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ThinkerWriter Key Books/Articles Year

(1) Kautilya Arthasastra 321-296 B.C
(2) Woodrow Wilson The Study of Adminis 1887
(3) Frank J. Goodnow Politics and Administration 1990
(4) LD. White Introduction to the Study 1926
of Public Administration

(5) W.E Willoughby Principles of Public 1927

(6) EW Taylor The Principles of 1911
Scientific Management
(7) EJ. Roethlisberger Management and 1939
and WJ. Dickson the Worker
General and Industrial 1916
(8) Henri Fayol
(9) Luther Gulick Papers on the Science 1937
and Lyndall of Administration
(10) Mooney and Reiley Principles of Organization
The Elements o 1943
(11) Urwick 1
2 The Making of 1955
Scientific Management
3. The Patterms of 1956
4 The Golden Book of 1956

594 Public Administration

Key Books/Articles Year

(12) Max Weber 1The Protestant thic
and the Spirit of Capitalism
2. The Theory of Social and
Economic Organization
(13) M.P. Follett The New State 1920
2 Creative Experience 1924
3. Dynamic Administration 1941
(14) Elton Mayo The Human Problems of 1933
an Industrial Civilization
2 The Social Problems of
an Industrial Civilization 1949
(15) Chester I. Barnard The Functions of the
2. Organization and 1948
(16) EM. Marx (ed) Elements of Public 1946
(17) Paul Appleby 1945
Big Democracy
2. Policy and Administration 1947
(18) J.M. Giaus 1. The Frontiers of 1936
2. Reflections on 19
Public Administration
(19) Herbert Simon 1 The Proverbs of Administration 1946
2. The Administrative Behaviour 1947
3. Public Administration (in 1951
Collaboration with
Smithburg and Thomson)
4. Organizations (in Collaboration 1958
with James March)
5. The New Science
of Manage- 1960
ment Decision
(20) Albert Lepawsky Administration: The Art and 1949
Science of Organization und
(21) Ordway Tead The Art of Administration
(22) Robert Dahl The Science of Public 1947
Administration: Three Problems


Thinker/Writer Key Books/Articles

(23) James C. Charies Government Administration 1951
The Administrative State 1948
(24) Dwight Waldo 1
2. Issues and ldeas in 1953
Public Administration
The Study of Public 1955
4Perspectiveson Administration 1956

5 Public Administration in a 1971

Time of Turbulence
(25) Philip Selzinick Leadership in Administration 1957
(26) M.E. Dimock A Philosophy of Administration 1958
(27) J.D. Millet Government and Public 1959
(28) Donald C. Rowat Basic Issues in Public 1961
(29) E.N. Gladden . Essentials of Public
Administration 1953
An Introduction to Public
Administration 1958
(30) Abrahan Maslow Motivation and Personality 1954
"New Knowledge 1959
Human Values"
(31) Douglas McGregor The Human Side of Enterprise 1960
Leadership and Motivation 1966
3. The Professional Manager 1967
(32) Chris Argyris Personality and Organization 1957
Organization and Innavation 1965
3. Management and Organi- 1971
zation Development
Strategy. Change and Defensive 1985
(33) Frederick Herzberg 1. The Motivation to Work 1959
(in Collaboration with
B. Mausmer and
B.B. Snyderman)
2. Work and the Nature of man 1966
Managerial Choice: To be 1976
Etficient and to be Human.

596 Paublic Administration

Key Books/Articles Year

4. "One More Time: How do
you Motivate Employees.
1. New Pattens of Management 1961
(34) Rensis Likert
2. The Human Organization 1967
Rensis Likert and New Ways of Managing 1976
Jane Gibson Likert Conflict
(35) EW. Riggs 1. The Ecology of Public 1961
Trends in the Compurative 1962
Study of Public Administration
Administration in Developing 1964
Countries: The Theory of
Prismatic Societies
4 Prismatic Society Revisited 1973
36) Amitai Etizione 1 Complex Organizations 1961
2. Modern Organizations 1964
(37) Frank Marini Toward a New Public 1971
Administration: The
Minnowbrook Perspective
(38) George H. New Public Administration 1980
(39) Peter Self Administrative Theories and Politics 1972
(40) Ferrel Heady Public Administration: 1966
A Comparative Perspective
(4) Robert T. Public Administration as a
Golenbiewski Developing Discipline
42) Stillman Public Administratio
Concepts and Cases
(43) Victor A. Thomson Modern Organization 1961
(44) Fred Luthans Organizational Bchaviour
(45) C.D. Keeling Management in Government
(46) Howard McCurdy Public Administration and Synthesis
(47) Ychezkel Dror Policy Making Under Adversity
(48) Warren Bennis Beyond Bureaucracy
(49) Martin Albrow Bureaucracy 1970
(50) Anthony Downs Inside Burcaucracy 1967
(51) WE Whyte Man and Organization 1959
(52) Peter M. Blau TheDynamics of Bureaucracy1955
2 Bureaucracy in Modern Socie 1956
Biblography 597

Thinker/Writer Key Books/Articles Year

(53) Michel Crozier The Bureaucratic Phenomenon 1964
(54) Peter Drucker . "Managing for Results" 1964
2. The Age of Discontinuity" 1969
3. "Management; Tasks, 1974
Responsibilities, Practices"
4. "Innovation and 1985
5. The New Realities" 1990
6. "Managing in Turbulent Times"| 1993
7. "The Practice of Management 1993
8. The Effective Executive" 1993
9. "Managing in a Time of 1995
Greut Change
(55) F.A. Nigro and Modern Public Administration
L.G. Nigro
(56) Nicholas Henry Public Administration and
Public Affairs
(57) JJ. Corson and Public Administration in
Moden Society
I.P Harris
(58) Pfiffner and Public Administration
(59) Robert Presthus The Organizational Society 962
(60) Victor H. Vroom Leadership and Decision Making 1975
and Philip Yetton
(61) David Osborne and Reinventing Government 992
Ted Gacbler
(62) R.G. Tery Principles of Management
(63) George E Gant Development Administration 1979
(64) Ramesh K. Arora Comparative Public Administration 1972

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