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Fusi SUECTRIEC Vector-Controlled AC Variable-Speed Drive FRENICSOOOVG3/VG3N Instruction Manual STANDARD Series FRENIC5000VG3 200V Series, 3.7 to 9OKW 400V Series, 3.7 to 200kW LOW NOISE Series FRENIC5000VG3N 200V Series, 0.75 to 22kW 400V Series, 5.5 to 45kW Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. INR-HF 50168 a-E a a a Q | a o g Preface It is necessary to use propery as instructed in this manual to make the inverter FRENICSOOOVGS or FRENICSOOOVG3N full he performance as expected. Wrong handling causes maltunction, short service if, and fauts. You shoul fist read this manual before you use it When you ship a machine or a contro! board that contains this invert, make sure to Send this manual fo fhe actual user's hang. (CAUTION: Check th 1. Checking tne Received inverter. 2 Carying and Storage 2:1 Caution in Carving 22 Storage, 23. Long Standstil Aer Installation 2.4 Export Packing 3. Construction 4. lnstaliaion 4-1. Environment for Use 4.2. Direction and Space. 43 Caution in instalation Inside a Board 5. Standard Specifications 6. Terminals, Connection ana Witing 61 Terminals. 62. Connection and Wiring 7. Functions 7-1 Outlineot Functions 7-2 Ustsol Parameters 7-3 Detailed Descriptions of Parameters. 8. Keypad Pane! 8-1. Functions and Construction 82. Protection of Set Data 3.3. Displaying Data 8-4 Parameter Seting and Change 85. Fault Monitoring. CONTENTS ———_—— 2 8 Operation 2 941 Preparation or Operation. 2 92. Thal Operation 2 23 Operation 2 10, Maintenance and inspection 2 1041. Precautions in Maintenance and Inspection 3 102 Daily Inspection 5 103. Periodical Inspection 5 10-4 Pesodical Replacement of Parts 5 105 Measuring Main-Citcui Electric Quantities 5 106. Insulation Check 5 11. Troubleshooting 9 11-1 Diagnosis and Steps at Fault Display 9 11.2 Diagnosis and Steps for Abnoxmaltias 17 12, Options. 23 18. Dimensions. 2 13-1. Inverters 28 13.2 Optios 3314, Suitable Wiring Materials, 82 2 55 55 55 e contents ofthe parameters FNO.S1 to 8F mentioned in 7-2, and adjust the settings if necessary, belove ving the motor. Make sure particularly that the number of poles and tne speciication of the pulse encoder agree with the matar namepiata 58 58 58 59 59 59 53 53 ZaRBSSRBRIAe 1. Checking the Received Inverter Unpack the package and check tne folowing @D Check the nameplate on the front cover fo make sure that itis as ordered A — seco ype | BMY 7007 700-2a0V SEOs? —] — Fated AC input voltage and frequency a) garg — rs = Rated output of standard driven motors [eg ea aeeececeeenceneeeeel i = Manulacturer’s serial number es aT Nameplate | Fig, 1-1. Namepiate (example) | - Inverter type code designation Fig. 1-2 Position of the nameplate FAN 018 vG3-2 TE —— Supply voltage: 2--200¥, 4-400v, L____. series name: Standard series-=VG3, Low Noise series-VG3N Standard motor output: 018-+18 SkW, 160-160KW (See 5. Standard Speciications) Product type: FRENICS000 @ Check for no detects such as damage or falling off of pars and dents on the enclosure, If you tind any detect, contact the selling agent or the nearest Fuj sales office immediately 2. Carrying and Storage When you convey the received unit or store it lemporarly, be careful of the folowing 241 Caution in Carrying Be carelul not to drop tne unt while carrying @ Carrying the unit by the terminal or the font cover may cause damage or dropping; therelore, be sure to hold the Body. Keep ambient lamperature during earring (incl. transport) between —25C and +65 2-2 Storage 1) Ambient temperature Keep ambient temperature during storage between —25% and +65 2), Packing Storage without packing is bad for prevention of rust, dust, and damage Packing is necessary during storage. 3) Place Do not store the unit directly on a concrete floor, but on a platform or a shelf, Avoid places subject to direct sunight 4) Humiity Avoid storing the unt in a humid environ Corrosive gases Avoid storing the unit in an atmosphere that contains corrosive gases such as gaseous sulfide, ammonia, and chiosine 2-3 Long Standstill After Installation Some inverter boards are let unoperated fo Construction work, they ae often subject to walar and dust. In such a case, take a temporary protect sians ‘long time after they are completed Pantculatly when they are delivered during measure til the operation 2-4 Export Packing Export goods by ship are generally Kept in harbor storages for a long time and sometimes cross the equator in a ship's ho therelore, iti necessary to take measures against injury from salt and environmental conditions during ttanspot. For example, inverters passing through the tropics are subject to hot and humic environment, and to keep the unt from getting moldy and cust, take measures such as export packing in accordance with JIS Z 1402 and putting a dehumicitying agent (silica 1) in the package 3. a Construction Inverters FRNOSSVG3.-2 and below in 200V standard series, FAN! 10VG3-4 and below in 400V standard series andall1ypes of iow raise series ‘There are two types diferent in cooling metnods: in-board type and external-cooing type. Fig. 32 ilustrates the in-board type, and Fig. 3-3, he external-cooling type that has the cooling fan outside the board. The external-coaling ype discharges approx 70% of te total oss of he inverter to outside the board, resuiting in easy cooling inside the board and economical board design However, in a dusty environment due to waste thread or the lke, the unit requires a dustprooting measure, about which please ‘make inquiries individually. Check periodically o see if air passage is not obstructed because the cooling fan and fins are located outside the board. These two types nave a common construction. Itcan meet both types by the change of mounting adapter positions as shown in Fig. 3-1. Note that ne inverter is shipped as a in-board type. If you require a external-cooiing type, please move the mounting adapters 10 the specified positions. “CHARGE” lamp window | Magnets contactor for | shorting the charging vessor Keypad pane! Contr! PCB ‘Cont circuit teminal block ‘Man cicut terminal block Teminal block base plat Mounting adapter positon for axtanalcooing type “Capacitor mounting plate ear cover \ cooing fan case Mounting adapter postion ——s for tha board type ~ Mounting adapter a \ Nameplate NOTE: Fix beth upper and lower mounting adapters to positons for each type as lustrate. Fig. 3-1 Construction of FRENICS000VGS series (1) Mourting adapter Fig. 3-2 In-board type Fig, 3-3 Extern: 12) Inverters FRNO7SVG3-2 and above in 200V standard series and FANI22VG3.4 and above in 400V standard series ‘Te in-board and the extemal-coolng types have the same construction, which can meet both types without changing mounting adapiers Power transistor Power trantormer for cooling fan et, Upper tame Coating tins _ Side plate ee —————\ Base ive POB ‘Magnetic contactor for shorting te charging resistor Upeet tent cover \ "7 Main cuit OC section (= ‘keypad panel. | rie . Le - \ ANA 12Side ate a “ \ \ | t sean i ao Nameplate a \ | Bottom cover \ \\ ee / Lower trent cover Cont FEE | | main circuit teminal | | | Lower fame “CHARGE” lamp window | Nameplate Fan cover | \ Cooling tan Fig. 3-4 Construction of FRENICSOOOVGS series (2) 4. at Installation Environment for Use The inverters are used in various and wice-anging environments, These environments have great influence on its performance land service ile. The FRENICSO00VGS se and VG3N seres are designed to be used under the environmental conditions in Table 4-1 and places for use should satisly them. Take suficient measures against vibration pariculrly when you instal i in machines, etc Table 4-1 Environmental conditions for use 42 43 o T= Spectator ‘Arwen wenpeaure | ~1o— Fade ———— Free of dw andice ue toa sudden cnange ae Tomer han 1000 te ws eresawe vancuphoe nig it Fa nit tig ea Ge, SL a wa Wvation ‘ess than 45m" (056) (hr aocordance wah JS COST) Direction and Space Direction ot instalation Install the inverter with the characters FRENICSO00VG3 or FRENICSO00VG3N on the lront face and perpendicular to the ground. It wil Be ovemeated if installed upside down or horizontally, Space The inverter generates heat due to oss. To z cischarge this heat outside, some fans for forced J air cooling are builtin Provide suticient space as shownin Fig 41 to teduce obstacles io ventilation and elfects on surroundings 4 Caution in Installation Inside a Board Temperature inside the board should not exceed 50°C To avoid temperature cise in the board. do not instal the inverter in a small sealed board nor instal parts and heat sources clase 10 it. ‘when instaling @ cooling (ventilation) fan to the boar, ‘make a design so that cooling air will passthrough the heat {generating part. Improper arrangement of the inverter and fan may cause temperature around the inverter not to be lowered to the spectid value even though the fan has a required capacity ‘whan instaling more than one inverter in aboard, arrange: them hosizontaly as shown in Fig. 4-2 (a). When vertical (above and below) arrangement i unavoidable, provide a partion plate between the inverters as shown in Fig, 4-2 {0} 30 thatthe heat om the lower inverter wil not affect the Upper one. sy) d Fig. 4-1. Space around the inverter icout “7 Ai gut ina] re lel US | 7 = | | Cooling fan | i icin) Faian plate 4 t J (0) Verical arrangement (a) Horizontal arrangement Fig. 4-2 Inverter arrangement in a board 5. Standard Specifications (1) 2000 sees i =a [ TET TOOT BE ET Pa TRE TORT [OT Laie 60964 | 60974 | 6107A| 61154, 61334 61354 | 6165 | 6167A| 61864) 6187A| 820A sansa 62074) s254A | s2sca] sesaa| oerrrr—™—e—™—S—é—“Stséi‘Cesrtr—Ct—s—CC ort—~—r—CC—CC—CC=C fasorar od a sae ee accra aes ea ee ee at oe i Oa | |r| | Gon | on || | oe | eer | nea [ee es | a [| oe 3 Rarer kare] [0009 fooce [0.09 Tours | 0090 [Ouse 0085 | O12 | 922 | O27 bai oar] 10 | 1s] 19 $ Rotoeco4) kgtmel —_|inoas||}0035 (0035) \jooes| x4 | © 1s) | fot | fo47|| ows | it og | (13a [ives | hart! or | Is5i | ira) irae | Tea a Seanaren | Seis °** Jlownase sones roast) ss l loam | A ae _ ie eee a ee [Flee pe ae Wet aios | seat ation | 99 a aon [Bloor | _ a =—st—CO—tsaCdsts Tomnwssone | oor] ar | oo | | oo | om | on | om | ou | ce | oo | or | on | we os | oo 1 Ba] sa seve | Svea veal via sal Se ete tel ase va ly Taner rr] Fa [ RY HR | a Newtons | ol tf ecw les (oe [on (sel ae oe a l ws Sana vaca an vGa-2 2G 2 wSan2 van wae [icon oe 5~1500~3600 | s<1ee0~so00 fpreco~2eed 334 ean | Ganmuntovqoechracieraies arose han IS0D7n,Coraan ouipl characteris ar more han TSODERIN [ heectanas aL ROR RT SECRETE ion 2001 (Ercurs eis [2 as[a[e o | 2] a7 | 2] | am | a5 | 55 | o7 | 0 | 108 | 120 Taancar st t " [ema Sane fae a2 | oz | oa | ow los loro) ow| rs |ve|ts| ar] er| ee | os | a7 ‘wn 1 joores [Leevos Tor | 021 | 026 | 098 | oso | oer | ome | 12 | vas | ves (Note 1) Winen the supply votage unbalance rate exceeds 3%, use an AC reactor or supply coorcinalion ora OC reactor. Note that he DC reactor is appicabe to standard seres 22KW and above Max voltage [¥] — Min votage [V1 ‘ean votageot3 phases [V] (Note 2). The inveters for motors of SSKIV and above are equipped with a OC reactor (supplied separately) as standard {Note 3) The tolal power lozs at an vere. The extemaicocing lype discharges approx, 70% of the total loss 0 outside Supply voltage unbalance rate [6] = 100 (2) 400 series ia Sa i TR ROR MOR PNR ARR MTR | | MOR MRT MR] MH TE] = |einSeetza|otasalatosa eroraorsa| rar azo, aooa|ezora soca sone | sana) anon soto [steals [comanonanmoane [37 [e575 |] [ws] @ | 0] w]e] ee] re] oo [vo] 12] iol mo [Base soeecieron| | 10 NOTE: tne dala wan youeavest Per sponds an 50D ‘axmumseeeairmel | 300 a0] 200] a |faccGoencts) |] WE[ msl [Te TS] Hy] wl me] me] | we | me] mo [oe] [covtruousnesione [935 [350 a77) Foo joss [7 | van Tor | asm | ome | so. [a77 | ara | roo Too {118 oro inom ge elon | ear || ra [zt |inea| 95H aul aoe 57 | ea aa eal | is. Rona hay y\aiwrnenspem') 0016 0000/9038] ace] 012 | 022 Toar Tom faai Toar| 10] ia | 18 | 381 36 | 43 1 50 3 todo" botnet os | al) bas 047 Oaa joa nau ees iran] ad | | ira | gm [esl ero oo! ozo b=rdarsseces 7510) rss | Socnioriss | saagiajoress | S008; ores ose lwo eres oomeeress | roaotajormee | nes | MU (araton i Tareas | Tiree Notage (SRR RO EVEORE NOTE Sioa vaape re cooing lon aoe HOV as Wnyou we OHV DDN, aT irene | teow | 34s. an120 | 34.4% ss02tow | 34, 4°,270080W | 39.40, 11 S607 [2 fewer oaeen | omounoe | ovsorm—os | taz020 | aea2~eo T Fa FR FR FR ART a] Pe FPF a | for | ort | avs | ora | 022 | cao | av | ons | 055 | vs | ao | v0 | 2 | 180 | 200, lel va | vas] van |voa-| von | yn | vo | v9 | von || van va oa | aw | FAN | FRN | Fin | Fw | BW | | 1” jrowneisesenes oo? | ort | ons | 01a | 022 | ao | oar | oss . eval vSoval vena vont yt ar vasa oad — sm | Casson craciaater aes tan Sobran Coatrtaupa chanciettes mare han SODA 4] g]pwoomnua werae onan Sat yt, 00—A20VS0He 4~480460%2 & mmcabe nanan Voage +1015. volage aires aie orien ae eqaney ES NOTE Oupulmay oe reded wih tap [fpermoenenmen ioe a meus [ee Lel~l=[=1=[=[=[*|™]™] =| =) |] a0 keeper | 6 | 9 | 2 | jel i US| FrwonlSane? [ow ]ow[om|am feos] ve | ti| 12] 1s | |e [20] oa] «1 | so] eo | oo ml yf —r Tot ae [ores eeenee | —Tos0[ oe [ow | 1 | vas| vas] 14 | — (Note 1) When the supply voltage unbalance rate exceeds 3%, use an AC recto for supply coorination or a0 reactor. Note thatthe DC reactor is appicable to standara series 22kW and above. Max. voltage [V] — Min voltage (V1 Mean vatage o73 phases iV] (Note 2) The inverters for motors of SSKWV and above are equipped wit a OC reactor (Supplied separately) as standard {Note 3) The tolal power loss of an inverter. The exerna-cooling type discharges approx. 70% of the total loss 19 uiside Supply votage unbalance rate [25] = x 100 (@)_Comman specifications Tr I Saeaer Gretoad enauares | VW a TSOR Ole SaATUGIN ated OBIT (SOR, BOs ak oui Wea insuaton_ oo Fears # ([ecning memoa 3 8 | Protection ana cooing as Log-reunt bracket ype (MBS) NOTE Abou Sher Mouning meheds, maka ecudual ‘Man teranal Bor Man Tormal lugs fr 11K and baw, & er 128 BooKWe, IXBphass), NTC armors Ree) ‘Aut lena tox Puse encode PGP, POM PA, PS. $5). cooing fan (FU 8 FY or FU, FY & FR) (Nol 8) vem Taay encosed fan cooing (Pa) Aelow: om aandiing ade fo ctving ae indore a atudes ies than 1000m “rer tga & Purity | —10~-PA0T, GOR AM or Ise (ree of dew condensation) Pan ear ansei NS Sandra seoossanes se eheoder IO2A0R aa sanaavd) NTC Whemters cooing [an [ Maereni sytem FP Toner system Tans We sne-nave PURE Bvor [vector conte, ASR coral wi ACR minor convel [ACR erent conol ASA speed conti) contol [Besed — [anaiogsetng | 202% of max speed (52100) | [Seaoy [Data semsg | 20078 of max apeed (~10~4500) [Speed sating resouon | UO0S of max speed Speed contol reeponse | Response Wequency 50 HE [=965) | [Range of torque eowar [150 [Terave contol aeouaey | S5% (oa aesuraey | Spoccrorue characters leads chanciwaicr | Torqunlming sezewraonaecaeraton, srear aeldee (010-1200 8) cunad -cuna) aociiee H Tow reverse. generating) Forwars, meeting) “+1600 rn -quacrant operation Mae torus 150%. 1 min (-) Speea (4) Speea Sled Yoxque_ 60%, con For specavangas, soo ach separate speciicaton (Peovetse, toring) (Forward. generating) (Tome | [oem menoa Protects tnctens | inaric braking renstor mated 150%, duly cycle 5% ED, proded wih sapaale rake fessor] a Separala Bare tani) ih aon foe SSK ah ado a ‘Overcureni. main-ereu OC tse blow. overage, undercaga Net 4 overspeed, Here verbad. invert ovomeat ‘motor overeat thermistor ascannecion, memory ater. cafent Selection er, openal unt evar, exalt CPU | sror overead sreocton cubu sartccutng, wear grout protection (opto) ial 5 7 “Speed | Analog [O= #70 VOC or 0~E10V 0G (man and aux speed setting) B) [senna [Digna EBA binary oF “dig BCD {wi option CPCIVGSOH. UP.DOWN seting, mulisiep speed seting FI jx, 3p0ed seltngs (2 points). foraue hm, torque setting, and magne Hux seting. 2 points to ba selecied under certan | «| Araea sna fax sone stags Bons) an 3 @ pois ob sbi ud B Fir Sap STO, OSES STAN TOS SORT RESTON, AA SH Sa at ss Ta pte rag sped a). sta pt, ne secon ne) Ge Go es A bw 7 IPI changeover, ASA PI constant selection (2 steps), droop contrat, UP-DOWN setting, and reverse-inhibiing command; 5 | fone we cleans Ue con ois as ar [Sed sg, ccd seed re SO, TPO W bv RTT 3] Grete am Sigal oat far Tos | conse’ st ow Soued ara epesd sare, plone sped acon, erg (x gic oon {eh tram, ming or ote pein, Poet om cose vara | 22008 ala Fan Ws TaN | tan Bacon ety currence gy See Sain br naan For sped and ad Raw “OS FIT OE BOSE OC : ncaa sane sey —[ousie w en oe a ofa nora : 3 fonanr ar Tar oy cho van oh Soni apoio Bai DC aa BS Tnealabon pace Toor af atiudes lose than 10Gb, not evojct to dec sunight corse gases and dust Ambient tomperaiure |nomsty 3) —jo~-450, 20008 AH (ae of dew condensation) and humisiy aon “BRS? (OG) Fas (nh aeaaanas wih JSC STH) Enron pon end stage unig Hee Temporaire ug Was =25—05 inboard pe and era aaoing pe rolecive owing IPOD JEM 1000: P20 optional avaible tor SSA below a ZODV sre and TTOhWoreiow in abOV | snes Tan coat unser 5¥I05, sono (Note 4) Even tne power als, operation wil continue about 15ers atthe raledicad. In case al lass load, operating time is longer. When the maine cereut DC vattage lowers 10 a underotage level, the invertor stops output immediatly and holds trp condition, However, when the invener contol power fais, i is automaticaly reset. (Note 5) The optieralgroune-autprolactve unt only protects the verte tse. For protection against human accidents, fre and damage of extemal devices, prepare leakage protective devices in accion (Note 6) Encoder terminals are (+V, OV, PA, PB and $5) for moters af SSKW and above -a- 6. Terminals, Connection and Wiring 6-1 Terminals 1) Basie circuit configuration and terminals Fig, (ote 1) {ote 2) (ote 3) (Wote 4) (Wote 5) (ote @) (ote 7) (ote 8) {Optan) ap tours (Option) iv (pre) Aw ‘oc oad — (ote 9) ote 4) FRENIC s00VG3 ‘sehase Swe ‘soeone se po Man speed seting signal ux speed setteg sgral ‘ote 7 ‘Arsiog put ¥ [speed soting au 2) ‘Anaiog input 2 Hexque ent 1 Preesctaton command [epee an Ach pos: detect oan AT lay ap Fevotse'siop earmand (ote 7 ise af ce ear Joen. 11 fst, spaed setecton 1] Gen. O12 mut. Speed select 2| [Gen BIS (nat speed selcton 4} [Gen O44 [torque fn) (Gen. DIS (ever minbson) tral alam oot {Wrakig resistor ovement, ee) t G-1-41 Standard series 200V series 0.75~45 kW, 400V series 3.745 kW Ge| cue] 2) rural va —— 9] ay se ios i —— je = 7B soe mar remot! | aie SEF TIT) tn ete peed AOS. (wow eros cus cS a cl anu roe | Ue ta tee hind wie 7 vang mate win aliiaeilile Teva i oe Set one or mot 10 mols and dow These man ecu ae cenecied ise Snape ane ata 9) Ire cong farts rd F En ne ge ee ueyagteee Spi one cour nn 0 sets le Sava Sl SBE hh cect tag anne See's pe att coment a rae Sion cn! ren cae a CX yy Soa ee at hut (Te ae et wih a so ra Stone Ware Sen 23S The mark ( | shaws standa(d seling al shipment (P24, M24) and (P15, M. N15) are isolated ike he inverter, Oo not connect M24 and Mt ime (Note 1) {ote 2) {ote 3) (Wate 4) (ote 8) (Note 6) We ston Cz son one ON i 1] Man spood set saat ‘ux speed seting sonal ote 6) Speea. tux loot setactr ‘Analog 1 Iapead seting aun 2} Aulog pat 2 Yoxaue tnt) nou Sra pat Preexctaton command (Mote 4) verse stop conmand owe 6) Jen Ot fut speed select 1) (Gen. 0 (rast speed secon 2) [Gen 013 (mut. speed secon 4} ‘Genie (torque be ‘os MAM AT Relay oaptn = ‘oi (pte) (Gen. 015 reverse ton} (Braking resiter oveneat, te) ——4 Fig. 6-1-2 Standard series 200V series 55~90kw, 400V series 55~200KW_ Uso twisted pais or shickled wies for winng marked wit J ‘Output signals part te 6) ME (000d 408 ——F anata extn Z Temas ot Poems Pas) ‘Aur power Supply lr options Note 7) Supply vllage for cooking tan motors lor 400V sees motors fs 200 /200-290V, Salt. Make connectons tough translomers Tie DC reactor (DCL) 16 provided a standard lor mere of SORW and abow. Be sure to use the pre-oxciaton command fogelner wh mechaneal braking Short the Conolciculweminals “HET and “Cht when you do fol use external alarm input. (Tey ae connected with a short bar at shipment) For te braking unit and braking resistor overeat, see 6-2 2) (3), The mark {| shows standard seting al spent 1) (24 M2} aod (PIS. M, NIS) ate Tedlated inside Ihe verter Ob nol connect M24 ak M (Wate 1) (ote 2) (ote 3) (ote @) {ote 5) Note 8) (ote 7) {ote 8) {Ophonay ‘Grow tua (ptona) Fao “tecton Ack fv (ate 8) Option) [ew oc” _ or to ~~ FRENIC s0VGIN | AW oes (ote 3) Note 4) a) fu ‘an, power supp = 2 oars 2+ | TS ) a) Man speed seting signal ‘nox spd sting signa (note 7) ‘nsieg put | (spec seeyf aun 2} ‘natog input 2 (xque tt 1 ote 5) Preexctaton command Forwatdsiop command Feversesep command otal signal processor (os?) ate 7) (Gen, Ut rue speed seting 1) Gen. 0 [rk Spoed sating 2) ‘Gen. ES [rat speed seting 4] (Gen 4 txque tent) Gen_D1S [verse hon) External aa input (Graking resister overhea, et Use twisted pais of shielded wies lor wing marked with J (P24, Mod) and (P15, M, NIS) are Isolated inside the lnvrier ‘Shot the Conlfol cree tetas "THA" The mark |] shows standard soling at shipment Teimnat"P1" is equipped only in GO~ASkW unt Do not connect M24 and M {he cooing fan motor lor 075~7 Ski motor te ol single Phase. Use FU and FY terminals Supply vollage fo cooling fan motors for 4O0V series mers Is 200V/200-230V, SQ'80H2 "Make connections tough wansfomets. Be Sure to use the preexotaton command together wih mechancal braking wenn Rare = Pte Fj is ae cue 8 | rl ava Lf) Eee ar ate’ ——I : — 284 | Fou S4T—FL7E] spoed meter vere) Lue HEFFEE sa ne (Speed = ‘Analog output awe — eldaaitie JRA power soppy Tor options unt ote 2) a Ad “CM when you do use external alarm input. (They are connected with a shod bat at Shipment). For the brake resstor overheat, see 62 2) (8) (2)_ Functions of the terminals © Main-circut terminals Grea |e rane Deserpian 8 Tate maT waratoa wpa T Gonocied 0 Sphass power Subp DOD" savas. 2002002300, SOCOHE a ae | S00. sees: 400-20;4004600, S'6OHE TW vane oui [Connected a excuse i mG P03 rating resister "[Coneecie io braking tester (7 =< 7] PN [orang anit "| Gorraciea oa braking ressio trough a beming oA (SSW and Rove) PPI [BC reseter ‘Connected io a OC reactor lor pone! factor improveren_Avalaie for 20N ahd 3000 ane |aacee |For gfouang ol he nveiercnasns (ere o arovde grounding fo prevent an eacre shook and To Lessee 07030! Bhi [Bacios capacior | Gonrecied 2 power baciup cleat Wie 1) badp of poner Tae (or Low Nowe Saraay ——] (Nate 1) Contact Ful about power Backup crcl, ® Control circuit terminals a Descent none ry T TCESRST SAGE PTA AC pws fopp 19 Bac UP GST Bow ABT Hs |Ejp0.10 | Aue comet poner neat | S000 sone t0ooaov stn ge [4 | COV series 800~8201400—4600. 50:60He Pelee eee [eee os ato as se Re 7 {O|PIS. N18. M_ | Option power supply (15) P18. +15:20.8V OC, NIS: -15:H0.8V DC. M- OV, 150mA each incl. builtsn optional PCB. lisa seed tng cman ranai]| SOT (eas para Tonal speed tg Bgnae (rma TE 78 Wy _ \ ae connected 10 terminal M inside. siz Sone sang ove! Smo | F107 0G. uted fr ovr sway 1 Be sang ant TKO vaobe aa 2 TiO" OC put weeance Le Main poed sein votane not | 5 gO gooalseEa® | Spend eat te sano 12and V1 anal, Max 8 ee ‘bewais camped atone coreaponon 107 a ok eed ong ota mp Sra 0) it slog nou common wat | Corman (base potential tema fr anaog mp agra minal A, Az) ai AB varpupane wang wpa [OSE TOV OC, a rantance TOO usa ora iniinpul By Rnsian RS | [eS [Serwatoupose sntca wot [ing ¥en to ol sons metanee ms Gh aar'be tau ele) om trout cote Wrsnal | Corio emf fr conse np Bra | [ro ee 2 | enarsion commana | PHONON Power OFF sup [SOP 5 RO wh BOB FRO EOREY ss ON | | REV (Now 2) [ Reverse/stop command REV-CM. ON: Reverse, OFF Stop | continued by the V1 signal ' she ~Tmeaun commana | SXH.GN vera cubis sonped atonce mou alam salou Spa ras] iG | Ss none ane wet wn BX ene mM EHO RE OF ee — When he eave oa aut removed an alr #op and RST sued on. he a Spring peeve non (sts tana) sand i =a Tha aln's sppaawin TRC Ts sotalhes astra con ce UST 3 rang esr overeat poston, ee a = Suunun come ‘ied or preeseaion (magnets fx cOnpiran Goren Spay 6 wit Use oe 7 ‘mectancal ating togeier nen vag th teminal eae) AE ate y | Gérerarpupose digital nput | By tanton sting (FNO, 72,7). twe ot comact signals mentoned in 5. (3) canbe mut THT, THe | Therm conection ‘Used exalt conecion fo hemes fret temperate Gtecton ap, Pam ise encase power 5.069 | 23 cca tr eonmacton wine pune | POP ISH. POM OF E"]px eo | use coon pra ognat | SEPIR (PG) Fr motor seed Gtecton | nase eqn PB: Bahate seal GF, GF2 | Gramdaut protecion input | Used exclusively for grounaaut detecng unt for arerprtecton (opin) ~ Tbe) Gun COM ong] SORTER Tie PARE TOAST GOT WEG GARE Td BRT, Tad aa [anaco ove tomate 80, tt 9=210v 06, Resauten” 12 8 tuncion seting (FHO.7), speed setngs, ora | Be, oy Coameaaan AO Mate 3) | Gena arnoe aaog or | eng, canbe sie Used may con | 7 as Used tor & Tous curent|2 voimetrs wit put] O~+100 OC ar O~= IOV O u [tos mole or torque eter | restance HORA canbe | Resokion 8 BIS, Load mpe 3 Spas nar and Tor 8 apaad meter | comedies dance. Se0 or more 8 7 ‘uti & sana when an aver prove Tacion . 8] 2 1298 2° | overat atm cutout operas 0 sop aout (1 changeover Mae SOA i SE ters on at Sram | Sores capac aay 8 [ava mo |Senea! puboie agin’ Gear] By Tuncton sering FRO. 75]ane of conc Sarai ARC | const ouput Imentoned '5 (2) an be ut _ on T Open catectr ub? S977" | commen ternal or epen calecior Geen eolecor at € cms : for open cate = | ‘cueu"06 soma max 27, Faty >| Sia BaBeee aie mr | Br sna ENO 7a Pres aTearaS eran) ma. 14Y a Ome (wate 3) | cotect cutout in 51 (3) can be ods Vistav at som). ae {Note 1) For contac input use ui Elec contol lay HHSAPW oF is equivalent, or open collector out. The eutent is about dre, 28V DC, (Note 2) Motor ‘lating ctecton (See 7.1 ental black biagram) D Speed seting votage sgnals 0 ~+10V. (terminal "12" input voltage) Forwardiston command "FWD" ON: Forward rotation, Reversa'stop command "REV" ON: Reverse rotation. @ Speed seting voltage signals O~210V. (terminal “12" input votage) Forwaralston command "FWD" ON, polanty: Forward rotation, 3 polany: Reverse rotation, Reversestop command "REV ON: B polanty: Reverse rotation, 5 polarity: Forward rotation, © When parameters FNO. 14~18 are 0~ 100% in multistep speed setting, the motor operates as the voltage signal @ isin posaty ane 0~—100%, the motor operates as the woitage signal @ is in & polariy. @ Inthe interlocking operation of ore than one moor it wil be enabled by FNO 58 modicatin to reverse a speciied motor itis requted for some reason such as reduction gear using a foward command (Note 3) Standard setting at shipment is as folows: (NOTE 4) FNO. means Furcton No. See 7. Functions. (NOTE 5) (P24, M23) and (P15, M, N15) ate isolated inside the inverter. Oo not connect M24 and M. a (3)_Terminal arrangement and screw sizes Contra! circuit terminal arrangement 135, Ba (Note) aoa] [ee | [9 [an [oe | porfeclpesow [oe [a [pa [| four near 19] [ess [eis] | [ret lrHe] Pe Ponpeefvee] ex aston mapa] vr] va ecfsca|ooalors] [Fo] [ro ® Ust of terminals and screw sizes (Standard Series) carry! ae 425 | oor gow) | inven ype |" an Sa nals [Sarre creo arr | AST uvw | oars | eG] te] _Tas TS FRONT i [7s “Tmoowves2 | 7 | ; [ss jrmneosvea2 | 75 [FRNOOTVGS2 | i Fewonvas2 a zeov [15 _[Fewnisvas2 ew } teres [195 rworeves2 = [we [ we | oe 22 [renozavea2 [Me | we | we [ms 30 lrRweoven @ [we we 37 [FRnosrve52 Hi | oT 25_[FRnusvGn2 : a 55 [FrnossvG32 we wo | on | 75 Feworeves-2 wa] 4 | 8a | wo 20 [rrnosovca2 \ {37 jemvonsvesa BE [7 ss”_|FrNoosveaa | | | | 75 [rewoorvese Bs iy awonwana | | Sess fewnonevcaese| Ga ea ve 135 Fanoraveo Zz [eenoaveo- [6 ws | 30 (rawouoweos | | we] we | st irenoorves-s ewe] 35 [Fmnossvaa-e el 75 [FRNO?SVGS- | | 30 |rrmenovao-e J | 110 [Fawtrowasa Pe a SY | 132 _(Fannsovase w [#3 | #13] #13] mio | | a zoo [Fnna00vG3- i (Note) TB for 200 series FRNOSSVGS-2 and above and for 400V series FRNOSSVGS-4 and above ROT [70 Exclusive terminal (not for users) ae (Low Noise Series) al Fanon aa Lot see we | nara nge |" ee ES i | "Pasa [osniper] ear] res] Tee TREE ps we 22 |emvowees ] | | | [FRNoOsVG3N-2 | | | Fmassvemn2 | | | || | [ar Teewrveace [Pees | : a or we) wa ||| | He lrmnoesvasue nae | SE Ease | Oe 75 |FRNOOTvEaNa | |i | (i orneaa || a er | $001 a rrnorovaaier | | hee 22 [FRNozevGON [ 1 | [ao Feenooovan T | [se Hreoavena 1 | al @ Terminal arangement A | Fa 8 | Fig. © : 400V : 3,7,5,5KH “oP eooV :0.75~7.5K i / 200V = 11. 15k 400 7.5, 1110 | 400 = 15.18.5KH —=— = == = | \ 1 a go els|r[ulvfobs] eolalsirlufypepd |p] |eoa]s|r)[ulvlw) bel [el a § J Ce 1 | Pe —— os 40V | a a ‘eo fole T [s L -15- | Fo. ony 5.500 | | 7 ay ean | a= po} . 1 |, a I ST] Ge idle | | - Cr ft l Fig. N 400 180, 200K + [am Ha om Fig. P Low Noise Series anv = = Vi a0 15. 18.5 | = ow Fig. Low Noise Series e0v : 15~224 —=— = oft ee z eos eel ee | Fig. R Fig. § Low Noise Sones Low Nose Series | COV ° 224i | aoov : s0~ sen === PAGOUCCL essa Se te 6-2 Connection and Wiring Keep the cautions mentioned below. Be sure to check for correct connection when you finish wiring, Note that wrang wiring ‘causes not only malfunction but also damage of the inverter 1) Terminal arrangement and connection at shipment. When you remove the front cover, you will see the main-cicul terminals and contol cicuit terminals arranged a the lower part of the inverter. shipment. the extemal alarm input terminals THR and CM are connected with a short bar. and in standard series Inverters of 22-45kW and low nosse series 90~45KWW, PI and P are connected with a short bar Contr! PCB. Control circuit terminal block Main circuit temas block Pl eGoPlILCRMIELrTD en our ae Fig. 6-2-1 Terminal arrangement and connection at shipment (an example of FRENICO22VG3-2) 2) Main circuit (1) Connection 10 power supply phase power ' iNeur : Be sure to connect a moided-case circut breaker Heleal power supply i ' (FAB) between the man-cxcut power supply ana ime comeston | PRT STH inven | terminals for mal-power supply (RS. and 7). There i 0 need to check phase sequenc in this case. 7 ee nec a agra enact (NO) a dacones ne S)—Y=s} eat Pee inverter rom the power supply wen it protect v7 foneson operates to prevent a laut or damage tom by dy by Magnet sereading. Start and stop the inverter with contact contactor input "FWD" or "REV" but not with magnate-switen — | kasd stoning Fig. 6 Connection to the output terminals Be sure to tum off the power supply during connection to the inverter output terminals U. V, and W. @ Connect the terminals U. V. ana W in the correspondent phase sequence as in Fig. 6-2-9. The motor rotates counterclockwise \iewing from the driving side by a forward command. To gel reverse totation with a forward command, see 7-3 (4-7) FNO SB Definition of forward and reverse commands. @ Do not connect power supply to the terminals U. V, and W. Application el external voltage wil cause damage in the inverter ® Capacitors can not be connected. They wil ba overheated or damaged by high harmonics (Fig. 6-2-4), oureur levener 4 ulv[w “E> Forward retaton (counerloose) TON capscior Ou ‘Motor YY 9 Connection of @ motor Fig. 6.244 Capacitor connection forbidden 7 (2) Connection of a DC reactor for power factor improvement Remove the shot bar To connect a DC reactor to standard senes inveners of 22 connected at sioment._p-— ~45kW and low noise series 30~45KW, remove the short — bar between terminals P1 and P connected at shioment Cea abe ele and connect the reactor here, Do not ail to notice the short bar that is connected inside the invent. | DC reactor Fig. 6-2-5 Connection of a DC reactor (4) Connection of braking unit(s) and braking resistors) _ Be sure to connect braking unit(s) in combination with braking esistor(s) for SKW oF above, THe numberof braking units and braking resistors difers according fo types as shown in Fig. 6-2:6, Make connections folowing 12 (8) Braking unts and braking resistors, Specifications, Be sure fo make the terminal symbols P and No! the braking unit correspond to these ofthe inverter. @_ Remove the short bars between terminals CM and THR connected at shipment, and make a circuit ftom THA to CM through he thermal contacts both in braking units and in braking resistors in series. Connections for the thermal contact of braking units should be such that the terminal t is toward the inverter terminal THR and terminal 2, toward) CM. (a) 1 braking resistor (0) 2 braking resistors (6) 1 braking unit (for 45W or less) (Jor 45kW or less) 1 braking resistor {used in series) STOMTFETS belriTF) Ly. | Gein (6) 2 braking units (used in parallel) 2 braking resistors (used both in pi fa nA -18- When you use two braking units, set the switch SW! on its printag-crcuit board as shown in Fig. 6-2-7, Setting at shipment is geet eee ee —— — on A - os a oS Fig. 6-2-7 Change of SWI When you use one braking unit, short-circuit 23 of SW! as in Fig. 6-2-7 (b). Take care of this malter when you reuse a braking Unit that was used in twe-unit combination (5) Grounding connections Be sure to provide grounding to prevent an electrical shock due to leakage and to reduce noise effect, Provide exclusive ‘grounding for an inverter as far as possible. When itis not possible, common grounding ray be used in which ground wires for the inverter ang other devices are connected ata grounding point. Avoid using a ground wire common tothe inverter and other devices. Use thick ground wire and make its route as short as possible [coe (8) Coren geundng (6) Grounding win & Common grou vie (ood oa aa I aaa) | oe = ee ao) EGR ya 5 ung al Sean ¥ £ Fig. 6-2-8 Grounding connections 3) Control circuits Make wing following the explanations and figures below: For the description of terminal functions, see 6-1 Terminals, = (1). Wiking to contol circut terminals. Use shielded wicas of twisia vinyl witas for wiring to lever contol circuit wing Control circuit terminals and install them more than 100 mm apar trom the main circuit. When crossing is. unavoidable, make them e703 at sight angles as in Fig, 62-9. Itis desirable that twisted shielded wires are used for a long wiring distance. Main-creut wing More than 100 mm apart Tre ton 100 en apa Fig 2 Connection to aux. conti! power input terminals. When protective circuit actuates to open the S-#ha8e power supply ‘supply- side magnetic contactor, the inverter loses power supply. : peut cree orcs Pl GGT) «os the Nold of protective circuit operation is required, 7 mraaincnconemcnn: | ais RO and TO as in Fig, 62-10 tty - | Fig. 6-2-10 Connection for control power supply ~19- (3) Connection to terminals for oad meter (LM) and speed meter eM. Two types of meters can be used for the load meter and speed meter” one-side move, 0 to +10V DC, ang both-side rove, 0 to 10V DC. According to a type you use, carry out ‘oth Switch reconnection and keypad pane! setting as ‘mentioned Below ‘At most 2 sels of 10V, ImA meters can be connected. oo a Ae = ‘G-Ely AD - os; Fig. 6-212 Reconnection of SWI and SW2 ie 4 | ep tomate kay | ———), RL [ro] Fig. 6-2-12 Positions of switches SW1, SW2 Tem (Guiput volage] Connection FRO” seting on Keypad panel At shament | [ot | |r2mm| 5 fege armten | | 3 fos Sa Load meter I. | swt 23 oon [or ow LEE norm (Steve mm) Coed tal | WV 0 (torque ammeter) |e Fao | 23 sen 9 rae ene | ‘Speed meter 1-2 shor = ‘SW2:_1-2 shor oa 2 lpm BB — |. _ NOTE The we oa lad arab tue are a re mete Torque Torque = Output voltage as torque ammeter™ Output votage as torque meter Tw 0 (a) Use as torque meter (NO. 70:2 0 3) i Max. torque Base speed (0) Use as torque ammeter (FNO, 70: 0 oF 1) ‘alating specs Load meter output voltage can be adjusted with FNO. 38, and speed meter output voltage. with FNO. 98 vege = : sepbuie 20 ac: spre s sep 04 ‘rn wonos RepeTo | we: 108 Ciielers} AppmOK SV fe dareoes 8 SAPEME Approx sy} eee coos | [38006 Sec ! Lromecien 2“ Seu 4 oo Ba ore a | Sea soe LIL (0 ejitrnt we FRO. 38 (0) Ament wh NO. 38 (| ton ma (coe ew (4) Connection of an alarm reset switch, To operate alarm reset from the other place than the inverter (for example, an inverter board), connect a set-eset switch to the AST terminal, 2-13 Voltage and current at contact input terminals '5) Contacts connected to speed setting terminals. and contact input terminals Use micro-signal contacts of high contact reliability because the current is very smal For examole, Fuji Electric control relay: HHS4PW. ar the ike Vottage ang eurrant as snown in Fig 6-2-13 are impressed on the contact input circuit Contact capacity for contact output AC 250¥, 0.38 ( cos $= 0.3). Incase of switching a larger capacity magnetic switch or the lke, use a relay of large contact capacity as shown in Fig. 62-14 Connection of open callectar cutout termnials When you want to use this output signal. you are recom ‘mended to use an optional relay output unit MCAT-RY. Ifyou do not use the MCAIL-AY. electrical specication for the open collactorshauld be OC 27V, max. and SOMA, max. Be carell to protect it tom damage due to surge voltage land not 10 mistake power supply polarity 18} Connection of a surge absorber Surge vollage (noise) due to the sudden change of curent is generated by the switching of tte excitation coil circut of magnetic contactors, control relays, and solenoid valves This surge voltage sometimes causes malfunction of inverter electronic circuits and other peripheral devices. To avoid such trouble, connect a surge absorber directly to both ends of anoise source call. Wing should be as shor as possible, about 20cm at longest 1. Surge absorber application (Circuit voltage: 250 or less) Device ter or ode TAC. [S2A0 os equvalent Magnetic contac tore (man real (50 | Doge nosey eae (HO _1SHBO oF Ws easier water 18¥8 "og Diade oF S1-B-O Solas, brakes, AO | SAO ee coe DC Dede or SZAD ac | Magoetic sontstor 5 on 1 S200 oar relay ‘Seo leverer Large-capacity magnet contactor | -14 Amplification of contact capacity A el ve 3 _ [ewe] Fig. 6-2-15 Connection to open collector output terminals CR ter capacity S280 C:02HF S000 (Chaya Elecite Industies make) S10 C01 aF P2000 (Qkaya Elecinc Industries make) Diade capacity {for operating col curent 1A or less) ERBAS.08C 00V. 1 (Surge 304108) (Fu Electro make) — 8 I - Solerci, brake, clutch ae Fig. 6-2-18 Connection of surge Absorbers ae (9) Example of an operational schematic diagram Power supply FAB 82 1 34, aco00 6 R Bote $s [FRENICS000VG3VG3N} soeoHe | 6 soting'unt o~tov FS Kon Emergency sop a. awerter stop) -—° &79 BX reperatcn pe n goal or 6) | enaral sum net +35 dst ¢ i = Forward pectin L-FSL} wo se Forward x | j | Revere operation | 5-4 Rev SA Surge abso Fault 308: Closed at a faut 39 308: Open ata fault 308. (ete) wien there isiaput at V1, operation wil continue event FWD or REV is tumed off To stop operation during V1 Signaling, interrupt it by opening the contact. 1) In case of auto-estant from instantanuaus power failure, change the short bar o! $W1 1 whichis located on he control PC8 under the keypad panes right and upper part fo 2-3 short from 1-2 shor. At shipment, 1-2 shor is set. Change his switch while power cit (R, 8, T: RO, TO) and the charge lamp is not lighted, This switch’s actions are described as folows. + 1-2 shor: When this inverter detects the state of under voltage, it displays "LU" on the Keypad panel, and cuts of the inverter ‘rive, so the motor stops as Iree-cunning. When re-powered, it does not re-start automaticaly. (in case ofthe power failure that the control power supply is last, when re-powered, it restarts automatically) +2. shot it does not display "LU". but cuts off he inverter drive, so the motor stops free-running. When re-powered, ite-stars automatically ~2- 7. Functions 7-1 Outline of Functions Fig, 7-1-1 shows the whole contol block giagram and Figs, 7-1-2 and 7-1-3 show the detailed contra! block diagrams ol the speed setting section and the speed regulating section (ASR), Fig. 7-1-2illutvats the sft starvstop made and Fig. 7-1-3, he UP: DOWN setting mode. The general purpose inpuvoutput signals show functions set at shipment (changeable using the keypad pane!) \When using the functions marked with, modify the datinvons of general-purpose ingu/output signals and internal switches (ENO. 72~79). The soft starvstop mode or UP/DOWN setting mode can be set by FNO. SE on he Keypad panel. (Soft starvstop ‘mode win FNO. SE=0, UP/DOWN setting mode with FNO. SE=1; standard setting at shipment is FNO. SE=0) Input power supe “Tooele EL gens, = feet cre ‘om ‘ge Sooed, | pes, | setae) Fig. 7-1-1 Control block diagram for FRENICS000VG3 (Note) The transistor for cynamic braking is not bul n for SSKW and above or both 200V and 4O0N series). tis supplied separately, 23 - = donurame, 161-64) Cass (ote 4) 201 2} noma) 8 ‘on Br] co-2| (BHR) agy Hy foi] §! Gat an Ta firtetbe | F [enemy F re seus Digital ‘i(NRE po | cm (Potatity tient) ou wea : sh speed input cnr | GENS) whee Gm — | oom clap | acon acta) Car 5 we i Lo AEN DECII2) DECAL oe) 122) (esl) | neuizoywraiog) and (aH ave ] Tene sr 03) ST 13) ole aa ae ba Ihsan eel ed ne Hf ares t i a | mes ‘COR (coop) (ewo ZI S| (Not 1) (ote) So — HLA Fecr (ut sped se. 1) ony runing (56 EOD par Fo (Malt spood ea. 2) ‘ Irermecatevolage slip (andowatage) COV ab v1 3-6 ‘ONE (Muli speed sel. 4) ‘i (Note 6) (Speed anivahDSan-tab yo t-0_> CT. (Torque lini) Optional speed + (Speed agreement) OG Ac-}+9 ¥3 15% OM. (Reverse nition) or 030° [2S revy "Als valet bal ohare [eee A} Va ee ee as SOE owe a cn [2:3 {901 Zero speed") Optonal speed ens) Te. ee ‘Speed arrival ‘Speed agreement ed }+psan sac —f SAG ' ‘Wate 9) 4) ©; : ! Go) tar NOTE) The figs in} shows FNO Teno) (Note 1) (ote 2) ote 3) lahen you want 10 use OSAR, (ote 4) speed) oF inverter taut) (ote 5) (Note 6) To use “DSARY When using the functon matked with ralor 0 7, 3 (241) ‘The symbot (899) or 2 fam of the speed setting and speed regulating sections (soft start/stop mode, FNO. 5t The (_ } shows standaia setings at shioment. They can be changed with FNO, 72~79. ‘Check FNO. 5A and 80 when using OPCI-VGS.04 ‘Speed arval DSAR is no ulput wen aux. speed seting V1 or AVE are used, Set FNO, 7B=0 and donit set AV2 with FNO. 76 and 77 shows a sol SW. All of them are set with parameters Analog ouput BNAO~ 2, BN ave done fo 20r0‘hold at inverter stop (verter stop is caused by (operation command “OFF ans zero _ odily tne dentions ol general-purpose inpuoutput signals and internal switch (FNO. 7279). ~e- — 1 FRENICS000vG3,VG3N Hari~amiay t61-e4) | cia ae 4 » ‘ent 136 (ene) od Ch orn i j as iy 1) 14 Tore nt, Upon abe | fain Fe Set i soup uit 7 sou tae i“ car on 7 ! (tote 1 am wero ne2t04 IH ave STH3} S413} water) bofen) (Note 1) a ora Lote eqleet {ows} ACAI} 20 | OF (0) 1 (ate 1) =i “pa ax 8° (UP command ww x Sn (OOM corm) * 0 CLI (CLEAR eormnan a mn a3 CHL (oe kn) ntl speed (Speed agroomany 05a6,f 25 3 O68 FE Cn thevese emote sar =A os0e 5 56 (321 O— NAF2I27) [5-3 ae a 2) pesca [5-9 er 29, Car) -B SIAC oso 3 cr i [oS rer 20 se0d ter speed nn) a heel ‘Speed_agreement Fig. 7-1-3 Control block diagram of the speed setting and speed regulating section (UP/DOWN mode, FNO. 5 (Mote 1) The {| shows standara setings at shipment. Thay can be changed with FNO. 7279. {Mote 2) Chock FNO. 5F, 81 whan using the URDOWN soting med (Note 3) Analog aupur BNRO~2, BNR are done o zeo-hold a inwerer stop. eworter stop is caused by (operation command “OFF and zero speed) oF inverter faut) (Note 4) hon using the function marked wih, mock te doinitions of genera purpose inpuloipLt sigs and inteial Switch (ENO. 72~79) ” 7-2 Lists of Parameters ‘Below shown are th lists of parameters set or cisplayed on the keypad panel. For the method of operating the keypad panel. see 8 Keypad Panel. Each data display and parameter setting has a 2-digit function No, (hereinalter refered to as FNO.). To mediy a setting, call the FNO. and carry out data cisplay and parameter setting. Table 7-2-1 shows the classification of parameters. Parameters ENO. 51 to 8F include those to set the numiber of motor poles and the datintion of general-purpose inpuvoutput. Set them before motor slain Wal operation. Table 7-2-1 FRENICSOOOVG3 Parameter classification RO] =o arate 3 [=F Open ening | Toor] (Some satng [10 FRO TF we aa pon 2 TOF pares ASR eed eaten | a ee Others | aor [Fea r —— 2 TTF Topeaine TERE THRO Soi we aaa pean] = 6 |O-F | mode [Torque T T a JF Detnton) npwtouput ee } Seting change rot alowed Gon Coe eee | | SonRg atone panos fniion Tor aptenal unis Analog |) except FRO 82 68, 85,87) | soustment I Transmission ang others t ~26- apay Sane ay a | Mia earl wor te (Darecad ror Soe Fa Tamar = iMoie speed sateg | WRT {ene [eerie See (Gaaced maa spees To] aad teed] — | a) canverson actor (36 ‘note 3) con oe [Tefen tng 00% ie Torave sting I % [1% [Cont rang 100% ra ‘Motor oulput : kw [0.1 (hav) [Caleviated valve = T ia it Sara 1 7 | hat 2) |Funsarear ates aka = Note onperae aa ve = [eput gral (1) (SEG) slneees| -- Inout egra 2) SES) = [Ovout vara Se6)_—F = (Open made (SE) | = So snicn (1) EO) | = Sot aie) 1566} { —— = | agate Fax L oe ie (Note 1) For example, when metor speed 1S00"mn conesponds to lead speed 12Omimin, seting is FNO. 5C=0.08 (=120/1500). If FNO. O1=750 (rin) is displayed, FNO. 03 display 60 {mimin) (No unt ciepiayan)| (Note 2) 0.14 for 37~45k0 1A for §5~200KM: poe [saga a es 9 om] = ERO [aber | Range [unt] win anie ce wore enn] 10 [Set asa provecion Jo. crange inves ° | [Gace seoneur 1am] | Oat changeave vot 9} | [ot wn we [aoe o=T200 | = [te [500 [ [Sot sation doc_wme1/ Dect | 0.10~r200 [+ | wm) | 80 Dg Sok arson noe of t : as Sire Pero [aT | § [ie onsin sne sang 7 | WT [= Ton i00| WOOT te Ra sod sng. TOON AO. ST._|—6oH_| | [5 [Moni snwd stg 2 | whe |—T00=1000] % [BOT Wow ajax sowed axing T008 [NO S) [900] | gg=g= === =SsSmSmSmemmse © Tir Iaunsin Speer aetng «| wre [=100~1000] % [001% wt Alar speed seting 00% NO sua |] [2 Thanos sma seine 5 [a5 [=r00=T000] % [Dorm ae 2)hax speed senng 1008 (NOS [000 | E [Ts feat sation ace une 2 [cea] ro=tawe [3 | tow 0 300| Ia] 4 [CT en stestap are ime 2[bece | oo—tame [= | ia [Tc @ [ [18 Bese sein moat can] x | oor=2o0 [| 00) V0 spaad sa a TOV meet 100 2 chet (cca seen anne t 1 T T T lal ie T i I (Note 1) Mn unt 002s for 0:10~9985 Min unt 0.18 for 100~9998 in, unt 18 for 100~12008, (ote 2) Displays as lows: 100, -999. .., —100, -99, .., -0.1, 000, 001, .., 989, 1000 (Note 3) Protects various dataset win the keypad parel against careless operation. [SET] FNO. 10 0 when ral operation fished NOTE: Details are descrived ia the items marked with (_) i Section 7:3, -7- Fate aod [as a aa = ony Pe Name [eer [ Range Tit Twin“ont eee [ren | tem Le sero TET B=. aS a cat [fe fron Terr | Be09 T= [meee ee Too | (BS BoE acs | + [mw oo | | [os ees groaen erm eer lnae a] omsamo | = | moe 2) 0005 [Tae fase P [xe 2 | 0.1~1000 (Note 1) |Propononal gan 20.0) | RE It 065.000 5 | (mote 2) {integral time g [a isera fe | 3s [= [mew 2 rm Toa FD [= a ae gf essa [> [eww =. i [| ar Sages, aetsston ter one core al o~so00 | = | ete 21 | 2005 (| [oroen ko_| o-ao | =| om oo co 2 [Tas SRE See BF ae | omens | « | oor» | +00 26 _.|—h—™hrtsiai—.C—S—er_C—._C—S See ae] (Ex notanon of FNO. 48) ooo | [eal E [7g [Set seiebes 1 ar oceury a ara | (sane ae FAO. 00) (v5 i (Sot switches 2 at occur- T ce eee | [sare as NO 08) iv] ecm eet (HEX notaten of FNO. 4A and 48) 000 | fa | 40 lite. le NO ) ol epee TOP few Fo 1 [Ty [canines ane ast br one Soe © [as rau (Sane as FNO. 60) ‘onl ag [Comins ofthe lst bu 0} [same as FNO. 40) I [E> pal FRaST Teiag_aas Gapay aS Seng a Peo Tame oor) Range 7 unt Tae ont) 9 of ‘won| BE] | so [Set ata oratecton Weim] |g 1 jo. crange iniones ie | | s nsmegs | i ome 0 {Ce [Se naar eed | ara rn] Tee a [60 (eRe [eter wae apne 1258200 [rma fern 3 je [58 [Use oF 06 being Toa [Wer aed 1 Uo 7 [Se [Use oF vn tetas a1 [B-Not used} Uaea = [eS 06 rng enw ooo ee a ps io it [0] 57 |Speoa iter (peak imng)] ware 4 Max. erotor speed (FN, St: 10 x [2] feweinereonineol [ite + | ae (FN. Sth 100% co 7 [ze [Beir teperten moe | Hapsoaed sporee Wade a 7 glen Ll c L 1 Higrepacison speed contol mode 1 : j Uns! ooeraion aad 8 | «| 50 [osrntentopeatenmode| as i 1 Operatonson ne spteaioerstaow zea) 0 wal i Ie it | Stood eet ni fees j ans sonad sana | =| 2 [Patton of e000 satin} ene | Sax ed ite | onc) 0 BLS | eal i [2 cigil spaea sting CD) | VG! eel § [a] we [Detter a tocaw ancl —T— I Foware win FD len B+] © lentes commana | 1 Revere wit FWD, ‘ BT) se [est sessconesariic orm so Soc [0 S| I Usa T ] | 50 |Detintion of speed detect: ; 1 Leashes! | 2 or ‘Ne 9) | Tw [Patna of weed sing] Sok nanan rose >I i | $ frog | |e erence Lt UY Ben tonad caag UD] 7 t 1 Porrele NR (FHO7) j 1 huts 2 1 [i extemal At input wow 6) 9 | 1 Shows a parameter not to be changed during operation (Note 1) Protects varous dataset wih the keypad panel Kom careless operation. sting for aperation modes (FNO. (ote 2.7 108} and press pole metor, sot it to 1600~3600Hmin (or 3000, 2400, 1200eImn). (2) The Keypad pare! splays 0.~9999, for 0~9999r7min and 1000~1200 for 10000~12000H'min (Note 3) When using a 4-pole standard motor, set the base speed to 1500kimin ag Do rat change it The maxis Molar speed hal cat Be ston The Keypad panels ferent according othe number of moter poles. When using ad (Note 4) Displays as folows: ~100-~999--—998—.. 998-999-100 (Mote 5) Make an inquiry wren you want to set FNO. to 1 of 2 (Mote 6) When using me UPOOWN setting mode without slow speed setting, make settings FNO. SFO and FNO. 146000 Calan Fanon Sanng. aaa Say many oan 09 ey F sor eae] — tare Tose} ao ol ea ‘ae 6 Bea a rao TG ares |] Une ae by ao 7 jo | | Pease Stace etre ng | | | Tocue'tan tse ry \ 1} estore” gey wor | | x Sowa I | | | thot oan N | | OB Genes Zz eee | | GEN: Torque limit 220 MOT | {| sae NS i | | war\_ tex | {| | lz Limits torque by upper and lower torque| | Sets ASR outa (wih pol | pose let Tou int | Cee ema one | | Upper lierit | | cxf | | wor ys | Lover i] | = ua ecie ne ssaws oy nave] | tao cay bane | recone) | | | oes tte 220 | roe im as3 ae ‘Operation mode selecbon (Torque) [er [Baoan a ae mal if Parana song RO. [Neue bas song | | i temednn ne Tea TPetnton ot tre tt | or Parana seg FRO 2B) | ® [Pera ws seta 2 ja je) @ Pee, ot ave in Ge Para sting ER) a |. [Bierce nas sen 2 alive ised starderatyes) wma) ° | * Definition of torque tent 4 | 4 Jo: Parameter seting (FNO. 20) ° j [+ [e+ [een fa se | a L__[eatissteuinan stander yoes) een} 9 | | : Use of external Al for torque) | JO Net use | aan ar [1 sea a save a mecraneaty tea coal] 0 | | sc) enna | Ei | gq (Oeinton of magnons al etna | =| es Pilon oF mauris th az | Paramareraeting (FN. 2) ° [ELE [eres | a oe) "| er t L to ‘=: Shows a parameter not to be changed during operation (Note 1) For detals, see 7-3 2) Basic Parameters (2-7) FNO. 2A~20. SetFNO, 6000 general, and 101 when not using DB (generating made). FNO. 63, 64, and 66 10 0. (Do not change ine setings,) pa] Tar Tag ae oa - samy al sow Og ——— Nara] —Aarae [unt [a Meaning of data [en + |] Taras areata pany 7 lle crea | | (t tora armeter beats vue) ol | \*} >I | | 2 Sten or wom pry | || | 5 Ferg mem (soocan ate) tow | | 71 [Definition of SM terminals. a ee [71 stn at ° Ses mew (nowy ewe) © || fe 2 Ree — os | es igs 7 8 55 [oemmon or or Ts cs 1 4 Depa ‘einen of BO Wav [| ome (Wate a ° a £5175 losimion o Do rv) om 1 7 4 oe pemeor ara = EL [or patnnon rar aay [om zy § [7 [Beinien of AO oy [| “ome 3 al | i coersioneseal Fe fn ¢ [7% jh. of moor poe, pa =a | 7 frcoce wechcten | a. we, [mim aoa aa [aR | ay Eo sepoes | [ie Frese reeenn aoa : | whiner rem iswm ——— |) 4) | ||| Far fasrnm jareaaisesama) —— & | [erliaen forsee) —— [= i [Example Data set to 7, 4°, 1024PR. (Note 4)| ll = [a_i eae or ra ai a Ossoid, 1 rated ~ Tt (ep especie an inal] 2 | ia] 5 fant reise T ra r ‘8: Shows a parameter not to be changed dung operation (Note 1) See 6-2 3) (3) Conecton to terminals for load meter and speed meter. (Note 2). XB, X7, ¥4, and YS require option OPC IWG3-T2 or OPCT-VGS-TL. {Note 3) AO2 and ADS requite option OPCIL-VGI-AO. . {ote 4) The 1028PIR pulse encoder is used fr 4pole standard motor operaton. [SET] FNO. 7A 0 7. (Do not change it) Check the motor nameplate beloe seting S ara) Sang, as Sap eens Weanng of dt ex ger | [nar Te | age _[Unt_[ tio we ros | o + | ao [Comarn coro ~ cabamarmmarany wae] io | fet i 0 (ea anieg BOD tout son r99 Sets 860 aaa at max 3 Note) 1000 |e a) [Detision of iia data tr Coens \ + | ar [0 ao | * Stat rom paces opeaton ata ° isa] i ae | Seam, paensey ct Tenamedaat wire =| |g, © Oates om wing of NO 90=95 dea), BL] & [avec or non | 1 Enabiog (ot 3) 2 [Tes Transmssion 0 eoae oF 1 ‘Sapam vaso % Lo " See hutran ous catcormger + | 85 }20 sopstrent fob iow uM SM 202, 403 ° (ee 9) 2 Grae adustmet (Out Sat coresoon tra OF) DZD | ea wer Tae = oa ar fae er a=sai6 a9 = [ae oer set 1 I [00 [2 ope acpi wt [GAVE eet aciuntnent | } [LBB gan asairont | an ie [BC [a oft auairand | i 7 oe 3 = | 20a gan acusiren ‘toe 3 / [eae eg oft eae | | tow a Fe Ter Ta gn ashsimons 1] ioe 9 i ‘The markt shows parameter not lo be changed during operation (ote 1) Min. unt 000s for 0.900~0,1008, Min. unit 0.010s for 0.100~1 000s, Nin. unit 0.1008 for 1.000~6.000s. {Note 2) SAVE is enabled only when 0 is display. The range of ofset adjustment is O~:E90rW. (Note 3) For details of FNO. &2 and 83, sae the manual of option OPCT-VGS-72 or OPC H-VG3-T. a (Note 4) The unit "no display” is determinad by Al defiaton in FNO. 76 and 77, (ote 5) Dung AO adjustment, it an cperation command (FWD, REV or EXT) is input, 0 wil be set automaticaly (Note 6) The seting is requved only when 2 (Digital speed sefing BCD) is set in FNO, SA Speed seting modes. Output is limited when values over FNO. 80 are input aefal Facion Sag aaa Sap cm 5 oan] 7 sorta —— nes De in ae ee vous | Eno | ere cree | \] so | cco ell | | | osaiaye weten data tor vansmison . | | | YeSopnatesocoranata he orspeaton| 3 Frame Vs | | = Fen wane said ot | ej tonemanon st aU) | [freeman seme oat 1 Y 3 : . 0. Soved seta for ever : & | | ot fing a nomads sac] | 1 Sed setieg for ranemsion | 2 ia per oT onl wo | alle fe | (ow 2) ; 6 cocks j = as poets | | = i Siocnon o waranianon] | [Torus sting or vere HE] | [aque athe = To a | 3 Torque Sting 1 arameason : 2 | |mose it eee © [Pag Tiemanionon wane 500179 Tapoonsiooml | = = oS [ro [aoe (now 2 t 2 Geowaturpoee 00 ] ] 0 | so TT 1 Restart 2 race data wansmting cs i | 0 Data race siopped (Restarts possible any] - \ \ ung 9) \ i i i = i T_ E baa EB Gana, (wot 3) o 1 1 Sas a oa on [SAEs dsoted dung SAVE ooeaten, | 0 : | ‘note «) s t i —— i i {Note 1) For detais of FNO. 90~97, see the manual of option OPCTLVG3-12 or OPCTI-VG3-TL {Note 2) Displayed hexadecimaly on the Keypad panel {Note 3) isolays the number of unsaved data ater data change. (It cry includes data changed on the keypad panel, but does not nchude Sata ‘weten tom transmission ) The FNO. of data unsaved is cisplayed by| panel (Note 4) See 8 Parameter Seting ard Change, key operation in a parameter seting mace on the keypad 7-3 Detailed Descriptions of Parameters 41). Operation monitoring (1-1) FNO.08 Input signal (1) display (SEG display) Displays the ON/OFF status of contact input signals on the 7. segment LEO data display. Lit with contact ON, Turned of with contact OFF. (2) FNOGA input signal (2) display (SEG display) Displays the ON/OFF status of contact input signals on the 7: segment LED data display. Lit with contact ON, Turned of with ‘contact OFF. * X6, X7, and TEN are enabled when option OPCIL-VG3-T2 or OPCIEVGS-TL is used. (3) FNOOB Output signal display (SEG display) Displays the ONOFF status of digital output signals on the 7: segment LED data display Lit with DO ON, Turned of with 00 OFF * Ya ang ¥5 are enabled when option OPC H-VG3-12 or OPC VG3-TL is used (8) FNO.OG, 48 Operation mode display (SEG aisplay) Displays the present operation made on the 7-segment LED data display. ‘A segment LED is lit in each operation mode as shown on the fight [—'FWO" (Forwardistop command) REV" (Reversastop command) c st09 7 "8x" (Free-un command) UIE Last (aiarm reset command) (Pre-exctaion con [—X1" (Gen, 011) 2" (Gen, 02) [—%3" (Gen. 013) "(Gen 014) a ten: (Remote seting enabled *) ala qi Loner (Gen. 017 +) 6" (Gen. 016 *) xs" (Gen. 015) ¥F (Gen. Dot) 2" (Gen, 002) p——"¥3" (Gen. B03) "ye" (Gen. 004 *) Lovey: (Relay output) (Gen. D051) Ce (— Forward operatan mode (Note 1) (— Reverse operation mode (Note 1) (— Stop (inverter of) (— Preexcting or OC braking) (rau L__ eermadiate OC voltage seting up (Grderitage) (Note 3) ‘peceloraing (Note 2) L— rcoeierating (Note 2) [a | (Wate 1) The forwarc or reverse operation made is celermined as Below accorcing tothe combination of ON and OFF of contact nous signals "FWO" ang “REV Contact pur | Goniast put peraion mode PHO" "REV" 7 ON On, ON oF “Forward operation moge™ OFF on “Reverse operation mode” Wt oF OFF 1 Exceptions are that when cortact input signal “BX” is ON, ‘Forwars (reverse) operation made" is tuned a. When pre-excting signal “EXT™is ON ang when "PWD" oF "REV" ig ON, "Pre-exctaton oF OC braking” is tuned cl (Wate 2) Output dung acceleration and deceleration 1s a8 flaws: @ Sot star stop mace NAO. be avs ash Signals are output folowing the comparison of the speed seting NRO of he sol starsop input and actual speed NA [Acceleration oc deceleration mace is tuned off at speed arival slate which is determined by FNO. 33 However these signs are net ouiput when aux. speed settings V1 and AV2 are used, speed sein lt is sotto oer than 100%, of ‘eyerseinhibting command (CNR) s ON, Touse signals during acceleration and deceleration, select NO, 7B=0,FNO. 57 = 100, and at AV2 for FNO. 78 and 7 2 UPIDOWN setting mode wo rev ia » tt, fel | oni na we se 53—F room : Soy as Sy I oo | e og NAL ‘Signals for acceleration oF deceleration are output following the increase or decrease of UP/DOWN setting unt output NAY (Note 3). The mark "— of TAeroTADS means “not (rot undervatage) [CNAI” (Mut. speed selecion 1) or “CUP (UP command (5) FNOOD, 4A Soft switch (1) display (SEG display) Displays the soft suitch status set by general-purpose Ot ee a) ONIOFF and OI detnitions for FNO. 72 and 73 on the 7- me rt segment LED data display, command). "Cass" Sok stanton bypass command) (ala lela Turnad off with switch OFF. Lc (Asi constant change command) CPP (ASR, PI cnange commanc) Lert (Reverse ining commana {rr (sot stanstop ime change commana) aa (5) ENO iB Sot swich (2) display (SEG dispay) [—'CSTC" (SEB6E COATIorque contol change commans) Displays the internal switch status set by general-purpose Ol ee ee ONOFF and DI definitions for FNO. 72 and 73 on the 7- : comms segment LED data display [—'CTL" (Torque limit commana) Ut with switch ON, [CTR (Torque bias 1 command) Turned off with switch OFF. ‘*For simple position control command, see (2-16) FNO. 2A Gg a a 8 ‘—-cPos" (Simple postion control command *) C-craa" (Torque bias 2 command) 2) Basic parameters ey Range of data Data at shipment FNO. 11° Solt startstop acceleration time 1 (ACC) 0.10~1200 s 5.00 FNO. 12 Sot staristop deceleration time 1 (OECt) 0.10~1200 s 5.00 FNO. 13. Soft staristop S-curve range (ST) o~50% ° Sets acceleration time from 0 rimin to max, spead (FNO. 51) and deceleration time rom max. speed to O «imin, © Soft stanvstop mode 1 Speed seting input signal Speed ‘ croomacg| | 52 / 2 ry (Reverse) Fomard'stop command "FWD" Reverse/stop command "REV" st. A ACEH « (2X IIS) { Time for O~max. speed Froomial WeROCEN «42x ST YEs)42) ® UPIDOWN seting mode Calculation for acceleration and deceleration time i the same as (1) and (2) above. Example of operation Speed Max. speed NMAX Time Slow speed NF NE UP command “UP ‘DOWN command "DOWN" Hh CLEAR command "CLEAR" Forwarastop command "WO" Reverse/stop command "REV" -%- (22 Range of data Data at shipment FNO.14~18_Muitistep speed setting 1~5 (NRI~NRS) =100~100.0% 0.09 You can select S-step of speed by general-purpose contact signaisisott switches. The inclination of speed change between stages are determined by acceleration and deceleration time seating. ‘The selection of mulistep speed disables operation by external speed setting signals The relation detween general-purpose contact signals and internal witches is defined by FNO. 72 and 73. See (4-8) Speed seting NOTE: @: ON stato, ©: OFF state Tnteral] Exernal | ‘Mulistop speed | Extomal swicn | “speed speed sting z13] settag cum [_O ole oe cma | oO ele ee cnrs | O ofo oe ea Range of data Data at shipment FNO. 19 Soft stat/stop acceleration time 2 (ACC2) 0.10~1200 ¢ 5.00 FNO. 1A Soft star’stop deceleration time 2 (DEC2) 0.10~1200 5 5.00 FNO_18_Soit starvstop S-curve range (ST) o~s0% ° The First acceleration and deceleration times (FNO.11, 12, 12) and the second ones (FNO. 19, 1A, 13) can be changed with general- purpose contact signal/sot switch (CAT). The second ones are selected by the soft switch(CAT) tuned on The relation between the general-purpose contact signal and soft switch is defined by FNO. 72 and 73. See (4-8) ey Range of dala Data at shipment FNO. 24 ASA P (2) (KP2) 0.1~1000 200 FNO, 25 ASA I (2) (Ki2) 0~5.000 s 0.040 FNO. 26 Speed setting fiter (2) (NRF2) 0~5.000 s 0.040 FNO. 27 Speed detection fiter (2) (NAF2) 0~5.000 0.005, ‘The fist speed reguiator parameters (FNO.20, 21, 22, 23) and the second ones (FNO. 24, 25, 26, 27) can be changed with general- purpose contact signalsoft switeh (CPN. The second anes are selected by the soft switen(CPl) tumed on ‘The relation between the general-purpose contact signals and soft switch is delined by FNO. 72 and 73. See (48) ey Range of data Dala at shiomant FNO. 28 Droop (KO) 0+25.0% 00 when speed control is performed together with other inverters, loads on drive units can be balanced by droop characteristics Speed ‘added to constant spead conto! (draop contra), Droop is defined {a8 given in he right figure. The ON-OFF of droop contacts done by the general-purpose contact signaiisot switch (CDRP), When soft switch CORP is ON, droop contol is ON. The relation between the ‘general-purpose contact signals and soft switch is defined by FNO. 72 and 73 See (49), 100% (tax. Speec) ~36- ee Range ot data Data at shipment FNO.29 ASA P Changeover ramp time constant (KRP) O1~255 5 1.00 To reduce a shock athe changeover ofthe speed regulator parameters (2-1), the parameters are changed in a ramp function manner between ASR P (1) and ASR P (2) en Range of data Data at shipment FNO. 28 Torque limit torque bias setting 1 =250~250% (Note 1) 150 FNO. 28 Torque limit 2rorque bias setting 2 =250~250% (Note 1) 10 FNO. 26 Torque limit torque bias setting 3 =250~250% (Note 1) 150 FNO, 20 Torque limit 4 0~250% 150 FNO, 60 Defrition of torque limiting modest ons ° FNO. 61~84 Definition af torque limit 1~4 on ° FNO, 2A~26 sets either a torque limit or a torque bias setting. A function can be selected by the definition of the soft switch (CTL or TBI, 2), The relation between the soft switch and general-purpose contact input is defined by FNO. 72 and 73, See (4-8). @ “Torque limiting tunction Use FNO. 60=0 or usual‘orque limiting. When using no braking resistor in an application that requires no DB (generatig mode), ise FNO, 60s 1, FNO. 62=0, FNO, 28=3~ 10%, and soft swich CTL tumedON. (3) FNO. 60 detines torque limting modes. is) FNO. 61 and 62 define whether torque limits 1 and 2 are set «ht oarametors oF anaiog input A ©: Limits torque by absolute values of ocque current setting {Seting win parameters: 0 Torque limit 120 Y Setting with analog input 1 ¥: Torque | FNO. 63 and 64 should be set to 0 because these torque N: Speed limits are set with parameters MOT: Motoring For setting with analog input. see (4-10) FNO. 76 and 77. GEN: Generating For sating with parameters FNO. 2A~20. see the table Mor CEN below: oe 7 z aia MOT_ | Upper im | 1s quadrant 1: Limits MOT and GEN separately. by torque curent sating, || FNo. 28 | o-tso% | ortgo% |Omztso~ | “Oizo MOT: Torque limit 12 0 é (vote 1) | Wote 1) | “ow 1) GEN: Torque limit 23 0 GEN] Lower it [na quacrane No. 28] unused | onts0% | o-s 150% | "0-130 EN Mor (wate 1) | “inet 1) | (vote 1) 3rd quacrare oe a F020] umes | Uses | umes | “SEEN ‘ avacrant No, 20 unused | Unused | Unused | “OWts0% 2 Ute torque by upper and lower torque settings (ASA (ote 1) output. : (oth potarty) Upper lt MOT | (ote 1) Though the ange of data is—250 (0)~250%, standard Upper limit Torque limit 1 GEN seting shou be within 0~150% or 0 150%. Lower limit: Torque limit 2 | Mor Lower in oan ‘3 Limits torque in four quadrants by individual torque current setting Torque limit 120 Torque limit 220 Torque limit 320 Torque limit 420 eeee a ® Torque bias function Fig. 7-1-4 shows a contol black diagram with torque bias in use, Asiilusrated, the bias functions given to ASR output. this used to improve response at start in hoisting application This function can be used in Fig. 7-1-2 Soft star’stop mode and Fig. 7-1-3 UPIDOWN setting mode, When using a function marked with, change the definiions of general-purpose UO signals and soft switches (FNO. 72~79). The torque bias functions within the mark and requires change of sot switch definition, When you are using this function, you can not use torque limiter function (soft switch CTL) CATLILATLO _ (6In8!) aL He 773 Ta Tae wD) — 1 Ie (eto) a0 + | an Sov sina 3] = SHEE} tee stra al Jonm ] arn NEI NEE? we xtc e220 wien Kees) l [po narizn co ‘Speed foedback NOTE: Tho igure in} shows FNO. Fig. 7-1-4 Control block diagram for torque bias operation (i) FNO. 72 and 73 datine the connection of softswitch ) (x) The relation between he soft switch and torque bias is as CTBr, CTB2 and general-purpose Dl. folows o lefine whether torque bias 1 and 2 are )FNO Gt and 62 dene wheter ue bas 1 and 2 Sewer set with parameters or analog input oe, | er | ets | tee | Setting with parameters: 0 Bias [or Al (ATLI)[or Al (ATLA Setting with analog input. 1 al 5 7 oi . FNO. 63 should be set to 0 because this is normally set 2 with @ parameter. [eicrez) ° Om jEae: ° Gi) For seting with analog input, see 10ND. 76nd 77. | re @ oN wae, © | OFF sate FNO. 30~37 set @ comparator level to output the status of the inverter and motor by general-purpose DO. FNO. 74 and 75 select ‘general-purpose OO to output the intemal digital signal De x #resuited from companson. wa Range of oma Daa wahoo FNO_30_Zero speed detecion lave (2SL) 02~100% os Sets zero speed level ZSL in % taking the max. motor speed of a FNO. Stas 100% his 26r speed status O25 (OFF signain zero speed state, ON A signalinunnng state) canbe outbut tom genera-purpose OO a a oF See (6-9) FNO. 14 and 75, 2 oe iim H=05% ansoiute valve fact epee ZSL=02~10.0% oe ss Hystress with 2a Range of Gata Data ar shpat FNO_31_ Optional speed detection level (absolute) (SOTA) 100% 100 Seis optional speed detection level (absoute)SOTAIn% taking Operation of SOAS ov the max. moor speed of FNO. 51 a8 100% This speed status DSDA (ON signal wnen speed exceees FNO. 3} setting level) can be output tom genera-pupose DO. See (6-9) FNO. 74 and 75 on ae | = [NAL 2 TE poethe=1% absolute value of acta spo0e soTa=1—100% ‘the Hysteresis with ei ange of data Dara a Shame FNO_32_ Optional speed detection lave (wih pola) (SOTP) ___—100~—1, 1~100% 10s Sets optional speed detection level (wth polany) SOTA in % —q) Senngoo taking tho max motor speed of FNO. $1 a5 100%. This S000 ogeareay osD=> on statis OSOP (ON signal when speed exceeds FNO. 32 seting lave) canbe output om genera-purpose OO. See (83) FNO 74 and 75. Y ‘The + side of the actual speed means forward operation, and the OFF | NA side, reverse operation (when FNO, 58 =0), When FNO. 58: Seen ae 1, the+side means reverse, and the—side, forward. Q ——_ oP =1~ 100% ® Seting soTP =~ 100%. ‘FH: Hysteresis wiath -39- When speed setting is given in soft start’ stop mode, sets a detection level SAR for actual speed NA arriving at soft start stop input signal NRO. The 100% of this setting level corresponds to the max. motor speed FNO. 51 ‘ ° | oF Tis signal isnot output in UP/DOWN made. Als, tis signals iotoutput when aux. speed seting Vi and AV2 is used. When be thant INRO=NA | oN Using this signal DSAR, set FNO. 7B=0, and do not select AV2 (Absolute value of ctternce with ENO. 78 and 77. SAR=1.0~20.0% between soft starvstop input ‘This speed artval status OSDP (ON signal by speed arrival can eaneo ae cna aed De output from general-purpose DO. See (4-3) FNO. 74 and 75, His: Hysteresis wich NA) e1) Range of data ‘Data at shipment FNO_34 Speed agreement dotection level (SAG) 1.0~200% 30 ‘Sets an agreement level for speed setting NA and actual speed NA. on “Te 100% of ti sating lavel coespends to the mx, oto speed FNO. 51 ; The speed agreement satus OSAG (ON signal by speed agreement can be ouput tom general-purpose 00. See (4-2) FRO. 74 and 75. — a tat TNRCNA | (Absa vu of terence . $AG=10-200% tebwen, speed seting. NF ete Hytreas with and acta speed NA) wa Tange o Gua Daa a spn FNO. 88 Torque detection level (TOT 1250% 100 Sets such a torque level that tus signal DTDT on when torque Current or torque exceeds the level oN ‘The 100% ofthis torque detection level corresponds tothe rated Continuous torque current or torque To output the signal DTDT from general-purpose DO, sae (4-9) NO. 74 and 75. Torqu current setting oF toraue setting can be off. ‘selected by FNO. 70 Definition of LM terminals: Ort for torque = a ‘current setting and 2 or 3 for torque setting. _ i im ttyent0% lie Lord e*| i (Absolute value of torque “ToTm1~250% current or torque) sss: Hysteresis wiatn -0- ery Range of data Data at shioment ENO 96_Overcad precton tv! LOL 25~1008 Sets oe of overead precton or Ie mere and mtr Tn m vad toa To output this overload prediction DOL (ON by overload eho canes! — Gvertoadt proton sats) wam goer purpose 00, SEE (2) NO. Ta ‘wei tf te 75 ' co fesse} TT00% 150%, LOL: 25~100% (at 5% intervals) 213) Range of data Data at shipment FNO. 37_Motor overheat prediction level (LOLM) 75~ 1500 140 Used for outputing prediction on motor winding temperature on through DO. To output this prediction DOLM (ON above the set temperature) WW from general-purpose 00, see (4-9) FNO. 74 and 75. | ofr a Tm tys80 tou veri.g Hystoress with 5~150(T) (at SU intervals) 1 Range of data Data at shipment FNO. 3A_Simple positon canttal moter stop count (SPC) FEF 2000 ‘This function is used for simple position control in horizontal Speed seting trucks and other applications. For example. as ilustrated on the right, when 2nd limit switch operartes at creeping speed, soft switeh CPOS is turned on to start pulse courting bythe PG (pulse encoder). When the count reaches the set SPC, the iaverter stats to siop and the speed level becomes ‘under zero speed level.0C braking is applied to stop tne motor In case of standard motors, the number of pulses of PG is 1024 PIR and FFFF =65535 pulses, Setting is available up to 65595/1024=64 revolutons. For he relation between sof switch CPOS and general-purpose Dl, see (4-8) FNO. 72 oor Zero speed ZS ‘ Cc open ones ors BR This parameter is effective in FRENICSOOOVG3. Setting value ° C] ae ——— a -a- 3) Fault display ‘The inverter has the following three functions to display and retrieve the contents of faut: (1) Contents of faults: FNO. 40, 41, and 42, (2) Operation status when 1st faut occurs: FNO. 43~4C, (3) Contents of past faults (records): FNO. 40, 46, and 4F. \When a fault occurs, the inverter is automatically put ina fault display mode. To retiave successive faults, operation status at fault occurrence. and faut records, operate the keypad keys, and tne contents will be displayed in order. NOTE: The codes of FNO. 40~éF are displayed only conceming the tst fault (lst detected fault when more than one fault occurred), The codes are the same as FNO. 40 and 41 (3-1) FNO. 40 Contents of Tet faut FNO. 41 Contents of 2nd faut FNO. 40 displays 1st fault with a code of the ight table. FNO. #1 sapays and faut hat occured scccessvely ay =a before 1st fault was reset. The table of the codes and ath digit [3rd igit[2nd igi] 1st Git contents are shown on the right. g i [Oversarert Z t oo 2 t Seas 1 t i [underotaae 7 i [Overspeed o 7 iste one iH i t Ta ao t — — | LCL Se E a Sonal va ST z Baretta [BaRo-@ tam came id a —rr——Ss=CS waaay [Dama ai] «FED CBA ST eS4sz10 a i TT) = . 4 T T ] ‘Overall faut for 1~F bit -— | Lee teal tow — lh OFF Tlie nt ere ce Sr Gunde fonera) Bars | a | FS ston sr ow | Sa a ‘aoe fo Mem Sactnctn a} 3} 3 Ore "nove _ se _ Tort 7 S U—_____—_—__—08_ Overspeed_ ey 8 1D Grootcage ou. Swvetage aes is e IGF Fuse blow a0, 1 = 0C Overcurrent Sample inverter overoad (OL) and extemal faut (OH3) DPopoTsPo Topo Toy [ayopoToyoy ay od ° ° 8 3 © Display shows 0083 (33) FNO. 48 Operation mode at faut oecurrence (HEX) The operation mode when ist fault ‘occurred is displayed in hexacecinal notation. FNO. 48 givas SEG display for the contents of the bits O~7 ag FNO. OC. does. refer to (1-4) (Note 1) The line of URGSTVOTAGE for bit 6 means “not {Note 2) Transmission data errr at bit 8 and traced- = |Fusx setting input (0~10 v) FAL ait ei at 1 gs Pex sonea emu mo fe ‘now 5 Feedback input |ANFL alt Fret pote [50 [soos eeback 7 =iov ‘anal See oes eso Le fener wed E510 sow speed set tow-tto 7m = 1 Eo | | ime - [ss aoe eel ml | zooerti0v (Note 1) Alt and Al2 inpit—10V~0~++10V. When Al2 is dofined the same as All, All has prety over Al2 (Note 2) Motor temperature is input narmaty by an NTC thermistor. However, when Pr100 aha ike is uitn a moter, tis possibe to inputit ito the invener sing a converter 0~10vi0~200% (Note 3) Normally 150% cortesponcs fo the maximum torque. (ote 4) When you want to use Fux setting input AFAI or speed feedback input ANF, please make an inauity to us -a- fonly when option OPCII-VG3.A0 is used. ENO. 78 sets AO (Inverter main PCB terminal) to any of $0~-$11 vertically ranged in he table below. {At shipment. AO is set to $0 BNFO by FNO. 78=0) ENO. 79 sets a combination of AO2 and AO3 toa columa #0~ # 12 horizontally ranged i the table below. (At shipment, column#0 is set by FNO. 790 : AQ2 BNFO, AOS BTO) iy Range of dala Data at shipment FNO. 78 Definition of AO (AO) ons ° FNO_79_Defintion of 00 (AO2, AO3) ons ° NO. 78 and 79 determine the relation between general-purpose analog outputs and inverter internal data, AO2 and AOS are enabled 1 ‘Seting of FNO. 78 (at shipment FNO, 79m) No. Sat | pave [Bola [ee] 23 [ee] 5] #6 7] ea] a0 sozn|enlen[eilen] ovens 3 [Sowa Testack anu [BWFO_ joao) 00) T_[_[vcejacal 1 1 [Speed senng © [enre | fo03) | [aceageaoa | § | [apse sng 1 ava [a0 — [nos] Lr 32 [Speed seteg 2 [enna | [aon] [a t % [race song capo ro focal || | | cal 35 focpe sete out! a Col 36 face carer seting ar | eel | 7 [Speed soting Jour 7 (202) a 2 [Soaed feedback, aosolze _/ONAS T Fo |Torav foing oa, sos [TAS CC Torqoe cureat soning outa t Beting of FNO. 78 (AO) (ot shipment FNO. 78 ae [prs | | | | 32 ator fw | tt tetrt | a t [|e mn] sie Ty | | | | sis] Lr Beas Pit {Note} When an AO is defined the same as another, both of them ousput the sare signal ‘Analog output: $0~$3, $7, and $8: 0~st10Vi-e100% ‘$4 and $5. 0~s+10V/0~s+max torque Seting (150% as standard) 88. O~c100~+max torque current soting (150% a8 stancara) 52 0~+10vi0~100% $10: 0~++10Vi0~-tmax. toque sating (150% a8 standara) S11: G~-+H10W10~tmax. torque curtnt soning (150% as standarc) $12 This depends an NO. TC (Refer to (6-12)) —ag- ray Range of data Data at shipment FNO.76_Selection of motor cutren’s output 2 2 ‘Setihis parameter when you need to use "AO" terminal as actual ‘motor current’s output Sera | seu] ST seas This parameter defines the scale of output votageimotor as a curent 7 ae a oo Motor current value means ms. and output accuracy is 10% FI a = rd 2 aro" o aro" = a 7s Be07 3 0 7s SOF 3 wer 7 oe 7 oy 3 wore | @ | aor 9 SO 2] emer 2 ooo" 0 70" 2 T5007 1 aro" @ soo" 3) Range of data Data at shipment FNO. $4 _Use of V limit function ot ‘il \Viimit function is the function hat when lnvertar intermediate voltage increase over the level, VG3/VG3N depress the generation power in order to depress the increasing of intermediate voltage, 0: No use of V limit function 1 use of V lit function 5) Definitions tor options A ey Range of data Data at shipment FNO. 80 Conversion factor for speed setting BCD input 99~7999 +1000 Using option OPC T1-VG3-DI, this function sets a BCD data at the maximum speed when spead setting is made by BCD input (when FNO. 5A is set to 2) Example. Wnen BCD data is 120.0 (mimin) at the maximum motor speed, setting 's FNO. 80=1200 When data over than 1200 is input. output i liited, FRENICS000VG : ® 3 Max. moter speed a ea Range of Gala Data at shipment FNO_81_Defintion of UP:OOWN inital setting ot ° In case of speed seting with the UP/DOWN setting unt shown in Fig. 7-1-3, this function defines the inital seting t0 be O oF the preceding operation data. The later definition is used for restarting from the preceding setpoint when the inverter contol power supply is recovered from stoppage due to power failure etc. Note that option OPC I-VG3-T2 is required in this case 6) Analog input adjustment Diser adjustment data Gain adjustment data Offset adjustment data Gain adjustment data Offset adjustment data Gain adjustment data (Offset adjustment data Gain adjustment data © FNO. 88, BA, AC, BE: Oifset adjusiment. Input OV into each analog input terminal and operate s Soa Aotr | = [ius rave display data 0, ton, press (Wren [$0 [Aue spec seting 2 |AV2 | Onan speed in cperaton of oes not ge 0, check he input [51 aax-apooasating 3 TAG : = votage and try again) a : justment_is_normally unnecessary because it_is gong ATLI | O~tmax. torque * * Acustmert coma yecautn tie | Se oa tna l= @ FAO. aD, AF: All, Al2 gan acumen co - . Te isplay unt varies as shown nthe table on height drercngto eA gelmonOPFNO, Toone? Cony ||P era eee [APA TOD : ‘out adjustment the same as @. Note that in $15 motor temperature input, agusiment should be done win sv | $9 | Seeed Feedback input [AN |O~max speed | rnin input 100% splay because 10V mput causes motor [S10 UD unt (O10) ANF |Ommax speedXiIO% | rmn trouble due to overheat. | 3ow'soeed sting a T | sie ie | 313) aia | 515 Wour ere. moa [ATM | O~200 = ‘ood (ete) The maximum torque is normally 150%, -5- 8. Keypad Panel 8-1 Functions and Construction The seting and display device is named keypad panel, and data display and parameter setting and modiication are al carred cut with the keypad panel. The invenr is operated by parameters set withthe keypad panel and external operatiorvcontol commands. Fig. 81-1 ilustrates the operation. < aai|| Function selecion S montring. satin SSSCSS mace an Function selection, ‘monitoring, sting! el | ositication, retrieval ee Forwargteverse command ] (PADRE terminal: ON) [contot com fran (See Power supply oat ‘Operation ting etc. (Stop) jextemal com. Sop comrars leona OREN femal OFF | (Sete Bx Fur S fess |_|] | rrscve tcton ace com SVS ec} = Tew Fig. 8-1-1 Basic operation of FRENICS000VG3 series Table 8-1-1 shows the list of parameters, Table 1-2, functions of the keypad panel, and Table 8-1-3, display characters, Table 8-1-1 List of parameters - wo Conteris T Raman (0 | 1~F | Operation monitoring I 1 [Lo=F | [Seees sera 10 FRO_I=3F set dala preecion Basic : 2 Basi aes | ASA (opued regulon =] ‘ornoes #0 | Fase 3 oF [Basics 50: FNO_ 51 BF set data protection | Sos] Pe Tora feiecton | ating change rat alowed 7 | oF [Inpuvouput, ete during inverter operation a) ace | Baton fe opianar unis | (except FNO. 82, 8, 86 87) ‘raog adstrent | | 3 0-F | Wansmistion and oars I Table 8-1-2 Functions of the keypad panel Function Tmo] Cones Gperaion none OI=0F Manors lavenar operating cancion sees ani raters o Beaded ng SBOaIGA SIGN ASP a para Basi parame 113A ler Gh system = * (Sparing rade ssc —g, 7g [Denon tems io be tl blo operalon sich as aX weed ATO anaOVO Parameter ion SI~78 aetitions. ‘eting [Demiion fr onions | 6089 _[Datntons fr wang opbone lo be set befor opereion [anaiog adhstrere | 8S=3F_[Acjusments (tet and gar) fr analog VO to be el balove persion Taraniaion ca dap Tower igi Wares dia whe pion PCT VGEE or OPCTINGET ‘Set data protection “TO, 50 Protects set data against careless operation ‘save tuneton GA, 98 Stores the whole set parameiers in nanvlaia mene Fauk Geolayremeval | aO=sF Displayed caries contents and operation ats at faut occurence Reset | Poset hoy [Faut rast or reset wo an operation montoring mode ale sting is over. Fue | Osply | Figue | Osplay [Engien iter] play [Engish later] Owplay [Engich later] Oispay oe = 5 a [a F F u v 1 i 6 3 a | 6 # ¥ v a 2 | 2 7 ? coy u t 5 s Pfatefefedtef{efei rd, 4 4 9 9 er lere a < | ‘The same characteris csplayed on the keypad panel each for 0 and O, U and V, and 5 and S. Fig. 8-1-2 shows the outline of the keypad panel - Function No.csplay Data (parametersplay Unit incicator = FUNCTION DATA, va oman LD pay a5 AG BA AE aso a @. El Selecton indicators racnterf suet] | A | feast]] Y | | ser] [reser SHET key RESET key UP key increas) SET key FAST food hoy DOWN key (Gocrease) Fig, 8-1-2 Outline of the keypad pane! FUNCTION Displays a selected function wih a 2-digit number. Selection indicator: Indicates the selected position for a digit to sat a function. In a parameter setting mode, both are turned off Dara Displays operation data, setting data for parameters, and fault status, Unit indicator Turns on an LED on the left side of a unit coresponding to the contents of display data ~s3- Functions of touch keys Gar Selects a mode trom function selecting and parameter setting modes. Each mode is shited by pressing [SHIFT] key in such an order as shown below: (Selection indicator, the tens digit» @ : Selection indicator, the units digh ~ @): DATA (parameter) =D —@ However, when FNO,01~OF and 40~4F are set or when data ls protected (described later), orderis D+ @—D— FUNCTION para, FN. bapty ——- | ~ Data display Selection indicator — TI © ~ o Gam) Ea} sis | és. Used for changing numeral data in each mode selected with Increases numeral data, [YJ]; Decreases numeral data. During parameter sating, data increase or decrease stops within the upper and lower limits of each parameter setting range FAST Feeds numeral data fast during parameter setting You can stant fat feed numeral data by pressin {02d to the original teed by releasing onl Fast feed is not started by pressing only deprassed, and can change the fast SET Used for string data inte nonvolatile memory during parameter seting, Stored data s not erased even when the power supply is turned off Data not stored by a press of [SET ] attr modiication is erased when the power supply is turned off and data stored previously by a press ff SET [is vaio Wen) is pressed, (SI [ELFIGIE) is cispiayed about one second, followed by set data display. | displayed to show the data being wniten to nonvolatile memory RESET © Display reset in a parameter setting mode Display returns to the FNO. for preceding operation monitoring display (FNO. 01~0F), ® Fault reset in a faut monitoring mode ter fault recovery cancels the operating protective function and displays the FNO, selected belore the fault occurred a 8-2 Protection of Set Data ‘There are two kinds of parameters: basic parameters and operation mode selection (defniton) parameters, and both set data can be protected (nnibited from change) FNO. 10: Protects the set data of basic parameters (11~3A) FNO. 50: Protects the set data of operation made selection parameters(S1~8F) (Qala 0. change inhibited, data 1: change allowed ) A shipment, both are inal set to 0 (data change ibe), and parameters can not be changed ® Canceliation of set data protecton (Change alowed) Set FNO. 16 10 (or 50) with nd press [SHIFT] twice to csplay a parameter seting mode. Press [A] to set data to 1 Ator that, parameter change for each FNO. i alowed ® Set data protection (Change indies) Put the display in a parameter setting mode in the same way as in . Press [Z] to set data to 0 Att that, parameter change for each FNO. is inhibited. 8-3. Displaying Data To monitor the contents of functions, folow the operating steps below: {and see that solection indicator (D is it to select the tans aigit of FNo, to set a code forthe tons digitof a required FNO, At ths time, a code for the units digit of FNO. wil be set to eee ee ‘The function data is cisplayed on the data display, and its unt, on the unit inckcator ‘The unit indicator atthe right bottom is it for units other than those printed such as rimin, A, s, ete, These displays will Continue tit another function is set ero oe Function No/ JTens junits) |-atn"| aed | 2nd] rst | r/min OA - Secs} [Seeleer)[SeSerfsorsoe] 2" 8 |e | oa mseane oe cmos, o @ @ Fig, 1 LED display 8-4 Parameter Setting and Change (1) Steps. D~@ Select a required function in the same way as 8-3 D~O. ® Press and turn of selection indicators D and @ in Fig, 8-3-1 to shit to-a parameter setting mode. Note that during inverter operation, a parameter setting mode can not be displayed in connection wih parameters that are disabled from setting during operation NOTE: "During inverter operation” means “inverter is not active Use ang to sel a required data. After data is changed, it tickers. To stove set data into nonvolatile memory (to hold it after the power fais), press ‘The data stops tickering and is stored ® To change data after 's pressed, repeat steps trom ®. NOTE: When a fault occurs, al of the parameters can not be set ee (2) Seting of more man ane parameter ®D Carry out the first setting following (1) D~@. Press [SHIFT] once and see that slecion incicator D (he tens dig of FNO) ist © Ospiay FNO. for me newt parameter using [A] © Carry out parameter seting in the same way. ~55- (3) To store more than one parameter into nonvolatile memory at a time (ALL SAVE function) CCall FNO. and set data in the same way as (1) D~®. Do not press but display the next FNO. and set data using and, Repeat operations D and @to finish setting al the parameters required; then, call FNO. 9B, Since the contents of FNO. 98 ig 0. press The display changes from 1 to IE] to indicate data being written for about 3 s, while all the changed data are stored @ Alter data is writen, the data of FNO. 9A (Data SAVE check) is automatically reset to 0. (4) Example of parameter setting Setting change of max. speed to 2400 simin staring from the display of output current monitoring ee08e8 ‘Operation | Display Ceara Ses . :=—s—s—Csé

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