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UDK 621.



Vetokhin Siarhei1
Belarusian State Technological University, Belarus

Phone number: +375 44 714 0247


A photon counter includes a photodetector, which is able to convert single photons into
electrical pulses, and some electronic circuits to treat such the pulses that means their
amplification, selection and counting. A light signal that is the matter of detection by a photon
counter has the statistical origin that is mainly under Poisson distribution in the case of stationary
signals. So, the accuracy of detection is limited by the statistical fluctuations, and the standard
deviation is equal to square root of the number of the emitted within the interval of observation
photons. If the signal is accompanied with some light background it is necessary to spend a part
of observation time to define this background and substract it from the mix of different origin
photons. The additional errors are contributed by the photon counter: it photodetector has limited
quantum efficiency and it generates some noise background due to thermionic and ions emission
as well as light and radio luminescence and fluorescence of materials. Some losses are available
in the electronic circuits, also. In the deal with these factors their analysis is provided in this
article as well as their impact to the accuracy (signal-to-noise ratio was chosen as the accuracy
indicator) of weak optical signals measurements by a photon counter is calculated.

Keywords: drying, moisture content, moisture evaporation, dried plum, ascorbic acid.

1. Introduction
Increasing demand for high quality dried products requires the development, modeling,
and further optimization of the drying process, not only for the effectiveness of the process, but
also to ensure the quality of the final product.
Plums, as well as other fruits and berries that grow in southern Kazakhstan in large
numbers, are a source of biologically useful substances [1,2].
2. Materials and methods
In order to investigate the process of drying plums, it was used the most widespread in
the South Kazakhstan region cultivar of late ripening period - Vengerka domestic [13]. In this,
based on the sensory analysis, it was collected matured samples without any structural

3. Results and discussion

The experimental data in graphical form of relationships between the content of moisture

and drying time, and the curve of dynamics of evaporation from the surface of plum are shown

in Figures 1 and 2.
Analysis of the data in tab.1 shows that the sensory quality of dried plum meets the
requirements of dried stone fruit with GOST 28501-90 [13].
Thus, on the basis of the research it was concluded that the application of the proposed
method of drying in practice provides a better quality product with the conservation of biological

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