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Journal of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Copyright 2002 by The Gerontological Society of America

2002, Vol. 57A, No. 3, B115–B125

Dynamics of Stability: The Physiologic Basis of

Functional Health and Frailty
Lewis A. Lipsitz

Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for Aged, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Harvard Medical School Division
on Aging, Boston, Massachusetts.

Under basal resting conditions most healthy physiologic systems demonstrate highly irregular,

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complex dynamics that represent interacting regulatory processes operating over multiple time
scales. These processes prime the organism for an adaptive response, making it ready and able
to react to sudden physiologic stresses. When the organism is perturbed or deviates from a given
set of boundary conditions, most physiologic systems evoke closed-loop responses that operate
over relatively short periods of time to restore the organism to equilibrium. This transiently al-
ters the dynamics to a less complex, dominant response mode, which is denoted “reactive tun-
ing.” Aging and disease are associated with a loss of complexity in resting dynamics and
maladaptive responses to perturbations. These alterations in the dynamics of physiologic sys-
tems lead to functional decline and frailty. Nonlinear mathematical techniques that quantify
physiologic dynamics may predict the onset of frailty, and interventions aimed toward restoring
healthy dynamics may prevent functional decline.

N ORMAL physiologic function requires the integration

of complex networks of control systems, feedback
loops, and other regulatory mechanisms to enable an organ-
been derived from chaos theory and the fields of nonlinear
dynamics and statistical physics. Many of these are based
on the concept of fractals.
ism to perform a variety of activities necessary for survival. The classic definition of a fractal, first described by Man-
The control systems of the human body exist at molecular, delbrot (3), is a geometric object with “self-similarity” over
subcellular, cellular, organ, and systemic levels of organiza- multiple measurement scales. For example, the ragged, ir-
tion. Continuous interplay between the electrical, chemical, regular appearance of a coastline or cloud looks similar
and mechanical components of these systems ensures that whether it is measured in inches, feet, or miles. In fact, the
information is constantly exchanged, even as the organism smaller the measuring device, the larger the length of a frac-
rests. These dynamic processes give rise to a highly adap- tal object. This is a property known as power-law scaling.
tive, resilient organism that is primed and ready to respond The outputs of dynamic physiologic processes such as heart
to internal and external perturbations. rate, which are measured over time rather than space, also
Recognition of the dynamic nature of regulatory pro- have fractal properties (4). Their oscillations appear self-
cesses challenges the prevailing view of homeostasis, which similar when observed over seconds, minutes, hours, or
asserts that all healthy cells, tissues, and organs maintain days. Furthermore, they demonstrate power-law scaling in
static or steady-state conditions in their internal environ- the sense that the smaller the frequency of oscillation of
ment. However, with the development of instruments that these signals, the larger their amplitude (amplitude squared
can acquire continuous data from physiologic processes is power). This power-law relation can also be expressed as
such as heart rate, blood pressure, balance control (center- A  1/f , where A is the amplitude, f is the frequency, and 
of-pressure displacements), nerve activity, or hormonal se- is the scaling exponent (generally, 0    2).
cretion, it has become apparent that these systems are in Taking the log of each side of this equation yields a linear
constant flux, even under so-called steady-state conditions. relationship between amplitude and frequency, the slope of
Yates introduced the term homeodynamics (1), which con- which is the scaling exponent . Any process with 1/f or
veys the notion that the high level of bodily control required power-law scaling is fractal-like. The scaling exponent (or
to survive depends on a dynamic interplay of multiple regu- slope of the log–log relation) has been used to describe the
latory mechanisms rather than constancy in the internal en- complexity of a process; one with long-range correlations
vironment. (self-similarity) across many decades in time or space is
Recently, there has been growing interest in the develop- considered maximally complex and has a scaling exponent
ment of new measures to describe the dynamics of physio- of 1. White noise or uncorrelated randomness lacks the
logic systems, and use of these measures to distinguish long-range correlations characterizing complexity and has
healthy function from disease, or to predict the onset of ad- an exponent of 0. Brownian noise (a random walk process),
verse health-related events (2). A variety of measures have which has only local, short-term correlations between neigh-


boring points, has an exponent of 2. When applied to the physics in which the same mechanism is engaged over dif-
frequency spectra of continuous biological signals from ferent scales, physiologic processes operate with different
healthy subjects, such as heart rate (4,5), blood pressure (5), mechanisms interacting over a variety of time scales. This
electroencephalographic potentials (6), stride interval (7), gives functionality to physiologic systems, enabling them to
and center-of-pressure displacements (8) (Figure 1), this ap- respond on any scale necessary to adapt to internal or exter-
proach demonstrates complex fractal-like behavior. nal stresses. When the organism is suddenly perturbed or
One of the problems complicating the use and interpreta- deviates from a given set of boundary conditions, many
tion of dynamic measures is “noise” that is due to external physiologic systems evoke single closed-loop mechanisms
influences and trends in the data. Furthermore, fractal and that operate over relatively short time periods to restore the
other nonlinear measures require long data sets that span organism to a new steady state that is appropriate for the
multiple decades in time, such as 24-hour cardiac record- new set of conditions. The response itself may be periodic
ings. During these long periods of data collection, subjects with a single-frequency spectrum, rather than fractal with a
are necessarily exposed to a number of different activity broadband spectrum and power-law scaling. However, when

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states, circadian influences, or external stresses that produce a new steady state is achieved, it again demonstrates com-
nonstationarities in the data. To eliminate these nonstation- plex dynamics. The process by which physiologic systems
arities, a number of filtering techniques and detrending pro- evoke single-frequency responses to return to a dynamic
cedures are generally used. However, these procedures steady state (or dynamic equilibrium) can be called reactive
potentially alter the underlying dynamics, and remove tran- tuning. Therefore, studies attempting to define healthy
sients and trends in the data that may have physiologic sig- physiologic function by the presence of long-range fractal-
nificance. This approach also fails to recognize that dynam- like correlations have to distinguish between transient re-
ics of physiologic systems may change depending on sponse modes and long-term steady-state behavior. Further-
whether the subject is resting or is responding to a given more, the dynamics observed under steady-state conditions
perturbation. might be used to gauge the capacity of an organism to
Under basal resting conditions, most healthy physiologic mount an appropriate adaptive response when it is per-
systems demonstrate highly irregular, complex dynamics turbed.
that represent multiple interacting influences operating over In this paper I suggest that dynamic, interacting networks
multiple time scales. Unlike classic fractal processes in of regulatory systems are the structural and functional scaf-

Figure 1. Center of pressure (COP) displacements (top graphs) and their corresponding log-transformed power specta (bottom graphs) for a
30-year-old healthy woman (left) and a 69-year-old woman with previous falls (right), obtained while the subjects stood on a force plate for 30
seconds. The slope of the regression line through the power spectra represents the scaling exponent , which is greater in the elderly faller than
in the young subject, indicating a loss of complexity.

folds for healthy physiologic function. I will provide evi- studied in humans. The sympathetic and parasympathetic
dence for the degradation of these systems with age and dis- limbs of the autonomic nervous system probably account
ease and suggest that the loss of adaptive capacity that for most of the short-term (second-to-second) beat-to-beat
ensues may characterize the onset of frailty. Finally, I will variability in heart rate and blood pressure. On longer time
conclude with recent preliminary evidence that age- or dis- scales of minutes to hours, hormonal and temperature influ-
ease-related functional impairments may be reversible with ences may dominate, whereas over 24-hour periods, cir-
a number of interventions that restore the underlying dy- cadian rhythms exert their control. The importance of the
namics. autonomic nervous system in beat-to-beat cardiovascular
variability is evident from pharmacologic blocking studies.
DYNAMICS OF REST AND RESPONSE During blockade of the parasympathetic and sympathetic
nervous systems with atropine and propanolol, respectively,
Complexity Begets Functionality beat-to-beat heart rate fluctuations disappear. Yamamoto
How do we know that a mechanical system is working and colleagues have shown that vagal blockade with atro-

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properly? One indicator is the stability of its response to a pine decreases the fractal nature of heart rate variability (9),
particular demand, within a given set of boundary condi- whereas beta-adrenergic blockade with propanolol does not
tions. For example, we know the heating system in our home (10). However, these authors comment that during beta
is working when the internal temperature is stable within 1 blockade, activity of the parasympathetic nervous system
or 2 degrees of its preset range. We know our automobile is alone is not sufficient to produce fractal-like 1/f scaling of
functioning properly if it moves steadily at a given speed to- heart rate variability (9).
ward a destination without knocking, pinging, sputtering, or The maturation of sympathetic innervation to the heart
stalling. Underlying the apparent stability of these common- during the first month of life in neonatal swine provides an-
place mechanical systems is a complex dynamic; the feed- other example of the influence of the autonomic nervous
back loop between the thermostat, furnace, and radiation system on heart rate variability, and it supports the contribu-
system in the home, or the interacting fuel, electrical, cool- tion of sympathetic innervation to heart rate complexity
ing, and power transmission systems in the automobile. (11). As sympathetic neurons from the right stellate gan-
In general, the more complex a system is (i.e., the more glion sprout connections to the heart during this time period,
interacting parts it has operating on different scales in time baby pigs develop increasing complexity in their heart rate
or space), the greater its functionality (although too complex time series. When the stellate ganglion is denervated at
a system may freeze up and lose functionality). The home birth, the animals fail to develop the heart rate irregularity
heating example above is functional only during the winter that is characteristic of mature animals.
months, and it can do nothing more than heat the house. Similarly, the transplanted human heart has been shown
However, adding an air conditioning unit and appropriate by Kresh and Izrailtyan to develop increasing complexity of
thermostat control will add year-round functionality. The heart rate variability (measured by pointwise-correlation di-
greater complexity of the automobile enables it to respond mension analysis) following implantation (12). At implanta-
to multiple road conditions from a parking lot to a highway. tion the donor heart manifests a metronome-like heart rate
The more complex automobiles of today add functions such that evolves in a nonmonotonic fashion, increasing by 100
as cruise control, antilock brakes, 4-wheel drive, and trac- days, decreasing transiently by 20–30 months, and then ris-
tion control to enable them to adapt more effectively to a ing to its peak by 7–10 years after implantation. This “dy-
variety of conditions. namic reorganization in the allograft rhythm-generating
Although the mechanical analogy is an oversimplifica- system” probably represents the emergence of local intra-
tion, physiology can be similarly understood. Underlying cardiac control mechanisms, followed by systemic hor-
the relatively uniform homeostatic responses of living or- monal and neural inputs that evolve over the course of graft–
ganisms to a variety of stimuli lies a complex dynamic that host adaptation.
creates functionality. Unlike mechanical systems that tend The resting output of the brain’s motor control system is
to fail when they become too complex (e.g., computers an irregular, low-amplitude physiologic tremor. This proba-
when too much software is installed), physiologic systems bly arises from the rich interconnected network of neurons
are built in such a way that larger-scale components (e.g., arising from the motor cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum,
skeletal, nervous, and circulatory systems) protect the finer- and other structures. Using a network model of dopaminer-
scale parts (e.g., cells and organelles). In physiology, the gic innervation in the nigrostriatal pathway of the brain to
greater the complexity, the greater the range of adaptive re- produce a time series characteristic of the normal aperiodic
sponses. In support of this notion, I will briefly review the physiologic tremor, Edwards and colleagues have shown
origin of complex dynamics during resting steady-state con- that parameter changes representing weakened synaptic
ditions in a variety of physiologic processes, and the differ- connections result in the emergence of a periodic tremor re-
ence between resting dynamics and the response to a pertur- sembling that of Parkinson’s disease (13). This loss of com-
bation (reactive tuning). plexity through “dynamic simplification,” as they call it, not
only suggests potential mechanisms underlying the complex
Origin of Complex Dynamics in Physiology output of the motor control system but also demonstrates
Because of the ready availability of electrocardiographic how the loss of complex dynamics may be associated with
and blood pressure monitoring devices in medical practice, the development of disease.
cardiovascular dynamics are probably the most intensively Mathematical models based on nonlinear dynamics and

chaos theory can be used to illustrate how different levels of the output of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system in the
system inputs and different engagements of system compo- brain that controls movement differs according to the rela-
nents can generate a variety of dynamic behaviors. As shown tive concentration of dopamine. Normal concentrations of
in Figure 2, the logistic equation will generate different dy- dopamine produce smooth movements and an irregular, low-
namic behaviors, progressing from periodic to chaotic, de- amplitude physiologic resting tremor, whereas low concen-
pending on the initial value for parameter a. In similar fash- trations produce stiff movements with a periodic, high-
ion, the behavior of a given biologic system might differ, amplitude Parkinsonian tremor. Excessive concentrations of
depending on the value of a particular input. For example, dopamine produce dystonic and dyskinetic motor activity.

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Figure 2. Plots of the iteration of the logistic equation, xi  1  axi(1  xi), with different values for the coefficient a. Note how the dynamics
change depending on the value of a.

Reactive Tuning sympathetic activation and vasoconstriction, and prevents

An important premise underlying this paper is that the blood pressure overshoots through sympathetic withdrawal
complexity of physiologic control systems serves an impor- and vasodilation. This feedback mechanism keeps blood
tant purpose; that is, it enables the organism to mount a fo- pressure in the range necessary to ensure adequate organ per-
cused response on a number of different time scales in order to fusion. Many elderly subjects (Figure 3) have less complexity
return to a new steady state. In the field of nonequilibrium of heart rate and blood pressure dynamics in the supine and
statistical mechanics, the relationship between the correla- tilted positions (5). Moreover, they may fail to tune in on a
tion properties of the fluctuations of a system and its relax- dominant frequency when tilted (15). In Figure 3, the hyper-
ation to equilibrium can be described by the fluctuation–dis- tensive elderly subject does not develop low-frequency
sipation theorem (14). Herein, I refer to the relation between (baroreflex-mediated) systolic blood pressure oscillations
underlying complex fluctuations and the focused (less com- when tilted, and the subject also experiences orthostatic hy-
plex) response to a perturbation as reactive tuning. In biol- potension. Thus, an age- or disease-related loss of complexity
ogy and medicine, this concept is evident in a number of in resting dynamics may hinder reactive tuning and thereby

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disparate systems discussed in the paragraphs that follow. lead to maladaptive responses to physiologic stresses. Further
As shown in Figure 3, the complex blood pressure dy- research is needed to determine whether the absence of reac-
namics of the supine resting state, represented by a broad tive tuning predisposes to blood pressure destabilization or
power spectrum, give rise to low-frequency “Mayer waves” other functional alterations in physiologic systems.
with a dominant frequency at approximately 0.1 Hz when a Notably, too great a low-frequency heart rate (16) or
healthy young subject is tilted upright to mimic standing. blood pressure (17) response may also be destabilizing, re-
This low-frequency blood pressure oscillation is thought to sulting in the development of vasovagal syncope during tilt.
result from baroreflex-mediated vasomotor activity that This is consistent with the notion that the maximal response
counters the reduction in venous return to the heart through is maladaptive if it is unable to restore the system to a dy-

Figure 3. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) power spectra and their corresponding time series (inserts) in the supine (top) and tilted (bottom) po-
sitions for a 34-year-old male subject (left) and a 64-year-old male subject (right). Note the marked increase in power at 0.1 Hz during tilt in the
young subject, and the absence of this response in the elderly subject. The elderly subject also has supine systolic hypertension and orthostatic
hypotension at the onset of tilt.

namic steady state. In physical systems this type of response trol systems to be altered during a given perturbation in or-
may produce resonances or ringing phenomena that ulti- der to restore the system to a new steady state. In this case,
mately cause the system to fail. For example, the collapse of the response may not be predicable from the resting dynam-
the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 presumably occurred ics of the system. The process of cerebral autoregulation
because wind blowing over its surface at the same fre- provides a good example of a physiologic process in which
quency as the natural frequency of the bridge generated the resting relationship between blood pressure and cerebral
large-wave oscillations that grew until the structure failed. blood flow is altered during acute hypotension, so that
In support of the preceding concepts, Butler and col- abrupt changes in blood pressure do not threaten cerebral
leagues (18) found that orthostatic challenges (lower body blood flow. Using the transfer function between blood pres-
negative pressure and head-up tilt) increased the  coeffi- sure and cerebral blood flow velocity oscillations while sub-
cient (decreased the fractal dimension or complexity) of the jects rested in a sitting position, we were unable to predict
1/f heart rate spectrum in healthy young subjects. Those sub- changes in cerebral blood flow from changes in blood pres-
jects who experienced presyncope during orthostatic stress sure that occurred when subjects suddenly stood up (19).

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had a significantly greater increase in  at the highest levels This is probably due to autoregulatory vasodilation of the
of lower body negative pressure, indicating a greater loss of peripheral cerebral vasculature, which restores blood flow
complexity in heart rate variability. These data suggest that in response to reduced perfusion pressure. The activation of
the healthy heart rate response to tilt is associated with re- a focused adaptive mechanism to preserve cerebral blood
duced complexity (i.e., reactive tuning), but in some individ- flow (cerebral autoregulation) in a healthy young subject is
uals with maximal responses the cardiovascular system is evident in the dynamics of the blood flow velocity time se-
unable to achieve a new steady state and syncope results. ries shown in Figure 4. Note how the dynamic response is
If reactive tuning is operative, one would expect the rest- greatly damped in the elderly subjects with and without hy-
ing, equilibrium relationship between two interacting con- pertension.

Figure 4. Continuous blood pressure (top panels) and cerebral blood flow velocity waveforms during sitting, then after active standing (ar-
row) for a healthy young subject, normotensive elderly subject, and hypertensive elderly subject. Note the differences in cerebral blood flow dy-
namics in response to the blood pressure decline between young and elderly subjects. (Reprinted with permission from Ref. 51.)

The postural control system provides another example of wave, is minimally complex and can be described mathe-
reactive tuning. Using a random walk model to analyze the matically by a simple periodic function. In contrast, a highly
moment-to-moment changes in center-of-pressure (COP) complex signal may have marked irregularity, but less vari-
trajectories when healthy young subjects stood quietly on a ability (lower amplitude), requiring an aperiodic, nonlinear
balance platform, Collins and De Luca (20) showed two function to describe it. Therefore, loss of amplitude (vari-
types of dynamic behavior: first, short-term open-loop ac- ability) of a periodic process such as melatonin (25) or thy-
tivity, in which short, rapid COP displacements (sway) have roid-stimulating hormone secretion (26) that occurs with
a tendency to drift away from an equilibrium point, and aging should not be confused with a loss of complexity.
second, longer-term closed-loop activity, in which larger, Furthermore, aging can be associated with a decrease in
slower COP displacements that trend away from an equilib- complexity, but greater variability in physiologic systems.
rium point tend to be followed by movements back toward The concept of reactive tuning suggests that a loss of com-
equilibrium. Thus, unbounded movements over short inter- plexity during resting conditions impedes an individual’s
vals in distance or time give way to negatively (anti-) corre- ability to mount a focused response during stress. This

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lated corrective movements once a given stimulus threshold would result in greater variability of the response. In addi-
is exceeded. tion, complexity loss within elderly individuals could result
The adaptive advantage of complex behavior is also evi- in increased variability of a given response between individ-
dent in recent work on social networks. Several studies have uals. Thus, compared with healthy young individuals,
shown strong relationships between social integration and healthy elderly people may look more alike under steady-
mortality following myocardial infarction, functional recov- state conditions, but less alike when challenged by internal
ery from stroke, and the development of dementia (21,22). or external perturbations.
These data lend further support to the notion that the under- Not only aging, but also disease results in a loss of com-
lying complexity of a system—in this case, an individual’s plexity (Table 1). The tremor of Parkinson’s disease,
social integration and connectedness—improves one’s abil- Cheyne-Stokes respiration of heart failure, periodic breath-
ity to overcome severe illness. ing of high-altitude sickness, electroencephalographic spike
Thus, complex network-like infrastructures that permit waves of epilepsy, emotional cycling of manic-depressive
dynamic interactions between individual components dur- illness, periodic oscillations of leukocyte counts in leuke-
ing steady-state conditions appear to be associated with a mia, and regular rhythm of ventricular tachycardia are com-
focused adaptive response at times of stress. This concept of mon examples (4). Figure 1 shows the breakdown of fractal-
reactive tuning may explain a wide range of behaviors, such like 1/f scaling in the dynamics of COP displacements in an
as when a chaotic stock market makes a unidirectional cor- elderly man with a history of falling. A loss of fractal orga-
rection in response to a change in interest rate or when birds nization has been shown to be a predictor of adverse out-
on differing flight paths flock together to migrate over long comes in a variety of physiologic systems, including cardiac
distances (23). These observations highlight the importance interval or stride-length time series (Table 2). Hormones
of distinguishing the complex nonlinear dynamics of the such as melatonin or insulin will not function normally un-
basal state from the less complex, linear dynamics that arise less secreted in a pulsatile fashion (25,27). Thus, normal
in response to a given stimulus. Furthermore, they suggest physiologic function appears to depend on complex under-
the need for further research to determine whether complex lying dynamics.
fractal-like structures and processes have evolved in bio- The unfortunate final common pathway of aging or mul-
logic systems to permit an efficient adaptive response that tisystems disease is the loss of adaptive capacity and ulti-
can rapidly restore the organism to equilibrium during the mate decline in functional independence that characterizes
exigencies of everyday life. frailty. Figure 6 illustrates how a loss of complexity may
lead to frailty. In health, a rich, fractal-like network of mul-
ALTERATIONS IN AGING AND DISEASE: THE PATHWAY tiple interacting biologic inputs results in a complex output,
TO FRAILTY characteristic of an organism with high functionality that
In a previous paper, Lipsitz and Goldberger (24) sug- can readily adapt to the stresses of everyday life. As age or
gested that normal human aging is associated with a loss of disease reduce the number and connectedness of these in-
complexity in a variety of fractal-like anatomic structures puts, the output signal is simplified, becoming less complex
and physiologic processes. This loss of complexity is mani- and more periodic or random. Consequently, functional ca-
fest in many ways. It can be quantified by a change in frac- pacity is reduced. As system complexity falls further, func-
tal dimension (e.g., breakdown in bone trabecular architec- tional capacity ultimately crosses a frailty threshold, result-
ture or loss of 1/f scaling of cardiac interval time series), ing in marked vulnerability to injury, disease, and finally
narrowing of a frequency response (e.g., presbycusis), loss death. For this reason, frail elderly individuals are particu-
of long-range correlations in time series data (e.g., cardiac larly vulnerable to falls, confusion, incontinence, and func-
interval, blood pressure, or stride-length time series), in- tional dependency when exposed to common environmen-
creased randomness or stochastic activity (e.g., cardiac in- tal, pharmacologic, or emotional stresses.
tervals or COP displacements), or greater periodicity (e.g., Fortunately, there is considerable redundancy in many bi-
electroencephalogram slow waves). ologic systems in a healthy organism; for example, humans
For this discussion, it is important to recognize the differ- have far more muscle mass, neuronal circuitry, renal neph-
ence between variability and complexity. As shown in Fig- rons, and hormonal stores than are needed to survive. This
ure 5, a highly variable signal, such as a high-amplitude sine physiologic reserve allows most individuals to compensate

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Figure 5. The difference between complexity and variability.

effectively for age- and disease-related changes. Because correlation properties of heart rate dynamics are increased
the network structure of physiologic systems also enables (42), indicating they become less complex, as would be ex-
alternate pathways to be used to achieve the same functions, pected if reactive tuning were operative. It is not yet known
physiologic changes that result from aging alone usually do whether chronic exercise training has an effect on resting
not have much impact on everyday life. Accordingly, other- heart rate dynamics.
wise healthy individuals who suffer from a single organ in- Using the slope of the log-transformed cardiac interval
jury such as a stroke may regain functional capacity if other power spectrum (1/f slope) as well as a technique called de-
neural components and their connections can compensate. trended fluctuation analysis (32) that quantifies the short-
This forms the rationale for the restoration of health through term (4–11 beats) correlation properties of the cardiac inter-
a variety of interventions that promote the development of beat interval data, Lin and colleagues (43) showed that the
new network connections.

RESTORING HEALTHY DYNAMICS Table 1. Decreased Complexity in Disease

There are at least three types of interventions that could
Disease (Ref.) Measure
potentially restore healthy dynamics in biologic systems,
and thus improve functional health or prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s (28) EEG correlation dimension is reduced
Emphysema (29) Reduced 1/f slope of size distribution of terminal
frailty. These include the following: first, single interven-
airspace clusters
tions such as exercise, medications, or hormones that have Fibrillation
multisystem effects; second, multifactorial interventions Ventricular (30) Reduced HR fractal scaling (1/f slope) and
that identify and treat different system-specific contributors long-range correlations (DFA)
to disease and disability; and third, external control devices Atrial (31) Increased RR regularity (ApEn) and decreased
and procedures that have direct effects on system dynamics. long-range correlations (DFA)
Over the past decade, a number of studies have examined CHF & CAD (32 & 33) Reduced HR fractal scaling (1/f ) and long-range
correlations (DFA)
the effects of a variety of these interventions on the dynam- Aging & Huntington’s (7) Loss of stride interval long-range correlations
ics of different diseases and conditions. (DFA)
Breast cancer (34) Fractal dimension of mammographic mass
Single Interventions
Notes: CHF  congestive heart failure; CAD  coronary artery disease; 1/f 
One of the most widely studied single interventions to
the slope of the log-transformed power spectrum (see text); DFA  detrended
improve functional ability is exercise. Aerobic exercise fluctuation analysis, a technique that quantifies the fractal-like correlation prop-
training for 6–9 months has been shown to restore heart rate erties of time series data (32) by measuring the root-mean-square fluctuations of
variability in older adults (38–40), while a 6-month home- the integrated and detrended data in observation windows of different sizes and
based program of strength and balance training reduced the then plotting them against the size of the window on a log–log scale—the slope
fluctuations in stride time dynamics associated with gait in- of the regression line that relates log-fluctuation to log-window size quantifies
stability (41). These studies reported measures of variabil- the complexity of the data (1  fractal, 0.5  random, 1.5  random walk);
ApEn  approximate entropy, a measure of regularity in time series data (50);
ity, rather than complexity, leaving some uncertainty as to ApEn quantifies the (logarithmic) likelihood that a series of data points that are
whether exercise interventions indeed restore the complex a certain distance apart for a given number of observations remain within the
fractal-like dynamics that characterize healthy physiologic same distance on next incremental comparisons. EEG  electroencephalogram;
functions. During acute treadmill exercise, the short-term HR  heart rate; RR  cardiac interbeat interval.

Table 2. Long-Term Consequences of Complexity Loss

Authors (Ref.) Subjects Complex System Complex Measure Adverse Outcome

Ho and colleagues (35) 52 CHF pts  52 matched controls RR interval (2 ECG) DFA Mortality 1.9 y
Huikuri and colleagues (36) 347 random elders 65 y Heart rate (24 ECG) 1/f slope Mortality 10 y
Makikallio and colleagues (30) Case-control, post-MI
VF RR interval (24 ECG) DFA 1/f slope VF
Huikuri and colleagues (33) 446 MI pts w/decreased LV fxn RR interval (24 ECG) DFA Mortality 1.9 y
Makikallio and colleagues (37) 499 CHF pts w/EF 35% RR interval (24 ECG) DFA Mortality 1.8 y
Colantonio and colleagues (21) 87 elderly stroke survivors Psychosocial fxn Social network index Fxn loss, NH adm
Fratiglioni and colleagues (22) Pop. of 1203 elders 75 y Psychosocial fxn Social network Dementia

Notes: CHF  congestive heart failure; MI  myocardial infarction; VF  ventricular fibrillation; LV  left ventricular; EF  cardiac ejection fraction; pts 
patients; fxn  function; RR  cardiac interbeat interval; ECG  electrocardiogram; DFA  detrended fluctuation analysis; 1/f slope  slope of the log-transformed
power spectrum.

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beta-adrenergic blocker atenolol increased fractal-like heart flow when given to postmenopausal women for 6 months
rate complexity in 10 patients with advanced congestive (44). The functional implications of this result are not yet
heart failure over a 1- and 3-month treatment period. Unfor- known.
tunately, the study was not placebo controlled. Additional
research is needed to confirm this result and determine Multifactorial Interventions
whether an increase in complexity is associated with physi- The traditional approach to human biology and medicine
ologic and functional improvements in such patients. is reductionistic, organizing bodies of knowledge into indi-
Estrogen replacement therapy is another single interven- vidual organ systems (e.g., cardiology, nephrology, pul-
tion with wide-ranging effects on urogenital health, bone monology, etc.) and explaining health and disease as the ab-
turnover, cardiovascular physiology, and neurocognitive sence or presence of specific abnormalities in these organs.
function. In addition to its well-known effects on improving However, because the human body is a complex system, its
the structural integrity of osteoporotic bone, and thus reduc- function in health and disease cannot be fully explained by
ing fractures, we have recently shown it to improve inte- an understanding of its component parts. In recent years it
grated baroreflex regulation of vascular sympathetic out- has become evident that most pathologic conditions are sys-

Figure 6. The physiologic basis of frailty. Multiple interacting physiologic inputs (top) produce highly irregular, complex dynamics (middle),
which impart a high level of functionality (bottom) on an organism. As the inputs and their connections degrade with age, the output signal be-
comes more regular and less complex, resulting in functional decline. Ultimately, with continued loss of physiologic complexity, function may
fall to the critical level below which an organism can no longer adapt to stress (the frailty threshold).

temic illnesses, affecting a multitude of organ systems and built into external pacing devices to terminate arrhythmias
functional processes. Treatments that have an impact on by exploiting their underlying nonlinear dynamics.
multiple components of an illness have been found to be
more effective than standard unidimensional approaches. Acknowledgments
For example, multifactorial interventions have been shown This work was supported by the Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for Aged
to be effective treatments for common geriatric syndromes and Grants AG04390, AG08812, and AG05134 from the National Institute
such as falls (45) or delirium (46), which are often due to in- on Aging. Dr. Lipsitz holds the Irving and Edyth S. Usen and Family Chair in
Geriatric Medicine at the Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for Aged. The author
teracting abnormalities in multiple organ systems. The rec- is grateful to Dr. Yaneer Bar-Yam for his helpful comments and suggestions.
ognition that congestive heart failure is a systemic disease
Address correspondence to Lewis A. Lipsitz, MD, Hebrew Rehabilita-
characterized not only by a reduction in cardiac inotropy but tion Center for Aged, 1200 Centre Street, Boston, MA 02131. E-mail:
also by increased sympathetic nervous system activity, acti-
vation of the renin–angiotensin system, and skeletal muscle
dysfunction has led to more effective treatments with com- References

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