Wsu Lesson Plan 1 - Intro To Forces

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RU El Ed Lesson Plan Fall 2020

RU Teacher Education Lesson Plan Format

Candidate Name: Michaela Date: 10/26/2020

Grade Level: 3rd
Lesson Title/Topic: Intro to Forces

Force, Motion, and Energy

3.2 The student will investigate and understand that the direction and size of force
affects the motion of an object. Key ideas include

Specific Observable Objective(s):

Students will use a K-W-L chart to recall background knowledge of forces, state
questions and facts they would like to know, and then identify things they learned after
watching the video.

Students will recite new facts presented in an educational video about forces.

Essential Vocabulary:

● Forces- is a push or a pull on an object.


Formative: Students will use a K-W-L chart to recall background knowledge of forces and
state questions and facts they would like to know.

Summative: Students will identify things they learned after watching the educational video.

Student Considerations:

I will assist N as needed.

RU El Ed Lesson Plan Fall 2020

UDL Solutions:
Engagement Representation Expression
How will student interest How will content be How will students
be engaged? presented? demonstrate and express
their knowledge?
● Brainstorming ● K-W-L chart ● Oral expression of what
● Think- Pair- Share ● Video they learned
● Forces Powerpoint ● Three things I learned

Learning Environment:

They will be at their desks due to social distancing.

Personnel in the Classroom:

Mrs. Farmer and I

Instructional Resources
● none

● Anchor chart for K-W-L
● What I Learned Today sheets.


● Forces Video:

● Powerpoint with examples pictures of forces on it


The Beginning (a.k.a Anticipatory Set or Hook) ( 2 minutes):

I will write the word force on the board.

Then I will ask the students to brainstorm for a minute about the word force.
RU El Ed Lesson Plan Fall 2020

★ I will put the K-W-L chart on the board and explain it to them

The Middle ( 18 minutes):

● Step 1: K part of the chart

○ ask student to give me something they know

● Step 2: W part of the chart

○ students will think-pair-share with their neighbor on something they would like to
know (2 minutes)
○ they will share what they want to know

● Step 3: Force video

● Step 4: L part of the chart

○ I will give them a minute to think
○ Then we will fill in the L column of the chart

The End (3 minutes):

I will put up the powerpoint with the pictures of different types of forces so they can
see real life examples and connect to them.

We will go over the K-W-L chart to review what we learned.

“Tomorrow we will talk about these forces and how when you combine multiple forces what
can happen to the object.”

Teacher Reflection on Practice (following the lesson):

RU El Ed Lesson Plan Fall 2020

1. What evidence did you collect to show your students attained today’s objective(s)?
Please explain how you know which students did and did not master your objectives.
Use formative assessment data to support your claims regarding the portion of students
who did and did not master the learning objective(s).

a. I have the K-W-L chart we made today. The kids came up with a lot of things

for the K column of the chart and that surprised me because of the results of the

pre-assessment. They worked together with a partner (with masks on) to come

up with something that they want to know. Every student was able to give me

something for one of the columns of the K-W-L chart.

RU El Ed Lesson Plan Fall 2020
RU El Ed Lesson Plan Fall 2020
RU El Ed Lesson Plan Fall 2020

2. Based on the result of your assessment, what will you do tomorrow? Can you go
ahead as planned or will you need to reteach concepts from today’s lesson? (Explain
how you will reteach and/or connect and feed forward.)

a. I will go ahead with my plan for tomorrow, which is to do an experiment on

forces. They grasped the concept of push and pull forces. Tomorrow's lesson

involves multiple forces acting on an object and in the K part of the chart

someone told me that an object can stop if something is pushing and pulling on


3. If you have to teach this lesson again, what might you do the same and what might
you do differently?

a. I would teach this lesson the same way the next time and maybe include some

more examples in my powerpoint.

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