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Scientific method

Which of the following is forbidden while doing an experiment? Eating

Which of the following is forbidden while performing an experiment? Tasting chemicals, heating metal utensils,
prepare a meal, all of the above.

"Termites like blue ink trails better than black or red." It cannot be tested.

"Three plants are given 1, 2, or 3 ounces of water each. Plant height is measured after 1 week." Plant height

Cell Chemistry

What kind of chemical is used to dissolve oil into water? Emulsifier

What was the dependent variable in the iodine experiment? Color change

If iodine is placed on a potato, what will the color be? Black

Which of the following would turn orange in an iodine test? Onion

When testing for simple sugars, which chemical is used? Benedict’s reagent

Cell Anatomy

This structure is involved in making ribosomes. Nucleolus

Which of the following structures is found in a plant, but not an animal? Cell wall

Which of the following is present in a Eukaryote, but not a Prokaryote? Not DNA, Not cytoplasm, Not plasma
membrane, None of the above.

Enzyme 1 and 2

In the apple experiment, what was the enzyme for the chemical reaction? Tyrosinase

In the potato juice experiment, you probably didn't see bubbles when you added tea or another liquid in the place
of hydrogen peroxide. Why? The enzyme cannot use tea as a substrate.

The enzyme reaction is specific between the Catalase and hydrogen peroxide. If the substrate (hydrogen
peroxide) is substituted for tea, the catalase will not act on it. 

In the experiment where apples were soaked in bleach, lemon juice, or water, what was the dependent variable?
Amount of browning

The dependent variable refers to the way we measure in the experiment. In the apple experiment, we measure
the browning of the fruit (color change).

In the potato juice experiment, what was the substrate of the chemical reaction? Hydrogen peroxide

In the enzyme experiment, what was the significance of bubbles forming in the potato vial? What gas was inside
the bubbles? The significance of bubbles forming in the potato vial is that it is an indicator the enzyme Catalase
is breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The gas inside the bubbles is oxygen.
Independent variable: What are we changing or testing?
Dependent variable-How are we measuring? Counting, measuring height, color change, appearance,
Control variable-What are we keeping the same?
Positive control- a test that validates the experiment, and we expect an outcome. Why is this positive
control necessary?
Negative control- a test that validates the test, but we do not expect an outcome. Why is this negative
control necessary?
I want to clarify that there is a difference between positive control and a positive reaction. A positive
control is a test that we know the expected outcome. For example, in the starch test, when we mix
starch with water and add iodine, we know it will turn black. Starch is a positive control. Samples that
we don't how they will react are called experimentals. Experimentals can have a positive or a negative
reaction to the test.

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