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Managing Space Requirements Module 2

and Space Planning

Task Hopefully, you took in as much of the information in this second module as
possible. To find out how well you have done, complete the following

We recommend that you allocate at least 30 minutes to this worksheet.

At the end of the worksheet is a convenient answers/feedback and advice
section to allow you to see how well you have done.
You are not required to return this worksheet.

Activity #1 10 minutes

What is a space utilisation rate and how would you go about establishing such a thing?

Write or type your answer here

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Activity #2 10 minutes

List as many of the ideas that should be included in your space management
document/policy as possible

Write or type your answer here

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Activity #3 10 minutes

List as many ideas as you can to better utilise the space available to your team.

Write or type your answer here

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Answers/feedback and advice section
Use this section to check your answers and see how well you have done
You are not required to return this worksheet

Activity #1

Advice and feedback

Before you are able to assess whether the space provided at your premises is adequate, either
as a whole or for individual units and departments, you will need to measure how it is currently
being used. This is commonly known as the space utilisation rate of a particular unit or building.
The benefits of working out your space utilisation are to optimise the workplace for the benefit of
the business, improve building energy consumption, enhance productivity and effectively predict
space requirements or model proposals for future workspace requirements.

To do this, you will need to map out all of the space in the area that you are looking at and then
fill in the space that is being used already. There are a number of computer programmes that can
help you to create 3D and virtual plans of this. Once you have a picture of how the space is
currently being utilised, you can consider how it might be used to better effect. Some things may
strike you from a visual perspective immediately. For example, you may notice on the plan that,
although the marketing team has the highest number of employees, their space is limited as a
walkway runs through their area, hindering their use of bulkier equipment such as photocopiers.
Or you may see that there is a meeting room with space for up to 20 people when, in reality, you
know that there are never more than ten people attending a meeting at any one time

Activity #2

Advice and feedback

Here are some ideas of general principles that you may wish to include in your space
management document:-

● The workspace should be used to its maximum efficiency and functionality.

● The allocation of workspace will depend on a number of factors, including the number of
employees in the department, the type of work carried out, any equipment required, etc.
● The allocation of workspace will be made overall to business functions and departments and
not to individual employees.
● Shared office space and/or hot-desking should be used where possible, in order to fully
utilise scarce workspace effectively.
● Requests for additional or restructured workspace should be made in writing to X person,
giving a full justification of the reasons for the proposal.
● Shared areas, such as meeting rooms, breakout rooms and private offices, should be
allocated on a first come first served basis, by means of a robust booking system.
● Each department manager is responsible for ensuring that the space provided for his or her
team is sufficient and not under or over utilised. If this is the case, they should report this to
the facilities team who can review the space allocation and make adjustments if necessary.

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Activity #3

Advice and feedback

Here are some ideas on how to better utilise the space available to your teams in the

● Develop a clear vision. This goes back to the need for a space management strategy
which is clear, simple and understood by all. The Facilities Manager will often own
this strategy and will be responsible for keeping it up to date. Therefore, it is
important that he or she are made aware of any future business changes which may
affect the future direction of the allocation of workspace.

● Proactive workspace management by all. The provision of space should not be seen
as finite, but should be continuously assessed and changed where required. There
should be no need for managers to “hold on” to space with the concern that they
may not get it back should they need it in the future if their team or department grows
in size or importance.

● Review the size of the estate as a whole. If, after full analysis, the facilities team
feels that the current space is being used to maximum efficiency, there may be a
case for increasing the size of the estate, by moving to bigger premises for example.
If this is the case, the Facilities Manager should ensure that the proposal they make
is robust and built on quantitative facts, following a thorough and detailed space
management analysis.

Now that you have studied Module 2, it is time to decide if you feel you are ready
to move on to the next module. Even if you struggled only slightly in this module,
make sure you take the time to read through the material one more time.

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