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Name: Nor Izzanny Binti Shahrul Azlin

Student ID: 2011170696

Class: Hanford ACT27

Classification Essay: Types of people on social media

The use of social media has evolved in time. As website developers innovate,
upgrading website functionality, the social media today serves an epitome of roles in
completing daily tasks. The diversity of social media use has introduced a vast range of users
with different purposes such as advertising, leisure and professional purposes. The three
types of people on social media are Town Criers, Relationship Builders, and Silent Creepers.

The first type of people on social media are Town Criers. Town Criers are people who
are least expected to stay quiet when a controversial issue arises. They are not afraid to voice
out their opinions and stand for what they believe is right. Town Criers seem to be loud people
which some may perceive as irritating but these people do not hesitate to fight for their way.
The social media has provided various channels for people to express their opinions and
famous ways for Town Criers to respond is through YouTube and Tik Tok where they would
create short videos discussing the topic publicly. Society is also given chances to react to the
opinions via comments section. Another widely used medium is through tweeting on Twitter.
One Town Crier is a YouTuber named Bella Khan who often creates content about current
situations and controversy on her YouTube and Twitter account. Thus, Town Criers are one
of the types of people on Social Media.

Next, the social media is also dominated by a group called Relationship Builders. This
group was the main intention of Mark Zuckerberg when he first invented Facebook— to
connect relationships, both new and existing. Relationship Builders’ purpose for using social
media is solely to create and strengthen bonds. Relationship Builders emphasize the
importance of relationship ties and use social media as a platform to expand connections.
Relationship Builders can be divided into two categories: Personal and Professional. Personal
Relationship Builders are more laid back in posting content where they post pictures and video
about personal lives while Professional Relationship Builders are more rigid with their content
and use social media as a venue to meet new colleagues and business partners. An example
of a Relationship Builder is @AimanPsikologi who intentionally uses his social media as a way
to connect with other people who are aware about mental health. Thus, Relationship Builders
are also a part of the social media community.

Other than that, another part of social media consists of Silent Creeper. These people
have specific intentions when surfing the net. Specifically, for social media, Silent Creepers
seldom interact with others on these platforms. They do not post photos, do not retweet or
seem active. They use social media to scout for information and gain knowledge about
anything specific. Silent Creepers are often perceived absent on social media but they are
always present, quietly doing their job, going through your timeline and looking at your
personal life. The awfully easy access to information the social media provides gives unlimited
sources of information just at tips of our finger tips. Other word for the silent creeper is the
stalker. These are the people who scroll down your timeline to see where you were from,
where you schooled, who were you with and even where do you live. The most important
principle for the silent creeper to not get caught stalking is to not like or leave comments at
posts made weeks or even years ago. These people, even though not vividly existing on social
media, are indeed a part of it.

All in all, three types of people on social media are the Silent Creeper, Relationship
Builder and Town Crier. It is undeniable that in the close future many more types of social
media users will exist in the world in connection with the revolution of social media
functionality. Thus, we as users ourselves, regardless of our purpose of social media usage,
must be responsible of our actions online.

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