Past Papers 2011 Rawalpindi Board Inter Part 2 Physics

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RAWALPINDI BOARD 2011 PAPER PHYSICS PART-II Time. 20 Min. (Objective Part) Marks: 17 Note: Four answer are given against each question in columns A,B,C and D. Select the right answer and on the separate Answer Sheet, fill the circle A,B,C or D with pen or marker in front of that question number. I. Encircle the righ option out of the four for each question. () The minimum energy required by a photon to create an electron and positron pair is: (a) 3 Mev (b) 2.4Mev (c) 1.5 Mev (d) 1.02 Mev (ii) Nuclear fission chain reaction is controlled by using: (a) Steel rods (b) Graphite rods (c) Cadimum rods (d) Platinum rods (iii) A well known example of an intrinsic semi conductor is: (a) Germanium (b) Phosphorous (c) Aluminium (d)- Cobalt (iv) _ B particles in Wilson cloud chamber have: (a) Zigzag orerratic path _ (b) Curved path (c) Circular path (d) Elliptical path (v) The unit of impedence is: (a) Ohm (6) Ohm (©) Ohmm™ @)Nounit (vi) The amount of energy required to eject an electron from metal surface is called: . {2} Threshold frequency (b) Work function (c) Pair production (d) Compton effect (vii) When an area is held perpendicular to the field lines, then the magnitude of electric flux is: (a) Negative (b) Maximum (c) Minimum (d) Zero (viii) One electric volt is equal to: (01.610 C 16x10" 16x10) 1.6x10"'C (ix) The numerical value of green col ‘colour code carbon resistor is (a) 0 (b) 3 ©» (d) 8 (x) Production of x-rays can be mpd the reverse phenomenon of: ( (a) Pair production ~\ b) Photoelectric effect (c) Compton effect NE (d) Annihilation of matter (xi) The orbital ang entum in the allowed stationary orbits of Hydrogen at 1 ‘iven by: Qn e ah 2h h .@) an Oi Ona Os (xii) tthe ctivity of a material is high, then it is: (a) in insulator (b) A semi conductor (c) A good conductor (d) A super conductor Cc (xiii) The galvanometer can be made sensitive if the value of the factor BNA is: (a) Made large (b) Made small (c) Remains constant (d) Infinite (xiv) The grid in the cathode ray oscilloscope: (a) Controls number of waves (b) Controls the brightness of spot formed (c) Has positive potential with respect to cathode (d) Accelerates electrons (xv) Energy density Um can be given by the relation: 1B 2B! Lu, 2u, -— () >Re d z @ 2u, ) ou, © zp @ zB (xvi) The current gain B ofa transistor can be given by: I, Li ar a @) 1, ® i () 1, @ 1, (xvii) If we make magnetic field stronger, the value of induced current is: (a) Decreased (b) Increased (c) Vanished (d) Kept constant SECT : Write short answers of any twenty two (22) Parts from quesion No. 1,2,3,4 or write question No its part while answering. (22 X 2 = 44) 1.4) The potential is constant throuhtout a given region of space. Is the electric field zero or non-zero in this region? Explain. (ii) Is it true that Gauss's Law states that the total number of lines of forces crossing any closed surface in the outward direction is propotional to the net positive charge enclosed within surface? (ili) Do the total flux depend upon the shape or geometry of the closed surface? (iv) Do bends in a wire afffect its elecrical resistance? Explian. (v) _ Is the filament resistance lower or higher in a 500W, 220V light bulb than in a 100W, 220V bulb? (vi) What does the equation H = I? RT show? (vii) A current in a conductor produces a magnetic field, which can be calculated by using Ampere's law. Since current is defined as the rate of flow of charge, what can you conclude about the magnetic filed due to stationary charges? What about moving charges? (viii) Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low? 2.41) Why should a voltmeter have a very high resistance? (ii) When magnetic flux through a closed circuit, having a galvanometer but no battery, is changed, all of a sudden galvanometer shows a deflection, indicating that free charges in the circuit have gained some energy. Is it against law of conservation of energy? Give reasons in support of your answer. (iii) Can an electric motor be used to drive an electric generator with output from the generator being used to operate the motor? (iv) Why is split ring used in DC generator in place of slip rings? (v) Four unmarked wires emerge from a transformer. What steps would you take to determine turns ratio? (vi) At resonance frequencey the impedance of RLC series circuit is only resistive. Why? (vii) How many times per second will an ene reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 60 H ce? (viii) What is meant by amplitude modulation (A. 3.(i) Distinguish between crystalline and amorphous solids. (ii) Define dia- and para-magnetic substances. examples of each. (iii) How the energy bands are formed i id? (iv) Why charge carriers are not Pen the depletion region of PN-junction? (v) Why is the base current in‘ (vi) What is photo-voltaic (vii) Which photon, r , carries the most energy? Explain. (viii) Why do not we ol compton effect with visible light? Explain. 4(i) When does light behave as particles? Give two examples. (ii) What hap o the total radiation from black body if its absolut erature is doubled? Explain. (iii) Is ens nserved when an atom emits a photon of light? Explain. (iv) What do we mean when we say that the atom is excited? (v) | Mention and very briefly explain two uses of LASER. (vi) Define Nuclear Fission. Give two examples of such reaction. (vii) What do we mean by the term critical mass? (viii) State two of the characteristics of B -particle. (xi) Briefly describe the term Radiography. SECTION-II Note: Attempt any three questions:- 5. (a) State Gauss's Law. Find electric intensity between two oppositely charged parallel plates. (b) A charge of 90C passes through a wire in one hour and fifteen minutes. What is the current in the wire? 6. (a) Derive an expression for the force acting on a current carrying conductor of length "L" placed in a uniform magnetic field of strength "B". (b) A square coil of side 16cm has 200 turns and rotates in a uniform magnetic field of 0.05T. If the peak emf is 12V. Determine the angular velocity of the coil. 7. (a) What is doping? Write a note on the formation of n-type and p-type semiconductors. (b) At what frequency will an inductor of 1,0H have a reactance of $002? 8.(a) What is meant by rectification? Explain the action of a semiconductor diode as half wave rectifier. (b) What is the mass of a 70 kg man in a space rocket travelling at 0.8c from us as measured from earth? 9.(a) What is a nuclear reactor? Describe its four important parts. (b) Compute the shortest wave-lengh radiation in the Balmer series? What value of "n" must be used? sistor very small? Explain. iscuss its working.

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