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Name: ________________________________ Date: _________ Period: ________

Mercury and Venus Webquest

Use Google or another search engine to find articles that you can use to answer the
following questions. Wikipedia can be used, but beware of its infamous inaccuracies.
Be prepared to discuss this at the end of class!!


1. Where does Mercury rank in size among the planets of our solar system?

2. How is Mercury like Earth’s moon?

3. How is it different?

4. What is Mercury made of?

5. What is the Weird Terrain?

6. What is the Caloris Basin?

7. What is the relationship between these two features?

8. What is Mercury’s orbit like? How long does it take?

9. What is Mercury’s rotation like? How long is a day on Mercury?

10. What is the effect of the relationship between the rotation and orbit of Mercury?

11. What is Mercury’s magnetosphere like?

12. Is there evidence of volcanoes on Mercury?

13. What are scarps?

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________ Period: ________


1. How does Venus compare to Earth in size and composition?

2. How long is the orbital period of Venus?

3. What is unique about the rotation of Venus?

4. What caused Venus to rotate in this way?

5. What is the atmosphere like on Venus?

6. What makes up the clouds on Venus?

7. What is the temperature like on Venus?

8. What is the magnetosphere like on Venus?

9. How do we know anything about the surface of Venus?

10. Are there volcanoes on Venus?

11. What is the “greenhouse effect” and how did that affect Venus?

12. What are the Ishtar Terra and the Aphrodite Terra?

13. What is the Maxwell Montes?

14. What is Meade Crater?

15. What are Lava Domes and Lava Flows?

16. What is a Shield Volcano?

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________ Period: ________

17. What are Coronae? Arachnoid?

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