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100 Multiple Choice Questions

2 Essays


Navigation Acts
Iroquois Confederacy
Proclamation of 1763
Declaration of Independence
Stamp Act
Founding Fathers view of political parties
Religious tolerance of the Puritans
Results of the French and Indian War
Dutch immigrants/New York
Battle of Saratoga
“Republican Motherhood”
Strengths/Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Land Ordinances of 1785/87
Support of France during the American Revolution
Compromises for the Constitution
Bill of Rights
Founding Fathers view of political parties
Alexis DeToqueville
1st colleges/why established
Social class system in pre-Revolutionary America
Election of 1800
Louisiana Purchase
Marbury v. Madison
First Great Awakening/Halfway Covenant
Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions
Tariff of Abominations
Reasons for the War of 1812
Hartford Convention
Monroe Doctrine
Jackson’s policies
Seneca Falls Convention
Garrison/The Liberator
“Cult of Domesticity”
Know Nothing Party/nativism
Reasons for increase in slave population
“Popular Sovereignty”
Cotton gin/interchangeable parts
Ralph Waldo Emerson/individualism/transcendentalism
Manifest Destiny
Texas statehood
Wilmot Proviso
3/4 of southerners had no slaves
American Colonization Society
Dred Scott Decision
Henry Clay/American System/Compromise of 1820/1850
Republican party
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Mexican Cession (largest land acquisition)
Whig Party
Free Soilers
Kansas Nebraska Act
Harriet Tubman
Webster /Seventh of March Address
Seward “Higher Law”
“personal liberty laws” North
Matthew Perry
Ostend Manifesto
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Hinton Helper
“Bleeding Kansas”
Sumner/Brooks Affair
John Brown
Panic of 1857
Confederate States of America
Crittenden Compromise
Abraham Lincoln

Essay Topics:
1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and how
they were addressed by the Constitution (include all compromises and powers
given to the federal government, states and people)
2. Discuss the causes and effects of the French and Indian War and the
Revolutionary War (include turning points, allies, strengths/weaknesses of both
3. Discuss the causes and effects of the War of 1812 and the Mexican War.
4. Discuss the Second Great Awakening and the reform movements that developed
5. Discuss the North, South, and West as they have developed from settlement up
until 1860: economically, socially and politically.
6. Discuss the court rulings of John Marshall and Roger Taney and how they have
affected American history. List specific cases and their effects and the
philosophies of these two judges and how they interacted with the presidents at
the time they served on the bench.

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