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Marking scheme

1. Define the term Christian religious education (1 mk)

- Study of religious beliefs
- Study of Gods self revelation to mankind through scripture, holy spirit and person of
- Study of how human beings depend on God and how God intervenes to save human
2. Give reasons why the bible is referred to as a library (5 mks)
- Collection of many books
- Written by different people
- Written in different times
- Arranged categorically
- Contains different messages
3. State ways through which God communicates to people today (5 mks)
- Prophets
- Scriptures
- Person of Jesus
- Holy spirit
- Human consciousness
- Visions.
- Dreams
- Historical events
- Creation
- Direct revelation
4. Give seven literally forms used in writing the bible (5 mks)
- Poetry
- Legislative texts
- Prophetic messages(words)
- Prayers
- Philosophical essays( composition)
- Religious epics
- Gospels
- Letters/ epistles
5. Identify areas where the bible is used today (5 mks)
- Law courts
- Sermons
- Swearing in ceremonies
- Guiding and counseling


- Instructing new converts

- In educational institutions as a reference book
- Burials, weddings, baptism ceremonies
6. Identify books referred to as Pauline epistles in the new testament (5 mks)
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Colossians
- Corinthians
- Philippians
7. Identify four bible versions used in Kenya today (4 mks)
- King James version
- Revised standard version
- Jerusalem bible
- Good news
- Gideon bible
- The African bible
- New international bible
- Common bible
- Living bible

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