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SVKM’s NMIMS MUKESH PATEL SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING Programme: B. Tech (MECHATRONICS) Year: IV Semester: VIL Academic Year: 2016-2017 Subject : Industrial Engineering Marks: 60 Date : 25 November 2016 Time : 10,00 am to 1. a pn Durations: 3 (hrs) Final-Examination ay Instructions: Candidates should read carefully the instructions printed on the question paper and on the cover of the Auswer Book, which is provided for their use. 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 2) Out of remaining questions, attempt any 4 questions. 3) In all 5 questions to be attempted. 4) All questions carry equal marks 5) Answer to each new question to be started on a fresh page. 6) Figures in brackets on the right hand side indicate full marks, 7) Assume Suitable data if necessary Q.1 Answerany 4 questions (Each carry 3 marks) (12) a) _ Whatis the Pyramidal structure of work? Define each element in this structure b) How one can segregate production and productivity? What is common between them? ©) How motion study and time study are different? 4) Whatis extra work content? Write all the categories in extra work content. ©) Work measurement is an important activity in industries ~ explain this with reasons. £) Why use of Anthropometric data is important? Q2. (a) What are the principles of motion economy? Write the ASME recommended symbols to be used in Process Chart with proper sketches, names and furctions each of them do. o (b) Explain - “Work study is a tool for Productivity Enhancement”, © TPs 3. (@) What are the design considerations one should take into account while doing layout design for a spacecraft manufacturing unit? © (b) How many types of plant layout is normally used in industries? Explain these with examples and figures wherever possible. . © Q4 — (@) Define standard time. Why do you need to include allowances in standard time? What are the work measurement techniques? Write in brief all the techniques. O (b) In a factory, worker performance is shown in terms of daily output as shown in figure below. Average performance by a qualified worker is 100 pieces per day (480 minutes). Find out the standard time and standard performance and show these in figure. You need to draw the figure for showing these numbers. © Averae tomas Sipor eormace a Daily podton tpl mek ui) Q.5 What is Anthropometry? Why study of ergonomics is to be considered in design engineering office as important? How designing for extreme individual is carried out? How one can use Anthropometric data in design? 2) Q.6 (a) How do you define Value Engineering? How it is different from Value Analysis? When is used? oO (b) What are the benefits of VE? What are the reasons for unnecessary costs? © Q.7 Write short notes on any two (Each carry 6 marks) 2) a) Cyclegraph and Chronocyclegraph b)_ Recording Techniques in Method study ©) Ergonomic Principle

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