BP 220-Economic and Socialized Housing

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BP 220- Economic and Socialized Housing


1-2. The rules and standard of BP 220 shall apply to the development of ______and____housing
project, in urban and rural areas.
3. _______is a public way intended to serve both pedestrian and emergency vehicles, and also
access to lots, both ends always connecting to streets.
4. _______is an area characterized by the predominant absence of utility systems or networks,
especially water supply roads and power.
5-7. A potential site must have characteristics assuring _____,______and_____community life
8-10. Flat to rolling terrain ( 0 to 5%) are preferable but housing development may take place up
to ______slopes, with flat lands below_______for high density development and sloping
area _____ for low to medium density development.
11-12. When there is no Zoning Ordinance or Land Use Plan the _______and ______shall be
used in determining suitability of a project to a site.
13-15. Required area for community facilities shall be ______for 150 or living units and
below_____ for 151 to 225 and_____for 225 above.
16. Community facilities shall be ________located where they can serve maximum member of
population, preferably, near or side by side the parks, playground.
17-18. Location of parks shall be based on _____,_____ and shall be free from hazard, risks and
barriers, etc.
19. Water supply for underdeveloped areas must be potable and adequate at least____ liters per
capital per day.
20.______ is a type of housing project provided to moderately low-income families with lover
interest rates and longer amortization period.


1-2. Distance between buildings shall be adequately maintaining to ensure______and ________.

3. The floor area, authorized for non-residentially use, whether in the principal dwelling structure
or in any accessory building, shall not exceed ________percent of the total residential area.
4-6. Examples of allowable non-residential uses are_______, _______,_______ and
structures for the homeowners association.
7-8. The minimum distance between two buildings with more than four storeys shall be ______.
meters and the horizontal clearance shall be_______meters.
9-10. The minimum distance between two buildings wherein the taller buildings has three or four
storeys shall be_____meters and the horizontal clearance shall be______meters
11-12. In cases when the two sides of the buildings facing each other blank walls, either there are
no openings or only minimal openings for comfort rooms, the minimum distance between the
buildings shall be ____meters and the horizontal clearance between the roof eaves shall be ____
13. For multi-family dwellings; a minimum of one parking space for every living units shall be
14. The minimum floor area of a living unit multi-family dwellings shall ______square meters.
15 The occupant load in any building or portion thereof shall be determined by multiplying the
number of living units by__________.
16. Every multi-family dwelling or usable portion thereof shall be determined by multiplying the
number of living units by __________.
17. Exits serving living units with occupant load of 25 or less shall have a minimum width of
____ meters.
18. For every additional occupant load of 25 or fractions thereof an additional width of_____
meters shall be provided.
19. No point in a building shall be more than____ meters from an exterior exit door, a horizontal
exit, exit passage way or an enclosed stairway, measured along the line of travel.
20. In a building equipped with the complete automotive fire extinguishing system the distance
from exits may be increased to ______ meters.
21. Every corridor or Exit balcony shall not be less than_____ meters in width.
22. Corridors and exterior exit balconies with dead end do no exceed meters in length.
23. The maximum allowable slope for ramps is ______percent.
24-25. Width of stairway for multi-family dwellings shall be _______ meters for stairways
serving for two or more living units with an occupant load of 50 or less and not less
than____load more than 50
26-27. Stairs fro multi-family dwellings stairs shall have a maximum riser of____ meters and
minimum tread width of ____meters.
28. The maximum variation in the height of risers and the width of treads in any, one flight shall
29. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the width
of the stairway, however such dimension need not exceed ____ meters when the stairs has a
straight run.
30. Landing shall not be reduced in width by more than ____millimeters by a door when fully
31-33. Stairways less than ___ meters have at least___handrail and ___ handrails for stairways
measuring 3.00 meters to 3.50 meters in width. For stairways measuring 3.50 meters wide shall
have at least one_____handrail.
34. Stairways having less than ____ risers need not have handrails.
35-36. Handrails shall be placed not less than____ meters nor more than ___ meters above the
nosing or thread.
37-39. Ends of handrails shall terminate ______ or _____ per floors above the first storey, the
maximum travel distance from the exit door of a living unit to the stairways shall be___
40. For multi- family dwelling stairways shall have a headroom clearance of not less than ____


1. The minimum requirement for sewage disposal shall be the use of __________
2. Drain field area of effluent shall be _________ meters minimum distance from any source.
3-4. For major road, right of way shall be_______ meters and ______meters for carriageway.
5-6. For minor road , right of way shall be _______meters and _______meters for carriageway.
7-8. The width of alley shall be _________ meters and that of footpath shall be _______meters.
9-12. A lot shall be either served by a _______,________ an ________or a __________.
13-15. Minimum lot frontage for single detached shall be___meters,___ meters for single
attached and_____ meters for rowhouse.
16. Block length exceeding 250 meters 250 meters, but not beyond 400 meters shall be provided
by an _____ at middlelength.
17-19. Minimum lot area requirement for detached dwelling unit shall be __ square meters,
___square meters for corner lot semi-detached dwelling unit and ____ square meters for
20. The maximum number of storey for single family dwelling is _____
21-24. Percentage of open spaces for residentials which with an interior lot is ___ percent; ___
percent for inside lot,___ percent corner and through lot and ____percent for lots bounded on
three sides by public open spaces such as streets , easements of seashores, rivers, esteros, etc.
25. The minimum floor area requirement for single family dwelling shall be ___square meters.


1. _____ is an act authorizing the ministry of human settlements to establish and promulgate
different levels of standards and technical requirements for economic and socialized housing
projects in urban and rural areas.
2. All sanitary systems, equipment and installation shall provisions of the latest edition of
3. All electrical systems, equipment and installation shall conform with the provisions of the
latest edition of the ____
4. All sanitary system equipment and installation shall conform with the provisions of the latest
edition of the _____.
5. The use of indigenous materials for site development and construction of dwellings shall be
encouraged, as long as these area are in conformity with the requirements of these rules and
ensures building life span of at least____ years or in correspondence to loan terms of payment.
6-8 Required area for community facilities for 150 and below number of lots and or living units
per hectare shall be 6)___percent 7)___percent for 151 to 225 and 8)__ percent for above 225.
9-11. Required area for park and playground for 150 and below number or lots and or living
units per hectare shall be 9) ___ percent 10)___percent for 151 to 225 and 11)___percent for
above 225
12-14. Whenever a body of water shall be utilized for community water supply, permits from the
12)_____ shall be obtained and standards set by the 13)_____with. Each well shall be allocated
approximately 14)___ square meters area which shall form part of the area for community
15. If public water supply system is not available, the developer shall provide for an independent
water supply system within the subdivision project, required permits from the National Water
Resources Council shall be obtained and standards of _____shall be complied with.

_________1. A person of land bounded on the sides by streets or alleys or pathways or other
natural or man-made features and occupied by or intended for buildings.
_________2. A single family attached dwelling containing three or more separate living units
grouped closely together to form relatively compact structures.
_________3. Facilities or structures intended to serve common needs and for the benefit of the
_________4. A building designed or used as residence for one or more families.
_________5. A dwelling for one family which is completely surrounded by permanent open
spaces with independent access, services and use of land.
_________6. A dwelling containing two or more separate living units each of which is separated
form another by party or lot line walls and provide with independent access,
services, and use of land.
__________7. A dwelling on one lot containing separated living units for 3 or more families
usually provided with common, access, services and use of land.
__________8.A single-family attached dwelling containing three, or more separate living units
designed in such a way that the about each other at the sides, as In a row, and are
separated from each other by party walls; provided with independent access
services and use of land.
__________9. A public way intended for pedestrian and which cuts across a block to provide
access to adjacent streets, or property with maximum length of 100 meters of
connecting to roads and 50 meters if terminating in a dead end.
__________10. Shall refer to the set of documents required by the Commission for the
processing and approval of economic and socialized housing projects including
systems and procedures for the implementation and enforcement of BP 220.
__________11. That part or end of a lot which abuts a street.
__________12. A dwelling or portion thereof, providing complete living facilities for one
family, including provisions for living, sleeping, cooking ,eating, bathing and
toilet facilities and laundry facilities.
__________13. Shall refer to areas allocated for the following purposes such as circulation,
community facilities, parks and playgrounds, casements and courts.
__________14. That portion of the subdivision which is generally not built on and intended for
passive or active recreation.
_______ __15.The purpose for which a building is used or intended to be used.
__________16. A wall used only by the party upon whose lot the wall is located, created at a line
separating two parcels of land each of which is a separate real state entity.
__________17. Any wall which separates two abutting living units so as to resist the spread of
__________18. Fire resist two time period is the length of a time a material can withstand being
burned which may be the one-hour, 2-hours, 3-hours4 hours, etc.
__________19. A fireblock which extends vertically from the lowest portion of the wall which
adjoins the two living portion of the roof attached to it.
__________20. A wall used jointly by two parties under easement agreement created upon a line
separating two parcels of land each of which is a separate real estate.

1. The maximum size for a pocket park is

a. 120 sq.m c.150 sq.m
b. 100 sq.m d. 75 sq.m
2. Maximum block length is
a. 250 m. c. 300 m.
b. 200 m. d. 400 m.
3. Maximum block length bounded by an alley is
a. 150 m. c. 200 m.
b. 100 m. d. 250 m.
4. Maximum block length bounded by pathwalk is
a. 100 m. c. 150 m.
b. 120 m. d. 200 m.
5. The minimum horizontal dimension of courts and yards shall not be less than
a. 2.50 m. c. 2.00 m.
b. 3.00 m. d. 1.50 m.
6. All inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by a passageway with a minimum
width of
a. 2.50 m. c. 1.50 m.
b. 2.00 m. d. 1.20 m.
7. Every court shall have a width of not less than
a. 1.50 m. c. 2.50 m.
b. 2.00 m. d. 3.00 m.

8. The minimum floor area requirement for single family dwelling shall be:
a. 24 sq.m c. 32 sq.m
b. 20 sq.m d. 36 sq.m
9. Minimum ceiling heights habitable room without ceiling, a minimum headroom clearance
of______ shall be provided
a. 1.80 m. c. 2.00 m.
b. 2.20 m. d. 2.10 m.
10. Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height of not less than _______ above and below
it, provided that it shall not cover 50% of the floor area below it.
a. 2.70 m. c. 2.10 m.
b. 2.00 m. d. 1.80 m.
11. Doors shall have a minimum clear height of
a. 1.80 m. c. 2.10 m.
b. 2.00 m. d. 2.20 m.
12. For bathroom doors and doors in the mezzanine minimum height shall be.
a. 1.80 m. c. 2.10 m.
b. 200 m. d. 2.20 m.
13. Minimum clear width for main door shall be
a. 1.00 m. c. 0.80 m.
b. 090 m. d. 0.70 m.
14. Minimum clear width for service door and bedroom door shall be
a. 0.65 m. c. 0.80 m.
b. 0.60 m. d. 0.70 m.
15. Minimum clear width for bathroom door shall be
a. 0.50 m. c. 0.70 m.
b. 0.60 m. d. 0.80 m.
16. Rooms for habitable use shall be provided with windows with a total free area of openings
equal to a least _________ of the floor area of the room.
a. 15% c. 12%
b. 14% d. 10%
17. Stairs shall have a minimum clear width of
a. 0.60 m. c. 0.70 m.
b. 0.55 m. d. 0.65 m.
18. Stairs shall have a maximum riser height of 0.25 meters and minimum tread width of;
a. 0.22 m. c. 0.20 m.
b. 0.30 m. d. 0.25 m.
19. Stairs shall have a minimum headroom clearance of
a. 2.10 m. c. 2.20 m.
b. 2.00 m. b. 1.50 m.
20. Maximum height between landing shall be
a. 3.60 m. c. 3.00 m.
b. 3.50 m. d. 2.70 m.



1-3. The Board of Architect shall administer the provisions of this Act __________, __________
and __________ certificates of registration for the practice of Architecture.
4. The Board of Architecture shall issue a _____________ for the successful applicants as
registered architect which shall authorized the person to whom it is issued to practice
architecture in the Philippines.
5. The author or authors of a set of plans or specifications are those in responsible charge of
their _________, whether made by them personally or under their immediate supervision.
6. Except as otherwise specifically allowed, all applicants for registration for the practice of
Architecture shall be required to undergo a _______ as provide by RA 545.
7-10. An applicant for examination should have a specific __________,
_____________,___________ and ________________.
11. Examination for candidates desiring to practice architecture in the Philippines shall be
given _____________ a year in the City of Manila or other places where conditions may
12. An applicant who for the third time fails to pass the examination for the same grade shall
not be allowed to take another until at least ______________ has lapsed after his last
13. Drawings and specifications duly signed or sealed as _______________ are the property
and documents of the Architect whether the object for which they are made is executed or
14. The practice of Architect is a __________ service, admission to which shall be
determined upon the basis of individual personal qualification.
15. Drawings and specifications and other related documents, including government projects,
duly signed, stamped and sealed as instrument or service are the properties and documents
of the ____________ whether the object for which they are made is executed or not.
16. Architects employed by or under contract with the government as experts, advisers or
consultants shall be given temporary license after submitting the necessary credentials
and subject to the approval of the board for a period not to exceed _____________
months, subject to renewals for a like period until his contract with the government
17. T he Chairman and the members of the Board of Architects shall be appointed by the
18. A general average of _______ percent with no subject lower than 50 required to pass the
license examination for architects
19-22. The Board of Architecture shall form time to time look into conditions affection the
practice of Architecture in the Philippines and whenever necessary, recommend
to___________, the adoption of such measures as maybe deemed proper for the maintenance of
good ethics and for the protection of public ___________,_____________ and ____________
23. The members of the Board of Architecture shall hold office for a term of _________
years after appointment or until their successors shall have been appointed and shall have duly
24. The Board shall submit an annual report to the professional Regulation Commission after
the close of each fiscal year giving a detailed account of its proceedings during the year and
making such recommendation as it may deemed proper.
25-26. An Architect is a person who is __________ and _________ qualified to practice
27-30. The issuance of a certificate of registration by the Board to a registrant shall be evidence
that the person named therein is entitled to all the __________ and __________ of
__________and _____________.
1. The board of Architecture shall within __________ days after the date of completion of the
examination report the rating obtained by each candidate to the Professional Regulation
2-6. Corporations cannot register No
________,__________,___________,__________and____________ may be registered of
licensed as such for the practice of Architecture.
7. The Board may after the expiration of _________ year from the date of revocation or
suspension of a certificate for reasons it may deem sufficient, entertain an application for a new
certificate of registration form a person whose, certificate has been revoked or suspended.
8. An applicant holding a Master’s Degree in Architecture from a university, college, institute or
school recognized by the Government of the state or country in which it is established, shall be
credited ____________ in his practice experience.
9-12. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, instruction. Or agency to order, or cause
the design, construction, reconstruction, erection, addition or alteration to any building unless all
_______________,_____________,____________and _____________ are prepared by or
prepared under the responsible charge of, and signed and sealed by a registered architect .
13-14. The practice of a professional, which includes to render furnish or contract professional
services shall be in an ____________ and __________.
15-17. Subject to the approval of the Commission, to the Board of Architecture shall have the
power to __________,___________ or __________ the subjects in the licensure examinations
for the practice of Architecture and their corresponding relative weights.
18-28. Unless modified, the subjects in the licensure examinations shall generally
29. The architect in charge is the ___________ of the building or structure.
30. An architect is a bonafide holder of the of a certificate of registration issued by the
___________ in accordance with RA. 545.


1. The ____________ supervises and regulates the practice of Architects in the Philippines.
2-5. Architecture is defined In the dictionaries to be the art, science profession of __________,
__________ of ____________ while civil engineering is defined as a branch of engineering
concerned primarily with _______________.
RA 545 defines the practices of architecture to be the act of (6)__________(7)__________ and
(8)___________ (9)___________(10)___________ and giving (11)____________ and
responsible direction to the (12)__________ (13)_____________ or (14)_______________ OF
buildings and the (15)____________ or engineering structures or any part thereof, the
(16)__________, (17)___________,(18)____________ coordination of all the processes which
enter into the production of complete (19)____________ or (20)__________ performed through
the medium of unbiased preliminary studies of (21)__________,(22)__________,
(26)______________(27)_______________ and oral advice and directions.
26-30. The author or authors of a set of plans or specifications are those in responsible charge of
their (28)______________ whether made by them (29)__________ or under their immediate

____________1. Administer the provisions of RA 545
____________2. An act to regulate the practice of Architecture in the Philippines.
____________3. Has the power and responsibility after due process suspend, revoke or reissue
____________4. Authorized the person to whom it is issued to practice architecture in this
country subject to the provisions of this set and the rules and regulations of the Board.
____________5. List showing the names and place of business of all registered professional
architects shall be prepared by the professional Regulation Commission.
____________6. Act as legal adviser of the Board and render such legal assistance may be
necessary in carrying out the provisions in this act.
____________7. A bonafide holder of a certificate of registration issued by the Board of
Architecture in accordance with this code.
____________8. A result of the reconciliation of an architect’s oral duty under the Code of
Ethical Conduct and the trainee’s obligation to acquire diversified experience and as required by
____________9. A consideration for the adoption of rules and regulations relating to preparing,
signing and sealing of plans drawings, specifications and other documents registered by
architect’s and in conformity with the Title Block in the Standard for Building Plans as
prescribed under the National Building Code
_______________10. A consideration for the unnecessary and deceptive information on
the block of architectural plans under RA 545 which prohibits the practice of architecture by
corporations and non-registered persons. The resolution to supplement the existing rules and
regulations of the Board of Architecture (dated Jan, 29, 1982)
_______________11. A consideration for the establishment of the syllabi and contents of
licensure examination for Architects (dated Feb. 17 1982)
_______________12. A consideration taken by the Board of Architecture, professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) and the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) to realize the
need of adopting a more effective, systematic and efficient regulation or procedure of recording
the diversified experience of an applicant for licensure examination by submitting a draft of the
proposed text of the Logbook of Diversified Experience in Architecture (dated July 14, 1982)
_______________13. A consideration for the current professional practice services and activities
of the architect here and abroad, which the Board considered and accepted as functions of
architectural practice since these acts constitute the scientific and orderly coordination of all
processes which enter into the production of a complete building or structure as provided in
section 14 C of republic Act no. 545 (dated February 22, 1982).
_______________14. A consideration for the requirement of law for an architect to maintain
high professional and ethical conduct because his duties and grave responsibilities to the public
be properly discharged unless his motives, conduct, sense of moral values and ability are such as
to command respect and confidence, not of his colleagues in the profession but the general public
as well (dated January 6, 1983)
_______________15. A consideration for the amendment of the relative weights of the different
subjects in the architectural licensure examination (dated June 2, 1975)
_______________16. The consideration of an offer by a foreign country or state to establish
reciprocal relations in the practice of a certain profession subject to the conditions set by the
Professional Regulation Commissions.
_______________17. Responsible complaints for unethical and unprofessional conduct of
_______________18. Date of resubmission of the revised copy of the logbook incorporating
provisions from the Code of Ethic and recent regulations together with the standard forms to the
Board of Architecture.
_______________19. Date of effectivity of RA 545.
_______________20. The science or profession of designing and constructing

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