Concurrence of Rheumatoid Arthritis Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: of

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Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.46.11.853 on 1 November 1987. Downloaded from on May 4, 2021 by guest.

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Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 1987; 46, 853-858

Concurrence of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic

lupus erythematosus: report of 11 cases
From the Sydney University Rheumatology Department, The Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney, St
Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia

SUMMARY The concurrence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus
(SLE) has been reported infrequently. Eleven patients are described here with both RA and
SLE, in whom the diagnoses were separated by one to 24 years. Because of the difficulty in
diagnosing RA occurring subsequent to SLE, only patients with classical RA as their initial
diagnosis were included. Further difficulties arise because arthritis is common to both diseases
and may be deforming in SLE, antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are not uncommon in RA, and
rheumatoid factor (RF) may be seen in SLE. Nonetheless, judicious application of the American
Rheumatism Association (ARA) criteria allows both diagnoses to be made in the individual
patient. In our patients there was erosive arthritis in nine, rheumatoid nodules in five, and
urinary abnormalities in 10. Serological evidence of RA and SLE with positive RF and ANA and
raised DNA antibodies was universal, all patients had haematological evidence of SLE, and all

but one decreased serum complement levels. These cases suggest that the concurrence of RA and
SLE is not as rare as previously considered and may occur more often than expected by chance
Key words: overlap syndromes, antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor.
Despite the clinical and laboratory similarities of SLE have been defined and updated.4 On the other
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus hand, the diagnostic criteria of RA5 have remained
erythematosus (SLE) distinction between the two unchanged since 1958 and contain the specific
diseases can usually be made, though at times this exclusion of SLE.
may be difficult. It might also be expected that some We presently report 11 patients with classical RA
patients would have both diseases, but the paucity of who subsequently developed SLE. We believe that
such reported instances has led to the suggestion these cases probably underestimate the true preva-
that the concurrence of RA and SLE is lence of concurrence of the two diseases in our
coincidental.' Were this so, however, about 1% of patient population. We describe these patients to
patients with SLE would be expected to have support the notion that RA and SLE may be
concurrent RA as this represents the prevalence of concurrent, and to show the diagnostic difficulties
definite or classical RA in most communities.2 If the that may arise.
small numbers of published cases truly reflect the
prevalence of associated RA and SLE then it would Patients and methods
imply that there is a negative association between All patients attending the rheumatology department
these diseases.3 Given the clinical and serological at the Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney during
overlap between RA and SLE, this seems unlikely, the past 17 years who had the dual diagnoses of RA
and thus the apparent under-reporting probably and SLE entered separately or simultaneously were
reflects the difficulty of making both diagnoses in reviewed.
the individual patient. Criteria for the diagnosis of The hospital is a secondary referral institution for
Accepted for publication 10 May 1987.
the lower north shore of Sydney (population
Correspondence to Dr Michael G Cohen, Sydney University 160 000) and a tertiary referral centre for the
Rheumatology Department, The Royal North Shore Hospital of northern region of New South Wales (population
Sydney, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia. 800 000). Because of the specialised interest that we
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.46.11.853 on 1 November 1987. Downloaded from on May 4, 2021 by guest. Protected by
854 Cohen, Webb
have in SLE, patients having this syndrome are Careful review of the case records was sup-
more likely to be referred to us than those having plemented by current clinical evaluation, serology,
other rheumatic complaints, including RA. During and joint radiographs of all surviving patients. All
the past 17 years 309 patients have been seen in our serology, during the period reviewed, has been done
unit in whom SLE has been diagnosed. in our laboratory without any major changes in
Only those who fulfilled the ARA criteria, firstly, technological procedures. Estimation of RF titre
for classical RA5 and, subsequently, for SLE4 was by a commercial sensitised sheep cell agglutina-
(excluding polyarthritis) were further studied. Be- tion technique (Rheumaton, Denver Laboratories).
cause of the occurrence of nodules,6 rheumatoid Antinuclear antibody (ANA) was detected using rat
factor (RF),7 and, rarely, erosions' in SLE we have liver substrate as previously described.9 Native-
not included those patients in whom the initial DNA antibody (anti-DNA) was measured as per-
diagnosis was SLE. Also, no patient having clinical centage binding in the Farr assay, with the upper
or laboratory features (abnormal urine sediment, level of normal being 20%.10 Antibodies to extract-
raised levels of DNA antibodies, or hypocom- able nuclear antigens (anti-ENA) were detected by
plementaemia) to suggest SLE at the time of counterimmunoelectrophoresis using rabbit thymus
diagnosis of RA was included in this study. (Pel Freeze Biologicals, AR, USA) and guinea pig

Table 1 Clinical and laboratory details

Patient No 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sex F F F F F F F M F M F
Present age (years) 33 45 67 79* 58 57 78* 63 76 73 40
Age of onset: RA 22 34 49 69 31 44 53 40 29 63 19
Age of onset: SLE 27 39 57 73 48 47 77 46 67 64 33
Interval RA-SLE 5 5 8 4 17 3 24 6 38 I 14

RA criteria
1-5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 Nodules + + + +
7 x Ray erosions + + + + + +
8 RFt 128 32 128 2048 2048 512 128 256 128 256 2048
9 Synovial fluid + + + +
10 Synovial biopsy +
11 Nodule biopsy
Total RA count 8 8 9 8 8 8 8
SLE criteria
1 Malar rash + + + + + +
2 Discoid lupus +

3 Photosensitive +
4 Oral ulcers +~~~~~~~
5 Serositis
6 Renal + + + + +
-biopsy V III V llA IllB IIA +
7 CNS disease§
8 Haematological
9 DNA binding (%) 41 47 41 27 36 30 35 26 81 57 47
10 ANAt 2560 2560 2560 1000 2560 200() 256 4000 4000 1000 2560
-patternt H H S S S,R S S S S S H
Total SLE count 5 S s 6 6 4 4 s S s 8

Other features
Sicca syndrome + + + + + + + +
Skin vasculitis + +
ENA antibodies§ SS-A SS-A SS-A SS-A SS-A
Complement decreased C4 C4 C3, 4 C3, 4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4
DIF§ skin-lupus band + + + + +
-in vivo ANA + +

tReciprocal titre.
1H=homogeneous, S=speckled, R=rim.
§CNS=central nervous system, ENA=cxtractable nuclear antigen. DIF=direct immunofluorescence.
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.46.11.853 on 1 November 1987. Downloaded from on May 4, 2021 by guest. Protected by
RA with concurrent SLE 855
kidney (Sigma Chemicals, St Louis, MO, USA) and in eight it was deforming. Among the patients
extracts9 and identified by immunodiffusion against with the greatest deformity, a spectrum of mild (Fig.
known reference sera in agarose gels. Synovial fluid 1) to marked erosive disease was observed. Of the
analysis was by standard techniques. Renal biopsy five patients with rheumatoid nodules, only patient
specimens were assessed by light and electron No 11 had biopsy verification. Synovial fluid analy-
microscopy and by direct immunofluorescence and sis was performed in six patients and was consistent
categonsed according to the WHO classification.'1 with RA in all, including a synovial RF titre equal to
Skin biopsy specimens were obtained from unin- or higher than that found in the corresponding sera.
volved skin on the inner aspect of the upper arm and Each of the patients had at least seven criteria
examined by light microscopy and direct im- (mean eight) and may thus be classified as having
munofluorescence . classical RA.
CLINICAL AND LABORATORY FINDINGS The onset of SLE was most commonly marked by
The ages of onset of RA and SLE, the ARA criteria the detection of urinary abnormalities, and seven
for the two diseases4 5 fulfilled by each patient, and patients had renal biopsies, all of which were
other clinical and laboratory findings are shown in consistent with lupus glomerulonephritis (LGN).
Table 1. The mean age of onset of RA was 41-2 Only patients Nos 2 and 3 required cytotoxic
years (range 19-69) and that of SLE was 52-5 years therapy for renal involvement. Malar rash was
(range 27-77), giving a mean interval between the common, being present in six patients. All patients
diagnoses of the two diseases of 11-3 years (range had haematological abnormalities that could not be
1-38). The mean follow up from the diagnosis of ascribed to drug therapy; lymphopenia (<109/1) was
SLE has been 8-2 years (range 1-17). present in all, leucopenia (<4x 109A1) in four
(patients 1, 3, 5, and 10), thrombocytopenia in
patient No 6 (40x 109/l), and four had positive direct

ARTHRITIS Coombs' tests (patients 1, 2, 10, and 11). Partial
All patients had morning stiffness, joint pain and thromboplastin times with kaolin were normal in the
tenderness, and symmetrical polyarthritis, thus ful- 10 patients in which it was sought. High titre ANA
filling critena one to five for RA. Similarly, a positivity and raised anti-DNA were a universal
positive RF was detected in all patients and was, finding. The patients had a mean of 5-3 criteria for
with the exception of patient No 2, in moderate or SLE, with the exclusion of arthritis.
high titre. Erosive arthritis was seen in nine patients As D-penicillamine is associated with drug related

Fig. 1 Patient No 5. There is

osteopenia and obvious deformity
with subluxation or dislocation
involving several
metacarpophalangeal (MCP)
joints, the interphalangeal joint of
the left thumb, and the rightfifth
proximal interphalangeal (PIP)
joint. Relatively minor erosions
involve a number ofthe MCP and
PIP joints.
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.46.11.853 on 1 November 1987. Downloaded from on May 4, 2021 by guest. Protected by
856 Cohen, Webb

Fig. 2 Patient No 8. A deep

necrotic ulcer is apparent on the
lower leg.

lupus erythematosus and is unique in that it will corticosteroids were given and later stopped over a
induce antibodies to double stranded DNA'2 13 we year before the diagnosis of SLE with Sjogren's
reviewed the possible relation between D- syndrome. After a further six years,=malabsorption

penicillamine and the development of SLE in the with protein losing enteropathy was recorded and
two patients that received it. Patient No 1 had oral considered secondary to exocrine pancreatic insuffi-
ulceration that preceded the administration of D- ciency and amyloidosis which was demonstrated by
penicillamine, and the serological abnormalities rectal biopsy. Whether the pancreatic disease is
together with the renal biopsy showing membranous secondary to Sjogren's syndrome or amyloidosis is
LGN were found a year after this drug was stopped unknown. Patient No 4 developed a monoclonal
owing to lack of efficacy. Patient No 2 developed the IgM x paraproteinaemia one year after the onset of
nephrotic syndrome, which was due to membranous SLE and subsequently died of an aggressive im-
LGN and settled upon withdrawal of D- munoblastic lymphoma. Patient No 6 had familial
penicillamine, which was not reintroduced. Two IgA deficiency detected when she was evaluated for
years later, however, she developed malar rash and RA. She later developed definite dermatomyositis
decreasing renal function associated with increased three months before the diagnosis of SLE, and four
numbers of urinary casts. Renal biopsy showed a years later developed Hodgkin's disease, which re-
focal and segmental proliferative LGN with quired treatment with chemotherapy and from
sclerosed glomeruli but no evidence of residual which she is currently in remission.
membranous changes.
FEATURES Reports of the concurrence of adult RA and SLE
Other features in our patients included the sicca are rare, with Fischman et al finding only five
syndrome in nine and digital vasculitis or vasculitic instances in their review of the published work and
leg ulcers (Fig. 2) in four. Anti-ENA were found in contributing a further case. ' We could find only two
five, their specificities being to SS-A and SS-B in other well documented cases,'5 16 though 10 cases of
three, SS-A and RNP in one, and SS-A alone in 'apparent' juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that pro-
another. All but one patient had hypocom- gressed to SLE have also been reported.17
plementaemia and only two lacked positive skin To obtain a combined diagnosis of RA and SLE is
biopsy direct immunofluorescence findings ('lupus set about by a number of difficulties and therefore
band' or in vivo ANA, or both). we elected to include only those patients who first
Significant other diseases were noted in three developed classical RA and subsequently SLE. The
patients. Four years after the onset of RA patient criteria for RA lack the specifcity to distinguish this
No 3 developed definite polymyositis,14 for which disease from many other inflammatory arthritides
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.46.11.853 on 1 November 1987. Downloaded from on May 4, 2021 by guest. Protected by
RA with concurrent SLE 857
which are exclusions to the diagnosis. Further, the RA subsequent to SLE, though it may be argued
possibility that 5-23% of patients with SLE may that these are a subgroup of SLE. Thus we believe
have a non-erosive, deforming, Jaccoud-type of that the true prevalence of the concurrence of RA
arthritis'8 and 21-57% have positive RF7 compli- and SLE in our patient population has been under-
cates the distinction. Two of our patients had stated. It seems logical to expect that some patients
non-deforming, non-erosive arthritis. The remain- with SLE would subsequently develop RA. Indeed
ing nine, however, had erosions, thus precluding this might even be anticipated to be more common
a diagnosis of Jaccoud-type arthritis, though in than RA occurring first as the peak age of onset of
patients 5 and 10 the erosive changes were dispro- RA is characteristically in the fourth and fifth
portionately minor when compared with the degree decades,23 which is a decade older than that of
of deformity. Erosive changes are rarely accepted as SLE7. Should an equal number of patients have SLE
occurring in SLE,7 8 l though 5-7% may have and then RA, as have the converse, then some 7-2%
nodules which, histologically, may be similar to of our SLE patients would be predicted to have
rheumatoid nodules.6 Importantly, in these 11 concurrent RA.
patients the initial disease was RA, and its features Further difficulty in making the dual diagnoses
as exemplified by the classical diagnostic criteria may arise because the conditions that allow the
were indistinguishable from those of our other expression of one disease may mask the other. For
patients with RA. None had clinical features or example, oestrogens or pregnancy may improve
serological evidence of SLE at the time of diagnosis RA24 while worsening or precipitating SLE.25 Simi-
of classical RA. larly, it is possible that one disease may modify the
It is likely that the diagnosis of SLE can be made other, and the fact that some of our patients either
with greater assurance. The 1982 criteria for SLE4 failed to develop erosions or had minor erosive
allow this disease to be distinguished from a control changes after several years of RA supports this.
group of inflammatory arthritides with a high degree Moreover, these patients may represent a more
of confidence. Notably, most of the control group complex subgroup of autoimmune connective tissue

had RA. When the individual criteria were assessed, disease, with episodes of specific syndromes occur-
arthritis was the least discriminatory. Antinuclear ring at separate times or concurrently, as nine
antibody (ANA) was also a poor discriminatory patients had coexistent sicca syndrome, two had
factor as 51% of the control group and 61% of our definite dermatopolymyositis, and five had anti-
own patients with RA were positive.20 Although ENA. In the presence of such a clustering of
positive ANA is of little value in distinguishing syndromes it may be difficult to delineate individual
between RA and SLE, a negative ANA mitigates diagnoses and instead patients may be classified as
strongly against the latter diagnosis. Nonetheless, having a multisystem connective tissue disease.26
the occurrence of LGN, raised anti-DNA, and In conclusion, we believe that the concurrence of
hypocomplementaemia, all of which are distinctly RA and SLE is more common than previously
uncommon in RA, strongly support the diagnoses suggested. Although it is difficult to correct for
of SLE in our patients. selection bias in patient referrals to our hospital, our
The mean age of onset of SLE in our patients data, in association with the well described serolo-
(52-5 years) reflects our requirement that RA be the gical overlap, support the contention that the two
initial diagnosis. Some 12% of patients with SLE diseases do coexist more often than expected by
may have their onset of disease in the fifth decade or chance alone.
later,2' and such patients usually follow a benign
course with a good prognosis.- ' 22 Most of our MGC is in receipt of the Frank G Spurway Scholarship of the
patients had mild disease with two deaths in the Arthritis Foundation of Australia. Work done was in part
supported by Sutton Rheumatism Research Funds, the Royal
mean follow up period of 8-2 years. Although renal North Shore Hospital. We thank Mr R Money for the photography
involvement was a feature in eight patients, only two and Ms D Carey for secretarial assistance.
required cytotoxic therapy for LGN. This is consis-
tent with the previous observation that renal in- References
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