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Template for Proposed Solutions

Issue Description SQA as a team has established a strong process frame work which
works as a guideline for solution delivery to business. The
following are some of the issues that are identified during brain

 Communicating the R&R to the external teams so that

they understand the R&R that are assigned within the
the SQA.
 Many ‘gray’ areas within the process
1. Some process are ambiguous in nature,
2. Current Doc that is available is not sufficient
3. Internal stake holders not reviewed the document due
to lack of time.
 The current process is not working in ‘Full Duplex’ mode

Proposed Solutions  Top Management has to communicate this across board

 SQA team already has the best practice meeting going on
once in a month. This meeting can be leveraged to
communicate the process across the board. After the
scheduled presentation the forum should be open for
questions where the ‘Process Champion’ can address
questions from team members.
 Individuals tend to open up and ask questions seamlessly
when an element of anonymity is introduced keeping this
in mind team members are encouraged to leave questions
@ process Champions desk / door. The process
champions will in turn address all the questions in the
monthly ‘Best Practice Meeting’
 Continue using the ‘Did you know’ mails. Also introduce
‘knowledge posters’ across office walls.
 Introduction of internal audit process.
Creativity(20 pts) How is the solution an “out of
the box” solution
How much brainstorming did
the team do?
Did the team review alternate
ideas and select a few as a
Feasibility (25 pts) How easy is the solution’s All the solutions proposed are
implementation? easy to implement with quich
achievable results at a very low
cost and easy implementation.
The introduction of internal
Does the solution
audit process definitely
implementation require a
requires a pilot phase
Cost Effectiveness All the solutions proposed
(20 pts) except for the Internal Audit is
Did the team identify the cost
pretty low cost. Cost for
of implementation
implementing is discussed in a
separate note.
Since team members are
encouraged to ask questions,
debate process team take
interest in adhering to the
process. Further since teams
are in a constructive
competition over one another
What is the ROI
to adhere to the process which
helps in smoother functioning
of the group. This lays a
framework to work under
which any new process can
introduced seamlessly in the

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