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Cachon Nanotubes The descoving of buckyballs Led te the descovery of other Forma of carbon that eve Structurally roleteck, 2:5. Corben hanotubss , Theos. are cylindeical in shyctere oncl alo resemble a rlledk—up sheet of Graphite, with the Carhen moleckes arangecl ih rapeeting Arxagons . They have a dvamoter of a few nanometers anc can be open at beth endo, Sealedt at one end or Seolecl at both ends . a carbon hanotebe open at bath’ onda Carbon nanetibes have. proved to have very sefil pro parties ¢ WMcni but Mighty’, thoy are many tines shongen than steel. The mechanccal (Shffria, strength ; tug hice), Fherinal and olachica proprtics of pire buclyhube matinvels mnabhe a muthituele of appleatous, from bottonica anc fuel cells to fibres anol cables to pharmacedcticals ancl biomedical matinols. They awe foun in the hetteries of most laptop computers , The world’s smellet trot fhe The worlol’'s smableet tattoos as heon Mack. from a Carbon nanotube. a carbon nanetibe closed atone unel ~ & nano™test—tube! One enc of the tbe is closect by a fullerene Cap thet contacns both pentagons anc hexagons The tee hos & volume of x10 din? Thetibe ag erablect OxPorol Sccenhsts to se. the tube’s one-dimensional camty to previa a template for the syuthess of unbranchect pelymen chatns of CeeO , fillerens oxide . This proues havinallag wegudr2s expensive cotnlysts that ave sensitive to acr and water Without the one- dimensional cantty , the polymer wad branch in all devectons Reachiong ih_hanescale teaf=febeo The potential of nanoscale trot-tubes For Canryciy out reactona i berry syploredt , The nancrcale tiottrbe Aas various devi votives otinched is Shown as follow? a Chemical reaction ih a hanotche — polymensetion ef CeO to form (CecO)n These could be immobilisect en3ymes enabling fast voachions in the syntherin of haw Ange There ore distihet advantages of carycha out There veachions on % Nahescale Tr a nerinat testtube , the parteles have do collide Po react ancl these collisione rely on random movement In inary reactions net all the particles react, or unwanted Siete products ore procacect. These. problema reoult in reccodl Yyielel . By contrat, @ nanoscale vaaction , whore jndewiderel molecules are brought together, Cam have an excesdingla Aish yell . Trapped ockma in a corbon nahefivbe . Another kincl of structure bechg devebopecl involves buckyball cage containing trappecl ccfome . Those buckyball cages ore then encrappecl Insidle, GO nanctabe, rather Like paas ih a poo. @ “pena in a pod” — buckyballe conteniing trappect otra, thamoekven inside, a carben nanctabe . The pucpose of tis work by sccentists ih Oxforel is to ihutotiqate the strrcture 0 On information storage display. ” Supramolecular chemistry ~ making superto[ecles Supramolecadar literally moana * beyoncl the molecule’, Dus do molecules Can recognise eoch other, biological molecules Such a2 MZ ymeo recogmas an! other molecdes, ob bind Crown etter were Created a2 synthetic prolecutes which Can recognise oncl binck fo metal ‘ona to Form & complex: F : oO ic a metal ion bound by a crown other molecule The Field Aas developed in mang dereetions with chemists synthesising ever Mors complex ancl Finely -funscl super molecules from molecules thot recoght se each other and binel to each otter by non-covalent effects, inelaclong Hrydrogen boncling ancl van cler Waale! forces Thire Super —molecules are being des ighact do ba cattalysts, fo transport drugs, fo tranche eleehiecty ond to harvest Inghh, among many other things . Meleceler poston The molecular moter 16 powered by Light. The molecule vstetes obowt a corben- carbon dowbLe bond . The groupe ecther side of the dele honcl are identical ancl UV light Comate these to bnder go cs-trans iSomen Sotion . Becawa of the large siza cf the gps, which ave chiral, the motor con only rotate, in OMe derection. the First light-driven moleclon motor

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