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In the next paper, I will talk about teamwork, the factors that contribute to
the success of the team, the barriers and obstacles that stand in the way of
achieving the goals. I will also talk about my personal contribution to team
development and the improvements to my own contribution.
4.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of personal contributions when working with others in health and social
care practice

By definition, the team is a group, but not any group is a team. Sometimes the team is
also called a working group to emphasize the adaptability of the former, but the distinction
between the two entities is net, as sociologists assure us. In the team, according to Boller
(2005), all those who are part of it must:
■ must assist other people:
■ when they need it:
■ to recognize each other's efforts
■ to provide each other with information and support
■ to offer positive or negative opinions to improve the outcome of work
I am at the beginning of my career and my job is that of care assistant. In the
organization in which I work, I belong to a team, the team in which we are all united, we
respect the Code of Conduct, our existing rules and policies, and we are together to protect
the rights and interests of service users.
How did I learn the little child from my parents and how I learned now in college,
respect is paramount in maintaining relationships with colleagues and service users. For me,
it is very important to respect each person and to promote the individual views of patients
and colleagues. I am accustomed to being correct, to tell my opinion directly, when
My job, is in a home care, a place with 48 residents, a place where people live
independently in their homes, and my role is to help each one, according to their needs.
Residents are old and sick people and I always take care of their needs. I am always
attentive to the details and always tell my opinion, to improve their lives and at the same
time, to keep the team on the heights of success. I am very determined in what I do, I never
give up on my goals, no matter what the obstacles they should face.
Example: I have a client who can not normally use your hands. However, she does not
accept help to comb her hair. Honestly it looks horribly. One day, I had to transfer her
downstairs to the wheelchair, and I took care to put her in the elevator with his mirror face. In
this way, he had the opportunity to see, and the next day, he accepted my help. I'm just now
proud of myself, she's so happy about the new image.
The skills and abilities of the employee or worker play a vital role kin
development of own skills and qualities of a person. My fellows help in me
understanding my mistakes while work reminding me my duties related to the work
profile as well as aid e in improving the overall skills of mine. Hey aware me about
new information and knowledge according to their experiences. They lead me
make those improvements which can guide me to take me further level of success
(Dixon and et. al., 2014). ).
The following barriers often hinder the achievement of a team's goals:
§ Poor communication. In order to prevent poor communication among the team,
it is very important to handover.
§ Unclear objectives. To prevent this barrier, training is very important, so each
member of the team knows the laws and procedures to be followed for the
proper functioning of the organization
§ ego
§ Misunderstanding the roles of other team members
§ Mistrust of team members
Teamwork is very important, and all those in the organization's staff should work in
a team.. A team brings benefits to the organization and contributes to its success by
observing laws, good communication. It can be used to continually develop the care plan
and can effectively respond to the needs of carers.
In order to be a good worker within a team, you have to understand perfectly the
goals of the organization, implicitly the team, to be a good communicator, to be cooperative
and to stay flexible.
Also, since work in social health involves permanent help to people, it is very
important to leave your personal needs in second place and to be passionate about your
work. I had an experience like this at my workplace. During our lunch break, a resident
called in need of help, and my colleague replied by saying: "I'm sorry I'm busy, I'm at the
lunch break. "I went to help him, but I think my colleague's attitude was wrong.
As to the help given to a person in care, he is inhuman and against the Code of
Practice to give such an answer.
4.2 Explain how the limits of own work role impacts on work with

To achieve collective effectiveness, the role of each individual work helps in

the field of health and social assistance. For the development of the entire health
sector, it is important to develop some elements. The limitation of one person can
affect the other person strengths through demolishing and distracting the morals
and values. Some wise person stated that the goals which cannot be achieved by
single person can, team easily able to attain.
My skills and abilities related to my major filed will motivate the new
employees or intern. In case of lack of knowledge and information, the situation can
be turn into worsen which can crate trouble for fellow colleges or seniors. Thus, the
abilities of one person affect the other's skills an qualities (Cooke, 2012).
Very often the differences in professional or organizational culture have the
following negative effects::
q excluding other workers who have another culture
q creating communication barriers
q misunderstandings between team members
q Customers' needs are not met.
These shortcomings can be solved by strictly observing the organization's policies.
Within a team, problems may arise in the collaboration process. when team
members are unaware of their responsibilities or the role of each is not well established.
Also, the organization must provide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to
employees, because blocking professional borders can be a source of conflict among
4.3 Analyse own role in minimising barriers to effective teamwork in health
and social care practice.
In order to minimize the obstacles that stand in the way of efficient teamwork, the
essential competences that every worker must have in health and social care are:
v understanding and knowing responsibilities
v the formal and informal role
v the ability to critically reflect on their own performance and the power to take measures for
professional development
Vital for teamwork is the ability to communicate effectively without being aggressive. This
§ the ability to ask openly and directly what you want
§ to talk with people in an open and honest manner
§ to have the power to say "no" when you do not agree with anything
§ Use visual contact and correct posture when talking to other people
§ to make constructive criticisms when needed
For the efficiency of teamwork, it is important to listen to the opinions of others to take
them into account and adjust my behaviour accordingly to achieve the goals.
Also exchanging ideas with other team members and listening to the opinions of others,
leads to the smooth running of teamwork.
For collective team efficiency, it is necessary:
v to meet the needs and expectations of service users;
v to support team members;
v and also to improve the performance of the team.
The team must adhere to principles, policies, and procedures to achieve the organization's
performance and goals. The excellent organizations are those in which the relationships between
the team are very good. At my place of work. I work with dedication and professionalism,
respecting policies and procedures. Compliance with laws and policies does not change
relationships and behavior within a team, but I think respecting them automatically installs the
rule and disciplines what is beneficial to the team. Rules, discipline, respect, the fact that we all
have the same goal to make happy residents make the relationship within our team a special one.
4.4 Discuss how to improve personal contributions to the collective
effectiveness of a team.
In conclusion:
You can not turn a group just by saying” abracadabra”, you have to make the
transition through each stage
A team can not be effective unless it has passed through the storm stage in which
everyone has said his or her expressing dislikes or sympathies
A flap can not be effective if the rules set forth in the third stage are ambiguous,
misunderstood or not supported by all members of the group

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