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Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 513–515

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Technical Note

Use of frother with sampling-for-imaging bubble sizing technique

W. Zhang, M. Kolahdoozan 1, J.E. Nesset, J.A. Finch*
Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada H3A 2B2

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Measurement of bubble size in industrial flotation cells is now often accomplished using the sampling-
Received 8 August 2008 for-imaging technique. Operation calls for frother in the viewing chamber. In this communication the
Accepted 6 November 2008 impact of frother concentration in the chamber is examined. A concentration in excess of the system
Available online 23 December 2008
CCC (critical coalescence concentration) is recommended for field work.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Flotation frothers
Flotation bubbles
Flotation machines

1. Introduction 2. Apparatus and methods

Sampling-for-imaging techniques are becoming widely used A sketch of the set-up is shown in Fig. 1. We used a McGill
for sizing bubbles in industrial flotation systems. They employ bubble size analyzer (MBSA)2 only the bubble sampling tube is
a sampling tube to collect and direct bubbles to a viewing cham- shown, positioned away from the turbulence of the impeller–stator
ber. The recommended protocol is to add frother to the water in region.
the sampling/viewer assembly (chamber) to limit coalescence The bubbles are collected (sampled) via a tube and directed into
(Chen et al., 2001; Hernandez-Aguilar et al., 2002; Grau and a viewing area where they are exposed under pre-set back-lighting
Heiskanen, 2002). For situations where frother concentration in conditions to be imaged using a digital camera. The sampling tube
the flotation cell is known (usually a laboratory environment) was 0.9 m long with internal diameter 2 cm made of transparent
the same concentration is used in the chamber. In industrial sit- Plexiglas. The viewing chamber was 31.7  22.1  13.0 cm con-
uations cell concentration is usually not known. No detail on structed of PVC with two facing glass windows sloped at 15° to
how much to add in those cases was given, which is the subject the vertical. The assembly had a volume of 5 L. Further details
of this communication. are given in Gomez and Finch (2007).
Experimentation calls for changing frother concentration in The frother was DF250 (Dow Chemicals). The concentrations
the chamber independent of that in the flotation cell. As water were selected using a critical coalescence concentration (CCC) scale
is expelled from the chamber as bubbles accumulate a large vol- determined on this cell at the superficial air rate of 0.5 cm/s em-
ume cell is required. We used a 0.8 m3 cell (on loan from Metso ployed (Table 1) (Finch et al., 2008). All the experiments were con-
Minerals) as even discharging all the chamber water (ca. 5 L) ducted after allowing water to equilibrate to room temperature,
into the cell (ca. 700 L) would not materially change the cell 16–18 °C. The bubble size distribution (BSD) and Sauter mean
concentration. (D32) were used as metrics. Each condition was run three times
to gauge reliability; the pooled standard deviation on the Sauter
mean was 0.052 mm.

The MBSA employs a sloped window to spread bubbles into a near monolayer and
reduce the number of overlapping and out of focus bubbles; this advantage is
* Corresponding author. Fax: +1 514 398 4492. considered to outweigh the disadvantages associated with impacts on bubble shape
E-mail address: (J.A. Finch). (Hernandez-Aguilar and Finch, 2005) and convection currents (Boycott Effect, e.g.
Associate Professor, School of Mining Engineering, University of Tehran: on Peacock et al., 2005). Others have also adopted this style for the same reasons (Grau
sabbatical at McGill University. and Laskowski, 2006).

0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
514 W. Zhang et al. / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 513–515

(sampling tube)
water level 12.5 ppm

Number Frequency (%)

3.8 ppm
20.4 cm
0.8 ppm
0.8 ppm
23 cm
3.8 ppm
12.5 ppm
122 cm
71 cm
48 cm 0.1 1.0 10.0
impeller Bubble Size (mm)
Fig. 3. Number frequency bubble size distribution for three chamber frother
concentration: cell concentration 5.2 ppm (CCC85).
116 cm

Fig. 1. General set-up (not to scale).

4.4 Cell CCC/ppm

Table 1 3.4
DF250 concentration on CCC scale (e.g. CCC50 means 50% reduction in bubble size D32 (mm)
relative to water) and equivalent concentration in ppm. 2.4
CCC 25 50 75 85 99 150 200
ppm 0.8 1.9 3.8 5.2 12.5 18.8 25.0 1.4 85/5.2
Strictly this is two times CCC99. 200/25
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Chamber DF 250 Concentration (ppm)
3. Results
Fig. 4. Sauter mean bubble size D32 as a function of chamber frother concentration
Figs. 2 and 3 give results for cell concentration 5.2 ppm (CCC85). for cell concentrations: CCC0, 50, 85 and 200.
As chamber concentration was increased the Sauter mean (Fig. 2)
decreased from nearly 1.6 mm at zero frother to a minimum size
ca. 1.14 mm above ca. 2–4 ppm. The evolution of the bubble size 40
distribution (Fig. 3) shows a pronounced bi-modality at 0.8 ppm 18.8 ppm
chamber concentration which evolves towards a single mode at
12.8 ppm. The presence of both large and fine bubbles at chamber 5.2 ppm
Number Frequency (%)

concentrations <2 ppm indicates coalescence/breakage events are 3.8 ppm
5.2 ppm 3.8 ppm
occurring somewhere in the device.
Fig. 4 summarizes the D32 results for four cell concentrations. 18.8 ppm
All show similar trends: at chamber concentrations greater than 20
ca. 4 ppm the bubble size is stable at the minimum size. This con-
dition prevails up to excess chamber concentration as tested for
cell concentration 1.9 ppm (CCC50) where chamber concentration 10
is taken to 18.8 ppm (equivalent to CCC150). Fig. 5 emphasizes that

0.1 1.0 10.0
1.6 Bubble Size (mm)

Fig. 5. Number frequency bubble size distribution for three chamber frother
1.4 concentrations, 3.8, 5.2 and 18.8 ppm at cell concentration 1.9 ppm (CCC50).
D32 (mm)

1.2 the BSD has stabilized: the same bi-modal bubble size distribution,
typical of low cell frother concentration (Nesset et al., 2006), is pre-
served for all chamber concentrations.3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Chamber DF250 Concentration (ppm) 3
The bi-modality hints at Ostwald ripening, large bubbles growing at expense of
smaller ones when frother concentration is low; the current tentative explanation is
Fig. 2. Sauter mean size D32 as a function of chamber frother concentration: cell coalescence-induced bubble breakup (Finch et al., 2008), as described by Tse et al.
concentration 5.2 ppm (CCC85). (2003).
W. Zhang et al. / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 513–515 515

4. Discussion Agnico-Eagle, Shell Canada, Barrick Gold, SGS Lakefield Research,

COREM and Flottec under the Collaborative Research and Develop-
The observations emphasize the need to add frother to the ment program of NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-
chamber when using the sampling-for-imaging bubble sizing tech- search Council of Canada) and through the AMIRA International
nique. For plant work, where the volume of flotation cell is large P9N project also under the Collaborative Research and Develop-
and the frother concentration is usually unknown, the recommen- ment program of NSERC.
dation is to use excess frother in the chamber water, above the CCC
for the system. The work here shows this does not introduce error. References
In typical lab-scale cells the chamber concentration cannot be
Bailey, M., Torrealba-Vargas, J., Gomez, C.O., Finch, J.A., 2005. Coalescence of
independently manipulated without contaminating the cell con-
bubbles sampled for imaging. Minerals Engineering 18, 125–126.
tents. The adopted approach has been to use the same concentra- Chen, F., Gomez, C.O., Finch, J.A., 2001. Bubble size measurement in flotation
tion in the chamber as in the cell, which remains the machines. Minerals Engineering 14, 427–432.
recommendation (for concentrations above ca. CCC75 this should Finch, J.A., Nesset, J.E., Acuna, C., 2008. Role of frother on bubble production and
behaviour in flotation. Minerals Engineering 21, 949–957.
incur little penalty). Gomez, C.O., Finch, J.A., 2007. Gas dispersion measurements in flotation cells.
Coalescence/breakage can occur in the assembly if there is not International Journal of Mineral Processing 84, 51–58.
sufficient frother. From visualization experiments (Bailey et al., Grau, R.A., Heiskanen, K., 2002. Visual technique for measuring bubble size in
flotation machines. Minerals Engineering 15, 507–513.
2005), coalescence of bubbles freely rising in the chamber does Grau, R.A., Laskowski, J.S., 2006. Role of frothers in bubble generation and
not seem sufficiently frequent to account for the findings here. Sus- coalescence in a mechanical flotation cell. Canadian Journal of Chemical
picion is falling on the entrance to the sampling tube where bubble Engineering 84, 170–182.
Hernandez-Aguilar, J.R., Gomez, C.O., Finch, J.A., 2002. A technique for the direct
motion can be interrupted and liquid flows disturbed. measurement of bubble size distribution in industrial flotation cells. In:
As noted this bubble sizing method is becoming widely used in Proceedings 2002 – 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors
industrial applications: as an example the MBSA was instrumental (CIM), Ottawa, January 22–24, pp. 389–402.
Hernandez-Aguilar, J., Finch, J.A., 2005. Validation of bubble sizes obtained with
in evaluating competing sparger systems for flotation columns at incoherent imaging on a sloped window. Chemical Engineering Science 60,
two plants (Pyecha et al., 2005; Lizama et al., 2008). We continue 3323–3336.
to seek best operating practices; this communication is one result. Lizama, H. M., Carrion, J., Estrella, D., 2008. Improvements in column flotation
through the use of MicrocelTM spargers at Antamina. In: Proceedings 2008 –
40th Annual Meeting of Canadian Mineral Processors (CIM), Ottawa, January
5. Conclusion 22–24, pp. 363–76.
Nesset, J.E., Hernandez-Aguilar, J.R., Acuña, C., Gomez, C.O., Finch, J.A., 2006. Some
gas dispersion characteristics of mechanical flotation machines. Minerals
In the sampling-for-imaging technique for bubble sizing, tested Engineering 19, 807–815.
here using the McGill bubble size analyzer, it is recommended for Peacock, T., Blanchette, F., Bush, J.W.M., 2005. The stratified Boycott effect. Journal
plant work to use excess frother in the chamber, above the CCC for of Fluid Mechanics 529, 33–49.
Pyecha, J., Sims, S., Lacouture, B., hope, G., Stradling, A., 2005. Evaluation of a
the system. Microcel sparger in the Red Dog column flotation cells. In: CD of Proceedings of
Centenary of Flotation Symposium, Brisbane, June 2–5, pp. 1017–1025.
Acknowledgements Tse, K.L., Martin, T., McFarlane, C.M., Nienow, A.W., 2003. Small bubble formation
via a coalescence dependent break-up mechanism. Chemical Engineering
Science 58, 275–286.
Funding for this work is under the Chair in Mineral Processing
co-sponsored by Vale Inco, Teck Cominco, Xstrata Process Support,

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