The Role of Teamwork and Communication in The Emergency Department: A Systematic Review

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International Emergency Nursing (2010) 18, 127– 137

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The role of teamwork and communication in

the emergency department: A systematic review
Emily Kilner (Physiotherapy student) a,
Lorraine A. Sheppard PhD, MBA, BAppSc (Physio) (Professor)

University of South Australia, Australia
James Cook University, Australia

Received 19 February 2009; received in revised form 13 May 2009; accepted 27 May 2009

KEYWORDS Abstract The aim of this study was to develop a systematic review using international
Teamwork; research to describe the role of teamwork and communication in the emergency department,
and its relevance to physiotherapy practice in the emergency department. Searches were con-
Emergency department
ducted of CINAHL, Academic Search Premier, Scopus, Cochrane, PEDro, Medline, Embase,
Amed and PubMed. Selection criteria included full-text English language research papers
related to teamwork and/or communication based directly in the emergency department,
involvement of any profession in the emergency department, publication in peer-reviewed
journals, and related to adult emergency services. Studies were appraised using a validated
critical appraisal tool. Fourteen eligible studies, all of mid-range quality, were identified. They
demonstrated high levels of staff satisfaction with teamwork training interventions and positive
staff attitudes towards the importance of teamwork and communication. There is moderate
evidence that the introduction of multidisciplinary teams to the ED may be successful in reduc-
ing access block, and physiotherapists may play a role in this. The need for teamwork and com-
munication in the ED is paramount, and their roles are closely linked, with the common
significant purposes of improving patient safety, reducing clinical errors, and reducing waiting
ª 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Address: School of Health Sciences,

University of South Australia, City East Campus, North Terrace,
Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia. Tel.: +61 8 8302 2424;
fax: +61 8 8302 2766. In Australia and many other Western countries, the emer-
E-mail address: (L.A. Shep- gency department (ED) is potentially a unique environment
pard). for effective teamwork and communication. This needs to

1755-599X/$ - see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
128 E. Kilner, L.A. Sheppard

be explored in the context of the current ED system, and the et al., 2003). Therefore, this systematic review will
dilemmas facing the modern ED need to be understood. explore possible options for staff training focused on
The traditional ED team consists of doctors and nurses teamwork.
only, however these practitioners work mainly indepen- Effective communication, which includes face-to-face
dently due to conventional demarcations (Cronin and conversations, telephone conversations and the entry of text
Wright, 2005). The practitioner has little control over the into a medical record, is essential to successful teamwork and
environment and the care delivery process is fragmented fundamental to high-quality patient care (Mercer et al.,
(Cronin and Wright, 2005). Work is often duplicated, for 2008). Research suggests that poor communication is a likely
example patients could be asked to give their history a num- cause of systematic error and preventable adverse clinical
ber of times to different staff members (Eisenberg et al., outcomes in the health system (Coiera et al., 2002; Spencer
2005). This autonomous work is time-consuming, in a work- et al., 2004). Communication errors have been shown to be
place where there are already considerable time con- the leading cause of in-hospital deaths in Australia (Wol-
straints, potentially causing inappropriately hasty oshynowych et al., 2007). In the emergency department,
decisions and unnecessary delays (Cronin and Wright, communication between staff is often challenged by inter-
2005). Also, to work independently is not efficient in an ruptions and high levels of background noise (Xiao et al.,
environment that is also characterised by multiple hand- 2007). These problems, as well as the frequency of multi-
overs between staff, frequent staff member substitution, tasking that occurs in the ED, impose cognitive loads on clin-
uncontrolled workloads and high-risk diagnoses (Mercer ical staff that can negatively affect memory (Coiera et al.,
et al., 2008). Staff sometimes need to deal with numerous 2002; Woloshynowych et al., 2007). However, ‘‘despite the
patients with highly variable problems simultaneously acknowledged importance of communication, assessment
(Eisenberg et al., 2005). There can be high levels of uncer- of communication skills in team-based care settings has not
tainty due to incomplete patient histories and ‘‘...the need been well-established’’ (Mercer et al., 2008, p. 220).
to make difficult decisions before critical data ... may be Physiotherapists have recently joined the multidisciplin-
available’’ (Eisenberg et al., 2005, p. 391). ary teams in many hospitals internationally, but their role in
More recently, these problems have been compounded by the ED has not yet been well-documented (Anaf and Shepp-
the phenomenon of access block. Access block and over- ard, 2007). In an Australian context, the introduction of a
crowding are the most serious issues confronting EDs world- physiotherapist to the ED team is very new, yet this service
wide (Forero and Hilman, 2008). In an Australian context, has been in place in UK hospitals for some time (Morris and
access block is defined as ‘‘. . .the percentage of ED patients Hawes, 1996; Kempson, 1996). This systematic review aims
who are admitted, transferred, or dying, whose total ED time to set the scene for the integration of the physiotherapist
exceeds eight hours’’ (Cameron, 2003, cited in Taylor et al., into the Australian ED team by exploring current literature
2004, p. 683). Total attendances to Australian EDs have in- about teamwork amongst other health professionals. As
creased, and there has been a concurrent decrease in access poor teamwork and communication have been identified
to inpatient beds (Taylor et al., 2004). Other causes of access as possible causes of errors in the ED, this review seeks to
block include limited community-based treatments and ser- investigate possible solutions to these problems.
vice delivery issues such as insufficient hospital staff numbers This systematic review therefore considers the following
(Cameron and Campbell, 2003). Also, shortage of aged-care question about the current available literature: What is the
places and lack of home support has increased the need to ad- role of teamwork and communication in the emergency
mit elderly patients, and this has been identified as the pri- department, as reported in international literature, and
mary contributor to access block (Moss et al., 2002). how does this relate to physiotherapy practice in the emer-
Taken together, the problems confronting traditional gency department?
ED service and the more recent issue of access block con-
tribute to the likelihood of errors in emergency care
(Eisenberg et al., 2005). Effective teamwork can improve
patient safety as it leads to planned and standardised pro-
cesses, proper integration and execution of clinical activi- Identification of literature
ties, and increased control over the work environment
(Kaissi et al., 2003). Studies have described the addition A systematic search of electronic databases was conducted
of a multidisciplinary team to the ED to address the ED in October 2008 to identify literature. There were no time
service delivery issues (Moss et al., 2002; Taylor et al., limits placed on the search, as there is no previous system-
2004; Phillips et al., 2006). As collaboration amongst pro- atic review in this area and the scope of available literature
fessions is necessary for the smooth conduct of the ED, was unknown. The accessed databases were CINAHL, Aca-
such teams are becoming an essential component (Reddy demic Search Premier, Scopus, Cochrane, PEDro, Medline,
and Spence, 2006). Morey et al. (2002) argue that a team Embase, Amed and PubMed. These included medical and so-
is not a loosely coordinated group but has a more formal cial sciences subject areas. These databases were searched
structure of physicians, nurses and technicians who are using keywords that were chosen based on emergency
organised for a shift. Teamwork in the health care system department service delivery literature (Anaf and Sheppard,
may result in an increase in effectiveness, time efficiency, 2007). Initially, MeSH terms were considered, however it
staff morale and patient satisfaction, as well as lower was found that some of the terms in the MeSH system were
stress for staff and patients (Kaissi et al., 2003). However, not relevant. The keywords used were:
the majority of current training in health care is focused
on individual technical skills rather than teamwork (Kaissi  Team* (encompassing team, teams, teamwork).
The role of teamwork and communication in the emergency department: A systematic review 129

 Communication. vious literature review focusing on the role of the physio-

 Emergency department [accident and emergency depart- therapist in the ED (Anaf and Sheppard, 2007). There are
ment; emergency room]. two versions of the form, to be used for qualitative and
quantitative studies, which is valuable as this systematic re-
The keywords were used in Boolean combination, joined
view sought to include all research papers on the topic,
by AND. They were not joined by OR and were not searched
regardless of design.
separately in order to keep the results relevant and within
The form uses a questionnaire format, and mostly in-
reasonable limits. Reference lists of identified literature
volves checking either ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘not applicable (n/
were searched to identify possible further studies. The title
a)’ for a number of various headings, shown in Table 1. In-
and abstract of each study was read, and the full-text arti-
cluded articles were assessed on their ability to best meet
cle obtained if the researchers found that the study applied
the requirements under each criterion. The ‘yes’ option
to the research question, based on previous literature.
was checked if the research paper adequately addressed
that criterion, and each ‘yes’ resulted in 1 mark. If the pa-
Inclusion criteria per did not adequately address the particular heading, or
neglected to address it at all, the ‘no’ option was checked,
Articles that fulfilled the following criteria were included in resulting in no marks for that criterion. If the heading was
the review: not appropriate for the particular article, ‘n/a’ was
checked, and no marks given.
 Full-text English language research papers. The numerical scoring system was used to allow research
 Primary study (no secondary references such as litera- papers to be compared and contrasted more easily. The
ture, narrative or systematic reviews or editorial, anec- maximum possible score for quantitative studies was 15,
dotal or opinion pieces). and the maximum possible score for qualitative studies
 Research related to teamwork and/or communication was 24, as this form used more criteria. All included studies
based directly in the emergency department. were critically appraised by one reviewer, then a random
 Publication in peer-reviewed journals. selection of half the studies (n = 7) was reviewed indepen-
 Related to adult emergency services, not paediatric. dently by two additional reviewers. The use of a common
 Research involving patients or any profession in the review form with explicit criteria and discussion between
emergency department, not just physiotherapy. reviewers to ensure a common understanding of criterion
definitions ensured the critical appraisal methods were ap-
All studies that did not meet the above criteria were ex- plied consistently.
cluded. There were no criteria placed on the type of inter-
vention or outcome measures used by researchers, as this Results
systematic review sought to include all relevant research,
experimental and non-experimental. Due to the non-speci- Initially, 20 studies were identified, yet six were excluded
ficity of methodological design, a wide variety of quantita- due to their anecdotal nature (Poulton and West, 1993; Pat-
tive and qualitative research was expected. rick and Alba, 1994; Kelly, 2005; Seibens, 2005; Lynch and
Cole, 2006; McKeon et al., 2006). Fourteen studies were
Critical appraisal found to meet the inclusion criteria. Before and after
(n = 5) and descriptive case studies (n = 5) were the most
The Critical Review Form developed by Law et al. (1998) common methodological approaches, and the latter in-
from McMaster University, Canada was used to critically ap- cluded the one qualitative study identified. Other studies
praise the studies. This appraisal tool was developed for an used a descriptive cross-sectional (n = 4) design. The major-
allied health systematic review, and has been used in a pre- ity of studies (n = 7) were conducted in the United States,

Table 1 Critical appraisal scoring system.

Quantitative research Maximum score Qualitative research Maximum score
Study purpose 1 Study purpose 1
Literature 1 Literature 1
Design 1 Design 3
Sample 2 Sample 3
Outcomes 2 Descriptive clarity 3
Intervention 3 Procedural rigour 1
Results 4 Analytical rigour 2
Conclusions 1 Auditability 2
Theoretical connections 1
Trustworthiness 4
Conclusions 2
Maximum score 15 Maximum score 24
Table 2 Summary of reviewed articles.
Authors Study aim Design and sample Setting Outcome measures Interventions Results
Coiera et al. To measure Observational case ED in a 200-bed rural Observed time spent Not applicable 30% of communication events
(2002) communication loads study. Sample n = 12 hospital in NSW. ED in in communication. were classified as
on ED clinical staff (3 nurses and 3 a 540-bed urban Communication interruptions and 10% as
and describe the medical practitioners tertiary teaching events involving multi-tasking. Face-to-face
pattern of informal from each ED) hospital in NSW concurrent conversations were the
and formal communication tasks. dominant method of
communication events Interruptions communication
experienced by
Morey et al. To evaluate the Before and after with Six EDs in the US as Team Dimensions Implementation of The ETCC resulted in a
(2002) effectiveness of control group. Sample the experimental Rating Form. Emergency Team statistically significant
aviation-based Crew n = 1058 (physicians, group. Three EDs in Subjective workload Coordination Course improvement in quality of
Resource Management nurses, technicians, the US as the control measures. Observed (ETCC) in the teamwork, increase in ED
training for ED staff admitting unit nurses group errors. Admission experimental group staff’s attitudes towards
members and ED patients) Evaluation Survey. teamwork and decrease in
The ED Staff Attitude clinical error rate. There was
and Opinion Survey. no significant difference in
Patient Satisfaction subjective workload
Moss et al. To evaluate the Before and after. Melbourne ED Patient population, Not applicable The CCT (including a
(2002) service provided by a Sample n = 176 (113 assessment and physiotherapist) resulted in
Care Coordination medical, nursing and management. Nature decreased hospital admissions
Team (CCT) clerical ED staff, 47 of CCT referrals. and repeat presentations.
patients, and 16 Admissions to the ED. There was a high level of
community service Staff, patient and satisfaction with the CCT
providers) community service amongst staff, patients and
provider satisfaction community service providers
Kaissi et al. To measure teamwork Descriptive cross- The ED, OR and ICU of Researcher-developed Not applicable Majority of staff support team
(2003) and patient safety sectional survey. two metropolitan and staff attitudes decision-making and
attitudes in high-risk Sample n = 261 nurses two suburban questionnaire communication strategies,
hospital areas: the hospitals in the US and believe teamwork
operating room (OR), improves patient safety and
ED, and intensive care reduces clinical errors
unit (ICU)

E. Kilner, L.A. Sheppard

Eisenberg To gain a better Observational Two academic EDs Not applicable Not applicable Four routine communication
et al. (2005) understanding of the qualitative study. No (one inner city, one processes were identified that
communicative sample size given suburban) in the US were crucial in determining
aspects of emergency the quality of care and
medicine at two major likelihood of adverse events:
US hospitals triage, testing and
evaluation, handoffs, and
The role of teamwork and communication in the emergency department: A systematic review
Grogan et al. To evaluate Before and after. The trauma division, Participant reactions CRM training with the 95% of staff agreed or strongly
(2004) participant reactions Sample n = 489 (288 ED, OR, cardiac to the training, using goal of reducing agreed CRM training would
and attitudes to Crew nurses and catherterisation lab, an End-of-Course medical errors reduce medical errors. 86%
Resource Management technicians, 104 and hospital critique. Participant agreed or strongly agreed CRM
(CRM) training physicians and 94 administration of a US attitudes, using the training would improve safety
administrative hospital CRM Human Factors and quality in health care
personnel Attitude Survey
Hobgood et al. To gather preliminary Descriptive cross- Tertiary care Researcher-developed Not applicable The majority of errors were
(2004) data on how ED sectional survey. academic medical survey on staff self-identified, and when
physicians, nurses and Sample n = 161 (42 centre ED in the US experiences with errors did occur there was
out-of-hospital physicians, 33 identification, little interdisciplinary
personnel differ in registered nurses, and disclosure and information transfer,
error identification, 41 emergency medical reporting of medical suggesting a lack of
disclosure, and technicians) errors interdisciplinary collaboration
Taylor et al. To determine the Descriptive cross- Public hospital Not applicable Not applicable The Care Coordination Team
(2004) nature and extent of sectional survey. metropolitan (CCT) was the most common
changes implemented Sample n = 17 public Melbourne EDs new service, implemented in
across Melbourne’s hospitals surveyed 12 EDs. Eight CCTs included a
EDs in order to cope physiotherapist
with the problem of
access block
Spencer et al. To determine if there Observational case Metropolitan ED in Purpose of Not applicable 89% of clinicians’ time was
(2004) are differences in study. Sample n = 8 (4 NSW communication. spent in communication.
role-related registered nurses and Parties involved in Face-to-face conversations
communication 4 medical officers) communication. and telephone conversations
patterns in the ED and Channel of were used in 85% of events.
if specific clinical communication One third of communication
roles are particularly events were classified as
at risk of high interruptions
communication loads
Cronin and Wright To explore the Before and after. A public hospital Not applicable 5-day trial of the RAPT Staff reported increased job
(2005) concept of the Rapid Sample n = 64 patients emergency team, consisting of a satisfaction and fulfilment.
Assessment and Initial seen by the RAPT department in the UK senior clinician, A&E Patients responded positively
Patient Treatment team nurse and an to the immediate treatment.
team (RAPT) within emergency support Overall waiting times
the ED worker decreased and duplication of
work decreased
(continued on next page)

Table 2 (continued)
Authors Study aim Design and sample Setting Outcome measures Interventions Results
Wisborg et al. To describe and assess Before and after. 18 primary hospitals 8 Participants self- One-day multi- Participants reported
(2006) the feasibility of a Sample n = 28 secondary hospitals 2 report professional training leadership and
multi-professional hospitals tertiary university course communication to be major
training course for hospitals in Norway obstacles during trauma team
hospital trauma teams participation and believed
in order to improve training was a valuable
communication, experience. Researchers
coordination and found team simulation
leadership training to be feasible
Woloshynowych To identify the features Observational case Inner-city hospital ED Frequency of Not applicable 41% of communication events
et al. (2007) of the communication study. Sample n = 11 in London communication, were interruptions and 14%
load on the nurse in nurses in charge interruptions and involved multi-tasking. 83% of
charge of ED multi-tasking. events involved synchronous
Communication communication. The more
channel and purpose. nurses on duty, the lower the
Interaction types. communication load on the
Unresolved nurse in charge. The more
communications. patients, the more
Effect of staffing and communication events
communication levels
Heinrichs et al. To present three virtual Description of three A university hospital in 1st project: All three projects used Participants found the
(2008) world studies for team case studies. 1st the US emergency medicine virtual reality simulation programs easy to
training and assessment project n = 30 crisis resource simulation training use. Training caused a
in acute-care medicine students/interns. 2nd management (EMCRM) positive change in attitudes
project n = 16 rating scale. And about working in an ED team,
paramedics, EMT team participant survey. and increased confidence in
members, ED 2nd project: leading a team and
physicians and nurses. participant responding to incidents
3rd project n = 7 satisfaction 3rd
physicians and 6 project: participant
nurses survey
Mercer et al. To tailor a validated Cross-sectional study. Academic, tertiary, Patient perception of Structured interviews 69% of patients reported the
(2008) instrument, the Sample n = 105 urban, Level 1 trauma communication with with individual following aspects were
Communication patients centre in the US the medical team patients immediately excellent: treating patient

E. Kilner, L.A. Sheppard

Assessment Tool, for using an adaptation of following discharge or with respect, paying attention
use in Team settings the Communication on admission to the patient, and showing
(CAT-T), and test the Assessment Tool care and concern.
feasibility of collecting
patient perspectives of
communication with
medical teams in the ED
The role of teamwork and communication in the emergency department: A systematic review 133

with four Australian studies, two from the United Kingdom, The literature suggests that medical and nursing staff
and one Norwegian study comprising the rest of the sample. would be receptive to a teamwork training intervention.
Although the search had no time limits, the included articles After surveying nurses in high-risk hospital areas, including
were relatively recent, dating from 2002 to 2008. Table 2 the ED, one study found a positive perceived effect of team-
outlines the characteristics of the identified studies, in work, with the belief that it reduces clinical errors and al-
regard to: lows for better decision-making, and that good
communication is as important as technical proficiency for
 aims; patient safety (Kaissi et al., 2003). However, a smaller per-
 methodological design; centage of respondents believed that effective teamwork
 sample; was already practiced in their department, and there was
 setting; no general agreement that teamwork improves efficiency.
 outcome measures; Determining staff attitudes towards teamwork is the first
 intervention; and step in developing interventions focused on changing the
 results. behaviour of team members (Kaissi et al., 2003). Issues
raised by this study include confusion over who is leading
The majority of resources identified (n = 10) focused on the health care team, and reluctance to raise patient safety
nursing and/or medical staff in the ED, with the possible issues with team leaders, both of which can cause failures in
inclusion of other professions such as technicians, cleri- communication (Kaissi et al., 2003).
cal/administrative staff, and community service providers. Two studies with the common aims of improving commu-
One study used only ED patients as the sample population, nication, cooperation and leadership explored the use of
and only two studies mention the profession of physiother- simulation team training, which may be beneficial as patient
apy in the ED, as part of an allied health team. presentation can be unpredictable (Wisborg et al., 2006;
Heinrichs et al., 2008). Neither study assessed whether
Staff teamwork training teamwork training causes improved treatment results, but
participants reported high levels of satisfaction. Although
Six of the fourteen identified studies support teamwork these two studies focus on trauma cases, in which physio-
training (Morey et al., 2002; Heinrichs et al., 2008; Kaissi therapists would be less likely to be involved, they reinforce
et al., 2003; Grogan et al., 2004; Wisborg et al., 2006; Hob- the importance of each team member being aware of other
good et al., 2004). Two studies used aviation Crew Resource members’ roles, being able to communicate effectively,
Management (CRM) training as an intervention, with the and coordinate duties as members of a team.
main goal of improving patient safety (Morey et al., 2002; Only one study focused exclusively on medical errors in
Grogan et al., 2004). CRM training focuses on behaviours the ED, specifically how error identification, disclosure
that require specific training, including: teamwork, commu- and reporting can improve care delivery (Hobgood et al.,
nication, managing fatigue, and recognising adverse situa- 2004). They surveyed physicians, registered nurses, emer-
tions (Grogan et al., 2004). In aviation, CRM has reduced gency medical technicians and paramedics, and found that
errors, and it is effective in other workplaces that share all disciplines lacked formal instruction in how to inform pa-
many of the EDs characteristics, such as time–stress, multi- tients of medical errors. The most experienced providers
ple roles, complex information, and high-stakes outcomes were more likely than novice providers to disclose errors
(Morey et al., 2002). to patients. The majority of errors were self-identified,
The Emergency Team Coordination Course (ETCC) devel- indicating a lack of interdisciplinary collaboration, which
oped by Morey et al. (2002) was drawn from CRM programs. would by improved by specific teamwork training (Hobgood
Compared with three control EDs, the six experimental EDs et al., 2004). Such training may also assist staff in interdis-
showed significant improvements in quality of teamwork, ciplinary transfer of information once an error is identified,
clinical error rate, and staff attitudes towards teamwork. as the results showed that this information transfer was
Similar positive staff feedback was received in the study by minimal (Hobgood et al., 2004).
Grogan et al. (2004): 86% of respondents strongly agreed Overall, the six studies support teamwork training by
that CRM training had the potential to improve safety and demonstrating high levels of staff satisfaction with certain
quality in health care, while 95% agreed that CRM training training interventions, a reduction in clinical errors follow-
could reduce medical errors. Morey et al. (2002) highlighted ing implementation of the ETCC, and positive staff attitudes
the importance of leadership within teams, as they found towards the importance of teamwork (Morey et al., 2002;
the success of teamwork implementation was greatly depen- Kaissi et al., 2003; Grogan et al., 2004; Wisborg et al.,
dent on the leader commitment. The authors argue that 2006; Heinrichs et al., 2008).
‘‘. . .teamwork is not a natural product of working together’’
(Morey et al., 2002, p. 1572) due to discrepancies in staff Introduction of a new team
attitudes towards teamwork, and it is better to gradually
introduce teamwork behaviours into the ED rather than The two studies that refer to physiotherapy practice in the
implementing them all at one time. Grogan et al. (2004) in- ED, as part of a Care Coordination Team (CCT), were both
ferred from participant opinion that, in order to change Australian (Moss et al., 2002; Taylor et al., 2004). Although
teamwork behaviours, staff must be subjected to continual further literature specifically investigating the profession
training, as one intervention alone would not be effective. of ED physiotherapy is available, mainly from the UK, these
This conclusion could assist hospital administrators who studies were not retrieved in the systematic search due to
are considering introducing a teamwork training course. their lack of relevance to teamwork and communication
134 E. Kilner, L.A. Sheppard

(Morris and Hawes, 1996; Jibuike et al., 2003; Richardson 2007). The results highlight the high communication loads
et al., 2005; McClellan et al., 2006). CCTs have been intro- on ED staff, with subjects involved in communication events
duced in many Australian EDs in an attempt to address access 80% of the total observed time (Coiera et al., 2002). In this
block by preventing unnecessary hospital admissions, mini- study, interruptions comprised nearly one third of commu-
mising repeat presentations, and providing effective dis- nication events, while multi-tasking comprised 10% of com-
charge (Moss et al., 2002). Also, as this team targets the munication events. Face-to-face conversations, a form of
older population, it plays an important role in decreasing informal and synchronous communication, were by far the
the large amount of hospital resources consumed by elderly most dominant form of communication (Coiera et al.,
people (Taylor et al., 2004). Australian CCTs range from 2002). However, synchronous communication (when two
comprising one person to a multidisciplinary team of eight, parties exchange information simultaneously) may not be
and services provided include home care, personal care, appropriate for all tasks, and reducing its incidence, for
physiotherapy, occupational therapy, transport and child- example through staff education, could result in decreased
care (Moss et al., 2002; Taylor et al., 2004). Other team interruption rates (Spencer et al., 2004). The results of
members involved include social workers, registered nurses, these three similar studies support the belief that specific
dieticians, and drug and alcohol workers (Taylor et al., communication training in EDs is necessary to reduce the
2004). Twelve months after the implementation of the incidence of interruptions and multi-tasking, which can both
CCT, Moss et al., (2002) found that significantly fewer pa- affect memory and lead to medical errors. However, there
tients required admission and there was a downward trend was no study identified which tested the belief that such
in the number of repeat presentations. Patients reported training can improve clinical outcomes. Other strategies in-
that the CCT assisted in the provision of safe and effective clude increased use of asynchronous and communal commu-
discharge and provided a high-quality service, while commu- nication tools, such as message boards (Coiera et al., 2002).
nity service providers reported that the CCT is a model worth Three studies recognised the importance of communica-
recommending to other EDs (Moss et al., 2002). tion between staff with patients and relatives (Cronin and
One other study describes the introduction of a new Wright, 2005; Eisenberg et al., 2005; Mercer et al., 2008).
team to the ED (Cronin and Wright, 2005). The Rapid Assess- This can be greatly affected by the stressful environment
ment and Initial Patient Treatment team (RAPT team) and heavy patient load, leading to lack of critical patient
worked in a designated area, and provided patients with ra- information (Eisenberg et al., 2005). The researchers sug-
pid medical assessment immediately upon arrival, in an at- gest that efforts should be made to gain more contextual
tempt to improve patient management and flow. The team, information when the patient presents to the ED. By seeing
consisting of a senior clinician, accident and emergency patients immediately, the RAPT team trialled by Cronin and
nurse, and an emergency support worker, saw only patients Wright (2005) played an essential role in improving commu-
entering the ‘majors’ stream, and therefore this study may nication with patients and preventing consequent patient
not relate to ED physiotherapy. Patients responded very anxiety. Mercer et al., (2008) sought to collect patient per-
positively to the immediate treatment, and staff reported spectives on communication within the medical team by tai-
increased job satisfaction and fulfilment (Cronin and loring the validated Communication Assessment Tool for use
Wright, 2005). The five-day trial of the RAPT team resulted in Team settings. Sixty-nine percent of patients said they
in decreased overall waiting time and improvements in were treated with respect, were given attention and had
ambulance turnaround times. It also caused a reduction in been shown care and concern. This percentage suggests
the duplication that results from various professionals there may be a need for staff training in patient communi-
obtaining patient histories, as the team was able to refer cation as well.
patients directly to specialty teams. The study found that The one qualitative study included identified four routine
the multidisciplinary nature of the team promotes team- communication processes crucial in determining the quality
work by increasing learning opportunities and reducing the of care: triage, testing and evaluation, hand-overs and
traditional boundaries between medical, nursing and sup- admitting (Eisenberg et al., 2005). This research highlighted
port staff. The team is well organised, as each member the degree of hierarchy that can occur between ED staff,
has pre-defined tasks during the initial patient assessment, and the amount of pressure placed on doctors to appear cer-
for which the team collectively takes responsibility (Cronin tain on a diagnosis, even if the case was not clear. This in-
and Wright, 2005). Similar to CRM training, a principle of creased the probability of adverse events due to the
RAPT team training was team decision-making, for example possibility of an incorrect diagnosis and treatment, while
when deciding on referral for further specialty assessment. conflicting professional perspectives are also likely to affect
Although the evidence for the effectiveness of the intro- patient vulnerability (Eisenberg et al., 2005). The two EDs
duction of a new team to the ED is very limited, the results involved in this study did not have an area where staff mem-
of the three studies identified suggest such teams may be bers were able to communicate without patients in earshot;
successful in addressing the issue of access block, and phys- the researchers suggest such a backstage area could lessen
iotherapists appear to play a role in this. misunderstandings and mistakes.
The studies that focused on communication in the ED dif-
fered from those that focused on teamwork in that they
Communication were mainly observational and did not test the effective-
ness of an intervention aimed at improving communication.
Three observational case studies considered communication However, they demonstrate the high communication loads
loads on ED medical practitioners and/or nurses (Coiera on staff and the problems within the ED that can influ-
et al., 2002; Spencer et al., 2004; Woloshynowych et al., ence communication effectiveness. Identification of such
The role of teamwork and communication in the emergency department: A systematic review 135

problems is crucial in determining possible solutions, which The introductions of the CCT and RAPT teams to the ED
include staff communication training and education. Such lead to increased patient satisfaction and relieved patient
training is closely related to teamwork training, as the stress, due to a number of reasons including decreased wait-
two are essential to each other, and could be combined into ing time and the provision of reassurance (Moss et al., 2002;
one program. Cronin and Wright, 2005). The RAPT team also decreased
duplication of work, which can benefit patients as they
Methodological quality are no longer required to repeat their history a number of
times (Cronin and Wright, 2005).
Fig. 1 shows the critical appraisal scores given to each quan- Less duplication also benefits staff, and staff generally re-
titative study. The one qualitative study, which scored 19/ ported very high levels of satisfaction with the RAPT team,
24, is not included in the graph as it was considered inappro- as well as for other forms of teamwork training (Morey
priate to compare it with the group of quantitative studies. et al., 2002; Grogan et al., 2004; Cronin and Wright, 2005;
Studies were evaluated to determine their level in the hier- Wisborg et al., 2006; Heinrichs et al., 2008). Other positive
archy of evidence described by the National Health and outcomes of teamwork training for staff include increased
Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (2008). Although there learning opportunities, decreased traditional demarcations
was significant variance in the critical appraisal scores of between staff, and increased role fulfilment (Morey et al.,
the identified studies, there was similarity in level of evi- 2002; Cronin and Wright, 2005). However, successful wide-
dence, with all studies categorised as Level IV in the hierar- spread implementation of teamwork training programmes
chy, with the exception of Morey et al., (2002), which meets may be difficult to achieve due to established traditional
the requirements for Level III-2. As the studies generally fall roles. Opposition to changes in clinical roles may be encoun-
into the lowest level of evidence as described by NHMRC tered, particularly from senior members of the team.
(2008), and the majority of studies were given mid-range A reduction in clinical errors and improvement in clinical
quality scores, this must be considered when interpreting work leads to a positive impact on clinical outcomes, quality
the findings. The identified literature can therefore not be of care, and patient safety (Coiera et al., 2002; Morey et al.,
fully relied upon without other higher quality research to 2002; Kaissi et al., 2003; Hobgood et al., 2004; Woloshyno-
support it. However, the research findings can assist with wych et al., 2007). The research indicates that the majority
administrative decisions and provide valuable information of ED staff recognise the importance of teamwork and com-
for future research into this area. munication in their work in order to improve patient safety.
Morey et al. (2002) was the only one of the four studies that
Discussion designed and implemented specific ED teamwork training to
evaluate the effectiveness of this training by demonstrating
The literature suggests that teamwork and communication a reduction in clinical error rate. Therefore, further studies
play a role in four main areas in the ED: improving patient are needed, including randomised controlled trials, to build
satisfaction, improving staff satisfaction, reducing clinical the methodological quality of research in this area and con-
errors and improving patient safety, and positively affecting firm these findings.
access block. Similarly, further research is necessary to support or ne-
gate the suggested findings that improved teamwork in the
Coiera et al (2002)
ED will assist in reducing access block. The limited evidence
indicates that it has the potential to do so, as RAPT team
Cronin & Wright (2005) was found to decrease overall waiting times while the CCT
provided of safe and effective discharge from hospital and
Grogan et al (2004)
reduced unnecessary admissions and repeat presentations
Heinrichs et al (2008) (Moss et al., 2002; Cronin and Wright, 2005).
There is very limited evidence regarding teamwork and
Hobgood et al (2004) communication in the ED related to physiotherapy practice.
This may be because the introduction of the physiotherapist
Kaissi, Johnson & Kirschbaum (2003)
to the ED team is a relatively new development in ED care,
Taylor, Bennett & Cameron (2004) and there is a lack of research into this area (Anaf and
Sheppard, 2007). Physiotherapy practice in the ED is re-
Mercer et al (2008) ferred to in two of the fourteen identified studies, as part
of a CCT, yet there is limited description of the role of
Morey et al (2002)
the physiotherapist in this team (Moss et al., 2002; Taylor
Moss et al (2002) et al., 2004). As part of this multidisciplinary team, it ap-
pears that physiotherapists play a part in improving service
Spencer, Coiera & Logan (2004) delivery and positively affecting access block.
Wisborg et al (2006)

Woloshynowych et al (2007)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Critical appraisal score
This systematic review confirms that the ED is a unique envi-
ronment due to the volume of work and the need for accu-
Figure 1 Critical appraisal scores. racy under pressure. Teamwork and communication are
136 E. Kilner, L.A. Sheppard

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