बासाटारी मुखियाको चौपारी तल घुम्तीको प्रतिक्ष्यालय निर्माण

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Tansen Municipality Office

Tansen, Palpa
Detailed Estimate Sheet
Name of Project:- बासाटारी मुखियाको चौपारी तल घुम्तीको प्रतिक्ष्यालय निर्माण
Location: तानसेन ५ Fiscal year: 2075/076
S.N. Description of Particulae item of work Unit No.s Length Breadth Height Total Qty Remarks

1 Stone solling m3 1.00 3.30 2.7 0.15 1.34

Sub total 1.34
Structural Concrete 1:2:4 cement sand
2 aggragate m3
column 1.00 1.65 0.042 0.07
Floor 1.00 3.30 2.70 0.10 0.89
Sub total 0.96
3 Reinforcement Bar (ring 7mm dia) kg 12.00 0.5 0.3 1.62
Sub total 1.62
4 Brick Work 1:4 m3
2.00 2.3 0.1 0.60 0.28
1.00 3.7 0.1 1.65 0.61
Sub total 0.89
5 Plaster Work 1:4 cement sand ratio m2
column 4.00 1.65 0.7 4.62
beam 6.00 2.30 0.23 3.17
6.00 3.7 0.23 5.11
floor 1.00 3.3 2.3 7.59
celling 1.00 3.70 2.30 8.51
wall 4.00 2.30 0.40 3.68
4.00 3.70 0.40 5.92
4.00 2.30 0.60 5.52
2.00 3.70 1.65 12.21
Sub total 56.33
6 3mm thi. Cement punning m2
4.00 2.30 0.35 3.22
2.00 3.70 0.35 2.59
Sub total 5.81
7 Two Coat apex paint
column 4.00 1.65 0.7 4.62
beam 6.00 2.30 0.23 3.17
6.00 3.7 0.23 5.11
celling 1.00 3.70 2.30 8.51
wall 4.00 2.30 0.40 3.68
4.00 3.70 0.40 5.92
4.00 2.30 0.60 5.52
2.00 3.70 1.65 12.21
Sub total 48.74

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Tansen Municipality Office
Tansen, Palpa
Abstract of Cost
Name of Project:- बासाटारी मुखियाको चौपारी तल घुम्तीको प्रतिक्ष्यालय निर्माण
Location: तानसेन ५
Fiscal year: 2075/076
Description of Particulae item of
Sn Unit Quantity Rate Total Amount Remarks
1 Stone solling m3 1.34 3329.25 4449.54
Structural Concrete 1:2:4 cement
sand aggragate m3
0.96 12221.05 11726.33
3 Reinforcement Bar (ring 7mm dia) kg
1.62 102.23 165.61
4 Brick Work 1:4 m3
0.89 16282.32 14434.28
5 Plaster Work 1:4 cement sand ratio m2
56.33 268.19 15107.14
6 3mm thi. Cement punning m2
5.81 219.83 1277.21
Two Coat apex paint m2
48.74 272.38 13275.80
Estimated Total NRs. 60,435.91
Allocated Budget Nrs. 50,000
2.5% Contingency of Allocated Budget 1,250
2.5% Operatio Maintenance of Allocated Budget 1,250
Net Payable Budjet Nrs. 47,500 80%
Community Contribution @ 20 Of Allocated Budget Nrs. 11,875 20%

Prepared by Checked by: Approved by:

Tansen Municipality Office
Tansen, Palpa
Measurement Book
Name of Project:- Collection Tank Construction Work.( ठुलो पंधेरोमा खानेपानी टंकी मर्मत)
Location: Tansen-6 Fiscal year: 2074/075
S.N. Description of Particulae item of work Unit No.s Length Breadth Height Total Qty Remarks
Excavation in Ordinary soil including removal and satisfactory
disposal of all materials up to site as directed by Engineer.This
includes handling and stacking or hauling (to sites of
embankment construction) of suitable cut materials as required
and also the disposal of unsuitable cut materials in specified
manner.All work complete as per site instruction and Engineer.
Plateform of Tank Cu.M 1.00 3 3 0.80 7.20
Cu.M Sub-Total 7.20
Stone solling work with irregular size of good quality stone
specifications including transportation, laying, well compaction
with sand & all work complete as per site instruction.
C.Tank Base Cu.M 1.00 2.52 2.52 0.12 0.76
Cu.M Sub-Total 0.76
Concrete1:2:4 (M15) cement, sand and aggregate ration in any
form, size, shape and level for all reinforced cement concrete
including mixing ,laying,compaction,curing and finishing all
3 complete as per specification and instruction.
C.Tank Base Cu.M 1.00 2.52 2.52 0.08 0.51
Cu.M Sub-Total 0.51
Concrete 1:1.5:3 (M20) cement, sand and aggregate ration in
any form, size, shape and level for all reinforced cement concrete
including mixing ,laying,compaction,curing and finishing all
4 complete as per specification and instruction.
Base Cu.M 1 2.05 2.05 0.10 0.42
Wall Cu.M 4 2.05 1.70 0.10 1.39
Slab Cu.M 1.00 2.62 2.62 0.10 0.69
Cu.M Sub-Total 2.50

Providing, fitting and fixing standard formwork of good planks or

shuttering plywood/steel including all necessary metal/wooden
props, bracing, wedges and nails etc. and careful removal of form
5 works for all types RCC works all complete as per dwawing,
Slab side Sq.M 1 2.05 2.05 4.20
Wall Sq.M 4 2.05 1.70 13.94
Sq.M Sub-Total 18.14
Providing high strengh deformed bars of grade Fe:415 approved
reinforcement conforming to IS:1786-1985 for all slabs, beams,
columns staircase and lintels etc.as per the detail and approved
teinforcement schedule including
6 strengthening,cutting,bending,pl
Main bar 10 mm dia. 15cm (c/c) Spacing K.G 14 2.05 0.62 17.29
Distrubution bar 10 mm dia. 15cm (c/c) Spacing K.G 14 2.05 0.62 17.29
Main bar 10 mm dia. 15cm (c/c) Spacing K.G 17 2.62 0.62 28.25
Distrubution bar 10 mm dia. 15cm (c/c) Spacing K.G 17 2.62 0.62 28.25
Main bar 10 mm dia. 15cm (c/c) Spacing K.G 11 8.2 0.62 57.37
Distrubution bar 10 mm dia. 15cm (c/c) Spacing K.G 14 6.8 0.62 57.37
Bending wire, westage and lapping @ 10% 20.58
K.G Sub-Total 226.40
Stone masonary (Uncoursed rubble) work 1:4 in cement and
sand ratio good quality stone including transportation, laying,
curing and finishing all work complete as per site instruction,
7 specification and engineer.
Wall Foundation Cu.M 4 2.17 0.35 1.70 5.16
Cu.M Sub-Total 5.16
12.5mm th., 1:4 cement and sand plaster except in celling with
mixing, laying, finishing, curing and as per specification. All work
8 as per site instruction and engineer.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Tansen Municipality Office
Tansen, Palpa
Measurement Book
Name of Project:- Collection Tank Construction Work.( ठुलो पंधेरोमा खानेपानी टंकी मर्मत)
Location: Tansen-6 Fiscal year: 2074/075
S.N. Description of Particulae item of work Unit No.s Length Breadth Height Total Qty Remarks
wall Cu.M 4 2.05 1.70 13.94
Celling Cu.M 1 2.05 2.05 4.20
wall Cu.M 4 2.52 1.70 17.14
Cu.M Sub-Total 35.28
3mm th. cement punning with mixing, laying, finishing, curing
9 and as per specification. All work as per site instruction and
wall Cu.M 3 2.05 1.70 10.46
Celling Cu.M 1 2.05 2.05 4.20
Ra.M Sub-Total 14.66
10 KG Pressure per mm sqare of (3/4inch) HDP pipe including
10 cutting, transportation, fitting and as per specification.

Ra.M 30.00 1.00 30.00

Ra.M Sub-Total 30.00

Union Socket (1/2inch) inch in size with joining transportation,

11 finishing, as per specification & engineer all work complete.

No.s 1 1 SET 1.00

No.s Sub-Total 1.00
Gate Valve (1/2inch) including cutting, transportation, fitting and
12 as per specification.
Ra.M 1 1 SET 1.00
Ra.M Sub-Total 1.00
Zentrifix-elastic of-Bauchemie or equivalent or superior including
13 transportation, curing and finishing all work complete as per site
instruction, specification and engineer. 20% of Plaster Quantity
K.G Sub-Total 7.06

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Tansen Municipality Office
Tansen, Palpa
Valuation of Cost
Name of Project:- बासाटारी मुखियाको चौपारी तल घुम्तीको प्रतिक्ष्यालय निर्माण
Location: तानसेन ५
Fiscal year: 2075/076
Sn Description of Particulae item of work Unit Quantity Rate Total Amount Remarks
1 #REF! Cum 7.20 576.80 4152.96
2 Reinforcement Bar (ring 7mm dia) Cum 0.76 3082.98 2349.38
3 column Cum 0.51 11813.97 6001.87
4 floor Cum 2.50 13560.04 33909.46
5 Two Coat apex paint Sq.M 18.14 774.25 14046.83
6 #REF! K.G 226.40 95.62 21648.36
7 0.00 Cum 5.16 8403.44 43400.41
8 0.00 Sq.M 35.28 255.35 9008.36
9 0.00 Ra.M 14.66 208.67 3058.58
10 #REF! (13%vat+10%Tr
Ra.M 30.00 64.60 1937.99 ans.)
11 #REF! (13%vat+10%Tr
### 1.00 50.43 50.43 ans.)

12 #REF! (13%vat+10%Tr
No.s 1.00 835.97 835.97 ans.)
13 #REF! No.s 7.06 735.00 5185.94
Estimated Total NRs. 145,587
Allocated Budget Nrs. 100,000
2.5% Contingency of Allocated Budget 2,500
2.5% Operatio Maintenance of Allocated Budget 2,500
Net Payable Budjet Nrs. 95,000 90%
Community Contribution @10 Of Allocated Budget Nrs. 10,556 10%

Prepared by Checked by: Approved by:

Tansen Muncipility Office
Tansen palpa
Name of Project:- बासाटारी मुखियाको चौपारी तल घुम्तीको प्रतिक्ष्यालय निर्माण
Location: तानसेन ५
Total Estimated Amount ( Excluding Con. ) : Rs. #REF!
Total amount at completion ( Excluding Con. ) :Rs. 140,401
Decreased / increased in amount from estimate Rs. #REF! ( + increased, - decreased )
Decreased / increased in amount from estimate(in %) #REF!
As per Estimate As Per Actual Work Done Difference
SN Description of works Unit Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Amount
1 Structural Concrete 1:2:4 cement sand aggragate m3 0.95951873 12221.05 11726.32631 7.20 576.80 4152.96 -6.24 7573.37
2 Reinforcement Bar (ring 7mm dia) kg 1.62 102.23 165.6126 0.76 3082.98 2349.38 0.86 -2183.77
3 Brick Work 1:4 m3 0.8865 16282.32 14434.27668 0.51 11813.97 6001.87 0.38 8432.40
4 Plaster Work 1:4 cement sand ratio m2 56.33 268.19 15107.1427 2.50 13560.04 33909.46 53.83 -18802.31
5 3mm thi. Cement punning m2 5.81 219.83 1277.2123 18.14 774.25 14046.83 -12.33 -12769.62
6 Two Coat apex paint m2 48.74 272.38 13275.8012 226.40 95.62 21648.36 -177.66 -8372.56
7 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF! 5.16 8403.44 43400.41 #REF! #REF!
12.5mm th., 1:3 cement and sand plaster in celling or other place
8 with mixing, laying, finishing, curing and as per specification. All ### #REF! #REF! #REF! 35.28 255.35 9008.36 #REF! #REF!
work as per site instruction and engineer.
9 3mm cement punning with all complete as per site engineer. ### #REF! #REF! #REF! 14.66 208.67 3058.58 #REF! #REF!
10 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF! 30.00 64.60 1937.99 #REF! #REF!
11 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF! 1.00 50.43 50.43 #REF! #REF!
12 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF! 1.00 835.97 835.97 #REF! #REF!
sub-total #REF! 140,401 #REF!

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Tansen Municipality Office
Tansen, Palpa
Payment Broucher No :
Measuremant Book No. 12-067-068 …………………Page No. ………to …………..to page No. 24
Name of Project:- बासाटारी मुखियाको चौपारी तल घुम्तीको प्रतिक्ष्यालय निर्माण
Location: Tansen-6
Complementation Date:
Contract No. :- User Bill
Date of Commencement/Agreement:
Intended Date:
Up to Date Previous Bill This Bill
S.N. Description Unit Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Amount Quantity Amount
1 Structural Concrete 1:2:4 cement sand aggragate m3 7.20 576.80 4152.96 0.00 0.00 7.20 4152.96
2 Reinforcement Bar (ring 7mm dia) kg 0.76 3082.98 2349.38 0.00 0.00 0.76 2349.38
3 Brick Work 1:4 m3 0.51 11813.97 6001.87 0.00 0.00 0.51 6001.87
4 Plaster Work 1:4 cement sand ratio m2 2.50 13560.04 33909.46 0.00 0.00 2.50 33909.46
5 3mm thi. Cement punning m2 18.14 774.25 14046.83 0.00 0.00 18.14 14046.83
6 Two Coat apex paint m2 226.40 95.62 21648.36 0.00 0.00 226.40 21648.36
7 #REF! #REF! 5.16 8403.44 43400.41 5.16 43400.41
8 #REF! #REF! 35.28 255.35 9008.36 35.28 9008.36
9 #REF! #REF! 14.66 208.67 3058.58 14.66 3058.58
10 #REF! #REF! 30.00 64.60 1937.99 30.00 1937.99
11 #REF! #REF! 1.00 50.43 50.43 0.00 0.00 1.00 50.43
12 #REF! #REF! 1.00 835.97 835.97 1.00 835.97
13 #REF! #REF! 7.06 735.00 5185.94 7.06 5185.94
Total 145,587 145,587
Total bill of amount of this bill: Rs. 145586.54
To be deducted: 101910.58
Allocated Budjet 100000.00
Advance Rs. 0.00
Community Contribution @ 10 % of bill Nrs. Rs. 14558.65
Total to be deducted:- 14558.65
Payable Amount: 131027.89
Net Payment Amount:- 95000.00

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

Designation: ……………..………………..........................................…… Designation: ……………………………………………...………….... Designation: ……………………..…..

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