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Health and Safety

Scene Likelihood Potential Risk Precaution Taken

Scene 7
Highly unlikely The car could hit something when The strip of road that we will be
filming this scene, as the actor will filming on the scene we will make
have to be driving the car. The actor sure before we are filming that there
could edge into another moving are no cars driving down the road
vehicle that could be on the road. The that can cause an accident. As well
driver could not have a full clear view as this the actor will have full visibility
of the road if the cameras are within when driving as no camera gear will
the car. be obstructing the driver. Make sure
to position in a way not to obstruct
the driver.

Scene 2 Highly unlikely The actor could cut himself on the There will be plasters for backup if
razor blade which could cause this happens and I will make sure to
bleeding from the skin. tell the actors to be cautions when
shaving. There will be a first aid kit
nearby as well.

Scene 2 Unlikely The actor could fall over as a tripping There will be a person to assist the
hazard on the clothes on the floor, the person as well as a first aid kit on
clothes could make the person slip scene. Also make sure to show and
and fall, which could injure the person. tell the actor where the potential
hazards are so they can step over the
objects that could make cause them
to slip.

Scene 3 Unlikely The actor could lean towards sharp I would have a first aid kit on set as
garden tools that are around the shed well as the garden tools will be
and could cut himself. placed in an area that will be on the
other side of the shed making the
chances less likely to happen. The
garden tools will be packed away
secularly which will not make the
equipment fall.

Scene 3 Highly Unlikely It can be quite difficult to breathe in Make sure to open the door of the
the shed with the petrol canisters shed before filming a few hours ealier
inside of the shed as they have been to allow fresh air within the shed and
stored in the shed for a long time, it remove the petrol canisters from the
can be difficult to breathe in and is not shed to remove the smell of petrol
healthy. coming in from the shed.

Scene 3 Unlikely The actor could fall off the bike when To prevent this from happening make
filming as he would need to ride the sure to identify areas where it could
bike within the film. He could fall over, be more difficult to bike down, such
slip and hurt himself. as narrow lanes or busy incoming
traffic from pedestrians and cars.

Scene 3 Unlikely There is a scene where the protagonist I would have to calculate within the
actor has to almost cycle into a distance speed and time where the
pedestrian actor on purpose. The bike actor would have to break the bike in
actor could forget to break and cycle order to narrowly miss the actor
colliding into the pedestrian, making pedestrian within the short film.
both actors hurt.

Scene Unlikely The cameraman could collide with the Make sure to direct in which order
3,8 and cyclist potentially breaking camera the bike and camera is going to be
9 gear and the cameraman. set into so the two people can know
in which positions they would have to
be in.
Health and Safety

Scene Likelihood Potential Risk Precaution Taken

Scene 4 Unlikely The cameraman could get hit by a Make sure I keep a suitable space
tennis ball when filming if the back when filming this scene and
cameraman gets too close to the plan which camera angles and
equipment. distance between the actors will be
to the cameraman.

Scene 5 Unlikely The actor could bang his head on the There will be a first aid kit on scene in
attic ceiling because of how small the case of accident and the actor and
ceiling is from the ground. The size of cameraman will be aware of the
the attic is around 3 foot tall at some height and make sure to not look up
places. as much as possible.

Scene 5 Unlikely The attic will be fairly dark and the There will be a few lights around the
lighting levels can be quite low making scene set around for actors to have a
it difficult to see around and film. The better visibility on what the
hazard could be for the cameraman surroundings will be like of.
and actor bumping into the walls or
objects around the attic.

Scene 5 Unlikely The temperature of the attic can get Make sure for the actors to stay
very hot with the main central heating hydrated and drink water to cool
being centred around the attic. down if it gets hit in the attic.

Scene 6 Unlikely The football can hit one of the actors Make sure I keep a suitable space
or cameraman. When filming if the back when filming this scene and
cameraman gets too close to the plan which camera angles and
equipment. distance between the actors will be
to the cameraman.

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