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A Science Investigatory Project

Presented to
Cavite National Science High School
Regional Science High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Biotechnology

IV – Hydrogen

Gretshine Milay
Shiela Acosta
Ralph Rian de Ocampo

Biotechnology Teacher

February 2010

The research study in making homemade tofu aimed to determine whether the
taste, color, texture, odor and appearance of homemade tofu will be suitable to the taste
of the students and also teachers. This study aimed to find a good alternative on the
commercial tofu that can be brought on the market.

The materials used in making the white cheese were sauce pan, stirrer, vinegar,
salt, soybeans and the blender. The soybeans were blended and was drained (with the
soymilk). Flavouring was added and vinegar was addd too which will act as a
coagulator. It was leave overnight was cook in the morning. It was tasted by Mrs.
Marjorie M. Digma and some IV – Hydrogen students.

Results showed that almost every one that tasted the researcher’s homemade
tofu said that it is like the commercial ones. However, they said that it should be cooked
longer to make more delicious and tasty.

Thus, the researchers assumed based on the criteria and judging that there
homemade tofu has good taste, color, texture, odor and appearance like the
commercial one.

Content Page

Title Page………………………………………………………………………i


Table of Contents……………………………………………………………..iii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………1

A. Background of the Study……………………………………………...1

B. Significance of the Study……………………………………………..2

C. Review of Related Literature…………………………………………2

D. Definition of Terms…………………………………………………….6

CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY……………………………………………..7

A. Research Design……………………………………………………...7

B. Materials and Equipment……………………………………………..7

C. General Procedure…………………………………………………....7

D. Flow Chart…………………………………………………………......8


CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION……………………………………………….10

CHAPTER V: RECOMMENDATION………………………………………..11

Tofu is known for its extraordinary nutritional benefits, as well as its versatility.

Tofu, also known as soya curd, is a soft cheese-like food made by curdling soya milk

with a coagulant. Tofu is a rather bland tasting product that easily absorbs the flavours

of the other ingredients. Tofu is sold in water-filled packs or in aseptic cartons. Fresh

tofu is usually packaged in water and should be refrigerated and kept in water until

used. If the water is drained and changed daily, the tofu should last for one week. Tofu

can be frozen for up to three months. Freezing will change its texture however, it will

make the tofu slightly chewier.Tofu in the Philippines is essential to the daily diet

as taho. It is widely eaten as tokwa (a dry fried variation), which is a staple or alternative

to meat in main meals, and in numerous regional dishes. Tofu was introduced to the

archipelago in the 10-13th centuries by Song Chinese mariners and merchants, along

with many different foods which had become staples of the Filipino diet. The use and

production of Tofu were first limited to urban centers with influential Chinese minorities,

such as Tondo or Cebu, but were quickly spread to even remote native villages and

islands, long before the Spanish arrival in the 17th century.

A. Background of the Study

These days, tofu out in the market doesn’t taste good and you can’t assure if it’s

clean. This study will help and contribute to the food industry of our beloved country

nowadays especially to the people who wants to make their own and want to

experience making this exciting tofu. Making this tofu can be also a good habit for the

person who enjoys eating tofu, and now is their turn to make their own. This can be also

a source of income for some people who are fond of eating.

B. Significance of the Study

These days, tofu out in the market doesn’t taste good and you can’t assure if it’s clean.

By making your own tofu, you can be sure of the materials you use are clean and you

can adjust it according to your taste. This could be a source of income to the people

instead using the commercial brand; recommend it to your friends to make your own

homemade tofu. This study may also help the health of the consumers because when

we are buying the product we don’t have idea on how the producer make it and if they

are really using the right ingredients, and if they are following the true procedure and if

they can assure the consumer’s health. And besides, wine is good for our heart and it

will be better if you’re the one who made it.

C. Review of Related Literature

Tofu is made by coagulating soy milk and pressing the resulting curds. Although

pre-made soy milk may be used, most tofu producers begin by making their own
soy milk, which is produced by soaking, grinding, boiling and straining dried (or, less

commonly, fresh) soybeans.

Coagulation of the protein and oil (emulsion) suspended in the boiled soy milk is the

most important step in the production of tofu. This process is accomplished with the

aid of coagulants. Two types of coagulants (salts and acids) are used commercially.
 The third type of coagulant, enzymes, is not yet used commercially but shows

potential for producing both firm and "silken" tofu.

Acid coagulants

 Glucono delta-lactone (GDL): A naturally occurring organic acid also used in

cheese making, which produces a very fine textured tofu that is almost jelly-like. This

coagulant is used especially for "silken" and softer tofus, and confers an almost

imperceptible sour taste to the finished product. [18] Commonly used together with

calcium sulfate to give soft tofu a smooth tender texture.

 Other edible acids: Though they can affect the taste of the tofu more, and vary in

efficacy and texture, acids such as acetic acid (vinegar) and citric acid (such as

lemon juice), can also be used to coagulate soy milk and produce tofu. [19]

Tofu originated in ancient China, although little else is known about the exact

historic origins of tofu and its method of production. While there are many theories

regarding tofu's origins, historical information is scarce enough as to relegate the status

of most theories to either speculation or legend. Like the origins of cheese and butter,

the exact origin of tofu production may never be known or proven.

What is known is that tofu production is an ancient technique. Tofu was widely

consumed in ancient China, and techniques for its production and preparation were

eventually spread to many other parts of Asia.

Tofu manufacturers may choose to use one or more of these coagulants, since they

each play a role in producing a desired texture in the finished tofu. Different textures

result from different pore sizes and other microscopic features in tofus produced using

each coagulant. The coagulant mixture is dissolved into water, and the solution is then

stirred into boiled soy milk until the mixture curdles into a soft gel.

The curds are processed differently depending on the form of tofu that is being

manufactured. For soft silken tofu or tofu flower the soy milk is curdled directly in the

tofu's selling package. For standard firm Asian tofu, the soy curd is cut and strained of

excess liquid using cheese cloth or muslin and then lightly pressed to produce a soft

cake. Firmer tofus, such as Asian dry tofu or Western types of tofu, are further pressed

to remove even more liquid. In Vietnam, the curd is strained and molded in a square

mold and the end product is called molded bean. The tofu curds are allowed to cool and

become firm. The finished tofu can then be cut into pieces, flavored or further


Types of tofu

Firm tofu - Firm tofu is dense and can be cubed and stir-fried, grilled, scrambled,

pickled, smoked, baked, barbecued or served in soups. Firm tofu is higher in protein,

fats and calcium than other types of tofu.

Soft tofu - Soft tofu is more suited for recipes in which tofu needs to be blended.

Silken tofu - Silken tofu has a creamy structure and is also used in blended dishes. In

Japan, silken tofu is consumed as such with some soy sauce.

Benefits of tofu

Rich in Nutrients - Tofu is rich in both high quality protein and B-vitamins. Tofu is,

therefore, an excellent substitute for meat in many vegetarian recipes. As opposed to

soya milk, tofu contains a lot of calcium. This calcium originates from the coagulant

(nigari). When making tofu, the soy proteins are precipitated with calcium, providing tofu

with a ready source of calcium. Calcium in tofu contributes to the prevention of


Easy to digest - An additional benefit of tofu is that it is extremely easy to digest. This

is because the soybean’s fiber is removed during the manufacturing process.

Reduce cholesterol - As most other soyfoods, tofu reduces heart disease by lowering

the level of the "bad" LDL cholesterol, and as the result maintaining the level of "good"

HDL cholesterol.

Rich in isoflavones - Tofu is rich in isoflavones. When making tofu, the soy

isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, remain bound to the soy protein. Firm tofu contains

about 35 mg isoflavones per 100g. Isoflavones will reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a

disease associated with reduced bone density and increased bone fractures.
Isoflavones will also lower rates of breast cancer and prostate cancer, and reduce

menopausal symptoms including mood swings and hot flushes.

D. Definition of Terms

a. Coagulation- a separation or precipitation from a dispersed state of

suspensoid particles resulting from their growth; may result from

prolonged heating, addition of an electrolyte, or from a

condensation reaction between solute and solvent; an example is

the setting of a gel. 

b. Tofu- is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the

resulting curds into soft white blocks



This chapter presents the specific equipment and procedures on how homemade

tofu was prepared.

A. Design

The research study includes the following major processes are preparing of the

ingredients and other materials like cooking utensils and cheesecloth, cooking of

tofu and mixing of the coagulator on the tofu.

B. Materials and Equipment

A cheesecloth was used to separate the soymilk from the tofu. A container is

brought for the tofu and also for draining the tofu from the vinegar. A bowl was used

as container for the vinegar and other additives. The teaspoon and tablespoon were

used for measuring the additives. Researchers brought a pan to cook the tofu and a

plate to present it.

C. General Procedure

A bag of soy beans were bought from Naic market. They soy bean were place

in the water over night to remove the skin. It was blended. The cloth was used for

draining the mixture, for the milk to be removed. In a bowl, a budget pack of vinegar
was placed; half teaspoon of salt, sugar and Magic Sarap(optional) were mixed with

the tofu. It was left overnight. Then the tofu was cooked in school and presented.

D. Flow Chart








cooking of tofu and soymilk draining tasting



.The tofu was made and was let to taste by the researcher’s biotechnology teacher.

Unfortunately she didn’t accept and said that we need to repeat the product. In our

second attempt, we had cooked the tofu but the researcher’s biotechnology teacher

said that she needs to see the raw product first before tasting it but all of it was cooked

already. The following results were obtained to test if the homemade tofu is acceptable

to the taste of the people. The researcher’s respondent was from the other groups that

were with us and had tasted our first attempt of tofu. The tofu was rated from 1-5 where

5 is the highest.

Characteristic 1 2 3 Mean
Taste 4 4 4 4
Appearance 3 2 4 3
Texture 3 4 3 3.3
Odor 4 5 5 4.7
Color 5 4 5 4.7
Mean 3.9
Table 1.1 Qualitative and

Quantitative Data

Based from the qualitative and quantitative data gathered, the homemade tofu is

acceptable to the taste of the people. Almost all the respondent rate the homemade tofu
as 4. Many were a little disappointed with the appearance but it didn’t affect the taste.

However, the color and odor was excellent.



With the results obtained the homemade Tofu is acceptable based on its taste,

appearance, odor, texture, and color. Mainly, it has the capability to be an income in the

market. It has a few qualities to become a known tofu. It was concluded that the

homemade tofu is clean, tasty and easy to make. All the benefits of this homemade

TOFU are also the same as the commercial ones; however, some of the characteristics

were change by the researcher like the taste, appearance and texture should be

improve to be more favorable to the buyers. The researchers advised those who love to

eat tofu to try making their own so they can decide based on their taste and how they

want to present it.



For further studies and better results, the researchers recommend adding

vinegar as coagulant to have a shape that is more presentable and be very careful in

cooking because it can be easily separate when cooking. Then store it better in a warm

place and avoid it from moving.

The same as this study, another product of biotechnology can be conducted to

compare the results.

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