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The Classroom Practices Video Analysis Data Collection Tool

Observer: _____________________________________
Teacher: _____________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Start Time: _____________________________________

PART I. Review Definitions

Operational Definitions of Teaching Behaviors

SPECIFIC PRAISE: Any instance of verbal statement and/or gesture made by the teacher directed at an individual student or a group
of students that indicates teacher’s contingent approval of desired student behavior while explicitly identifying the behavior for
which the praise is given
Examples: Specific positive feedback that refers to student’s behavior, such as “beautiful job reading that excerpt to the
class”; positive comments on productivity relative to the task, such as “I appreciate how everyone is working so hard on this
assignment”; adding points, tokens, or stickers for any individual or class-wide activity while specifying how those were
earned; thanking students for specific behaviors, such as “thank you for being kind to your classmate”
Non-examples: General directions or instructions; general approval statements; approval gestures; adding points, tokens,
or stickers for any individual or class-wide activities without specifying how those were earned; thanking students without
specifying for what; encouraging statements without specifying behavior
OPPORTUNITIES TO RESPOND: A teacher behavior the invites or solicits a student response. Responses from students can be verbal,
written, or gestural.
Examples: A teacher asks her students a question and calls on one student to answer (1 student); A teacher asks students
to turn to a partner to discuss a topic (more than 1 student); A teacher asks student to give a thumbs up or down if they
agree/disagree with a statement (more than 1 student)
Non-examples: A teacher asks a question and then answers herself

PROMPTS/ PRE-CORRECT: A verbal or non-verbal teacher-delivered cue provides students with information about the behavior
desired in given circumstance, delivered before the behavior is expected.
Examples: Prior to asking a question a teacher may remind students to raise their hand if they want to respond; A teacher
may remind students how to get her attention during independent work time prior to the start of independent work time; A
teacher may use a hand signal to indicate that he would like students to clear their workspace prior to the start of class; A
teacher may remind students of specific expected behaviors on the playground prior to going to recess.
Non-examples: Reminding students of expected behavior after they have made a behavioral error; Providing reminders
that are general (Remember to be good on the playground!)

RELATIONAL CONTACTS: Any instance in which the teacher provides positive verbal non-contingent attention to a student or group
of students
Examples: Individual greetings; asking questions about student’s personal lives; follow up with a student, such as “Kate, is
this clearer now when we practiced the sequence all together?”; sharing personal experience to enhance academic material
or provide context for social-emotional learning or behavioral management; use of humor
Non-examples: student praise; making jokes at students’ expense; gossiping; addressing individual students without using
their names, such as “hey, the girl in a purple shirt” or “you two at the table in the back”; making jokes or comments
inappropriate for school setting; using sarcasm, such as “thanks for finally joining us” said in sarcastic tone; making harsh or
critical comments

Prototype Version: 3/13/17 1

Throughout each interval, mark each discrete instance of a specific teacher behavior as defined above as many times as they
occur until the end of the interval.

Interval Prompt/ Specific Praise OTR 1-1 OTR >1

















Rate per minute

Interobserver Agreement (IOA): _______%

Prototype Version: 3/13/17 2

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