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“A Study on Stress level among the

Employees of different organizations”

Research Proposal

Anam Iqbal

“In the modern competitive world of industry, trade finance, banking

management and information where changes are taking place, tension stalks
every individual. The study proposes to evaluate stress level of employees
who are currently pursuing in organization”.
Table of Contents

a) Back ground of the study……………………………………………………3

b) Problem statement……………………………………………………………..3
c) Literature review………………………………………………………………..3
d) Research objectives…………………………………………………………….5
e) Hypothesis…………………………………………………………………………5
f) Research design………………………………………………………………….5
g) Population, sample size and sample method……………………….6
h) Schedule…………………………………………………………………………….6
i) Limitations of the study………………………………………………………6
j) Chapterization……………………………………………………………………7
k) Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….7

Back ground of the study:
The study proposes to evaluate stress level of employees who are
currently pursuing in organization. Most of us are aware that employee stress
is increasing problems in organizations. We learn job related tensions were a
major cause. Friends tells us they are stressed out from greater workloads and
having to work longer hours because of downsizing at their company. We read
surveys where employees complain about the stress created in trying to
balance work and family responsibilities.
In the modern competitive world of industry, trade finance, banking
management and information where changes are taking place, tension stalks
every individual. Business and executive life becomes a never-ending race
against time, technology and target; this rate race creates tension, which leads
to dissatisfaction and frustration. Eventually it manifests itself as
psychological, Physiological stress and mental and emotional drain.

Problem statement:
What are the main causes of stress employees are facing today and how it’s
affecting the organizations productivity?

Literature review:

There have been so many reports of worldwide workplace stress recently that
it would be perfectly reasonable to conclude that everyone everywhere is
depressed and dishearten. Every employee feels stress related to work. . Many
employers complain about their jobs, their bosses, their subordinates. So is
that occasional outburst that releases pressure to that extend that allow one
to calm down and get back to work. The stress at workplaces is hovering from
many years. But management did not take it up seriously and considered the
solution as soft stuff.

Stress happens when one realizes the strain on them. Even sometimes the
requirements of a situation are wider than their recognition that they can

handle, if these requirements are huge and continue for a longer period of
time without any break, mental, physical or behavior problems may arise.

Job stress was defined as those work uniqueness which pose as threats to an
employee. In other terminology job stress occurs as a result of a poor person-
environment fit. Job uniqueness which causes stress was conceptualized to
consist of five magnitudes. One of the magnitudes, physical environment, was
not integrated in the present study because it was considered unsuitable in
entrepreneurial or managerial work environment. The possible factors are:

 Change in an organization can cause stress for employees that are unwilling
to accept the changes. Such behavior can then cause stress for their
supervisors and coworkers.
 Tasks that are mundane or unpleasant and a workload that is either too
heavy or too light can cause
 Workplace leaders can cause stress when they classify subordinates'
views as unethical, incompetent, or irrelevant. Leaders who do not include
workers in decision-making or who communicate poorly also cause stress.
 Lack of support from coworkers and supervisors, harassment, and a lack of
procedures for dealing with workplace issues are sources of organizational
 The emergence of new technologies--laptops, smart phones and wifi--has
lead to a lack of division between work life and social life for some workers
and is a source of organizational stress.
 Unsafe or unpleasant work environments can cause workplace stress.
Examples of unpleasant conditions include work environments that are too
noisy, too hot, too cold, or that exhibit poor ergonomic design. 

Three relationships are known to be significant psychosocial determinants of

the mental. As well as physical health of working people.

(a) The relationship between the employee and his or her job.
(b)  Between the employee and other people at work.
(c) Between the employee and the organization.

Job stress is considered rising and has become challenge for the employer and
because high level stress is results in low productivity, increased absenteeism

and collection to other employee problems like alcoholism, drug abuse,
hypertension and host of cardiovascular problems.

Personality factors have shown inclination towards stress, anxiety, and other
occupational health outcomes in different areas of medicine, and these factors
may contribute to feelings of job dissatisfaction and stress.

Research objectives:

1- To study various factors causing stress.

2- To know consequences of the stress and how to overcome it.
3- To find the stress level of the employees and to find the cop up
Techniques practiced in the organization.

The stress level of the employees may varies from their age, sex,
education, etc.

Research design:
1. Data Collection

 Primary data:
The primary data would be collected mainly by observing the employees
in the organization and by research study supported by questionnaire.

  Secondary data:
The secondary data will be collected through published literature on the
topic or relevant to the area of study and from web pages from Internet.

2. Research tool

  The research tool will be questionnaire

Sampling & Sample Size:

It will be a Representative Sample. The middle levels employees of the

organization will be the sample of the study.

A sample of few respondents will be selected from different departments, age

group, designation and qualification of the organization.

Sample Size

A size of 100 responders will be sample of the study

Sample method (Tools for Data Collection)

Require data will be collected through a questionnaire which is
Prepared by referring Stephen Robbins Book, organizational
Behavior 9th edition. The middle levels employees of the organization will be
the sample of the study.

The research will be conducted at the end of the year when the whole year
evaluation of the employees is done. At that time there will be detailed data
and analysis of the problem since employees will have a lot of reasons to

Limitations of the study:

1- The primary data collected will be limited to 2 organizations only.
2- Company’s may not provide their confidential reports
3- The sample size chosen is covered only a small portion of the
whole population
4-Accuracy of the study is purely based on the information as
given by the respondents.

Chapterization or main contents of the proposal:

1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature.
3. Data Analysis and Interpretation
4. Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion
5. Questionnaire and Bibliography



3. Stephen Robbins Book, organizational Behavior 9th edition.


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