
center of all
curricula in all

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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In 21st Century Skills Oriented Classes
Classes should be balanced with three areas:
▪LOTS: Lower Order Thinking Skills such as simple manipulation,
fill in the blank, write out memorized formulas or statements, ….

▪HOTS: Higher Order Thinking Skills such as process-

oriented/project work; work that requires logic, reasoning and
analysis; work that requires making informed decisions;…

▪CTS: Creative Thinking Skills such as demonstrating a feeling

through drama, art, music or dance; coming up with an idea for a
new way to do something; writing a short story;…

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Critical Thinking
21st Century’s 5 Cs


Communication Collaboration

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Examples of
Creative Thinking
in Scriptures

Food for Thought

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
Joseph’s advice following his interpretation of
Head | Heart | Hands Pharoah’s dreams

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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He applied
critical and
creative thinking
to come up with
his advice

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Genesis 41:33-36

“And now let Pharaoh look for a discerning and wise man
and put him in charge of the land of Egypt. Let Pharaoh
appoint commissioners over the land to take a fifth of the
harvest of Egypt during the seven years of abundance. They
should collect all the food of these good years that are
coming and store up the grain under the authority of
Pharaoh, to be kept in the cities for food. This food should be
held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven
years of famine that will come upon Egypt, so that the
country may not be ruined by the famine.”
Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Kejadian 41:33-36 (TB)
41:33 Oleh sebab itu, baiklah tuanku Firaun mencari seorang yang berakal
budi dan bijaksana, dan mengangkatnya menjadi kuasa atas tanah Mesir.
41:34Baiklah juga tuanku Firaun berbuat begini, yakni menempatkan
penilik-penilik atas negeri ini dan dalam ketujuh tahun kelimpahan itu
memungut seperlima dari hasil tanah Mesir.
41:35 Mereka harus mengumpulkan segala bahan makanan dalam tahun-
tahun baik yang akan datang ini dan, di bawah kuasa tuanku Firaun,
menimbun gandum di kota-kota sebagai bahan makanan, serta
41:36Demikianlah segala bahan makanan itu menjadi persediaan untuk
negeri ini dalam ketujuh tahun kelaparan yang akan terjadi di tanah
Mesir, supaya negeri ini jangan binasa karena kelaparan itu."

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Genesis 41: 46-49
Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service
of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from
Pharaoh’s presence and traveled throughout
Egypt. During the seven years of abundance the land
produced plentifully. Joseph collected all the food
produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt
and stored it in the cities. In each city he put the food
grown in the fields surrounding it. Joseph stored up huge
quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so
much that he stopped keeping records because it was
beyond measure.

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Kejadian 41:46-49 (TB)
41:46 Yusuf berumur tiga puluh tahun ketika ia menghadap Firaun,
raja Mesir itu. Maka pergilah Yusuf dari depan Firaun, lalu
dikelilinginya seluruh tanah Mesir.
41:47 Tanah itu mengeluarkan hasil bertumpuk-tumpuk dalam
ketujuh tahun kelimpahan itu,
41:48maka Yusuf mengumpulkan segala bahan makanan ketujuh
tahun kelimpahan yang ada di tanah Mesir, lalu disimpannya di kota-
kota; hasil daerah sekitar tiap-tiap kota disimpan di dalam kota itu.
41:49 Demikianlah Yusuf menimbun gandum seperti pasir di
laut, sangat banyak, sehingga orang berhenti menghitungnya, karena
memang tidak terhitung.

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program
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Creative Thinking: Do it!! Teach it!!

Critical and Creative Thinking © 2020-2021 ITC Leadership Institute – The Eduleadership Training Program

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