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What is Greenfield Investment

When an institution or business organization commits capital in a state starting from scratch with a
complete supply chain industrial plant.Is a type of foreign direct investment (FDI) in which a parent
company creates a subsidiary in a different country, building its operations from the ground up. In
addition to the construction of new production facilities, these projects can also include the building of
new distribution hubs, offices, and living quarters. Learn more in: Foreign Direct Investments: A Key
Factor for Business Globalization3.Is the establishment of a foreign sales office, manufacturing facility or
any commercial physical investment which has never existed before. It is the ultimate level of FDI and
the riskiest form. In case of a political, economic, currency or commercial risk, the investment cannot be
relocated. However, the investing firm has the full authority on operations and profit.Overall
Contribution by Multinational Businesses and Potential Impacts on the Economy.A form of foreign direct
investment where a parent company starts a new venture in a foreign country by constructing new
operational facilities. In addition to building new facilities, most parent companies create long-term jobs
in the host country by hiring new employees.

A turnkey project :

It is a project contract under which a firm agrees to fully design, construct and equip a manufacturing/
business/ service facility and turn the project over to the project owner/ Client when it is ready for
operation.A turnkey project is generally produced by a team of contractors and project leaders who
have experience with the type of project that is being produced. These contractors will do everything
needed for the project. A project idea is often handed over to them and they are expected to produce
the project up to the standards set by the Project owner/Client.The project manager or client will only
have to do very minimal work. They can expect a turnkey project to be returned to them and fully
operable when the project is ready.

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