Modeling Design Mechatronics Isermann 000

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EEEASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, VOL, NO. 8, MARCH 1856 Modeling and Design Methodology for Mechatronic Systems Rolf Isermann, Member, IEEE Unvited Paper) Abstract—The integration of mechanical systems and mlero- leetronies opens many new possiblities for process design and ‘antomatie functions, After dlscussing the mutual interrelations between the desig ofthe mechanical sytem and digital eletrunic system the different says of Integration within mechatroni sy5- tems and the resulting properties are deseribed. The information processing can be organized in molli levels, ranging from low- level contro! through supervision to general process management. In connection with knowledge hases and inference mechanisms, Intelligent control systems result, ‘The design of control systems for mechanical systems is de- seribed, from modeling, identification to adaptive eootrol for nonlinear systems. This is followed by solving supervision tasks ‘with fault diagnosis, Then design tools for mechatronfe systems fare considered and examples of applications are given, like Adaptive control of electromagnetic and pneumatic actuators, Adaptive semiactive shock absoebers for vehile suspension, and lectronie drivehain damping. L. Inrropucrion ECHANICAL systems produce motions or transfer {forces or torques. For the control of positions, speeds, or forees analog realized controllers have been used for ‘many yeurs, Digital electronics now allows the performance fof many more functions, Fig. 1 shows ® scheme of the ‘mechanical energy flow influenced by actuators nd the sensor- ‘based information flow for a mechanical-electronic system. Now a development can be observed that the mechanical systems, the actuators, the sensors, and the microelectronics are increasingly integrated, forming such a unit, This leads to ‘mechauronic systems as an integration of (in a narrow sense) the following: ‘+ mechanics (mechanical engineering, mechanical devices): clectronics (microelectronics, power electronics, measure- ment and actuator technology); information technology (systems theory, automation, software-design, artificial intelligence) See, eg, (IHE5] Mansciptrseved Osobe 1, 1985: esd December 20, 1998. Tis ‘work ia ended version of pp tat is been published in Transactions ‘on tndutia econ, vl 3,1 9. 15, Fo. 1998 "The stor tthe inte of Ate Cont Lateran of Conta Exped sss Aston Teel Une of Bars oblate em Ientier §1085-1435(96022802, Fig. 1. Integration of mechanics, elsonies, ad iformasion weblogs less to wchatoniesyseas A. Mechanical and Electronic Design ‘The solution of tasks within mechatronic systems is per- formed as well on the mechanical as on the digital-lectronie side. Herewith interrelations during the design play an im- portant role. Whereas the design and the local arrangement or a conventional system is done separately, the mechanical and electronic components of a mechatronic system must be ‘considered as an integrated overall system from the beginning, Fig. 2. That means simultaneous engineering has to take place. ‘Mechatronic systems can be developed as well for mechan ical elemenss, machines, and vehicles as well as for precision mechanics devices. Examples include the following: 1) Mechanical Elements with Integrated Electronics 4) suspension systems; ») vibration dampers; ©) clutches, elastic or with friction; 4) bearings, mechanical or magnet ) gears, mechanical (ooth-, chain, belt-gears). ‘The properties which can be improved include the follow- ing: + adaptive stiffness ot damping; + adaptive adjustment of backlash or pretension: + automatic Kinematic functions: 10§5-2435915505.00 © 1996 HEE design constuction | fons separated components ® v ‘mochatroni overall sytem Fig 2. Relations during tian of a mechasone stem, (a) Conveatonal prada b) Mectren poced. ++ feedback contol; + supervisory functions 2) Machines with Integrated Electronics 4) power producing mackines like electrical drives, pneu: ‘matic and hydraulic drives, water, steam-, gas-turbines, combustion engines, ete: ') power-consuming machines like generators, pumps, ‘compressors, machine tools, robots, printing machines, ete. ©) vehicles, like automobiles, ships, aircraft. 3) Precision Mechanics with Inegrated Electronics: ) devices for telecommunication; ») consumer electronics; ©) data processing devices; 4) sensors and actuators ©) optical devices 1) medical devices ‘The integration of electronics into these machines and devices allow many improved and new functions. Some ex: amples include the following: + precise speed control for all operating conditions; impler kinematics by decentralized drives + control of nonmeasurable but reconstructed or estimated variables; * operation in unstable or dangerous boundary areas; + adaptive damping of oscillations or unbalance; + optimization of efficiencies or pollutions; + supervision with fault diagnosis; + anti blockage or slip control; + overall process management. ‘These examples show that the integration with electronics ‘comprises many classes of technical systems. In a large ‘number of eases the mechanical part ofthe process is coupled ‘with an electrical, thermodynamical, chemical, or information: processing part. The reason is that machines and devices are energy transformers where in addition to the mechanical energy other kinds of energy appear. The nonmechanical parts are then coupled with the mechanical part subject 10 the functions and signal flow. Therefore mechatronic systems in ‘a wider sense can be defined as an integration of ‘+ mechanical and coupled processes; + electronics; + information technology. Herewith the mechanical part should be dominant with regard to the overall function Fig. 3(a) shows a general scheme of a classical mechanicat- clectronic system, Such systems resulted from adding available sensors and actuators and analog or digital controllers to the ‘mechanical components. The limits of this approach were given through the lack of suitable sensors and actuators, the ‘unsatisfactory lifetime under the rough operating conditions (acceleration, temperature, contamination), the large space requirements, the required cables, and relatively slow data processing. Through proper design one has to avoid these disadvantages. With increasing improvements of the miniatur- ination, robustness, and computing power of microelectronic ‘components one can now try to put more weight on the electronic side and to design the mechanical part from the beginning with view to a mechatronic overall system. Then ‘one can ty to create more autonomous systems, eg, in form of capsuled units with touchless signal transfer, bus connections, and robust microelectronics. B. Ways of Integration ‘The integration within a mechatronie system can be per- formed in two kinds: through the integration of components and through the integration by information processing ‘The integration of components (hardware integration) results| from designing the mechatronic system as an overall system and imbedding the sensors, actuators, and microcomputers into the mechanical process, sce Fig. 3(b). This spatial integration ‘may be limited to the process and sensor ot the process and actuator. The microcomputers can be integrated with the actuator, the process, or sensor, or be arranged at several places, Integrated sensors and microcomputers lead to smart sen- sors, and integrated actuators and microcomputers develop fnco smart actuators, For larger systems bus connections will replace the many cables. Hence, there are several possibilities to build up an integrated overall system by proper integration of the hardware ‘The integration by information processing (software imegra- tion) is mostly based on advanced control functions. Fig. (¢) WEASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, VOL. 1, NO, MARCH 1986 — © T Fig 3. Ways of inegzaton within mechasonic systems: (2) Gearon scheme of 4 (lasia mecbanzalecrosc syn. (0) tnegaion of ompeneats hudaze-egadan. (0) Inyeson of nformaton processing (twa imegeton shows that besides a basic feedback an additional influence ‘may take place through the process knowledge and corre- sponding information processing. This means a processing of available signals in higher levels, as to be discussed in the next section, and includes the solution of tasks lke supervision with fault diagnosis, optimization, and general process man- agement. The respective problem solutions result in real-time algorithms which must be adapted to the mechanical process properties, for example, expressed by mathematical models in the form of static characteristics, differential equations, et. By this way the mechanical parts are governed in various ‘ways through higher-level information processing with intl- ligent properties, possibly including learning, thus forming an integration with process-adapted software. In the following the integration through information pro- cessing will be further discussed. ‘Table 1 compares some properties of conventional and: 1mechatronic designed systems. Tl. INFORMATION PROCESSING [STRUCTURES FOR MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Governing mechanical systems by actuators results gener ally via changes of input variables like, e-., positions, speeds, flows, forces or torgues, and voltages. The directly measurable ‘output quantities are usually positions, speeds, accelerations or forees, and currents. TABLE Prorsenesor Conversions aso Mechamnoste Desonen Sveus And components orton of pets Curie) ay ‘oom comple methane ple mechs iets rer la emmioe Somer conpces sors wi Spe eno! auton by hermione fest tare Sere dee Sst ene ogame ftbock cots (cone) ia cre ei dane mm “Snr roanete ‘sca peat Seeing et Fie. 4 Advance ineligeat aubmane sytem with lconto levee Sosledge base, sree machanom, snd eras A. Muttievel Control Systems ‘The information processing of direct measurable input and output signais can be organized in several levels, compare Fig. 4. + Level 1: low level control (feedforward, feedback for damping, stabilization, linearization); + Level 2: high level control (advanced feedback control strategies) + Level 3: supervision including fault diagnosis; + Level 4: optimization, coordination (of processes): + Level 5: general provess management Recent approaches for mechatronic systems mostly use signal processing in the lower levels, for example, in the ‘damping of control of motions or simple superversion, The 0 ) vwhere fi is the Coulomb friction and fry the linear viscous friction coefficient which may be dependent on the motion direction, indicated by ++ or — Especially the Coulomb friction has a strongly negative ef- {ect on the contol performance, ifa high positioning accuracy is required, because it leads to a hysteresis effect. When the ‘process stops within the hysteresis width before the set point is reached, only the integral part of the position controller can compensate for the offset, This yields a signiticant loss of control performance and accuracy, especially during small position changes ‘The hase idea of frietion compensation is to compensate the relay function of the Coulomb friction by adding un adequate compensation voltage Ucony to the normal control setion U. Different methods such a8 dithering, feedforward compensa tion and adaptive friction compensation are alternatives, [7], mn Dithering: Dynamic linearization or so-called “ither- ing” is the classical way of analog and even digital friction ‘compenstion. By adding a high-frequency, periodic signal 0 the control action U, the friction is compensated duting half the period, whereas during the second-half friction it is under compensated. The method is quite robust with regard to the amplitade and frequency of the dither signal, However, ifthe amplitude is too larg, the control performance deteriorates. ISERMANS: MODELING AND DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS 1 Direct friction compensation: This approach is from the theoretical point of view the ideal conteol strategy for friction ‘compensation. By adding the compensation value Weel) = ~fres sien Y(¢) ® or if Y(0) is not available Wre(t) = ~fres signea(t) e to dereference valve W of controler Gigs or directly t the contol outpot Ua inverse funetion ofthe Coulomb relay characteristic is obtained, compare Fi. 6 “Adapive friction compensation: Inthe preeding meth- cds, the friction compensation was realized by a feeorward onto strategy, Betr revlts may be expected, ifthe actual friction value can be adapted in an aditionsl feedback ction contol loop. Therefore an adaptive tition compensation was developed which interprets the deviation between the measured output ¥(K) and a linear reference model Yar) 25 frction effect, (7) D. Higher Level Feedback Control ‘The task of the higher level controller is to generate a good ‘overall dynamic behavior with regard to the servo dynamics function due to changes of the position reference W(t) and to compensate for disturbances stemming, e.g, from variations of the load forces F(t), see Fig. 6. This high-level controler may be realized as a parameter optimized controller of PID- ‘ype or a state contoller with or without state observer. A state ‘observer is required if only the position ¥(t) is measurable. IF both, Y(t), and ¥(¢), can be measured ¥(¢) can be obtained by differentiation of Y(t) (i required at all) such that no state ‘observer is needed, see 135} [Note that the control scheme of Fig. 6 forms a cascaded control scheme, with Gar as the minor controller and the friction compensation, both as a lower level feedback from the mechanical process. The controller Gige is then the major controller, generating the reference value W(2) for the minor controller. The control scheme may be expanded by additional feed- ‘back controllers from a load or working process which is ‘coupled with the mechanical process shown in Fig. 6 such resulting in a multiple cascaded control system. E, Adaptive Control During normal operation, most of the processes change their parameters in a determined way. An improved control performance over the whole range of operation as well as the lifetime may be obtained by adaprive control Parameter scheduling: Parameter schedoling based on the measurement of varying operation conditions is an ef- fective method to deal with known and approximately time- invariant process nonlinearities. Supposing measurable auxil- iary variables V that correlate well with the process changes, the adaptation of the controller parameters I’ is performed as functions of V (parameter schedule). Fig. 7. Scheme of «component rcs) nace by fas. Parameter adaptive control systems: Parameter adaptive contol system are characterize by using identification meth ods for parametric process models. This is indicated inthe adaptation level of Fig. 6. Digital adaptive control works well if the assumptions for their design and convergence are satisfied. This includes proper excitation of the process dynamies as well as the appropriate model structure. For the cases where the assumptions are violated a supervision level is required which takes appropriate action, (6) Parameter estimation has proven to be an appropriate basis for the adaptive control of mechanical processes, s indicated in Fig, 5, including the adaptation to nonlinear characteristics, Coulomb tition, and the unknown parameters like masses, sitiness, damping, see [6], (7), (11) (35) F. Fuczy Control ‘The development of fuzzy logic theory [36] stimulated altemative ways to solve automatic control problems. Based fon these basic ideas fuzzy controllers were proposed [37] Which describe human control in linguistic form. As fuzzy logic provides a systematic framework to reat vague variables and knowledge it should be applied primarily if sensors yield imprecise outputs, the process behavior is only qualitatively known or the automation functions cannot be described by equations or Boolean logic. As discussed in [38] the po. tentials of fuzzy logic approaches in general increase with higher automation levels, because the degree ofthe qualitative knoveledge and the required intelligence in general grow with the hierarchical level. ‘The static and dynamic behavior of most mechanical sys- tems ean be rather precisely described by mathematical process models obtained through theoretical modeling and identifi cation methods, Hence, there is in many cases no need t0 apply fuzzy concepts for the control of mechanical systems in the lower levels. However, fuzzy control concepts may be of| imerest for the following: + fuzzy-tuning and adaptation of classical controllers; + fuzzy quality and comfort control: + fuzzy control for special (abnormal) operating conditions. Especially forthe reference value generation of underlying, (classical control systems, Fig, 5, where the quality or comfort tnd therefore the human reception plays a role, fuzzy rule based methods offer interesting possibilities, i. for the higher control levels. Examples for such mechatronic systems include the following: TEEUASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, VOL 1, NO. 1, MARCH 1555 | gee a ea = Ea aor eae wt bei ee yee Fest aa ‘Sasa | >, | x. aren py [ sae Jef seams fof eso | | Bile ten T= cont Fig. & Scheme of a knowledge-based fas detection and agnosis. + the comfort control of suspensions in passenger cars; * the comfort of start-up of automobiles with clutch ma- nipulation and gear shifting; + distance and velocity control of automobiles and eleva For a more detailed description see [38]. IV, SUPERVISION AND FAULT DeTECTION ‘An important feature of an intelligent system is the auto- matic supervision and fault diagnosis of its components. Fig 7 shows a component influenced by faults. External faults are for example caused by the power supply, contamination or collision, internal faults by wear, missing lubrication, actuator or sensor faults Ifthe faults influence directly measurable ouput variables they may be detected by an appropriate signal evaluation. The corresponding functions are called monitoring, ifthe measured variables are checked with regard to a certain tolerance of the normal values and alarms are wiggered if the tolerances are exceeded. In the cases where the limit value violation signifies, ‘4 dangerous stale an appropriate action can be indicated ‘automatically. This is called auromauie protection ‘The classical ways to limit value checking of some few ‘important measurable variables are appropriate for the overall supervision, However, developing component faults are only detected at’a rather late state and the available information does not allow an in-depth fault diognosis. Research efforts have shown tha the use of process models allows sn ealy fault, Xetection in connection with normal measured variables (12), (13), Then sonmeasurable quantities like state variables and parameters may be estimated. With this improved knowledge supervision with fault diagnosis becomes possible. Fig. & shows the scheme of a knowledge-based fault detec~ tion and diagnosis with process models. The knowledge base consists of an automatic and a heuristic part. The analytic problem solution includes parameter or state estimation or ‘parity equations and generates symptoms as changes from the normal behavior. In addition heuristic symptoms observed by the operator like noise, vibrations, smell, or those based on the process history like ast maintenance or repair or sunning time, tan be taken into account. On the basis of 8 unified symptom representation, e.g. in the form of fuzzy sets, an inference mechanism then performs the fault diagnosis. For this fault symptom causalities have to be established and approximate reasoning strategies may be applied. For more details see (13) ‘A considerable advantage is, ifthe same process model can 'be used for both the (adaptive) controller design and the fault detection. In general continuous time models are preferred, if fault detection is based on parameter estimation or parity ‘equations. For fault detection with state estimation and also parity equations diserete-time models can be used. “Advanced supervision and fault diagnosis is a basis for 1) improving reliability and safety; 2) state-dependent maintenance: 3) twiggering of redundancies and reconfiguration. 'V. SENSORS, ACTUATORS AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS A. Sensors ‘The requized measurement vasiables for mechatronic sys- tems are electrical quantities lke position, speed, acceleration, force, tonque, pressure or thermal quantities like temperature or heat flow. A survey of known measurement principles is, eg, given in [14}-[18]. Of special importance for mechatronic systems are the integration with the process, the dynamics, the resolution, mechanical and thermal robustness, wear re- sistaney, touchless transfer, miniaturization, and easy transfer to digital signal processing, Therefore incremental sensors for positions or speeds show an increasing trend. The integration of the sensor and the signal processing on a common carrier becomes more and more important. This integration, possibly fon one chip, has the following advantages: less cost and ISERAANA: MODELING AND DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR MIECHATRONIC SYSTEMS 3s space, higher precision, and fewer disturbances through digital transmission. The digital processing of sensor signals allows the programming of noise filtering, linearization of nonlinear characteristics, correction of cross sensitivities or hysteresis, selfealibration, und compensation of dynamic lags and of drift, [19]. Hence, a development can be observed from a classical ‘measurement chain to a smart sensor component. ‘A drawback of sensors and microelectronics based on siliciam technology is the limited temperature range until about 80-100°C. Gallium arsenide (GaAS) technology may allow to Tift the range until 300-400°C (42) B. Actuators Actuators in mechatronic systems transform electrical inputs into mechanical outputs such as postion, angle, force, or torque. The supporting energy is usually electrical, pneumatic, or hydraulic. The actuator principles can be classified into three major groups + Electromagnetic actuators (e.g, electrical motors (dc, 2c), step motors, electromagnet); + Fluidic actuators (hydraulic, pneumatic) + Unconventional actuators (e.g. piecoelectric, magne tostictive, memory metal) {An evaluation of typical application areas, control proper- ties, and robustness is given in (20) fa high precision of positioning and fast dynamics are required, generally a postion control loop is necessary. How- ever, following properties hinder a precise control: ftiction and backlash (hysteresis effects), nonlinear static characteris- ties, operating point, and wear-dependent parameters. It was showa in [11] how these disadvantages can be compensated by a model-based digital postion control. Compensation of nonlinear characteristics and friction compensation with pa- rameter adaptive control showed a considerable improvement ‘of control performance for an electromagnetic and pneumatic actuator (21) . Electronic Systems “The increasing integration density of microelectronics leads to improving solutions with regard to costs per calculations, larger mechanical robustness and less space requirements Because of the fast mechanical process behavior relatively high sampling rates in the range of § Hz < fo < 1000 Hz fare necessary. Tt depends then on the amount of information processing ifthe speed of calculations is sufficient with usual ‘microprocessors or microcontrollers, or if signal processors, twanspuiers or custom designed circuits like ASIC's must be used. If the microclectronies are directly assembled to the ‘mechanical process (imbedded microelectronics) the rough ‘working conditions through vibrations, heat, fluids (oi, wa- ter) of dirt have to be taken into account. "The mechanical integration is therefore very important. ‘A basic problem is the transfer of electrical signals to moving pars. Here wireless transmission (inductive, capac- itive, optical) is of interest. Microelectronics can be attached {decentralized atthe sensors, actuators, or process components. In many cases centralized solutions with the microelectronics in special casings as for machine tools and automobiles are standard. For larger systems hierarchical structured architec- tures with bus systems or local networks are in development. ‘Therefore the development of field bus systems is of high imerest. Currently several special bus systems are in devel- ‘opment, like PROFIBUS or WorldFIP as inter operable field ‘buses for industrial automation systems, or CAN-bus for cats, ‘or SERCOS for numerical controlled servo drives. VL Desian Toots ‘The integration by information processing for igh: performance mechatronic systems requires that the static land dynamic behavior of all components is. well-designed. ‘This means a systematic development, starting with modeling and simulation and using methods for identification and ‘computer-aided control system desig. A. Software Tools for the Design ‘The computer aided development of mechatronic systems comprises the following: 1) constructive specification in the engineering. develop: ‘ment stage using CAD and CAE tools: 2) model building for obtaining static and dynamic process ‘models; 3) transformation into computer codes for system simula- tion: 4) programming and implementation of the final mecha- tronic software. Some software tools are deseribed, for example, in [22]. A broad range of CAD/CAE tools is available for 2-D and 3-D mechanical design, such as Auto CAD with a direct link to CAM (computer-aided manufacturing); PADS for multilayer printed-circuit board layout, ec However. the efforts for computer-aided modeling are com parable low [23]. A program system for computer-aided mod: cling by using computer algebra was developed by [8]. An object-oriented language, Dymola, for modeling of large com- bined systems is described in [22] and [24]. These packages are based on specified ordinary differential equations, algebraic equations, and discountinuities. A recent description of the state of computer-aided control system design ean be found in (39) FFor system simulation (and controller design) a variety of program systems exist, such as ACSL, SIMPACK, MAT- LABVSIMULINK, and MATRIX-X. These simulation tech- niques are valuable tools forthe design, as they allow to study the interaction of components and the variations of design parameters before manufacturing. However, they are in general ‘ot suitable for real-time simulation, B. Handware-in-the-Loop Simulation For the further development of the final mechatronic sys- tem the hardware-in-the-loop simulation plays a special role ‘Various kinds can be realized, compare Fig. 9 1) Simulation of Electronics: Actuators, mechanics, and sensors are real hardware, Information processing is realized Fig. 9. ifeen ways of huninaren-he-loop sialon.) Seaton fof eeeronice(h) Sialiions of mechanics, setts, and 050% ©) Sulaon of mechanic. jn, eg, a process computer for development and also for testing, in ease of malfunctions at the side of microcomputer, power supply, cable connections, etc 2) Simulation of Mechanics, Actuator, and Sen- sor: Microcomputer hardware and software is real. Real-time simulation of the remaining system requires appropriate ‘mathematical models, such that variations on the mechanical side, ¢.g., different’ realizations of the process and the ‘sctuators can be investigated. 13) Simulation of Mechanies: Microcomputer hardware and software, actuators, and sensors are real. Real-time simulation of the mechanics allows testing of the electronic components tnd effects in ease of their malfunctions. For the real-time simulation of mechanies, sensors and actuators, transputet, and signal processors are suitable, see, eg, [25] VII. APPLICATION EXAMPLES In this section a summary of research projects is given where the goal was to improve the properties of mechanical systems by special information processing and to show new ways of & ‘mechatronic overall design. To keep the descriptions short only important aspects are described. More details can be found in the given references. A, Model-Based Nonlinear Control and Supersision of an Electromagnetic Actuator Electromagnetic actuators play an important role as linear ‘motion elements in, e.., hydraulie/pneumatic valves, or fuel injection pumps. A’ precise position control is @ challenging task as there are severe nonlinearities in the system. These include fiction forces, magnetic hysteresis, and nonlinear force-current characteristics, which limit the closed loop con- ‘rol performance in terms of accuracy and dynamics. TEBEASM TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, VOL, NO. 1, MARCH 1996 vm poston sensor al epg mare Fig 10, Schee of ade seid dive magrtctoe IM) itn ¥ [nm] Fig.l. Poslondeyendea!nociearforce-curent charter of the Soleo die The dod line repevnts he new sping uses. ‘The specified low-cost de solenoid drive, Fig. 10, has a positioning range of 25 mm and shows « nonlinear force characteristic as depicted in Fig. 11. The displacement of the armature is working against a spring and can be measured by an inductive position sensor. Process input is thereby ‘pulse width moduleted (PWM) and amplified volge U, Which manipulates the coil current I. Usually a linear force characteristic is required for obtaining an appropriate control performance. This is then reached by designing the armature with special nonlinear geometry which makes manufacturing more expensive ‘The objective is now here to use a simple geomettic and low-cost manufactured armature and coil and to design a robust position control loop, which includes the correction of the nonlinear static characteristic and compensation of dominant frictional forves by software means. ‘A nonlinear model was oblained by following steps: * linearization of the static current-position dependence by polynomial approximation resuling in a first order ‘minor current closed loop; + dlirection-dependent, second-order mode! for the mechani- cal system and continuous time pre-parameter estimation ‘with 400-Hz sampling frequency, including the variant Coulomb friction coefiicients dve to, eg. (1): PID-position controller designed by numerieal parameter ‘optimization forthe slower negative motion (worst case); ‘Adaptive fiction compensation based on recursive pa- ‘ameter estimation according 10, e., 3) By this control scheme according to Fig. 6 the following results were obiained: + range of stable control incveased from << Y < 17 mm w0

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