Power Sharing

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1.Why has ho idea oouOO ghaving emakgad9
amiygao i obost
bo0O khaling has
A-)hO idtea o undividad polikhcal peoi.
te he nstiohs o it wat_helievid Hat all a00L
( F a leng fimd OX dkouh_o
govchnment muut
Aaside. in_ene
in ngplacc
LOaL _Jlt
o taking_decikisn_is
hat 7_ha_edo
i 8Ë bo _pskiblo 1E take aulk
distkibukd t would
deciklon ana fe i h thi emuLgnteg
hdiue thangca
iuButthue ntions
Balgiuum_qatt Rolue ik ehnic þuoblam
2Heusdid he
Belgium Medel o Aeco.midation
Wuik about Hegismal
Lilpiamn Ladeu Hetconiseo the Xikenc H0 ad
dlëvences and cultual divrsihg Bchocan_
theit contihtion Lou, fimt 9 a
993, thuy amundag
wok ULt aN_NLangLmoNt that todiua_enabl
aVOYLene live H2gcthue Othin fha saM COUNtHYL

Consththiom_ puLCKik hat he UYNbar ef Duth an

Hunch-&paaking minilleytShal_bo aquial inha CenRUL
QovOHNmdhtSeme kpeeinl laOL HdauuL he kubboNt
minsOiky e_tnunbirspam 0ach linguuithic qMa
Thus,po sindle ommunty Vcan make deitigms

HGiving Vooet 10 Sale govunmnt:

Man hsde O tho CenHRa_govaNmant haiu
bean givnAo state go/QKAMenlyA th Hoe Hagions
hCntuL Thostate qeMLyninantk ae nkt
AtbexdinaHe 0 he Cenhud Goxnmet

i hakate Gauenmant_in HLAC

Ls hasi LpaHate goMOLNMenfin ALhith bath
ho comamuUnlick hav 0Qual obuCKentaion. TheFuanch
2b(aking peehle acLbtan 0gud ebKuUHaien in
NItOll lucaus o Dukh Sheaking CommuntHs
hat acehter.duual LpLLNtnHion in he Lentral'gett

baltMom the euntkal and he StateysueUNmant,thuce
hiua ttts kipo gevHLmant Thik coanuDit gøvCYODNE
dlocled b4 pusple"belonping Jo on Langungo tamnlurëHy-Ixth,
ELOnch and Gyounan-tpeakng "ng_matev whiva hey live This gout.
hastho hoocx Kgaudingubhual,dutakiomal ad. langungk
kaladedi u t

3. Wite Hho dlilfwwunce btown Bupium_and Lkilankaon fhe baiit

thai qu0gkaphical, efhnical "Cempalihion_and tht way

Pelaium SHilanka
) )Skilanka toULLI ADA a
g u n LOVOLL AN avea
806&8 sq km O 65610 A9 kn
(tü) ebaulaion_ela LHe\E) A hasabant a cHBKC
OVO1 CHOKK pohulation

i n t ) At i an land mation
ti mal
i a coundhuy,
hLth i locnted at lau
Euof, shidh has hadrs kilomchs the 8ouhLen
DhFeyanCC, Nelheehandk,
jemany0nd Luxembsurgc00t e Taniti Nadu
live th ) Zy axLA Sthala
Tu Heu,61oplo
Flomish HLGLoM_an0 Kpaak
dufdh Lonuage and D
ptaple lite Zn_ Wallenia aH bath Tamil & kihald.
OLon and shaak FHNch Apeakorg
on Hamaining Ay:Lpeak
( Balgidm landeyu unliud inly)A sheus hatil a mojotik
mtuually. amahtahlo
QxYangoh0NHL Jar Lhavingit demhhca BVO u
bluo, dhich_leodlHe opo Neluyeul to shaK
dnilky. in the countHy pano i# can 1undrmine
ho_unity the vountHY
(1Hovc, hoxe itn8 diuerimi-i) Suiladka Jolletoeda
nation bethoun suligiontbah acial and Hligisus
(Vi) HeLL, the cen ihuhiem ViL Aoadus Kunhala_
Huovidles hat the m8 CEmmunily, Adapled the
Duhth and Funth gheaking majetitatian_imenswru H
9min Lslewi thall he' cguo/ktabLiuh kinhala kubtemary,
tn the LotHa geut ignouing he_uight ol Tantik

4What oUU ho wooi0ns o/ Civil Wax. in kui lanka 9

While ih inmpark en_tha 'tounty.
ARenuon of_Cuil ulae
The doniocyathcally Cletea QaVRLnmnfin ui lankn
nalopfed n lit o majoKMarian maaiuKLL To Ltkabah

inhollaMLDHLMACY, On uilanka
tThegaaLMANt jpllegoad bHeLLnHial oliau thant
aysukad Sinhaln&Lin MILpAti 9_Iob , HOligiom_and many

tdn1956,anH wn pukLdfo Huognike Anhaln al tha_enl

licinl Lnngungl
/iy)"AL hug naiLuls akn By._the qoveunmont Qyadually
incLLaLL h elin alinhA) amon ht
Sxilonkop lamill Thuy Jut thumiluni defkiq
Imbatt/ onkcopuncas
EXPeollget dividod en the bait oOhaic_and_yidlent
Lohuthtil nlong wih a widpredal cllict

Ltheuuend onilankan lanils OML Kila O% wOKaotctd

lanve thaik eoutuy
i t h tiuil Way qoaye a axuibla 0thatk He the sotial,
CultuLa ang onsmio lilp ep SKi Lanka hat inlluLnc
2V thu inhala LOmmurthy
iPeblo e beth he COmmunilhit Aullened hinuy_loues an
t lontt hi wa nded in 2001
5 Stnde ho Paudential ond mount weasons o bouoek
Puudsntial MonsonL LtHLOgL that_ponie haking uoil bring
O btev ut omUL
()Fonne thauing i gpad baeauLg it hilps to pLuLo the
nLLibiliks tonict botoean Lotial gkoLuhA Kinte Saciae
rtict onltict lhen luads Ao uiolunt anpaliHical
MlHabilit , poub shating il1 0O Oais te_pnsuLe

Mh stabilik political ovdue

o_majotity_1ommuniky Duk. h
dnpating.M udill hE short KUnL
lodk Liku_an attcactive ophio)_in
in Mun 1 undeminLLhi wUty Bthe

Moal yann mbhauL ho_yoKr_a 0 pouRK haxing
a ValLObLa

( i o v having ú the wtalp_ULLLr shiuit domackat

( )_A_ dmocuatle l l inolu having hom wlth these
alweteal by ith oewekL, Ant uhe havoHo
live withih
it)Peo haue a uight to be C092ILLHe 0n have tho
nH te be govwinad
tv Aegla lgtimade
thudligh hahii pation AtguiKL Asiake in hu Lyslem
6 n basic buinibal ol domDLHOCL, U hat biohlo arc
h0wc dlbolikical boDK EXhlnin
A )n a domooya.cy, beoblo. ulo homielutu thuough
instilthionL 20VYNmnt
i _a gooN donectotic gpyaunment, duo yupecu gin
divedi gHOLIp! apa YiahI hof eXut in a
Liv7hooLL, it_Jolaudo hat in_a damkevhey poditizal baun
Shodly be_diltibued ameng Qs mhnlp ditznd aL

Ducgibo any fhyL damand B hL nilankan

amill Houd did thas ktuggle 0thiit
A-CaTho damands MankanTamilLDOKC dunand
mAkL mmaka "paltiLs_and tuLgglu o th
HLOOnitien Tamil as_an einl Langunge
ho 6) NaoHOgional allonams Md eaLality.
e g oppastuNlki _in koCILKiNd 0dutahem_and
H P 1920s AveUal poliiu puganikahensLDeUL
foèmad lhtially LTtE(Libenhen TgenL o_Tamil
Elam) e ight lot heik ightk.
tii Ihe dil Hu: "hehötn tho too tommuilis hueneaintko
widespwuadl comllict St Se89) Auenegl_inte_q Ciuil Wat.
it 8WhatKL he Majoitauian maaswe takanio
KuiLanka te stablish Linhalo upHanay 2
A-) n_1956, an_het wat hatuLal to koagnize Kinhala at the
Only olficial onguage,thut di vghkoling Tamib.
(H Th_gevnmondhJolewea pkoluortial pdlicigs hat
ufnea Sinhalatapflicank Jat univLelilg posilfisnuand
(Hhusdnthiketian stibulatead hat the ahate thal
pHat pno lalht Buddhism
q. Dueih h tnuions hat oxlued bthoun the DIleth anal
Hunch 4peaking busbl in Balpium
1-Gh_niaorily Hudhth-sheaking L97uniy_100L HLlathutly
L Thaoat sonter byhe Dukh-4petking tomuminityuwhe
0t tha berilit_of_eenDmic dau ldhmant and aducalion
i Tha uad te knuioni beharen the Lth-speaking and

Rench-2paking communihiet dusing hu 19501and

(tvhefedtion Bthneun he foo COmmiiuniheg a MOL
in bxuutel a tha utch- 1htnking þplL_ tOMAHl
a MajoLiky_in tha 0Utuy b nthe
a_mNDLUJ. UNtho

ID-Whataxe the dilpant Jount o oow Shalngm

MLdxn_dumocuail9 eiu hn cxanple aant'apthi
(i) dn thi diuiaion bao ghaying aNLONJONONt1poo
! Shnvaa ameng dilluxont_Ngail a gpiOKNmant BUh
Jagislndur, peciltkiue judiaviy
Li n thii divition ,dilcuntDLgÍNL D g9MNmt
CXLLoiL_ dillwent hoeHL
ittyA ia colttpt el sdpaxafiom s po10eL
i sbociliu he CeNcepf chack! 'and balancay_insdr
chaok h unlimiteo beaDCL ha dilnt ov00
(v puematu hu_LOMtapt e axpankLaM_o
viAlL ho oygan_uwoKk at he aM lovd bt_lot
pUYbosg. dilotnt
)dn thit diviuiom beo
i AhoKed among Shauing aXHangomotk pawIL
Dnion, Ktte, QsaLKAont a &illovonavols like
local Lwel.
L4n thii
Dthe dillosnt
(i i a Tonttpt
_ cokikuhien_daaly
Lovilg qMNmont
lay deon fhe. hsu
(iy) h hu divulon,adtal divition BAOL
balancel biauu hae ii nA Lonceht thncki &
hághot and loual p0100H._avo Cloavli diuided auO

4 buOmokesho 00m.copt diuping odamoLasy

AL ha unih ootkaf dilecent LviL but lot the

8 ooL shaxing ongng dillexont L6zial auoupA

Jp adonacuhry shadinllgy in muticHhi kocily,
penOt alss hato hmeng tptt ACLal gHoupr
LLch as MQligisuL alNd LinguiLHo pHepl
Com2unik qomeenmoni A gkeo eXample of hit.
ti2) n_goML reÁntNiu horare komshkhasnalahod lagal
aweangenmuati_whurtby Secially LOAka sUchent_an.a
10OKOL0 LabRestntd in_ha LagizlathuruL aNd adminiktra
his tybeo oL.angumani miant f_giu hac in
tha aotandaitrunistuahion ta aliyÍl sctial. grouhl
shs huwwiL_wauly Aell.aliana/eaam h got.
(V7his mthool i uga gito min0ik comumunihir_

4os shaxing. amang balihal_pahu hronu MohL

(n,a dnoovacy, fer0 2haxad_amwna_clilpunt ballical
ntius ha Lbkaunt dilount idslsiu and soclal
ohiekimti, hi kind o shaking can hi dinut, whun kos
MAHO hatiu aman_alliahc to CoNtLF lechion

heyt and thuthar powLR=A amblo fho NDA

GoVOUmAnt ndiaw 'whuh a COnlLHkm_gawlnmn.

L1Mauk quktisMt
4 Whnt PogLu haning
2 Daline the lloin teLmk
a)'Ehnie ä) MiaxiHarian ii)PuudeHal ()a
mtosa shaxiag oe-diniting baxgdkase
qTkNekebld kilonging H Lany knis
1 maans ghaiag o diriding ho bounL anONg
dilwont ANgang he gevt. Yamgm gocial puanps
Oat dill kont livols.
EHunic;A sorinl._disiutou basad. on Lhavcd aulhutl-tajlke
bilenging o tho kam Ghnic qHoup betiuu intheir
CRMMO duunt bicauAL BumiloviHA Q phuical
otlnihavethe 0mL Hligia o, naiomalty
( ajoitarianih: A blinl that hu_mhjoriky comniynity
shoulo be able fo ult'a chAnkuy- in iuhidh
Qugk wny_itw t by disHLgaxding he
Dithtu hna niud he minA lt
KiiLasod npLdncL, en_caxil
and Loud. Puuduhial decisÍahi eulathon oL gains
CEMAtHaLteo d ecitlomi bniCa waly
0th nva USualy
LONULAALtian on hnola
viola_com]lict hlhoun Db.nsing gHsuht Lolthin a
tountuy that hueml A nHnil haf
i abbeark ike

4E lanil Sinhala hG talyNethuxlandi
Sinhala Tamil 4 all ame

ED Sinhala
5 1956, An cuct u00 haiteoe MOLOgnitc Lihala a a
ollicial, Language Hhuu diLunading amil
EO Bddhistnh
53 Sinhala
55 MapHitaxian muas LLS
ATamil w natvu uilanka atL e udored
as Luilankan Tamil.

Lan_oxLcike nlimitedponor oK. pnilLLh e n

5Houizgntal oL00 ghating
60 PonoH hakin ducesotia conllict.
61Pow shaxad among dikont Lewtl gaut
43 Dtedh
65Dukh, FHench & Ceuman
6booplebolonging t one languagc CANMmLNity-Lke
Dutch uhch 'and Guman
aly, kuoeden
Ax57Dutch, 40 FRoneh, 1 6uxmian
H0 imet
1Tane, GaLmany., Nctihexlon dl IX Unbal H
Poex Hgavding._cultukal, educatioa ang languatGsue
L.Bacausoif helhi fo leluc he oseih ilitrer DOnhlecF
be A0ial gipt &e te matataln7 fabeLIy oftrdee
Chapter 1: Power Sharing
Choose the correct option from the
below: options given (o) Power sharing beteween ditferent lavels pfie
Haw many times
the constitution of gOvernment
amended between 1970 and 1993
Belgium was ( Power sharing between dilerent politieal partie
(al Two times 7. Which one ofthe following communitios is tol related
(b) Three times to Sri Lauku ?
Four times (d) One time
Which of the (a) Simhalas tb1 Indan Tamil
following i5 an
example of
sharing of power ? horizontal ley Dutch (d) Srilankan Tarnils
8. Inwhich year did Sri Lanka scheve ita independence
ta) Power sharing between different states
(a) 1945 h )1946
Power sharing between different
organs of the
(c) 19-47 U 1948
9. Which of the following statements is NCOT true
sharing between different levels of the
governnent (a) In Belgium, leaders rèalised that unjty of the
(d) Power
country is possible only by tharing power
sharing between different political
Power sharing is desirable because it helps
parties (h) ln Sri Lanka, the majoritamnity waits to force
domination over others
(a) To increase
pressure on government ( In Sri Lanka, the demand for more autonomy to
To reduce
possibilities of conflicts provinces populated by Famils has been grnted
tc) To generate awareness among people (ch Division of Belgium along lnguistic lines was
(d To increase
percentage of voters. averted due to power
4Which major social group constituted the largest share 10. Power sharing is desirable because it
in population of Sri Lanka ? (a) To inerease pressure on Govt
d i Sinhalas (b) Sri Lankan Tamils T o reduce possibilitics of conllicts
(ej Indian Tamils (d) Muslims. (c) To generate awareness anong
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true ? (d) To inerease percentage of eople
11. voters
(a) In Belgium, leaders realised that unity of the Which of the followimg languages is
country is possible only by sharing power Belgium 2 NOT spoken in

(b) In Sri Lanka, 1he majority community wants to (a) French

force domination over others Spanish td eman.
U r In Sri Lanka, the demand for more autonomy to 12. Majoritarianism is tollowed n which of the
provinces populated by Tamils has been granted COuntres ? Tollowin
(d) Division of Belgium along linguistic lines was (a) Belgium
averted due to power sharing () England Sri Lanka
13. d Russi
Which one of the following is an example of horizontal Power sharing is desirable because it helps to
sharing of power ? (a) increase pressure on
(a) Power sharing between different states reduce possiblities oigOvCrnmernt
Power sharing between difterent organs of the (e generate anRreness
among people
government inerease percentage of voters
14 Why power
(a) lt is sharing is
good for Which of tha
toltow i g country hus
spirit democracies 21
involves powerof demoeracy
(b) It f Europtan
(h Frarice
(c)lt reduces the sharing amongst all (a) USA
N Belgru
All the above. possibility of conflicts (6) Australia
fmagine yourself as a 22 What is the percetnge

ot uteh
speaking pe
Dutch native of
politically satisfied because of (h) 01%
Brussels. You :
(dh 30%
Majoritarian measures (c) 10
emman speaking people in Bo
Equal representation ofgovernment
has tuken 23. What is the
(a) 30%
(h) 59% elgur
govermment communities in the
(c) (c) 10 O1
French are the 24 In Coalition Ciovernment, power sharige15
(a You have minority. in the
capita different orguns of govement
got more benefits of (a) among
16. Which
development Economie (b) among governmieits
t dilterent levels
different soCjal groups
one of the (c) by
sharing ? following is not a formm of
powe b y two ormore
political parties
25. Belgium government 1s good example of
(a)Power sharing between organ levels ot tne (a) Monarchy
govemment Community government
(b) Power
sharing between different levels ( ) Unitary government
government O
(c) Power sharing between (d) Federal goverment
social groups 26. Which two languages are spoken in Belgum ?
d) Power
sharing between a monarch and his (a) French and English
ministers. (6) Dutch and English
17. Which one
of the following statements about r French and Dutch
and Sri Lanka
is Belgum (d) Dutch and Sinhala
(a) Dutch
speaking people 27. Who elect the community government in
Belgium dominate Belgn
politics (a) The community leadérs of Belgium
The Sinhalese dominate politics in Sri Lanka
(b) The citizens of thc whole country
(c) The (c) By the leaders of Belgium
constitutional provisions of Belgium caused
conflicts None of the above
28. Buddhism is the official
(d) The Tamils of Sri Lanka have religion of
equal rights Sri Lanka 6) Pakistan
Power can be shared in
modern democracies onntaabz (c)Indonesia f) England.
(a) among different organs of 29.
government Vertical power sharing helps in.
(b) among governments different levels
at (a) Concentration of power
(c) among different social groups Decentralization of power
(c) Creating differences
a l l of the above.
19. Prudential reason of power sharing are. d) All of the
30. The
(a) The stability of political order religion which is
(b) To reduce the Lankan papulation is practiced by 7 percent d
social groups
possibility of conflict between (a) Hinduism
Christianity (hyBuddiism
A fair share to minority
(c) 31. Which types of social (d) Islam
All of the above. (a) differences are in Sn La
20. A )
Linguistic and regiundl
government in which different social Linguistic and
groups are
given the power to handle the affairs related to their
(c) Caste and tribe religious
communities (d) Physical appearance and
a) Community government 32. The horizontal distribution ofclass.
(h) Coalition government placebetween the power h8
(c) Democratie (4)
(d) Monarchy.
Legislature and executive
(b)Executive and
Legislative, judiciary
(d) All of the executive and judiciary
Owgr sharing is
based on the
hiluhn powtI donaladty

diaregarding the wishe Ad seedeof noniy is krieen
ended its constittion
H a l g u mm e n d e d

44 imes
legialature, Tanil Native bom in tn Lanka are kreeu as ianko
h a r i Pal Xecutive and

18 0alled pai0 ho ing 39, Sri Lanka emerged as an independent t y fomil

torecognize nhola.

passed as the only

Sri Lanka
language of 0
finl Pawer isaharedanong different organof gyeernment
( that the tnajorny connunity shruld be able
in whichever Way they wänt, Aich as 4istolitt an AMArY
cOum by 41. PKuLIt is the capilal of elgun


Mitchlist with list-I1 and select the corecl answer
yiven below in the lists
(yCD A
the codes
List-11 43. Match the following columns
awer sharing)
o r t d s o lp 0 % e r
(Forms of government) Column-
y Community government
A. Verical distribution
PoBetsharedamong A. Community govemment
of powers
different organso f (u) Coalition governmen
B, Horizontal distribution
B. Separation of powers of powers
Power shared among C Power sharing anong (u) Sepatation of power
ernment at diflerent
social groups
(iv) Federal governent
oel C. Coalition government D, Power sharing
Foagt shared by twoor more parties
Jflerent social groups D
D. Federal governmenit C ),
A. v), B. (),C.
4Power stored by two or Gm, D. ()
b) A. (0, B. (i).
more political parties C i), D. (iv)
() A. (ii), B. (),
(w), D. (i)
(d) A. (0, B. (), C.
la) D AB C
i iu/are true
Which ofthese
statements on power but R is false
the following
two (a) A is true,
the codesgiven BothA and R are
answer using h
and select the false
Jnaring Both A and R are
below democracy (c)
sharingis go0d for (d) Ais false, but R is
e r t i o n (A): Power possibiliy ot
It helps to reduce the
0 n (R) social groups

country, n Europe and
is asmall LKembourg
46 Belgumwith France, Haly, Germany and
borders clected by
them government is
s t a t e m e n t s
1956 to
fecognise 47. In Belgium all language cominunity
o Wing
passed inTanguage, d i s r e g a r d i n
people belonging
diKa, a n
Tami as the only official

( e

TYPE Stateme
ihe t H o w i n
in Belgium
shoux p
nd Srr laika

49 a r t a n g e m e n t s

A8. Dierent agnumets aie usually put forth n favo sharng lDiteh-speaking
of and ngAinst poner sharmg, ldentity thuse whre
A I demuatfon
mpose their
ion on the
a e in lavour ol powr sharing and select the onswer
ried to
Trenchspeuking c o n n u n i t y

using the codes giken below policies, of the

P'oner sharing In Sri
Lanka d o u i a n c e or
B cnsturehe
A reduces contlict among diflerent communilies sought
seaking rity
R deereases the possibility of arbiirarness demanded
Cdelays decision-making process Tamrs n Sf Lanka
of porer haring to prote
accommodates diversitie and cquality of oppore
inreases instability and divisiveness culture, language
cducation 4nl jobs.
promotes people's participation in govemment transtomuation
ot 5elgum tron
D. The
indermines the unity of a country one prevented ap
gOvernment to a
Option: divtsion or the couniry ni
linguistie lin
() A, B, C,F tb) A. C, E, F Which of the stuatements
given ahove are corea
() AB.D,G and D (6) A. B and D
Nd ABDF (a) A, B, C,
() Cand D B , Cand D


50. Which
language was recognised as the only otical 61. What s Nerticaldisisien.of powers
language of Sri Lanka in 1956? 62 Which city is the capital of Belgium ? BRus
Or 63. Majornty of the people im Belgium
Which spenk
language is spoken by majority of language acbeta TDutth
Sri Lankans?
Sinbanla 64. Which fanguage 1s not spoken by most
of the pee
51. HowW and when was Smhala recogniZed in Belgium
as the ofticial
language of Sri Lanka? 1956 65. Which ethpic
52. What is the
group is rejated
tuth iFrench Ejemanto Belgum
state religion of Sri Lanka? Busalhuum 66. Who elects the
53. Who formed the Belgium? community governpent
majority in terms of population in
Sri Lanka ? 67. Nume one country with which
54. Which factor is responsible tor imereasing the feeling have borders. Belgium does a
of alienation among the Sri Lankan, Tamils ? 68. Which
Ialy, SuO Lden
composition best exphins the compex ett
55. What measure was adopted by the
democratically composition of Belgium?
elected govermment of Sri Lanka to establish 69. n
Sinhala which countries the
supremacy? ?e jattecion
majs public lite is very high participation of wo
56. In which country the principle of
majoritarianism 70. How
many times was the
gcandnay Lon Ceunt
led to a Civil War ?
amended between 1970 and 1993 Belgum Constit
57. Sri Lankan Tamil reters to which social group ? 71. Fau
Whieh group of countries
58. What does the ofsystem checks and balances 72.
Which type of surounds Bely un
powers does the Com
ensure in power shanng?
Govermment of
59. Which system of power Sharing is called, "Checks 73.
What is the Belgium enjay
and Balances ? Sharng2 PrudentiaB reason behind pe
60. Mention any one characteristic ofpower sharing
Why powver sharmg Or
1s good for democTAe

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