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Nama : Nadila Widyastuti

Npm : 1906061035
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Keahlian

1. Nama Perusahaan (Company name) : Spicy Cassava Chips

2. Jenis Struktur Organisasi (Types of Organizational Structure) :

3. Lokasi (location) : Jl. Diponegoro No.78 Gulak Galik, Telukbetung, Bandarlampung

35118 Indonesia

4. Sejarah Perusahaan (company history) :

Since 2010, the company has been trying to optimize the synergy between its
subsidiaries and subsidiaries and the parent company. The goal is to achieve
improvements in financial ratios, production performance, business growth, and the
health level of the company. This phase ends in 2012. Currently, the company is in
the optimization and exploration phase (2013-2017). In this phase, holding companies
are focused on supporting improved performance by creating competitiveness,
developing new businesses, and becoming business pillars in the future.
5. Pernyataan Misi (mission statement) : Spicy Cassava Chips, with an attitude of
respect, affection, honesty and courage to respect personality and maintain cleanliness
in the place, employees and society, as well as actively anticipating and providing
good service for the future of the business.

6. Produk/ Jasa dan Target Pasar (Products / Services and Target Market) :
target market :
1. Products for sale : Spicy Cassava Chips
2. Target Market : Big cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and
other cities in Java that can be reached by courier delivery of goods in a maximum
of 4 days.
3. Target Customer Demographics : Women who have spawned and have small
children, aged 25-35 years, have a family income of more than 4 million rupiah
per month.
4. Customer Psychological Characteristics : Often use computers, email, internet and
social media.

7. Tujuan berbisnis (destination) :

-Want to fulfill various needs
-To prosper the family
-Want his name known to many people
- Because he wants to be a successor to the family business
-Want to try new things
-Want to take advantage of free time
-Want to have their own business and not work for other people.
-Want to get sympathy

8. Pernyataan Visi (vision statement) :

A vision is a statement about the future outlook regarding the business to be
undertaken, what its goals are, and what you want to achieve later. Therefore, the
business vision is a reflection of business ideals in the future. As for what needs to be
considered in setting a business vision are:
-. Oriented to the future and not based on present circumstances
-. Describes creativity and appreciation for social life.

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