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Title page

Distributed Base Station | B12
Installation Manual
Issue 4c | June 2013
Legal notice

Legal notice

Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective

The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright © 2013 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved.


Not to be used or disclosed except in accordance with applicable agreements.


About this document

Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................. xi

Reason for reissue ........................................................................................................................................................................ xi


New in this release ...................................................................................................................................................................... xii


Intended audience ....................................................................................................................................................................... xii


Supported systems ...................................................................................................................................................................... xii


How to use this document ........................................................................................................................................................ xii


Safety information ...................................................................................................................................................................... xii


Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................................................. xii


Conventions used ........................................................................................................................................................................ xii


Related information ................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


Document support ...................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


Technical support ....................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


How to order ................................................................................................................................................................................ xiii


How to comment ........................................................................................................................................................................ xiii


1 Safety Information

Structure of safety statements ............................................................................................................................................... 1-1


2 Overview

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1


Presentation ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-1


Preparation .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-7


Scheduling ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-8


Resources ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-9


Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS iii
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Forms .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-15

Supplies ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-15


3 Install Distributed BTS

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1


Before Going Onsite

Preparation Before Going Onsite ........................................................................................................................................ 3-3


Before You Start

Preparation Before You Start ................................................................................................................................................ 3-4


Check Equipment

How to Check Equipment ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-5


Install Cable Equipment and Cables

How to Install Cable Equipment and Cables .................................................................................................................. 3-6


O1: Install Cable Tray ............................................................................................................................................................. 3-6


O2: Install Cable Protection .................................................................................................................................................. 3-7


Install Cables .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-8


Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Clearance Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................. 3-18


Case of 9100 BTS Rack ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-19


Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor Power Supply System .................................... 3-25

Case of other Rack ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-36


Connect the E1 Cables .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-38


Connect the Optical Fiber Cables ..................................................................................................................................... 3-53


Connect the External Alarm Cables ................................................................................................................................. 3-56


Install the d2U

How to Install the d2U ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-59


Installation Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 3-59


iv Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Connect the Optical Fiber Cables ..................................................................................................................................... 3-60

Install Remote Radio Head

How to Install Remote Radio Head ................................................................................................................................. 3-63


Clearance Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................. 3-63


C1: Install the RRH on Wall ............................................................................................................................................... 3-66


C2: Install RRH on Pole ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-77


Connect Ground Cable ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-100


Connect Power Cable ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-103


Connect Optical Fiber Cable ............................................................................................................................................ 3-113


Connect the RF Cables ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-124


Connect the Alarm Cables ................................................................................................................................................ 3-127


Connect the AISG Cables ................................................................................................................................................. 3-131


Before You Leave

Preparation Before You Leave ........................................................................................................................................ 3-133


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vi Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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List of tables

3-1 Pair Number Allocation to Abis for L907 Cable ......................................................................................... 3-10

3-2 Coax Number Allocation to Abis for FLEX3 Cable .................................................................................. 3-10

3-3 Wires Color, Position and Signals ..................................................................................................................... 3-42

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS vii
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List of tables


viii Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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List of figures

2-1 Example of Distributed BTS Star Configuration ........................................................................................... 2-2

2-2 Example of Distributed BTS Chain/Ring Configuration ............................................................................ 2-3

2-3 Multi-standard configuration ................................................................................................................................. 2-4

3-1 First Tighten Manually, then Use the Specific Tightening Tool ............................................................ 3-13

3-2 First Tighten Manually, then Use the Specific Tightening Tool ............................................................ 3-14

3-3 Water Proof the Connections .............................................................................................................................. 3-16

3-4 SUMX 19 Inch Ground and Power Cables ................................................................................................... 3-22

3-5 L907/8 Cable ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-40


3-6 Optical Connectors Location on the d2U V2 or BBU with CCM boards .......................................... 3-61

3-7 Example of RRH Optical Cable Connection ................................................................................................ 3-61

3-8 Clearance Recommendations .............................................................................................................................. 3-64

3-9 Example of Wall Installation ............................................................................................................................... 3-69

3-10 Lifting Kit for RRH ................................................................................................................................................ 3-71


3-11 Lifting the RRH ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-73


3-12 Lifting Kit for RRH ................................................................................................................................................ 3-83


3-13 Lifting the RRH ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-85


3-14 Lifting Kit for RRH ................................................................................................................................................ 3-94


3-15 Lifting the RRH ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-96


3-16 Cables Connection Position .............................................................................................................................. 3-108

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS ix
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List of figures


x Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
About this document
About this document

This document describes the installation procedure for the Distributed BTS in the
Alcatel-Lucent BSS.

Reason for reissue

Issue number Reason for reissue

4c Section “Connect the Alarm Cables” (p. 3-127)
4b Setion “Presentation” (p. 2-1) was updated.
4a The “Case of 9100 BTS Rack” (p. 3-19) section was
4 Other updated sections are:
• “Presentation” (p. 2-1)
• “Supplies” (p. 2-15)
• “Connect the Optical Fiber Cables” (p. 3-53)
• Chapter 3, “Install Distributed BTS”
Section “Install the d2U” (p. 3-59) was added.
3 The following sections are updated:
• “Resources” (p. 2-9)
• “Connect the Alarm Cables” (p. 3-127)

2 Improvements made in:

• “Connect the Optical Fiber Cables” (p. 3-53)
• “Connect Optical Fiber Cable” (p. 3-113)

1 First official release of the document for B12.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS xi
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Issue 4c June 2013
About this document

New in this release
This section contains information about changes to the current document.
New features
Other changes

Intended audience
This document is intended for:
• Installers
• Site administrators
• Project managers
• Field service technicians
• Supervisors
• Occasional users (e.g. subcontractors).

Supported systems
This document applies starting with release B11 MR3 of the Alcatel-Lucent BSS.

How to use this document

No specific recommendation applies regarding the way readers should read this

Safety information
For your safety, this document contains safety statements. Safety statements are given at
points where risks of damage to personnel, equipment, and operation may exist. Failure to
follow the directions in a safety statement may result in serious consequences.

You must have a basic understanding of the following:
• Basic knowledge of Alcatel-Lucent distributed BTS equipment
• Electrical mounting and cabling.

Conventions used
This section gives information on conventions.

xii Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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About this document

Vocabulary conventions
Typographical conventions
The following typographical convention is used in this document:

Appearance Description
Italicized text Emphasized information.
graphical user interface Text that is displayed in a graphical user interface or in a hardware
text label.
Document reference, Related document that is referenced in the document.
reference number

Related information

Document support
For support in using this or any other Alcatel-Lucent document, contact Alcatel-Lucent at
one of the following telephone numbers:
• 1-888-582-3688 (for the United States)
• 1-317-377-8618 (for all other countries)

Technical support
For technical support, contact your local Alcatel-Lucent customer support team. See the
Alcatel-Lucent Support web site ( for contact

How to order
To order Alcatel-Lucent documents, contact your local sales representative or use Online
Customer Support (OLCS) (

How to comment
To comment on this document, go to the Online Comment Form (http://infodoc.alcatel- or e-mail your comments to the Comments Hotline

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS xiii
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About this document


xiv Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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1 Safety Information

Structure of safety statements

This topic describes the components of safety statements that appear in this document.

General structure
Safety statements include the following structural elements:


Lifting hazard E F

Lifting this equipment by yourself can result in injury
due to the size and weight of the equipment.
Always use three people or a lifting device to transport
and position this equipment. [ABC123]
Item Structure element Purpose
1 Safety alert symbol Indicates the potential for personal injury
2 Safety symbol Indicates hazard type (optional)
3 Signal word Indicates the severity of the hazard
4 Hazard type Describes the source of the risk of damage or
5 Safety message Consequences if protective measures fail
6 Avoidance message Protective measures to take to avoid the hazard
Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 1-1
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Safety Information Structure of safety statements


Item Structure element Purpose

7 Identifier The reference ID of the safety statement

Signal words
The signal words identify the hazard severity levels as follows:

Signal word Meaning

DANGER Indicates an extremely hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
WARNING Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
CAUTION Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE Indicates a hazardous situation not related to personal injury.

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2 Overview

This Overview gives information needed by project managers and foremen, for
presentation to the customer and for site planning.


Presentation 2-1
Preparation 2-7
Scheduling 2-8
Resources 2-9
Forms 2-15
Supplies 2-15

Hardware Description
The following figures shows the components of the distributed BTS.
In terms of installation, one distributed BTS is composed of:
• One SUMX 19 Inch module, providing the transmission termination and Base Station
Control function
• Up to six RRH2x40 units, the main radio unit containing the transmitter and receiver
functions as well as the GSM baseband processing.
The distributed BTS supports the following configurations:
• Star
Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 2-1
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Overview Presentation


Figure 2-1 Example of Distributed BTS Star Configuration

The distributed BTS supports the following configurations:

• Chain/Ring
Note: Is applicable only if One Logical Cell feature is available.

2-2 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Overview Presentation


Figure 2-2 Example of Distributed BTS Chain/Ring Configuration

Weight and Dimensions

The following table provides the weight and dimensions of the distributed BTS

Characteristics SUMX 19 Inch RRH2x40 without sun RRH2x40 with sun

cover cover
Width (mm) 483 443 460
Height (mm) 56 300 300
Depth (mm) 312 150 154
Unit weight (kg) 3 18 18

Common Distributed BTS Data

The following table lists essential information about the distributed BTS.

Distributed BTS
Installation The SUMX 19 Inch can be installed:
• In an 9100 indoor BTS (instead of the dismounted subrack 1)
• In an 9100 outdoor BTS (below subrack 4 in case of MBOE or the
available user space)
• In any other cabinet allowing 19 Inch modules installation in horizontal
The RRH2x40 module can be installed:
• On a pole or mast
• On a wall.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 2-3
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Overview Presentation


Distributed BTS
Position The RRH2x40 module must be installed:
• At a height of at least 2.5 meters in public places
• At a height of at least 1 meter in non-public places.
Output for antennae Bottom of the RRH2x40 module housing
In / Out for external cables Bottom of the RRH2x40 module housing
Clearance Left, right: 0.2 m
Top, bottom: 0.5 m
Front: 0.8 m

Note: The RRH can also be connected to the d2U V2 or BBU using the CPRI
interface with CCM boards.

Figure 2-3 Multi-standard configuration



d2U V2/BBU
SUMx 19”


The following cases apply:
• “C1: Install the RRH on Wall” (p. 3-66)
• “C2: Install RRH on Pole” (p. 3-77)

2-4 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Overview Presentation

The following options may apply:
• “O1: Install Cable Tray” (p. 3-6)
• “O2: Install Cable Protection” (p. 3-7).

Initial State
The equipments and the installation kits are packed and delivered on site.

Final State
At the end of the installation, the equipment is ready for commissioning.


Grouped Task Sequence

The following figure shows the task sequence used to install a distributed BTS.

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Overview Presentation


2-6 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Overview Preparation


The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
• The site must comply with the safety rules given in the General Wiring Handbook
• The site is ready to receive the BTS, according to the SPP 68 - Specification for
Alcatel-Lucent Multi-Standard distributed BTS solution Site Preparation
• The equipment is delivered on site (packed) with the associated kits (the BTS unit will
be put into position during commissioning).
• The cabinet hosting the SUMX 19 Inch must:
As follows:
– not allow unauthorized access to the equipment
– have available an user space that allows the module installation.
Note: The cable tray is not required during installation.

Site-Specific Information
The following site specific information is needed before starting the installation:
• Site
As follows:
– Position and number of units at the site
– Site address and information concerning site access (including the key holder)
– Power supply distribution at the customer side
– Position of PCM cables at the Digital Distribution Frame (DDF)
– Abis transmission type (electrical or optical)
– Presence of the cable tray.
• Hardware Configuration
As follows:
– Distributed BTS configuration (number of RRH2x40 units)
– Presence of cover
– For SUMX 19 Inch installation:
□ In 9100 BTS indoor cabinets: one antenna hole at the cabinet top side must be
□ In 9100 BTS outdoor cabinets: two cable glands must be available on the cable
entry plate
□ In other cabinets: cables entry points must be available for E1, optical fiber
cable and external alarms cable.

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Overview Scheduling


Time based on technical constraints
The number of resources shown in the following table does not take into account
individual customer or safety requirements.
More time can be required, depending on the options to be installed and other site

Grouped Task Time / Task

“Preparation Before Going Onsite” (p. 3-3) 10
“Preparation Before You Start” (p. 3-4) 10
“How to Check Equipment” (p. 3-5) 10
“Install Cable Equipment and Cables” (p. 3-6) 40
“Install the SUMX 19 Inch” (p. 3-18) 20
“Install Remote Radio Head” (p. 3-63) 50
“Preparation Before You Leave” (p. 3-133) 10

Total 2h 30'

1. The time required depends on the options; refer to the following table.

The following table provides an estimate of the time required to install optional
equipment and to perform case-dependent tasks.

Grouped Task Time / Task

“O1: Install Cable Tray” (p. 3-6) 2h
“O2: Install Cable Protection” (p. 3-7) 1h30

2-8 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Overview Resources


The following tables describe the necessary hardware tools and installation kits.
Hardware Tools
The following table lists the necessary hardware tools.
Refer to the Tools Catalogue for Field Activity for more information.

Kit Name Reference

Basic set of tools OUT 001
Lifting kit for distributed BTS (RRH) OUT 024

Installation Kits
The following table lists the mandatory or optional delivery item kits.
The symbols used are:
• • mandatory kit
• ∇ technical choice kit
• [loz ] customer option kit.

Kits Mnemonic Code Quantity

• Basic installation kit MC RRH 3BK 50198 1 / site with 1,
AAAA 2 or 3 RRH
• Wall mounting kit MC RRH 3BK 50199 1 / unit
• RRH mounting bracket 3BK 50054 1/unit
∇ Bracket pipe kit MC RRH on pole 50 mm to 152 mm 109761072 1/unit
∇ Optional installation kit MC RRH on pole > 152 mm 109751768 1/unit
∇ Lifting ring M8 1AD 01198 2/installation
0005 team
∇ Lifting kit for RRH 2 string hanger 3BK 50400 1/installation
AAAA team
∇ Connector DC power AWG12-AWG16 2.5-4mm2 1AB 29282 1/RRH with
0001 cable

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 2-9
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Overview Resources


Kits Mnemonic Code Quantity

∇ Connector DC power AWG10 6mm 2
300988607 1/RRH with
cable 6 mm2
∇ Power cable IN/OUT 2 x 2.5 mm2 in 100 m roll 3BK 50200 1/ for 3 RRH
AAAA if Lg : max
∇ Power cable IN/OUT 2 x 2.5 mm2 in 250 m roll 3BK 50200 1/ for 8 RRH
ABAA if Lg : max
∇ Power cable IN/OUT 2 x 4 mm2 in 250 m roll 3BK 50201 1/ for 5 RRH
AAAA if Lg : max 48
∇ Power cable IN/OUT AWG10 2 x 6 mm2 in 250 m roll 3BK 50113 1/ for 3 RRH
ABAA if Lg : max 72
∇ Cable assembly kit 62 to 102 1AB 27221 1/RRH if Lg
0001 >72m
∇ Power cable IN/OUT AWG8 2 x 10 mm2 in 250 m roll 3BK 50119 1/for 2 RRH if
ABAA Lg > 72- 120m
∇ Ground Y/G cable 16 mm2 in 100 m roll 3BK 08957 1 / 5 sites if Lg
BAAA : 20 m
∇ Ground Y/G cable 16 mm2 in 250 m roll 3BK 08957 1/ for 12 sites
BBAA if Lg : 20 m
∇ Power cable and ground Y/G cable for SUMX Lg: 1 m SU19DCP 3BK 50098 1 / SUMX
AFAA module
∇ Kit adaptor 19" for SUMX in MBI 3BK 50194 1/MBI
∇ Jumper cable 1/2 " Superflex 7/16M-7/16M - 1 m 3BK 05360 2/unit
∇ Jumper cable 1/2 " Superflex 7/16M-7/16M - 2 m 3BK 05360 2/unit
∇ Jumper cable 1/2 " Superflex 7/16M-7/16M - 3 m 3BK 05360 2/unit
∇ Alarm cable assembly for RRH, length 15m 849138136 1/RRH
∇ Alarm cable assembly for RRH, length 30m 849141684 1/RRH
∇ Alarm cable assembly for RRH, length 50m 849170519 1/RRH
∇ Alarm cable assembly for RRH, length 70m 849170675 1/RRH

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Overview Resources


Kits Mnemonic Code Quantity

∇ E1 and alarm cable 4 pairs 120 Ohm in 100 m roll 3BK 08942
∇ E1 and alarm cable 4 pairs 120 Ohm in 250 m roll 3BK 08942
∇ E1 cable Flex3, 4 coaxial 75 Ohm in 100 m roll CACOAX4 3BK 08940 Lm / if 0 m<
AAAA L<100 m
∇ E1 cable Flex3, 4 coaxial 75 Ohm in 250 m roll CACOAX4 3BK 08940 Lm / if 0 m<
ABAA L<100 m
∇ E1 cable L904-1 1 pair 120 Ohm in 100m roll CA120S 3BK 08941 Lm/E1 cable
AAAA 120 Ohm
∇ E1 cable Flex3 1 coaxial 75 Ohm in 100 roll CACOAX1 3BK 08939 Lm/E1 cable
AAAA 75 Ohm
∇ E1 connector F6 straight wire 1AB 24948 2/SUMX 19
0001 Inch
∇ SUMX AP Abis 1/2 and 3/4 port cable 3BK 28905 2/SUMX 19
∇ SP2M 75 Ohm link connection 3BK 08949 2/SUMX 19
[loz ] AISG RCU cable assembly, length 3m 1AF 05068 1/RRH if
AFAA RETA length <
[loz ] AISG RCU cable assembly, length 5m 1AF 05068 1/RRH if
AGAA RETA length <
[loz ] AISG RCU cable assembly, length 10m 1AF 05068 1/RRH if
AKAA RETA length <
[loz ] AISG RCU cable assembly, length 25m 1AF 05068 1/RRH if
AHAA RETA length <
[loz ] AISG RCU cable assembly, length 40m 1AF 05068 1/RRH if
ACAA RETA length <
[loz ] AISG RCU cable assembly, length 50m 1AF 05068 1/RRH if
AJAA RETA length <

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 2-11
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Overview Resources


Kits Mnemonic Code Quantity

[loz ] AISG RCU cable assembly, length 80m 1AF 05068 1/RRH if
AAAA RETA length <
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 2.5m 849147590 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 5m 849134879 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 15m 849122239 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 30m 849125380 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 50m 849122247 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 70m 849123591 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 85m 849125398 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 100m 849123609 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 150m 849125406 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 200m 849125414 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 250m 849125422 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 300m 849125430 1/RRH if SM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 2.5m 849147608 1/RRH if MM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 5m 849125513 1/RRH if MM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 15m 849122270 1/RRH if MM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 30m 849125521 1/RRH if MM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 50m 849122288 1/RRH if MM

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Overview Resources


Kits Mnemonic Code Quantity

[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 70m 849123633 1/RRH if MM
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 85m 849125539
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 100m 849123641
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 150m 849125547
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 200m 849125554
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 250m 849125562
[loz ] Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 300m 849125570
[loz ] SFP MOD 1000BASE-LX10 1AB 18728
[loz ] SFP MOD S-16.1(on RRH side) 1AB 19467
[loz ] SFP MOD S-16.1(on SUMX/d2U side) 1AB 19467
[loz ] SFP MOD 1000BASE-SX 1AB 18728
[loz ] SFP MOD I-16.1 1AB 18728
[loz ] SFP MOD S-16.1 1AB 18728
[loz ] SFP MOD L-16.1 1AB 18728
[loz ] Optical fiber connector R2CT 1AB 02722 1/RRH unit

Optional Kits for Site Preparation

Kits Mnemonic Code Quantity
[loz ] PCM / alarm CAD terminal block (120/75 ohm) for JS10 1AD 06634
L907 / L904 / FLEX3 cable 0011
[loz ] Label for 24 terminal block LAB 1AD 02853
[loz ] Mechanical part for 24 terminal block MP24 1AD 02844
[loz ] Wall support for 4 racks of 24 terminal blocks DDF 1AD 02846

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 2-13
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Overview Resources


Optional Kits for Site Preparation

Kits Mnemonic Code Quantity
[loz ] Fixation kit for wall (for terminal block) FKW 1AD 02844
[loz ] Rack fixing kit FKR 1AD 02845
[loz ] Specific heat shrinking sheat for Flex 3 1AB 02546 If needed
[loz ] Terminal block for 16 coax 1.6-5.6 1AD 04119 2/Cable or 16
0001 block by
[loz ] Terminal block for 16 coax BNCf equipped 1AB 37520 2/Cable
[loz ] BNCm connector for Flex 3 1AB 00642 2/Jumper
[loz ] 1.6-5.6 connector for Flex 3 1AB 02546 2/Jumper
[loz ] Casket equipped fpr storage of etralength fibers 1AB 08579 1 for 2 STM1
[loz ] LC connector duplex support 2 x STM1 LC for casket 1AB 08579 1/Casket
[loz ] Adapter optical fiber connector LCPC-FCPC SM, 1AB 16987 1/Cable
length 0.3m 0016 optical fiber
SM for FC
[loz ] Adapter optical fiber connector LCPC-FCPC MM, 1AB 30026 1/Cable
length 0.3m 0001 optical fiber
MM for FC
[loz ] Labo rack 19 Inch 43U 1AD 03905 1 rack for
0001 SUMX if
[loz ] Power distribution module 3U 1AD 17013 1 if needed
0001 with labo rack
[loz ] Power cable 3G2.5mm2 in 100m roll 3BK 28310 1 for 6 sites if
AAAA length 15m

2-14 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Overview Forms


You must have the Site Premises Inspection Form (CEL) (8BL 00704 0015 DRBRA).

The following table lists the necessary items that are not included in the Alcatel-Lucent

Consumable Supplies Quantity

Indelible markers 1 / rack
Lugs 1 / rack
Adhesive tape

Applicable Documents
You must have the following documents, or have electronic access to the following
• Catalogue of Instruction Operation (IO)
(3DF 00300 0004 UAZZA)
• Catalogue of Technical and Logistic Information (ITL-PRO)
(3DF 00462 0004 AAAGA)
• Tools Catalogue for Field Activity for GSM
(3BK 20458 0001 RJZZA)
• Site Condition Inspection Specification (All SPG/SPP)
(8BL 00704 0016 DRBRA)
• Installation Manual Generic CCL
(3BK 17200 0002 QZZZA)
• Specification for Alcatel-Lucent Multi-Standard distributed BTS solution Site
(8BL 00704 0052 DRAGA)
• General Wiring Handbook
(3BK 17160 0001 RJZZA)
• 08-6204 Alcatel-Lucent 9326 d2U V2 Installation Manual in MBI Cabinet
• 08-6205 Alcatel-Lucent 9326 d2U V2 Installation Manual in MBO Cabinet
Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 2-15
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Overview Supplies

• 08-6302 Alcatel-Lucent 9326 d2U V2 Installation Manual in Standalone
• 08-6180 Alcatel-Lucent 9926 BBU Installation Manual in MBI Cabinet
• 08-6168 Alcatel-Lucent 9926 BBU Installation Manual in MBO Cabinet
• 08-6182 Alcatel-Lucent 9926 BBU Installation Manual in Standalone Configuration
• IO 109 - Abis Connection using Sub-D9 Pin Connector
(3DF 00300 0109 UAZZA)

2-16 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
3 Install Distributed BTS

Install Distributed BTS presents all the checks needed before starting the installation, and
all detailed tasks to be performed onsite.


Before Going Onsite 3-3

Preparation Before Going Onsite 3-3
Before You Start 3-4
Preparation Before You Start 3-4
Check Equipment 3-5
How to Check Equipment 3-5
Install Cable Equipment and Cables 3-6
How to Install Cable Equipment and Cables 3-6
O1: Install Cable Tray 3-6
O2: Install Cable Protection 3-7
Install Cables 3-8
Install the SUMX 19 Inch 3-18
Clearance Recommendations 3-18
Case of 9100 BTS Rack 3-19
Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor Power Supply 3-25
Case of other Rack 3-36
Connect the E1 Cables 3-38

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-1
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Overview


Connect the Optical Fiber Cables 3-53

Connect the External Alarm Cables 3-56
Install the d2U 3-59
How to Install the d2U 3-59
Installation Procedure 3-59
Connect the Optical Fiber Cables 3-60
Install Remote Radio Head 3-63
How to Install Remote Radio Head 3-63
Clearance Recommendations 3-63
C1: Install the RRH on Wall 3-66
C2: Install RRH on Pole 3-77
Connect Ground Cable 3-100
Connect Power Cable 3-103
Connect Optical Fiber Cable 3-113
Connect the RF Cables 3-124
Connect the Alarm Cables 3-127
Connect the AISG Cables 3-131
Before You Leave 3-133
Preparation Before You Leave 3-133

3-2 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Preparation Before Going Onsite
Before Going Onsite

Before Going Onsite

Preparation Before Going Onsite

Before going onsite, you must check that the following information and supplies are
• The customer has been informed of the following:
– Date and time
– Site name and address
– Purpose of the operation.
• All “Prerequisites” (p. 2-7) are met
• Personnel are available (see “Scheduling” (p. 2-8) )
• “Site-Specific Information” (p. 2-7) is available
• All “Resources” (p. 2-9) and “Supplies” (p. 2-15) are available
• “Applicable Documents” (p. 2-15) are available.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-3
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Preparation Before You Start
Before You Start

Before You Start

Preparation Before You Start

On arrival onsite, before you start, perform the following operations:
• Check that all “Prerequisites” (p. 2-7) are met
• Check applicable notifications and operating instructions (refer to the Catalogue of
Technical and Logistic Information (ITL-PRO) and Catalogue of Instruction
Operation (IO) )
• Check that all “Resources” (p. 2-9) and “Supplies” (p. 2-15) are available
• Check that safety precautions have been taken in accordance with the General Wiring
• Check if any “Cases” (p. 2-4) and “Options” (p. 2-5) apply
• Complete the header field of the Installation Manual Generic CCL
Refer to the Tools Catalogue for Field Activity for GSM and note the measurement
accuracy when indicated in the tool kit list.
• Complete the Site Premises Inspection Form (CEL)
• Check that the resistance of the antistatic wrist strap is greater than 1MOhm. Connect
the anti-static wrist strap to the rack earth.

Required Knowledge
You must be familiar with the following:
• The safety rules and precautions given in the General Wiring Handbook
• How to document faults and anomalies, as described in the General Wiring Handbook

3-4 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS How to Check Equipment
Check Equipment

Check Equipment

How to Check Equipment

Check the equipment:

1 Unpack the equipment.


2 Check the state of equipment.

Note any damage on the carrier delivery note.

3 Complete the Site Premises Inspection Form (CEL) .


The equipment is now unpacked.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-5
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS How to Install Cable Equipment and Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables

Install Cable Equipment and Cables

How to Install Cable Equipment and Cables

This section tells you how to run cables towards the BTS and how to connect the cables.

O1: Install Cable Tray

Note: The cable tray is optionally installed in an indoor environment.
Note: Use the wire mesh cable trays in the installation kit for indoor sites.
For more information about the position of the cable trays in relation to the BTS,
power box and DDF, see “Install Cables” (p. 3-8) .
The cable ways must be isolated or several cable ways must be installed in order to
separate the various electrical supply systems. Alternatively, a space of 30 cm must be
left between two signal types (for example, the 220 V must not be adjacent to the
transmission lines).
The following conditions must be fulfilled:
• The cable trays must reach:
As follows:
– The middle-bottom part of the BTS housing
– The power supply box
– The DDF for Abis and external alarms
– The antenna feeders
– The room earthing plate.
• The distance between the cable tray and BTS housing must be less than 15 cm
• The following cable ways groups must be isolated:
As follows:
– Power and ground cables
– Abis and alarm cables.

3-6 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS O2: Install Cable Protection
Install Cable Equipment and Cables

O2: Install Cable Protection

Note: The cable protection is optionally installed in an outdoor environment.
Note: The cable ways must be isolated or several cable ways must be installed in
order to separate the various electrical supply systems. Alternatively, leave a space of
30 cm between two signal types (for example, the 220 V must not be adjacent to the
transmission lines).
For an outdoor installation (wall or mast), use the conduit kit for outdoor sites.

Wall Installation
The following conditions must be fulfilled for a wall installation:
• When the distance between the RRH, and the power box and the DDF is less than 70
cm, only flexible metallic pipe must be used for a wall installation
• On the RRH side, the conduit must reach the middle bottom end of the RRH, and stop
at 40 cm below the cover
• On the power box and DDF box sides, the conduit must stop 25 cm above the
• At each end of the conduit, flexible metallic pipe must be used to guide the cables
inside the covers (RRH, power box and DDF)
• Two different conduits must be used:
As follows:
– One for power and ground cables
– One for optical fiber and alarm cables.

Mast Installation
The following conditions must be fulfilled for a mast installation:
• Only flexible metal pipe must be used
• On the BTS, the flexible metal pipe must reach the middle bottom end of the BTS
cover, and run into the cover
• On the power box and DDF boxes, the flexible metallic pipe must reach the top of
both covers and run into both covers
• Two different flexible metal pipes must be used:
As follows:
– One for power and ground cables
– One for optical fiber and alarm cables.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-7
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables

Install Cables
Note: On the RRH side, all the cables are connected at the lower part of the module.

Run Earth Cable to Equipment

Run the earth cable to the equipment:

1 Use an earth cable and lugs, as described in “Supplies” (p. 2-15), to connect to earth.

2 To avoid confusion, clearly identify the earthing connection to a trolley, and the earthing

3 Run the cable through the cable tray.


4 Cut the cable to the required length. On the RRH, the cable must reach the bottom middle
side of the module.
Leave a reserve of 10 cm for connection purposes.

5 On the earth terminal side, strip 10 mm of cable insulation and crimp one lug on that end.

6 Choose the required terminal to connect the cable to the trolley or to the earthing plate:
As follows:
• Trolley: Place a "T" terminal on the trolley
• Earthing plate: Screw a straight terminal to the earthing plate.

7 Connect the cable to the trolley or to the earthing plate.


The earth cable is run and connected to the earthing plate.

3-8 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables
Run and Connect Power Supply Cable to Site Power Terminal

Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
Do not work under power. Open the circuit breakers to ensure that the power supply is

Run and connect the power supply cable to the site power terminal:

1 Run the power cable through the cable tray.


2 Cut the cable to the required length. On the RRH side, the cable must reach the bottom
side of the module.
Leave a reserve of 40 cm for connection purposes.

3 On the site power terminal, strip the power cable and terminate each wire with a ferrule or
a cable lug.

4 Connect the power cable to the corresponding circuit breaker within the power terminal
(line L, neutral N and protective earth PE).

5 Label the power cable.


6 If there is more than one RRH on the site, check that the power supply circuit breakers are

The power supply cable is run and connected to the site power terminal.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-9
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables
Run and Connect Abis Cable to DDF
Run and connect the Abis cable to the DDF.
To run the Abis cable:

1 Use one of the following cables:

As follows:
• 4 pair L907 cable (120 ohm) for lengths less then 100 m
• L904 cable (120 ohm) for lengths between 100 m and 300 m

2 Run the Abis cable through to the site DDF.


3 Cut the cable to the required length. On the rack where the SUMX 19 Inch is installed,
the cable must reach the middle of the SUMX 19 Inch.
Leave a reserve of 20 cm at one end for connection purposes.

4 Strip the cable and affect the pair numbers, as shown in the following tables:

Table 3-1 Pair Number Allocation to Abis for L907 Cable

Quad 1 Abis 1 White

TX Grey
Abis 2 Blue
TX Purple
Quad 2 Abis 1 Yellow
RX Grey
Abis 2 Brown
RX Purple

Table 3-2 Coax Number Allocation to Abis for FLEX3 Cable

Coax number Abis

1 Abis IN RX
2 Abis OUT RX
3 Abis IN TX
4 Abis OUT TX
3-10 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables

5 To connect the cables on the DDF, proceed according to the type of DDF already installed
or to be installed on the site (refer to the site documentation).

6 Label the Abis cable on the DDF.


The Abis cable is run and connected to the DDF.

Run External Alarm Cables

Run the external alarm cables:

1 Use a 4 pair L907 cable, as described in “Resources” (p. 2-9).


2 Run the external alarms cable from the SUMX 19 Inch to the DDF or the sensors.

3 Cut the cables to the required length. On the RRH side, the cable must reach the bottom
of the module.
Leave a reserve of 20 cm at one end for connection purposes.

4 Connect the cables to their sensors or to the DDF (refer to the site documentation).

5 Label the external alarm cable on the DDF.


Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-11
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables

Alarm position in SUMX 19 Inch Color

Quad 1 1/2 White
(first cable L907) Grey
3/4 Blue
(first cable L907) Purple
Quad 2 5/6 Yellow
(second cable L907) Grey
7/8 Brown
(second cable L907) Purple

The external alarm cables are run.

Run and Connect Antenna Jumpers to Feeders

Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
The antenna connectors must be dry before connection.

Note: Antenna jumpers will be connected to the antenna outputs of the RRH after the
module installation.
The corresponding ends of antenna jumpers are protected by a protection cap.
On the RRH side, the antenna jumpers must reach the bottom part of the module
housing and there must be at least 30 cm of cable available for connection.
For Indoor Sites
To connect the feeders:

1 Connect the antenna jumpers to the feeders


2 Verify the connectors


3 Screw connector male with connector female

3-12 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables

4 Tighten the screw manually then shake cables a little

Figure 3-1 First Tighten Manually, then Use the Specific Tightening Tool


5 Using specific tightening tool tighten with firmness ("Tools catalogue")


For Outdoor Sites

To connect the feeders:

1 Connect the antenna jumpers to the feeders


2 Verify the connectors


3 Screw connector male with connector female


4 Tighten the screw manually then shake cables a little

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-13
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables

Figure 3-2 First Tighten Manually, then Use the Specific Tightening Tool


5 Using specific tightening tool tighten with firmness ("Tools catalogue")


6 Fit the vinyl electrical tape (1) over the connectors.

Start taping from 30 mm from the connector (jumper side) and go down stretching and
overlapping (50%) 30 mm over the connector (1 layer).
You should not see any metal after taping.


7 Fit the rubber splicing tape (3) of Figure 3-3, “Water Proof the Connections”
(p. 3-16) over the vinyl electrical tape.
Start taping from 20 mm top of the connector (coaxial cable side) and go down stretching
and overlapping (50%) 20 mm over the connector (1 layer).

3-14 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables


8 Fit the vinyl electrical tape (1) over the rubber splicing tape.
Start taping from 30 mm from the connector (jumper side) and go down stretching and
overlapping (50%) 30 mm over the connector (1 layer).
At the end of taping do not stretch the tape in the last few turns.


9 Secure with tie wraps to avoid tape removing (2) of Figure 3-3, “Water Proof the
Connections” (p. 3-16).

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-15
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables

Figure 3-3 Water Proof the Connections


3-16 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Install Cables
Install Cable Equipment and Cables
The antenna jumpers are connected to the feeders.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-17
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Clearance Recommendations
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Clearance Recommendations
The following clearance conditions are recommended:
• Sufficient clearance must be allowed for handling, maintenance and inspection
procedures, and for equipment cooling purposes
• In particular, in front of the SUMX 19 Inch, a clearance of approximately 65 mm is
recommended to allow handling
• Other recommended distance constraints:
As follows:
– At the rear side of the SUMX 19 Inch unit: 30 mm
– At the top of SUMX19 Inch unit: 1UE (44,45 mm, for natural convection)
– Bottom clearance: 0 mm.

3-18 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of 9100 BTS Rack
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Case of 9100 BTS Rack

Case of Indoor Rack
Note: The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Power cable and ground Y/G cable for SUMX Lg: 1m 3BK 50098 AFxx -
Kit adapter 19 Inch for SUMX in MBI 3BK 28011 ABxx -
SUMX 19 Inch 3BK 28783 ABxx -

To install the SUMX 19 Inch in a BTS cabinet:


Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
Before making any electrical connections, ensure that:
• Safety instructions are followed
• The electrical power supply for the new module is disconnected. Open the circuit
breakers to ensure that the power supply is disconnected.
Open the door of the BTS where the SUMX 19 Inch must be installed.

2 Connect the power cable supplying the SUMX 19 Inch to the subrack cable.
Note: For MBI5 it can be connected to the free power cable of SR1 subrack.

3 Install the 19 Inch adapter on the uprights below the lowest subrack.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-19
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of 9100 BTS Rack
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


4 Install the SUMX 19 Inch on the 19 Inch adapter and secure it with the provided screws.

3-20 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of 9100 BTS Rack
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Note: The bracket on the SUMX should be fixed in the middle position.

5 Connect the ground cable to the SUMX 19 Inch.


6 Connect the ground cable to the grounding point in the cabinet.


7 Connect the power cable to the SUMX 19 Inch.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-21
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of 9100 BTS Rack
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Figure 3-4 SUMX 19 Inch Ground and Power Cables


3-22 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of 9100 BTS Rack
Install the SUMX 19 Inch
The SUMX 19 Inch is installed.

Case of Outdoor Rack

Note: The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Power cable and ground Y/G cable for SUMX Lg: 1m 3BK 50098 AHxx -
SUMX 19 Inch 3BK 28783 ABxx -
Option mount.set univ. for 19 inch equipment (for 3BK 27277 BAAA -
vertical installation)

To install the SUMX 19 Inch in a BTS cabinet:


Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
Before making any electrical connections, ensure that:
• Safety instructions are followed
• The electrical power supply for the new module is disconnected. Open the circuit
breakers to ensure that the power supply is disconnected.
Open the door of the BTS where the SUMX 19 Inch must be installed.

2 Connect the power cable supplying the SUMX 19 Inch to the subrack cable.
Note: For MBO/MBOE it can be connected to the PDU1 (Power Distribution Unit)
connector at (BOMU/BOMUE).

3 Install the SUMX 19 Inch in its final position and secure it with the provided screws.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-23
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of 9100 BTS Rack
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Note: The bracket on the SUMX should be fixed in the middle position.

4 Connect the ground cable to the SUMX 19 Inch.


5 Connect the ground cable to the grounding point in the cabinet.


6 Connect the power cable to the SUMX 19 Inch. See Figure 3-4, “SUMX 19 Inch Ground
and Power Cables” (p. 3-22).

The SUMX 19 Inch is installed.

3-24 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor

Power Supply System
The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Power cable and ground Y/G cable for SUMX Lg: 3 m 3BK 50098 ACAA -
Power cable and ground Y/G cable for SUMX Lg: 16 m 3BK 50098 ADAA -
SUMX 19 Inch 3BK 28783 ABxx -

Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6) Outdoor Power Supply System

To install the SUMX 19 Inch in a S6 cabinet:

Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
Before making any electrical connections, ensure that:
• Safety instructions are followed
• The electrical power supply for the new module is disconnected. Open the circuit
breakers to ensure that the power supply is disconnected.
Open the door of the S6 cabinet where the SUMX 19 Inch must be installed.

2 Install the SUMX 19 Inch in a free slot in the customer equipment area and secure it with
the provided screws.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-25
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

3-26 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

3 Connect the ground cable to the SUMX 19 Inch.


4 Connect the ground cable to the grounding point in the cabinet.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-27
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

3-28 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

5 Connect the power cable to the SUMX 19 Inch. See Figure 3-4, “SUMX 19 Inch Ground
and Power Cables” (p. 3-22).

6 On the connection area loosen the screws from both sides of the cover protection then
remove the cover.


7 Connect the power cable supplying the SUMX 19 Inch to the distribution unit, -48V RRH

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-29
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

8 When finished, install the cover on the connection area and secure it with the screws.

The SUMX 19 Inch is installed.

Case of Alcatel-Lucent Medium (Md6) Outdoor Power Supply System

To install the SUMX 19 Inch in a Md6 cabinet:

Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
Before making any electrical connections, ensure that:
• Safety instructions are followed
• The electrical power supply for the new module is disconnected. Open the circuit
breakers to ensure that the power supply is disconnected.
Open the door of the Md6 cabinet where the SUMX 19 Inch must be installed.

2 Install the SUMX 19 Inch in a free slot in the customer equipment area and secure it with
the provided screws.

3-30 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-31
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

3 Connect the ground cable to the SUMX 19 Inch.


4 Connect the ground cable to the grounding point in the cabinet.

3-32 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-33
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System

5 Connect the power cable to the SUMX 19 Inch. See Figure 3-4, “SUMX 19 Inch Ground
and Power Cables” (p. 3-22).

6 Connect the power cable supplying the SUMX 19 Inch to the distribution unit.


3-34 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of Alcatel-Lucent Small (S6)/Medium (Md6) Outdoor
Install the SUMX 19 Inch Power Supply System
The SUMX 19 Inch is installed.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-35
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Case of other Rack
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Case of other Rack

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Power cable and ground Y/G cable for SUMX Lg: 3 m 3BK 50098 ACAA -
Power cable and ground Y/G cable for SUMX Lg: 16 m 3BK 50098 ADAA -
SUMX 19 Inch 3BK 28783 ABxx -

To install the SUMX 19 Inch in other cabinet:

Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
Before making any electrical connections, ensure that:
• Safety instructions are followed
• The electrical power supply for the new module is disconnected. Open the circuit
breakers to ensure that the power supply is disconnected.
Open the door of the cabinet where the SUMX 19 Inch must be installed, if applicable.

2 Depending on installation solution it may be necessary to move the fixation brackets to

the front of the SUMX 19 Inch.
Loosen the screws, move the brackets to the front and secure them using the screws.

3-36 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Install Distributed BTS Case of other Rack
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


3 Install the SUMX 19 Inch in its final position and secure it with the provided screws.

4 Connect the ground cable to the SUMX 19 Inch.


5 Connect the ground cable to the grounding point in the cabinet.


6 Connect the power cable to the SUMX 19 Inch.


7 Connect the power cable supplying the SUMX 19 Inch to the cabinet distribution unit.
See Figure 3-4, “SUMX 19 Inch Ground and Power Cables” (p. 3-22).

The SUMX 19 Inch is installed.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-37
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Connect the E1 Cables

Case of Optical Fiber Cable for E1
Note: The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 2.5m * 849147590 -
Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 2.5m * 849147608 -
SFP transceiver * 1AB 18728 0029 -

* : Refer to “Resources” (p. 2-9) for more optical fiber cables and SFP variants
To connect the E1 optical fiber cables:

1 Run the optical fiber cables through the cable gland/cable entry inside the cabinet.

2 Insert a SFP transceiver module in the OPT1 slot and lock it.

3 Remove the protection cover from the SFP transceiver module.


4 Remove the protection caps from the optical fiber connectors.


5 Connect the cables to the OPT1 connector on SUMX 19 Inch.


6 Label the optical fiber cable on the SUMX 19 Inch side.


7 Tighten the cable gland, if applicable.


The E1 optical fiber cables are installed.

3-38 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch
Case of L907/ 8 - 120 Ohm Cable
Note: The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

E1 cable L907-4 4 pairs 120 Ohm in 100m 3BK 08942 AAxx -
roll or
or 3BK 08942 ABxx
E1 cable L907-4 4 pairs 120 Ohm in 250m
SUMX_AP Abis 1/2 and Abis 3/4 cable 3BK 28905 ABxx -
E1 connector F6 straight wire 1AB 24948 0001 -

To connect the cables to the SUMX 19 Inch:


1 Run the E1 cables through the cable gland/cable entry inside the cabinet.
Note: Around 20m of cable is used per site. The cable roll is to be reused from site to

2 Cut the cable to the required length.


3 Prepare the head of the cable.

The following figure shows the L907-4 cable structure.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Figure 3-5 L907/8 Cable


4 Connect a F6 adapter to Port 2 connector.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


5 Connect the cable to the F6 adapter for Port 2 as described in the following table.

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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

The following table gives the wires color, connecting position and signal.
Table 3-3 Wires Color, Position and Signals

Color Connector Position Signal

Quad 1 white Port 1 4 Abis1/TX
(output high level signal going toward grey 5 Abis1/TX
blue Port 2 4 Abis2/TX
violet 5 Abis2/TX
Quad 2 yellow Port 1 1 Abis1/RX
(input low level signal coming from BSC) grey 2 Abis1/RX
brown Port 2 1 Abis2/RX
violet 2 Abis2/RX

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch
Table 3-3 Wires Color, Position and Signals (continued)

Color Connector Position Signal

Quad 3 & 4 not used


6 Attach the cable to the F6 connector using cable ties.


7 Connect a F6 adapter to Port 1 connector.


8 Connect the cable to the F6 adapter for Port 1 as described in the previous table.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


9 Label the cable on the SUMX 19 Inch side.


10 Attach the cable to the F6 connector using cable ties.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


11 Connect the SUMX_AP Abis cable between the Port 1/2 connector on SUMX 19 Inch
connection area and the E1 Port 1/2 connector on SUMX main board.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


12 Tighten the cable gland, if applicable.


The E1 cables are installed.
Note: To use a Sub-D9 Pin connector refer to IO 109 - Abis Connection using Sub-D9
Pin Connector.

3-46 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch
Case of FLEX3/4 - 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable
Note: The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

E1 cable Flex3, 4 coaxial 75 Ohm in 100m roll 3BK 08940 AAAA -
or or
E1 cable Flex3, 4 coaxial 75 Ohm in 250m roll 3BK 08940 ABAA
SUMX_AP Abis 1/2 and Abis3/4 cable 3BK 28905 ABAA -
E1 connector F6 straight wire 1AB 24948 0001 -
SP2M 75 Ohm adapter 3BK 08949 AAAA -

To connect the cables to the SUMX 19 Inch:


1 Run the E1 cables through the cable gland/cable entry inside the cabinet.
Note: Around 20m of cable is used per site. The cable roll is to be reused from site to

2 Cut the cable to the required length.


3 Using Hot Air Blower, fit a heat shrink sleeve on each coaxial. Fit a rubber sleeve on head
of cable

4 Prepare the head of the cable.


5 Connect a F6 adapter to Port 2 connector.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


6 Connect the cable to the F6 adapter for Port 2 as described in the following table.
The following table gives the wires connecting position and signal.

Coaxial Connector Position Signal

1 Port 1 4 -braid Abis 1 (TX)
5 -inner conductor
2 Port 1 1 - braid Abis 1 (RX)
2 - inner conductor
3 Port 2 4 -braid Abis 2 (TX)
5 -inner conductor
4 Port 2 1 - braid Abis 2 (RX)
2 - inner conductor

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


7 Connect a F6 adapter to Port 1 connector.


8 Connect the cable to the F6 adapter for Port 1 as described in the previous table.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


9 Label the cable on the SUMX 19 Inch side.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

10 Attach the cable to the F6 connector using cable tie.


11 Fit two SP2M 75-ohm adapter at PCM sub-D connector Port1 and Port2 on SUMX
connection area.


12 Connect the SUMX_AP Abis cable between the Port 1/2 connector on SUMX 19 Inch
connection area and the E1 Port 1/2 connector on SUMX main board.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the E1 Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


13 Tighten the cable gland, if applicable.


The E1 cables are installed.
Note: To use a Sub-D9 Pin connector refer to IO 109 - Abis Connection using Sub-D9
Pin Connector.

3-52 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the Optical Fiber Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Connect the Optical Fiber Cables

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 2.5m * 849147590 -
Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 2.5m * 849147608 -
SFP transceiver * 1AB 18728 0063 (for both SUMX/d2U and -
1AB 18728 0065 (for both SUMX/d2U and
1AB 18728 0018 (for SUMX/d2U) with
1AB 18728 0019 (for RRH)

1. * Refer to “Resources” (p. 2-9) for more optical fiber cables and SFP variants

To connect the optical fiber cables:

1 Run the optical fiber cables through the cable gland/cable entry inside the cabinet.

2 For each cable to be connected insert a SFP transceiver module in the HSO1, HSO2 and
HSO3 slots and lock it.

3 Remove the protection cover from the SFP transceiver module.


4 Remove the protection caps from the optical fiber connectors.


5 Connect the cables to the HSO connectors on SUMX 19 Inch

As follows:
• For star configuration:
Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-53
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Install Distributed BTS Connect the Optical Fiber Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch
– HSO1 the cable for RRH1 (HSO1)
– HSO2 the cable for RRH2 (HSO1)
– HSO3 the cable for RRH3 (HSO1).
• For ring configuration:
– HSO1 the cable for the first RRH
– HSO2 the cable for last RRH.
• For chain configuration to HSO1 the cable for the first RRH.


6 Label the optical fiber cable on the SUMX 19 Inch side.


7 Tighten the cable gland.


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Install Distributed BTS Connect the Optical Fiber Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch
The optical fiber cables are installed.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-55
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the External Alarm Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Connect the External Alarm Cables

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Alarm cable L907-4 4 pairs 120 Ohm in 100m roll 3BK 08942 AAAA -
or or
Alarm cable L907-4 4 pairs 120 Ohm in 250m roll 3BK 08942 ABAA

To connect the external alarm cables:

1 Run the external alarm cables through the cable gland/cable entry inside the cabinet.
Note: Around 20m of cable is used per site. The cable roll is to be reused from site to

2 On the SUMX19 Inch subrack connection area remove the straps from the position where
the external alarms will be connected.

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Install Distributed BTS Connect the External Alarm Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch


3 Connect the external alarm cables to the connectors on SUMX19 Inch subrack connection

Position Pin Signal

Quad 1 XI25 1 Alarm 1 In
XI26 3 Alarm 2 In
XI27 5 Alarm 3 In
XI28 7 Alarm 4 In

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-57
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the External Alarm Cables
Install the SUMX 19 Inch

Position Pin Signal

Quad 2 XI29 1 Alarm 5 In
XI30 3 Alarm 6 In
XI31 5 Alarm 7 In
XI32 7 Alarm 8 In


4 Label the external alarm cable on the SUMX 19 Inch side.


5 Tighten the cable gland, if applicable.


The external alarm cables are installed.

3-58 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS How to Install the d2U
Install the d2U

Install the d2U

How to Install the d2U

This section tells you how to install the d2U equipment.

Installation Procedure
Refer to the following documents in order to install the d2U unit.
Install the d2U V2 unit:
• In an Indoor BTS (for details refer to 08-6204 Alcatel-Lucent 9326 d2U V2
Installation Manual in MBI Cabinet)
• In an Outdoor BTS (for details refer to 08-6205 Alcatel-Lucent 9326 d2U V2
Installation Manual in MBO Cabinet)
• In any other cabinet allowing 19 Inch modules installation in horizontal position (for
details refer to 08-6302 Alcatel-Lucent 9326 d2U V2 Installation Manual in
Standalone Configuration)
Install the BBU (d2U v3) unit
• In an Indoor BTS (for details refer to 08-6180 Alcatel-Lucent 9926 BBU Installation
Manual in MBI Cabinet)
• In an Outdoor BTS (for details refer to 08-6168 Alcatel-Lucent 9926 BBU Installation
Manual in MBO Cabinet)
• In any other cabinet allowing 19 Inch modules installation in horizontal position (for
details refer to 08-6182 Alcatel-Lucent 9926 BBU Installation Manual in Standalone

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-59
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the Optical Fiber Cables
Install the d2U

Connect the Optical Fiber Cables

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 2.5m * 849147590 -
Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 2.5m * 849147608 -
SFP transceiver * 1AB 18728 0063 (for both SUMX/d2U and -
1AB 18728 0065 (for both SUMX/d2U and
1AB 18728 0018 (for SUMX/d2U) with
1AB 18728 0019 (for RRH)

1. * Refer to “Resources” (p. 2-9) for more optical fiber cables and SFP variants

To connect the optical fiber cables:

1 Run the optical fiber cables through the cable gland/cable entry inside the cabinet.

2 For each cable to be connected insert a SFP transceiver module in the Optic1, Optic2 and
Optic3 slots and lock it.

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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the Optical Fiber Cables
Install the d2U

Figure 3-6 Optical Connectors Location on the d2U V2 or BBU with CCM boards

Figure 3-7 Example of RRH Optical Cable Connection


3 Remove the protection cover from the SFP transceiver module.


4 Remove the protection caps from the optical fiber connectors.


5 Connect the cables to the Optic connectors on d2U as follows:

• To Optic1 the cable for RRH1 (CPRI PRI)
• To Optic2 the cable for RRH2 (CPRI PRI)
• To Optic3 the cable for RRH3 (CPRI PRI).

6 Label the optical fiber cable on the d2U side.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-61
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the Optical Fiber Cables
Install the d2U

7 Tighten the cable gland.


The optical fiber cables are installed.

3-62 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS How to Install Remote Radio Head
Install Remote Radio Head

Install Remote Radio Head

How to Install Remote Radio Head

This section tells you how to position and fix the RRH equipment.

Clearance Recommendations
The following clearance conditions are recommended:
• Sufficient clearance must be allowed for handling, maintenance and inspection
procedures, and for equipment cooling purposes
• In particular, in front of the MC-RRH, a clearance of approximately 0.8 m is
recommended to allow handling
• Other recommended distance constraints:
As follows:
– At left and right side of the MC-RRH unit: 20 cm
– At the top of MC-RRH unit: 50 cm (for natural convection)
– Bottom clearance: 50 cm (for cable connections & bending radius RF jumpers).

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-63
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Install Distributed BTS Clearance Recommendations
Install Remote Radio Head

Figure 3-8 Clearance Recommendations

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Install Distributed BTS Clearance Recommendations
Install Remote Radio Head

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-65
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head

C1: Install the RRH on Wall

Fix the equipment on a wall, for an indoor installation, without using the cover:
The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Expanding plug 1AD 02655 0001 Wall mounting kit
Screw HM 10 x 70 mm 1AD 00050 0050 3BK 50199 AAAA
Washer spring M10 1AB 00507 0014
Washer plain M10 1AD 000870 0120
Mounting bracket - RRH mounting
bracket kit
Screw M8 x 30 mm 1AD 00215 0040
3BK 50054 AA
Lifting ring M8 1AD 01198 0005 -
Lifting kit for RRH 2 string hanger 3BK 50400 AAAA -

To install the equipment on a wall:

1 Identify the position where the equipment is to be installed (see “Site-Specific

Information” (p. 2-7)).

2 Mark the position of the fixation holes, using the dimensions shown in the following
drawing and using a spirit level.
Note: Four fixation points must be used. Depending on wall condition select the
apropriate holes using two from the upper row and two from the lower row.

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Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head

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Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head

3 Punch, drill and plug the hole (use the fixation method appropriate to the type of wall, as
shown in the following figure.


4 Mount the frame on the wall, using the flanges, screws and washers, without tightening
them, as shown in the following figure.

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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head

Figure 3-9 Example of Wall Installation


5 If the distance bolts are not attached to the mounting frame tighten it using a maximum
torque of 14 Nm.

6 Level the frame using the spirit level.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-69
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Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head

7 Tighten the screws.


8 Fit the lifting rings on the RRH.


9 Use the lifting kit, if available, to lift the RRH up to the mounting frame level.

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Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head

Figure 3-10 Lifting Kit for RRH

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Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head

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Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head
Figure 3-11 Lifting the RRH


10 In case the lifting rings are not available or the thread in the RRH body is missing, attach
the lifting kit to the RRH, between the fins, on the position closer to the RRH sides.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-73
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Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head


11 Fit the RRH module on the support and tighten the securing screws at the bottom side of
the module.

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Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head


Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-75
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Install Distributed BTS C1: Install the RRH on Wall
Install Remote Radio Head
The equipment is fixed on the wall.

3-76 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

C2: Install RRH on Pole

Fix the equipment on a mast, for an outdoor installation, using the cover:

Installation for Pole Diameter from 50 mm to 152 mm

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Pole bracket 849118823 Bracket pipe kit MC RRH on
Rod M10 x 300 mm 84933954 pole 50 mm to 152 mm
Screw M10 x 20 mm 901342667
Flange nut M10 1AD 09742 0001
Bolt M10 x 80 mm 901342923
Spring washer M10 901264747
Plain washer M10 901344309
Mounting bracket - RRH mounting bracket
Screw M8 x 30 mm 1AD 00215 0040 3BK 50054 AA
Lifting ring M8 1AD 01198 0005 -
Lifting kit for RRH 2 string hanger 3BK 50400 AAAA -

To install the equipment on a pole:

1 Identify the position where the equipment must be installed (see “Site-Specific
Information” (p. 2-7)).

2 Attach the fixation brackets to the mounting support.

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

3-78 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

3 Attach the assembly to the pole but do not tighten the screws.


4 In case of back to back installation, cut the threaded rod at 200 mm length and install the
second support.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-79
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head


5 Adjust to the required height and orientation.

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-81
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

6 Level the assembly using the spirit level.


7 Tighten the screws.


8 Fit the lifting rings on the RRH.


9 Use the lifting kit, if available, to lift the RRH up to the mounting frame level.

3-82 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

Figure 3-12 Lifting Kit for RRH

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head
Figure 3-13 Lifting the RRH


10 In case the lifting rings are not available, attach the lifting kit to the RRH, between the
fins, on the position closer to the RRH sides.

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head


11 Fit the RRH module on the support and tighten the securing screws.

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head


Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-87
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head
The equipment is fixed on the pole.

Installation for Pole Diameter from 152 mm to 380 mm

Note: The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Mounting bracket - RRH m ounting bracket
Screw M8 x 30 mm 1AD 00215 0040 3BK 50054 AA
Pole bracket for pole 849021829 Optional kit for pole
diameter > 152 mm installation
Kit metal band 849123179 109751768
Bolt/Clamp 1AD 03287 0001
Bolt HM 10 x 80, 1.5 mm 901341867
Washer flat 901344564
Lockwasher Helical spring 901344648
Bolt M10 x 25 mm 901341651
Lifting ring M8 1AD 01198 0005 -
Lifting kit for RRH 2 string 3BK 50400 AAAA -

To install the equipment on a pole:


1 Identify the position where the equipment must be installed (see “Site-Specific
Information” (p. 2-7)).
You must have the following equipment.

Description Reference
Pole bracket 849118823
Pole mounting kit 849118815
Rod M10 x 300 mm 84933954
Screw M10 x 20 mm 901342667
Flange nut M10 1AD 09742 0001
Bolt M10 x 80 mm 901342923
Spring washer M10 901264747

3-88 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

Description Reference
Plain washer 901344309
Mounting bracket 3BK 50054 AA
Screw M8 x 30 mm 1AD 00215 0040


2 Attach the pole brackets to the mounting support.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-89
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

3-90 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

3 Attach the assembly to the pole but do not tighten the spanner nuts.


4 Adjust to the required height and orientation.


5 Tighten the spanner nuts.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-91
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head


6 Fit the lifting rings on the RRH.

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head


7 Use the lifting kit, if available, to lift the RRH up tp the mounting frame level.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-93
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

Figure 3-14 Lifting Kit for RRH

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head
Figure 3-15 Lifting the RRH


8 In case the lifting rings are not available, attach the lifting kit to the RRH, between the
fins, on the position closer to the RRH sides.

3-96 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head


9 Fit the RRH module on the support and tighten the securing screws.

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Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head


3-98 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS C2: Install RRH on Pole
Install Remote Radio Head
The equipment is fixed on the pole.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-99
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Ground Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

Connect Ground Cable

Note: The ground cable is connected to the bottom middle part of the RRH.
The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Ground Y/G cable 16 mm2 in 100m roll 3BK 08957 BAAA -
Ground Y/G cable 16 mm in 250m roll 3BK 08957 BBAA
Lug two holes diameter 6 mm for 16 mm2 cable 1AB 05153 0096 Basic installation
3BK 50198 AAxx


1 Prepare the ground cables.


2 Cut the ground cables to the necessary length, as shown in the following figure.

3 Strip 10 mm of cable insulation from each end.


4 Crimp lugs on the ends.


5 Connect the ground cables

3-100 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Ground Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-101
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Ground Cable
Install Remote Radio Head
The ground cable is connected to the RRH.

3-102 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

Connect Power Cable

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Power cable IN/OUT AWG 14, 2 x 2.5 mm in 100 m roll 3BK 50200 AAAA -
Power cable IN/OUT AWG 14, 2 x 2.5 mm in 250 m roll 3BK 50200 ABAA
Power cable IN/OUT AWG 12, 2 x 4 mm2 in 250 m roll 3BK 50201 AAAA -
Power cable IN/OUT AWG 10, 2 x 6 mm2 in 250 m roll 3BK 50113 ABAA -
Power cable IN/OUT AWG 8, 2 x 10 mm in 250 m roll 3BK 50119 ABAA -
Connector DC power AWG 12-AWG 16, 2.5-4 mm 1AB 29282 0001 -
Power cable, 15 m length: Connect the RRH to a DC power plant 300972874 -
Connector DC power AWG 10, 6 mm2 300988607 -
Cable assembly 6 mm2 to 10 mm2 1AB 27221 0001
Lug pin crimp for power cable 2.5 mm 1AB 05067 0001 Basic installation
Lug pin crimp for power cable 4 mm 2
1AB 05067 0002 kit
3BK 50198 AAxx
Lug pin crimp for power cable 6 mm2 1AB 05067 0004
Heat shrinking sheat 9.5-19 1AC 00125 0004
Labels kit for outdoor cable identification 1AD 02370 0006

Procedure for cable without connector

Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
Do not work under power. Open the circuit breakers to ensure that the power supply is

To connect the power cable:


1 Run the power cable to the RRH.

Note: Around 20m of cable is used per site. The cable roll is to be reused from site to

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-103
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

2 Cut the power cables to the necessary length.


3 Strip 10 mm of cable insulation from each end.


4 Run the cable through a shrinking sleeve.


5 If 10 mm2 cables are used, fit the 6mm2 to 10mm2 adapter on the cables.


6 Run the cable through the connector lower part (1) and sealing rings (2).
Note: When shielded cable is used the shield must be connected to position (3) of the
power connector. See Figure 3-16, “Cables Connection Position” (p. 3-108).

3-104 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


7 Crimp the pin lugs (3) on the wires.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-105
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


8 Run the cables with terminals connected in the connector body (4).

3-106 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


9 Connect the cables as described in the figure below

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-107
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

Figure 3-16 Cables Connection Position


10 Apply the shrinking sleeve on the connector.

3-108 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


11 Remove the cover from the -48V connector on RRH.


12 Connect the cable the -48V connector on RRH.


13 Tighten the cable nut to secure the cable.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-109
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

3-110 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

14 Label the power cable on the RRH side.


The power cable is connected from one RRH to the power panel.

Procedure for cable with connector

Optional Content
Optional Content added above. Please modify as needed.
Do not work under power. Open the circuit breakers to ensure that the power supply is

To connect the power cable:


1 Run the power cable to the RRH.

Note: The distance from the DC power panel to the RRH must be under 15 m. If the
distance is greater than 15 m perform the procedure without connector.

2 Remove the cover from the -48V connector on RRH.


3 Connect the cable the -48V connector on RRH.


4 Tighten the cable nut to secure the cable.


5 Label the power cable on the RRH side.


Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-111
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Power Cable
Install Remote Radio Head
The power cable is connected from one RRH to the power panel.

3-112 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

Connect Optical Fiber Cable

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2SM 2.5m * 849147590 -
Cable Optical fiber LC-LC 2MM 2.5m * 849147608 -
Optical fiber connector R2CT 1AB 02722 0001 -
SFP transceiver * 1AB 18728 0029 -

1. * Refer to “Resources” (p. 2-9) for more optical fiber cables and SFP variants

To connect the optical fiber cable:

1 Run the optical fiber cable to the RRH.


2 Identify the optical fiber connector R2CT components.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-113
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


3 Turn and remove the protection cap (6).

3-114 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

4 Insert the LC connectors into the nut spiral (2) along the cable assembly.


5 Insert the tightening cone (3) and slide it over the cable jacket.


6 Place and close over the cable the clamp nut (5) over the clamp split gasket (4).

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-115
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

The following figure shows the complete cable assembly.

3-116 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


7 Insert the LC connectors into the plug body (1) and Insert the tightening cone into the nut


8 Insert the sub-assembly [ clamp nut (5) + clamp split gasket (4)] into the plug body (1).

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-117
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


9 Begin manually to thread the nut spiral (included tightening cone) (2) onto the plug body
(1). Do not tighten the nut.

10 Remove the cover from the HS01 connector on RRH.

Note: Remove the cover from the CPRI PRI connector if used.

11 Identify one SFP transceiver and remove protector cover from transceiver.

3-118 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


12 Insert the SFP optical transceiver in the appropriate location and lock it.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-119
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


13 Insert the plug body into the receptacle.

3-120 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head

14 Remove the LC protection caps.


15 Insert and lock the LC connectors into place.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-121
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


16 Push and Rotate clockwise the coupling nut (7) until secured onto the receptacle.

3-122 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect Optical Fiber Cable
Install Remote Radio Head


17 Begin to thread manually the nut spiral (2) and then apply torque via 21 mm adapted
wrench to achieve approximately 3.5 N.m torque.

18 Label the optical fiber cable on the RRH side.


19 In case of chain or ring configuration, use the same procedure to connect the optical fiber
cable between:
• HS02 port of one RRH and the HS01 port of the next RRH in the chain or ring, for
RRH middle position
• HS02 port of the last RRH in the ring and the SUMX 19 Inch, for RRH end position.
Note: In case of RRH connection to d2U, use the same procedure to connect the
optical fiber cable between CPRI PRI port of the RRH and d2U.

The optical fiber cable is connected from one RRH to the SUMX 19 Inch.
Note: Following the procedure the connection of the RRH to the d2U can also be

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-123
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the RF Cables
Install Remote Radio Head

Connect the RF Cables

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Jumper cable 1/2" Superflex 7/16M-7/16M, length 1m 3BK 05360 BAAA -
Jumper cable 1/2" Superflex 7/16M-7/16M, length 2m 3BK 05360 CAAA -
Jumper cable 1/2" Superflex 7/16M-7/16M, length 3m 3BK 05360 DAAA -

To connect the RF cables:

1 Connect the antenna jumper to the RRH side.


2 Tighten the antenna jumper to RF output on RRH.

3-124 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the RF Cables
Install Remote Radio Head


3 Perform the above steps for both RF outputs.


Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-125
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the RF Cables
Install Remote Radio Head
The RF cable is connected from the RRH to the antenna.

3-126 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the Alarm Cables
Install Remote Radio Head

Connect the Alarm Cables

The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

Alarm cable assembly for RRH, length 15 m 849138136 -
Alarm cable assembly for RRH, length 30 m 849141684 -
Alarm cable assembly for RRH, length 50 m 849170519 -
Alarm cable assembly for RRH, length 70 m 849170675 -

The following table lists the wire color of the RRH alarm cable.

Pin Number Function Color Code

1 Alarm 4 (P) White / Brown
2 Alarm 3 RTN (N) Green
3 Alarm 1 (P) White / Black
4 Alarm 2 RTN (N) Orange
5 Alarm 2 (P) White / Orange
6 Alarm 4 (N) Brown
7 Alarm 3 (P) White / Green
8 Alarm 1 RTN (N) Black

The following table lists the RRH alarm cable pin-definition for GSM.

Pin Number Cable Color Alarm GND

1 White / Brown Alarm 1 -
2 Green Alarm 2 -
3 White / Black - -
4 Orange - GND1
5 White / Orange - -
6 Brown - -
7 White / Green - GND2
8 Black - -

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-127
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the Alarm Cables
Install Remote Radio Head
To connect the alarm cable to the RRH:

1 Run the alarm cable to the RRH.


2 Remove the cover from the XAL1/2 connector.

3-128 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the Alarm Cables
Install Remote Radio Head

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-129
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the Alarm Cables
Install Remote Radio Head

3 Connect the alarm cable to the XAL1/2 connector on RRH side.


4 Tighten the alarm cable.


5 Connect the other end of the cable as requested.


6 Label the alarm cable at both ends.


The alarm cable is connected from the RRH to the sensors.

3-130 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the AISG Cables
Install Remote Radio Head

Connect the AISG Cables

Note: This cable must be connected only if the Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) or Tower
Mounted Amplifier (TMA) is used.
The following table lists the items required to complete the task.

Description Reference Kit

AISG RCU cable assembly, length 3 m 1AF 05068 AFAA -
AISG RCU cable assembly, length 5 m 1AF 05068 AGAA -
AISG RCU cable assembly, length 10 m 1AF 05068 AKAA -
AISG RCU cable assembly, length 25 m 1AF 05068 AHAA -
AISG RCU cable assembly, length 40 m 1AF 05068 ACAA -
AISG RCU cable assembly, length 50 m 1AF 05068 AJAA -
AISG RCU cable assembly, length 80 m 1AF 05068 AAAA -

To connect the AISG cables to the RRH:

1 Run the AISG cable to the RRH.


2 Remove the cover from the AISG connector.

Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-131
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Connect the AISG Cables
Install Remote Radio Head


3 Connect the AISG cable to the AISG connector on RRH side.


4 Tighten the AISG cable.


5 Connect the other end of the cable to the RET/TMA, as appropriate.


6 Label the alarm cable at both ends.


The AISG cable is connected from the RRH to the RET/TMA.

3-132 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Preparation Before You Leave
Before You Leave

Before You Leave

Preparation Before You Leave

Before you leave, you must:

1 Close and lock the cabinet door. Return the key to the site manager.

2 Remove all unused equipment.


3 Clean the site.


4 Return the completed forms relating to the operation to base.


Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS 3-133
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013
Install Distributed BTS Preparation Before You Leave


3-134 Alcatel-Lucent Distributed BTS
3MN-00460-1511-RJZZA B12
Issue 4c June 2013

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