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RAWALPINDI BOARD 2013 PAPER PHYSICS PART-II Time: 20 Min. (Objective Part) Marks: 17 Note: You have four choice for each objective type question as A,B,C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles, Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. @ Magnetism lags behind the magnetizing cur “re phenomena is called: co (a) Coercivity — (b) Hyste iF Saturation (i Electromagi UC. ir on ais are: j (a) Station ransverse(c) Longitudinal{d) X-rays (iii) WN je of potential barrier for germanium is; @ 03 y (b) 0.5¥ (©) 0.7¥ (d) 0.9v (iv) Photo diode can turn its current on and off in: " (a) Micto-sec (b) Nano-sec (c) Pico-sec (d) Femto-sec (v) 0.1 Kg mass will be equivalent to energy: (a) 5x10°U (b) 9x10" (c) 6x10" (d) 9xtO" (vi) When electron and positron are annihilated, the number of photons produced is: (a) (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (vii) Value of Rydberg's constant Ry, is: (a) 1.0974 107m! — (bY 1.0974x10'm (c) 1.0974 107 m (4) 1,0974x107 m= (viii) Thyroid gland plays a major role in the distribution of: (a) lodine (b) Sodium (c) Phosphorous (d) Germanium (ix) Three up quarks combine to form a new particle, the charge number on this particle is: 4 (a) | (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (x) The minimum charge on an object can not be less than: (a) 9x10°C (b) 1.6x10°P°C (o) 1.6x107C (d) 9.110 (xi) If the distance between two charged bodies is halved, the force: (a) ‘One fourth (b) Half (c) Double (d) Four times (xii) Electromotive force is most closely related to: (a) Electric field (b) Potential difference (c) Potential energy (d) Magnetic field (xiii) The unit of magnetic flux is: (a) Weber (b) Tesila (c) Henry (d) Coulomb (xiv) The convert galvanometer into ammeter the parallel shunt resistance R, is equal tor WN The principle of ac generator is: (a) Mutual induction (b) Self induction (c) Lenz's law (d) Electromagnetic field (xvi) Eddy currents are produced in a material when it is: (a) Heated (b) Placed in an electric field (c) Placed in a uniform magnetic field (d) Placed in time verying magnetic field (xvii) At resonance frequency, the current in RLC series circuit is: (a) Infinity (b) Maximum (c) Minimum — (d) Zero Time: 3:10 Hours (Subjective Part) Marks: 83 Section II bs Attempt any EIGHT short questions, (8 x2 =16) (i) Define and give the S.1 units of electric potentila. (ii) Show that cae “e have the same units. (iii) Differentiate be bat motor and generator. (iv) _ Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low? (v) How a capacitor is charged and discharged? Draw its R- Cc circuit? r. (vi) Suppose you follow an electric field line due to a positive point charge, Does electric field i increase or decrease? Also what about potential’? (vii) Why does the picture on a T.V screen distorted. When a magnet . is brought near the screen? ; (viii) How can a current loop be used to determine the presence of a magnetic field in a region of space? (ix) How can you use amagnetic filed to separate isotopes of chemical element? Y (x) Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux through the circuit? (xi) Does the induce emf in a circuit depends on the resistance of : the circuit? Does the induced current depends on the resistance of the circuit? (xii) Electrons always move towards high potential. Explain why? 3 Attempt any EIGHT shott questions. (8x2= (i) What is wheatstone bridge and draw its iC ? off (i) What is meant by A.M tt FM? 4.0 (iii) Why glass is kno tay (iv) E ep MEO used as potential divider? (vy) sie slicon dioxide does not emit light? (vi) Explain briefy the conductors on the basis of energy, band A theory. (vii) Explaiii why the terminal potential difference of a battery decreases when the current drawn from it is increased? (viii) ~ Differentiate between ferromagnetic and diamagnetic substances, (ix) When 10 v are applied on an A.C circuit , the current flowing in itis 100 mA? Find its impendance. (x) How the reception of a particular radio station is slected on your radio set? ‘ (xi) What is the effect of forward and reverse baising of a diode on the width of delpletion region ? (xii) Define input resistance and out-put resistance of an Sheeutonal amplifier? ; 4. Attempt any S1X short questions. (6 X2=12) (i) Give two postulates of special theory of relativity. Gi Define excitation energy and ionization energy. (ii) What is the radioactive tracer? (iv} What do you mean by critical mass and critical volume ? (v) Give two advantages of laser over ordinary light. (vi) Describe principle of operation of solid state dector . : (vii) _ Is it possible to creat a single electron from energy ? Explain. (viii) When does light behave as a wave and when does it behave as a particle? (ix) Protons and neutrons are formed by what types of quarks? Show by diagram . Attempt any THREE questions. (8 ¥3 =24) 5.(a) Define electric potential . Also derive an equation for electric potential at a point due to a point charge, (b) . The potential difference between the terminals of a battery in open circuit is 2.2v when it is connected across a risistance of 5,00, the potential falls to 1.8 v . Calculate the current and intemal resistance of battery. 6.(a) Define motional e.m.f and derive a relation aa (b) A solenoid 15cm long has 300 tu qn of 5 ampere flows ect CH inn of magentic pie ppd ce cribe R.L.C series A.C circuit. Write down its properties and find the relation for resonance frequency. (b) Al.25cm diameter cylinder is subjected to a ioad of 2500 Kg. Calculate the stress on the bar in mega pascals. " 8. (a) Write down postulates and results of special theory of relativity . What is NAVSTAR navigation system ? (b) Calculate the output of the op-amp shown in figure. 9.(a) Define isotopes, Write a note on mass spectrograph . -(b) Caiculate the longest wave length of radiation for Paschen series, ran)

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